Zikula theme status

2009-09-10 Thread Máirí­n Duffy


I've spent the past couple of days poking at the Zikula theme, and I'm 
at the point now that I don't think I can progress much further without 
some assistance. I have a bunch of other stuff on my plate too (more 
importantly, the www.fpo redesign work) so I need to move on for now, 
but I hope to get back to Zikula this weekend or sometime next week if I 
could get some help moving forward.

First of all, here's what we have so far:


Here's some of the issues I've been wrestling with:

• Images - This is my biggest concern right now. If you want to post an 
image in an article, you can't. It won't let you. It just spits out the 
img tag in plain text. :(

• Comments - I don't know how to get comments forms to appear beneath 
articles. From searching the Zikula forums, I found out thatEZcomments 
is a plugin that does it, but we don't seem to have it installed and I'm 
not sure if it's okay to install.

• RSS - I don't know how to do this. We need one feed for all articles 
and ideally at some point in the future a podcast and vodcast feed.

• Author names - I can't figure out how to get real human names :( not 
sure how. Also my method of linking to the author's profile is rather hacky.

• Links for sidebar articles - can't get them, variable is a mystery. 
When I use the usual variables all the sidebar article links (e.g., 
individual event details links) come up blank or point to the main 
article being displayed.

* Feature story - I'd like to have one story displayed in full 
blinginess on the front page, it seems the news module has a way to do 
this but I can't figure out how to make it work (how do you assign 
'today's feature' to an article?)

Any help is greatly appreciated! I hope you like the progress so far.


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fedoracommunity.org index page

2009-09-10 Thread Max Spevack

On Thu, 10 Sep 2009, Mel Chua wrote:

2. https://admin.fedoraproject.org/community/, a site that helps keep 
track of who is packaging what, and what state those packages are in.

Whether on purpose or simply because there is a need to differentiate, 
most people refer to this as the Fedora Community Portal, at least that 
I've seen.

Maybe it should have its own domain name, as opposed to what is 
currently a pretty convoluted domain name for what is a really awesome 

3. http://fedoracommunity.org, the top-level domain for a few (only 2 
so far, it sounds like) local group homepages (such as 
http://ph.fedoracommunity.org/ for the Philippines). 
http://fedoracommunity.org itself is not up and running, but was 
supposed to be a directory for all such homepages.

Given what we use *.fedoracommunity.org for, the main index page of 
fedoracommunity.org should (ignoring all design options) make it easy 
for people to find out what all the subdomains are, right?


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: fas

2009-09-10 Thread Todd Zullinger
[Tareq, sorry for the duplicate.  I forgot to cc webmaster on my

Tareq Al Jurf wrote:
> in the fas profile page you wrote pgp instead of gpg

Are you referring to pages like this:



I think 'PGP Key' is fine there.  If we wanted to be more verbose (and
pedantic), it could be 'OpenPGP Key' since that is what the keys
really are (OpenPGP as in RFC 4880).  But PGP is often used
synonymously to refer to the protocol itself rather than just to the
program used.

ToddOpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe
is that it has never tried to contact us.
-- Bill Watterson (Calvin and Hobbes)

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list


2009-09-10 Thread Edgar Didié Rosas Cáceres
Hi there,

I just wanted to know how to delete my Fedora account because of personal

My user account name is: erosas
And this email is related with the account.

Thanks for the info.

Edgar Didié Rosas Cáceres
Analista de Desarrollo
Oesía - Tecnología Sinfónica

Móvil (+57 33) 300 450 3053
Skype: didevil
MSN contact: edgar.di...@gmail.com
Bogotá - Colombia
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Zikula theme status

2009-09-10 Thread Darren VanBuren

Hash: SHA1

I'll check out the images issue, there's probably some crap preventing  
you from doing so in Zikula itself. Of course I'll go back upstream  
and create a ticket w/ my hack.

Regarding EZcomments, you'll have to package it, and ensure it's GPL.

I have to get going to catch my bus.

Darren VanBuren


On Sep 10, 2009, at 6:42 AM, Máirí n Duffy wrote:


I've spent the past couple of days poking at the Zikula theme, and  
I'm at the point now that I don't think I can progress much further  
without some assistance. I have a bunch of other stuff on my plate  
too (more importantly, the www.fpo redesign work) so I need to move  
on for now, but I hope to get back to Zikula this weekend or  
sometime next week if I could get some help moving forward.

First of all, here's what we have so far:


Here's some of the issues I've been wrestling with:

• Images - This is my biggest concern right now. If you want to post  
an image in an article, you can't. It won't let you. It just spits  
out the img tag in plain text. :(

• Comments - I don't know how to get comments forms to appear  
beneath articles. From searching the Zikula forums, I found out  
thatEZcomments is a plugin that does it, but we don't seem to have  
it installed and I'm not sure if it's okay to install.

• RSS - I don't know how to do this. We need one feed for all  
articles and ideally at some point in the future a podcast and  
vodcast feed.

• Author names - I can't figure out how to get real human names : 
( not sure how. Also my method of linking to the author's profile is  
rather hacky.

• Links for sidebar articles - can't get them, variable is a  
mystery. When I use the usual variables all the sidebar article  
links (e.g., individual event details links) come up blank or point  
to the main article being displayed.

* Feature story - I'd like to have one story displayed in full  
blinginess on the front page, it seems the news module has a way to  
do this but I can't figure out how to make it work (how do you  
assign 'today's feature' to an article?)

Any help is greatly appreciated! I hope you like the progress so far.


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)


Fedora-websites-list mailing list


2009-09-10 Thread Tareq Al Jurf
in the fas profile page you wrote pgp instead of gpg
Tareq Al Jurf
Fedora Ambassador
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Fedora ("Linux") 11

2009-09-10 Thread Anna Gilewska


My name is Anna and I've been working for Polish publisher house HELION 
S.A. as an assistance of editor. In general we are publishing computers 
books. Now, we've been working on an education book title:

- Systemy i sieci komputerowe. Podręcznik do nauki zawodu technik 
informatyk; ISBN: 978-83-246-2388-4.

We would like to publish this education book with CD-ROM and autor of 
this book would like to add to this CD-ROM Your software:

- Fedora ("Linux" 11) Leonidas

Book will be published by the end of 2010 year and I would like to ask 
You for the permission to do it without any charge. I know, that Your 
software is under GPL license, but I have to be given an mail answer and 
prermission. We would like to use Your software only for education 
cases. I'll be faithfull for answer.
I know, that I shouldn't write under this adress, but I didn't want add 
my question to mailing list. Please, try understand :)

Best regards,


Anna Gilewska, Redakcja Książki Edukacyjnej
Grupa Wydawnicza HELION SA
tel. O32 230 98 63, wew. 172
http://helion.pl - Informatyka w najlepszym wydaniu
http://onepress.pl - Ksiażki klasy business

HELION SA, 44-100 Gliwice, ul. Kosciuszki 1C
Numer KRS 121256 Sad Rejonowy w Gliwicach.
X Wydzial Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sadowego.
NIP 631-020-02-68, REGON: 271070648
Wysokosc kapitalow wlasnych: 10.788.418 zl,
w tym kapital zakladowy: 500.100 zl
Wszystkie kapitaly w calosci oplacone

Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fedoracommunity.org index page

2009-09-10 Thread Paul W. Frields
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:58:58AM -0400, Mel Chua wrote:
> I'm going to try to chime in from a Marketing standpoint as best I can,  
> and am Ccing the Marketing list in the hopes that Those Who Know More  
> Than I can speak about branding here.
> To summarize the conversation to date, both to catch up newcomers tothe  
> conversation and to try and form a better understanding of this for  
> myself: we have a naming collision problem. (The thread is at  
> https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-websites-list/2009-September/msg00010.html,
> please correct me if I've missed/mis-stated anything.)
> The term "Fedora Community" currently refers to three things.
> 1. The community of contributors working on the Fedora Project (in other  
> words, "us").
> 2. https://admin.fedoraproject.org/community/, a site that helps keep  
> track of who is packaging what, and what state those packages are in.
> 3. http://fedoracommunity.org, the top-level domain for a few (only 2 so  
> far, it sounds like) local group homepages (such as  
> http://ph.fedoracommunity.org/ for the Philippines).  
> http://fedoracommunity.org itself is not up and running, but was  
> supposed to be a directory for all such homepages.
> Needless, to say, this is confusing, particularly in the case of the two  
> websites. What should we do? Should one or both of the websites be  
> renamed/rebranded? If so, which one(s), and what to? How can we adjust?
> Some solutions proposed on the list so far:
 One way we could solve this would be to simply include the page
 listing at the Fedora Community portal site somewhere, as static
 content.  Ugh.
 Renaming fedoracommunity.org is very ugly because people have been
 accumulating subdomains there for months.  Plus, the domain name was
 blessed by Legal last year (when we were still talking about
 "MyFedora") because the domain name helps make it clear that we don't
 own the site, and aren't responsible for content.
>>> So it seems the only choice is to rename Fedora Community. I have no idea
>>> what it could be renamed to. Right now it's focused on package maintainers
>>> but we're hoping to expand it out more...
>> developers.fedoracommunity.org ?
>> makeit.fedoracommunity.org?
>> I think it would be a branch from the overall fedora community.
> My thoughts at this point are mainly questions - some of which have  
> partially been answered in the discussion above.
> 0. What is the purpose of each website being discussed? (#2,  
> admin.fedoraproject.org/community and #3, fedoracommunity.org)

#2 - the portal project using the Moksha framework for roughtly
 real-time, interactive collaboration between contributors; right now
 it serves mainly packagers but the plan is to drastically increase
 its coverage beyond that group

#3 - a domain used to provide subdomains for local communities at
 which localized (translated) original content, forums, etc. are
 provided and maintained outside the Fedora Project; offers both
 appeal from the perspective of native language, and the ability to
 discuss and provide solutions outside Fedora's mission and scope

> 1. For each of the websites being discussed, what were the historical  
> reasons for choosing that name? (Pointers to wiki pages, list archives,  
> or IRC logs would be great.)

[[Local_community_domains]] is probably the most important from the
perspective of the fedoracommunity.org domain (#3).

> 2. For each of the websites being discussed , what would the cost of  
> renaming it be? (What effort would we have to go through, and how many  
> people would be affected, in what way?)

If #3 is only being used by two groups thus far, and if neither has
spent considerable money producing literature or publicity, renaming
that one is probably the better option.

If we really want to know "how did this happen?", my feeling is that
I'm the person at fault here.  I recall being not bowled over by the
naming of the portal project (#2) to Fedora Community, but I couldn't
think of why, and I simply failed to put 2 and 2 together with the
fedoracommunity.org domain name.  I would say that there wasn't enough
interplay between the FAB list and Infrastructure, where #3 was
discussed and implemented, and Marketing/Moksha, where #2 was going
through that process.  And putting those pieces together really is an
FPL responsibility.  We have the Logistics list now to coordinate such
things, but didn't back in the winter when #3 was happening (and
probably #2 too).

Having said that, I'd propose that we get in touch with the groups
using the fedoracommunity.org domain (#3) to find out to what extent a
renaming would hamper their community efforts.  I'd like to do that
with a Cc: of an appropriate list -- Marketing?  Websites?  Logistics?

Paul W. Frieldshttp://paul.frields.org/
  gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233  5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717

Re: Fedoracommunity.org index page

2009-09-10 Thread Máirín Duffy

On 09/10/2009 09:49 AM, Max Spevack wrote:

On Thu, 10 Sep 2009, Mel Chua wrote:

2. https://admin.fedoraproject.org/community/, a site that helps keep
track of who is packaging what, and what state those packages are in.

Whether on purpose or simply because there is a need to differentiate,
most people refer to this as the Fedora Community Portal, at least that
I've seen.

Maybe it should have its own domain name, as opposed to what is
currently a pretty convoluted domain name for what is a really awesome

Yeh, I've heard a lot from folks who want to use the app and can never 
figure out how to get to it. "Fedora Community" is really hard to find 
in a search, too, as Mel pointed out. Really hard.

In IRC yesterday I did some brainstorming with other Red Hatters on a 
replacement name for Fedora Community (the app), we came up with the 
following list of possibilities:


One of these would probably be more searchable and could lead to a 
better domain name for the app. The community sites such as 
ph.fedoracommunity.org would make better use of the name because for 
that you'd search for 'phillipines fedora' not 'fedora community' so 
it'd be easy to find, and the domain name there is more about 
association with the commnunity than naming & findability.

I apologize for getting a little overly upset about the work that was 
put into marketing / branding Fedora Community the app. I think now if 
something has to be renamed it's a good opportunity to rename the app 
since we've already heard from users it's hard to find because of its name.


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fedoracommunity.org index page

2009-09-10 Thread Toshio Kuratomi
On 09/10/2009 06:49 AM, Max Spevack wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Sep 2009, Mel Chua wrote:
>> 2. https://admin.fedoraproject.org/community/, a site that helps keep
>> track of who is packaging what, and what state those packages are in.
> Whether on purpose or simply because there is a need to differentiate,
> most people refer to this as the Fedora Community Portal, at least that
> I've seen.
  -- I think Fedora Portal would be one way to rename this if
that's the way we end up going.

> Maybe it should have its own domain name, as opposed to what is
> currently a pretty convoluted domain name for what is a really awesome
> webapp?
There's actually some technical reasons, and one social reason to keep
the app on admin.fp.o.  Due to the same origin policy[1]_ in web
browsers (a very important piece of browser security), information can't
be shared across hosts.  So things like single sign-on between Fedora
Community Portal and Bodhi, packagedb, etc would not work.  Currently
this isn't a big issue as we're taking the username and password on the
Portal page if we don't have an authentication cookie and proxying it to
the other web apps to generate a cookie.  But it will be a showstopper
if we move to SSL certificates or another means of authenticating users
as we can't proxy those.

This doesn't mean we can't have something like
https://community.fedoraproject.org that's a redirect to
https://admin.fedoraproject.org/community but it would only be a
redirect.  The browser won't send authentication tokens to
community.fedoraproject.org that came from admin.fedoraproject.org.

The social reason is that we do not want to get people used to giving
their Fedora username and password to third party sites.  Right now you
should only be putting your Fedora username and password pair into
fedoraproject.org domains.  If we had something like fedoracommunity.org
go to The Fedora Community Portal, people would need to put their
username and password in there as well.  And from there, how are they to
know that fedorafriends.org, fedorasolved.org, fedora.org,
fedoraharvestpasswords.org are legitimate or illegitimate sites?

.. _[1]:

>> 3. http://fedoracommunity.org, the top-level domain for a few (only 2
>> so far, it sounds like) local group homepages (such as
>> http://ph.fedoracommunity.org/ for the Philippines).
>> http://fedoracommunity.org itself is not up and running, but was
>> supposed to be a directory for all such homepages.
> Given what we use *.fedoracommunity.org for, the main index page of
> fedoracommunity.org should (ignoring all design options) make it easy
> for people to find out what all the subdomains are, right?
That seems to be where this thread started off (n websites list) and I
agree with it.  I had to go find the DNS records we're serving to find
out that ph.fc.o and bd.fc.o were the active domains.  An index page
listing the sites would be much better.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fedoracommunity.org index page

2009-09-10 Thread Mel Chua

Having said that, I'd propose that we get in touch with the groups
using the fedoracommunity.org domain (#3) to find out to what extent a
renaming would hamper their community efforts.  I'd like to do that
with a Cc: of an appropriate list -- Marketing?  Websites?  Logistics?

I think Logistics is the right list for this, since it involves 
Websites, Infrastructure, and (eventually, when we need to do a 
marketing campaign for whatever new names go out there) Marketing, so 
I'd start a thread there and send a message to each list saying "hey, 
this discussion is happening in Logistics, ."

/me is also happy to do the legwork on this if desired. ;)


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fedoracommunity.org index page

2009-09-10 Thread Paul W. Frields
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 01:55:13PM -0400, Mel Chua wrote:
>> Having said that, I'd propose that we get in touch with the groups
>> using the fedoracommunity.org domain (#3) to find out to what extent a
>> renaming would hamper their community efforts.  I'd like to do that
>> with a Cc: of an appropriate list -- Marketing?  Websites?  Logistics?
>> Other?
> I think Logistics is the right list for this, since it involves  
> Websites, Infrastructure, and (eventually, when we need to do a  
> marketing campaign for whatever new names go out there) Marketing, so  
> I'd start a thread there and send a message to each list saying "hey,  
> this discussion is happening in Logistics, ."
> /me is also happy to do the legwork on this if desired. ;)

Heherson from the ph.fc.o-using community got in touch with me just a
few minutes ago -- yay list email! -- and had this to say:

 ping stickster
 azneita: pong
 Hi azneita, what can I do for you?
 about the ph.fedoracommunity.org domain on the list
 what are the current plans for it?
 So there was a ticket filed for that --
 Ah, sorry: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/946
 azneita: So the DNS entry exists for that host
 nah. about the branding conflict with fedora community app
 azneita: There's been a discussion on Websites list (and
 azneita: Heh, yeah -- just getting to that
 I think one of the questions we have to answer is, how much pain does
 renaming either of these properties cause
 azneita: Since I have you here... :-)
 What can you tell me about how that would affect ph.fc.o?
 for our case, we pretty much maintains two dns entries for
 the sites - ph.fc.o and fedora.bluepoint.com.ph
 In other words, if we were to move the 2nd level domain
 to, say, "fedoralocales.org" (just an example, not really a name yet)
 -- what kind of problems would that cause for your community in the
 pretty much little
 just a bunch of link rots but they are minimal
--> k0k (n=...@fedora/k0k) has joined #fedora-ambassadors
 that's only for us though -- don't know about the other guys
 we sort of liked fedoracommunity though :D

Paul W. Frieldshttp://paul.frields.org/
  gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233  5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717
  http://redhat.com/   -  -  -  -   http://pfrields.fedorapeople.org/
  irc.freenode.net: stickster @ #fedora-docs, #fedora-devel, #fredlug

Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fedoracommunity.org index page

2009-09-10 Thread Paul W. Frields
On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 03:34:26AM +0800, Heherson Pagcaliwagan wrote:
>Why don't we just add a list of *.[8]fedoracommunity.org sites on
>the sidebar of Fedora Community Portal which resides on
>[9]fedoracommunity.org. The portal already caters to our
>developers and blogging contributors, can't we do the same for
>our local communities.  Likewise, it will make the portal more
>like a one-stop showcase of what Fedora have - fantastic
>developers, energetic contributors and vibrant local
>communities. That's already Features, Friends, Freedom, and First
>for you.

I think the idea of our main collaboration portal linking up various
resources is a great thing.  The main problem is that it's going to be
confusing to people who don't know anything about either
fedoracommunity.org or the portal site.  They'll have a lot of trouble
distinguishing between the two when they visit either one as a result
of hearing about it.

We are definitely not trying to keep our Friends separated from each
other! :-)  I think everyone wants to find a way to ensure that people
visiting any sites, whether they're on our infrastructure or not, are
not confused about what to expect.

Paul W. Frieldshttp://paul.frields.org/
  gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233  5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717
  http://redhat.com/   -  -  -  -   http://pfrields.fedorapeople.org/
  irc.freenode.net: stickster @ #fedora-docs, #fedora-devel, #fredlug

Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fedoracommunity.org index page

2009-09-10 Thread Heherson Pagcaliwagan
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Paul W. Frields wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:58:58AM -0400, Mel Chua wrote:
> > I'm going to try to chime in from a Marketing standpoint as best I can,
> > and am Ccing the Marketing list in the hopes that Those Who Know More
> > Than I can speak about branding here.
> >
> > To summarize the conversation to date, both to catch up newcomers tothe
> > conversation and to try and form a better understanding of this for
> > myself: we have a naming collision problem. (The thread is at
> >
> https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-websites-list/2009-September/msg00010.html
> ,
> > please correct me if I've missed/mis-stated anything.)
> >
> > The term "Fedora Community" currently refers to three things.
> >
> > 1. The community of contributors working on the Fedora Project (in other
> > words, "us").
> >
> > 2. https://admin.fedoraproject.org/community/, a site that helps keep
> > track of who is packaging what, and what state those packages are in.
> >
> > 3. http://fedoracommunity.org, the top-level domain for a few (only 2 so
> > far, it sounds like) local group homepages (such as
> > http://ph.fedoracommunity.org/ for the Philippines).
> > http://fedoracommunity.org itself is not up and running, but was
> > supposed to be a directory for all such homepages.
> >
> > Needless, to say, this is confusing, particularly in the case of the two
> > websites. What should we do? Should one or both of the websites be
> > renamed/rebranded? If so, which one(s), and what to? How can we adjust?
> >
> > Some solutions proposed on the list so far:
> >
>  One way we could solve this would be to simply include the page
>  listing at the Fedora Community portal site somewhere, as static
>  content.  Ugh.
> >
>  Renaming fedoracommunity.org is very ugly because people have been
>  accumulating subdomains there for months.  Plus, the domain name was
>  blessed by Legal last year (when we were still talking about
>  "MyFedora") because the domain name helps make it clear that we don't
>  own the site, and aren't responsible for content.
> >
> >>> So it seems the only choice is to rename Fedora Community. I have no
> idea
> >>> what it could be renamed to. Right now it's focused on package
> maintainers
> >>> but we're hoping to expand it out more...
> >
> >> developers.fedoracommunity.org ?
> >> makeit.fedoracommunity.org?
> >> I think it would be a branch from the overall fedora community.
> >
> > My thoughts at this point are mainly questions - some of which have
> > partially been answered in the discussion above.
> >
> > 0. What is the purpose of each website being discussed? (#2,
> > admin.fedoraproject.org/community and #3, fedoracommunity.org)
> #2 - the portal project using the Moksha framework for roughtly
>  real-time, interactive collaboration between contributors; right now
>  it serves mainly packagers but the plan is to drastically increase
>  its coverage beyond that group
> #3 - a domain used to provide subdomains for local communities at
>  which localized (translated) original content, forums, etc. are
>  provided and maintained outside the Fedora Project; offers both
>  appeal from the perspective of native language, and the ability to
>  discuss and provide solutions outside Fedora's mission and scope
> > 1. For each of the websites being discussed, what were the historical
> > reasons for choosing that name? (Pointers to wiki pages, list archives,
> > or IRC logs would be great.)
> [[Local_community_domains]] is probably the most important from the
> perspective of the fedoracommunity.org domain (#3).
> > 2. For each of the websites being discussed , what would the cost of
> > renaming it be? (What effort would we have to go through, and how many
> > people would be affected, in what way?)
> If #3 is only being used by two groups thus far, and if neither has
> spent considerable money producing literature or publicity, renaming
> that one is probably the better option.
> If we really want to know "how did this happen?", my feeling is that
> I'm the person at fault here.  I recall being not bowled over by the
> naming of the portal project (#2) to Fedora Community, but I couldn't
> think of why, and I simply failed to put 2 and 2 together with the
> fedoracommunity.org domain name.  I would say that there wasn't enough
> interplay between the FAB list and Infrastructure, where #3 was
> discussed and implemented, and Marketing/Moksha, where #2 was going
> through that process.  And putting those pieces together really is an
> FPL responsibility.  We have the Logistics list now to coordinate such
> things, but didn't back in the winter when #3 was happening (and
> probably #2 too).
> Having said that, I'd propose that we get in touch with the groups
> using the fedoracommunity.org domain (#3) to find out to what extent a
> renaming would hamper their community efforts.  I'd like to do that
> with a Cc: of an appropriate lis

Re: Fedoracommunity.org index page

2009-09-10 Thread Heherson Pagcaliwagan
On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 3:15 AM, Heherson Pagcaliwagan

> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Paul W. Frields wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:58:58AM -0400, Mel Chua wrote:
>> > I'm going to try to chime in from a Marketing standpoint as best I can,
>> > and am Ccing the Marketing list in the hopes that Those Who Know More
>> > Than I can speak about branding here.
>> >
>> > To summarize the conversation to date, both to catch up newcomers tothe
>> > conversation and to try and form a better understanding of this for
>> > myself: we have a naming collision problem. (The thread is at
>> >
>> https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-websites-list/2009-September/msg00010.html
>> ,
>> > please correct me if I've missed/mis-stated anything.)
>> >
>> > The term "Fedora Community" currently refers to three things.
>> >
>> > 1. The community of contributors working on the Fedora Project (in other
>> > words, "us").
>> >
>> > 2. https://admin.fedoraproject.org/community/, a site that helps keep
>> > track of who is packaging what, and what state those packages are in.
>> >
>> > 3. http://fedoracommunity.org, the top-level domain for a few (only 2
>> so
>> > far, it sounds like) local group homepages (such as
>> > http://ph.fedoracommunity.org/ for the Philippines).
>> > http://fedoracommunity.org itself is not up and running, but was
>> > supposed to be a directory for all such homepages.
>> >
>> > Needless, to say, this is confusing, particularly in the case of the two
>> > websites. What should we do? Should one or both of the websites be
>> > renamed/rebranded? If so, which one(s), and what to? How can we adjust?
>> >
Why don't we just add a list of *.fedoracommunity.org sites on the sidebar
of Fedora Community Portal which resides on fedoracommunity.org. The portal
already caters to our developers and blogging contributors, can't we do the
same for our local communities. Likewise, it will make the portal more like
a one-stop showcase of what Fedora have - fantastic developers, energetic
contributors and vibrant local communities. That's already Features,
Friends, Freedom, and First for you.

> > Some solutions proposed on the list so far:
>> >
>>  One way we could solve this would be to simply include the page
>>  listing at the Fedora Community portal site somewhere, as static
>>  content.  Ugh.
>> >
>>  Renaming fedoracommunity.org is very ugly because people have been
>>  accumulating subdomains there for months.  Plus, the domain name was
>>  blessed by Legal last year (when we were still talking about
>>  "MyFedora") because the domain name helps make it clear that we don't
>>  own the site, and aren't responsible for content.
>> >
>> >>> So it seems the only choice is to rename Fedora Community. I have no
>> idea
>> >>> what it could be renamed to. Right now it's focused on package
>> maintainers
>> >>> but we're hoping to expand it out more...
>> >
>> >> developers.fedoracommunity.org ?
>> >> makeit.fedoracommunity.org?
>> >> I think it would be a branch from the overall fedora community.
>> >
>> > My thoughts at this point are mainly questions - some of which have
>> > partially been answered in the discussion above.
>> >
>> > 0. What is the purpose of each website being discussed? (#2,
>> > admin.fedoraproject.org/community and #3, fedoracommunity.org)
>> #2 - the portal project using the Moksha framework for roughtly
>>  real-time, interactive collaboration between contributors; right now
>>  it serves mainly packagers but the plan is to drastically increase
>>  its coverage beyond that group
>> #3 - a domain used to provide subdomains for local communities at
>>  which localized (translated) original content, forums, etc. are
>>  provided and maintained outside the Fedora Project; offers both
>>  appeal from the perspective of native language, and the ability to
>>  discuss and provide solutions outside Fedora's mission and scope
>> > 1. For each of the websites being discussed, what were the historical
>> > reasons for choosing that name? (Pointers to wiki pages, list archives,
>> > or IRC logs would be great.)
>> [[Local_community_domains]] is probably the most important from the
>> perspective of the fedoracommunity.org domain (#3).
>> > 2. For each of the websites being discussed , what would the cost of
>> > renaming it be? (What effort would we have to go through, and how many
>> > people would be affected, in what way?)
>> If #3 is only being used by two groups thus far, and if neither has
>> spent considerable money producing literature or publicity, renaming
>> that one is probably the better option.
>> If we really want to know "how did this happen?", my feeling is that
>> I'm the person at fault here.  I recall being not bowled over by the
>> naming of the portal project (#2) to Fedora Community, but I couldn't
>> think of why, and I simply failed to put 2 and 2 together with the
>> fedoracommunity.org domain name.  I

Re: Zikula theme status

2009-09-10 Thread Máirín Duffy
Here's an update on where we're at now. Thanks to itbegins and affix for 
helping me out today!

Here's the stuff still needing to be resolved:

• Author names - I can't figure out how to get real human names :( not 
sure how. Also my method of linking to the author's profile is rather 

• Feature story - I'd like to have one story displayed in full 
blinginess on the front page, it seems the news module has a way to do 
this but I can't figure out how to make it work (how do you assign 
'today's feature' to an article?)

• EZComments packaging - we need someone to package this ASAP. Any takers?

Here's the stuff that was resolved:

On 09/10/2009 09:42 AM, Máirí­n Duffy wrote:

• Images - This is my biggest concern right now. If you want to post an
image in an article, you can't. It won't let you. It just spits out the
img tag in plain text. :(

Simon fixed this :) It had been disabled because of security reasons but 
since only admins can edit articles it's probably okay.

• Comments - I don't know how to get comments forms to appear beneath
articles. From searching the Zikula forums, I found out thatEZcomments
is a plugin that does it, but we don't seem to have it installed and I'm
not sure if it's okay to install.

We need to have EZComments packaged - it not being installed is the 
reason the comments tags aren't working for me.

• RSS - I don't know how to do this. We need one feed for all articles
and ideally at some point in the future a podcast and vodcast feed.

affix wrote a custom RSS feed but Simon pointed out Zikula has this 
pre-built in, it was just broken (bc of a config setting I tweaked, 
sorrys :( ) and it works now.

• Links for sidebar articles - can't get them, variable is a mystery.
When I use the usual variables all the sidebar article links (e.g.,
individual event details links) come up blank or point to the main
article being displayed.

Simon figured this one out. :)


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