Self-introduction: Mel Chua

2009-06-09 Thread Mel Chua
Hi! I'm Mel. This is my current mental model of our website, which you 
may have seen on Planet Fedora.

I'm still learning my way around, so I'm going to make tons of mistakes! 
Please correct me! Right now I'm trying to get lots of data dumps, 
perspectives on how the site's going, how it could be improved, trying 
to find stuff to hack on...

Experience-wise, I'm fluent in (X)HTML and CSS, though cross-browser 
compatibility issues make me Very Sad. I occasionally put up basic sites 
for friends as a combination hobby/because-I'm-the-"computer-person" 
thing. I've been playing on and off with it since high school when my 
idea of "good design" involved a tiled background of a Star Wars X-wing 
fighter and the  tag. (My taste has improved considerably since 

Anti-skillz: My sketching ability and sense of space and color (or lack 
thereof, particularly for the last one) can be seen in the image linked 
to above, and I understand how javascript-based UIs and db-backed 
webapps are made, but am not particularly gifted at making them, and 
I've learned just enough about usability to be dangerous.

Skillz: What I'm actually pretty good at is being articulately confused, 
and at breaking things - being a sort of Perpetual Newbie From Hell who 
inexplicably submits good bug reports. I blame my brief stint as a QA 
engineer for that. I can also be a Mediawiki fiend, having spent the 
past 2 years or so building up, weeding, and admin-ing I try to ask interesting questions and to not 
get distracted by shiny stuff, though the success rate of the latter 
is... a work in progress.

A question, since I'm following down the page: when is the next 
meeting? According to, the next 
meeting is in 2008 - so I'm curious whether there are still meetings 
held, and if not, if folks would be interested in gathering for one on 
IRC sometime this week or early next.

Seems like a good time to look at our site, since plenty of new users 
are hitting it and giving us potentially interesting data on the kinds 
of things that could be improved. ;)


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Fedora wiki FIrefox shortcuts

2009-06-09 Thread Mel Chua
Thought you folks might appreciate - these are Firefox shortcuts that 
make navigating the wiki much, much faster (I usually whip these up for 
wikis that I spend a lot of time on). I can't imagine I'm the first one 
to come up with this idea, but I couldn't find a prior implementation, 
so here you go.

For instance, instead of typing 
""; as above, I typed 
"fu Mchua/Templates" and boom, you're there.

A longer explanation is here, and should be popping on the Planet in a 


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

WIki standards review request - education SIG page

2009-06-09 Thread Mel Chua
Wikis rock! Except when they turn into unmaintainable swamps of 
information (in which case they still rock, just... more frustratingly 
than optimal.)

In the spirit of Trying To Do Things Right, I went through the Edu SIG 
pages and tried to redo them to fit wiki standards. Here's what I did:

Thoughts, feedback? In particular, I don't really expect the meeting 
minutes pages to all get categorized correctly, unless we can figure out 
a clever solution to remembering (or automatically doing) that...

Ian, as the wiki czar, I thought I'd ping you especially to see if you 
could take a quick look and make recommendations. ;)

Thanks in advance for taking a peek!


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Self-introduction: Mel Chua

2009-06-10 Thread Mel Chua
Ricky, IIRC, we had a table on the wiki for meeting times. I don't 
remember where it is though.

I set up a whenisgood for scheduling, and will send it out in a separate 
email momentarily.

Does anybody else have any thoughts on how we can improve the website?

Mark had some, they're up at


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Tasks list updated

2009-06-11 Thread Mel Chua

Check 'er out. Thanks to Ricky for the updates!


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Self-introduction: Mel Chua

2009-06-11 Thread Mel Chua
Ricky, IIRC, we had a table on the wiki for meeting times. I don't 
remember where it is though.

I set up a whenisgood for scheduling, and will send it out in a separate 
email momentarily.

Does anybody else have any thoughts on how we can improve the website?

Mark had some, they're up at


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Meeting scheduling! (Also: status check-in get together Friday 1800 UTC.)

2009-06-11 Thread Mel Chua
Multiple people have expressed the thought that it'd be good to have a I 
set up a whenisgood for meeting scheduling. Hope that's ok. Vote here:

It's also on the wiki:

Before then, Mark and I will be checking in on what's up with (which is getting updated 
with status info from Ricky shortly as well), and we'd love company.

Join us (markg85 and mchua) on #fedora-websites this Friday at 20:00 
Dutch time, which is 18:00 UTC, or (for me, in Boston) 14:00 EST 
(UTC-4). We'll post notes/logs to the list, and this isn't really an 
official meeting of any sort, but it's a good time for us to catch up on 
what's going on.


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Meeting scheduling! (Also: status check-in get together Friday 1800 UTC.)

2009-06-12 Thread Mel Chua

doing...), however I do not believe the above url is going to work out
so well for the group as a whole to track meeting times.

That's ok. :) I thought I'd toss it out there in case it did make things 
easier (and so far we've got it down to 7 potential meeting times, see - noting that we've 
only had 3 responses so far) but if something else works out better, 
that's awesome.

no link to it now, but we *had* a matrix for this:

Thanks! You're right; there wasn't anything linking to that page before, 
so I linked it at where 
folks can find it, and I guess we'll see which one people use.


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Brainstorms section

2009-06-12 Thread Mel Chua
Since we have some ideas in the formation phase right now, I added a 
section to our main wikipage...

...which links to this. It needs more work and cleaning up, but 
hopefully the general idea is clear. Please add! I know there's at least 
one person who had some things to pitch in *winks at juank_prada*.


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Notes from today's IRC get-together

2009-06-12 Thread Mel Chua

Here you go!

These are formatted in the most hideous way imaginable. How do I make 
them pretty, like other Fedora meeting notes I've seen (like


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Notes from today's IRC get-together

2009-06-12 Thread Mel Chua

The meeting notes are actually readable now. Thanks, Rahul!

Mel Chua wrote:

Thanks - I'll check it out. Well-formatted meeting notes are the win.

Rahul Sundaram wrote:

On 06/13/2009 02:18 AM, Mel Chua wrote:

Here you go!

These are formatted in the most hideous way imaginable. How do I make
them pretty, like other Fedora meeting notes I've seen (like

Use irclog2html available in the repo


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Websites Meeting - 17:00 UTC in #fedora-websites

2009-06-18 Thread Mel Chua

Hey, there has recently been a lot of discussion about the website,
especially now that we just finished a release.  Let's have a meeting to
go over what went right/wrong with this release and to discuss changes
going forward. 

I'm going to be pinging people listed on to see if we can't get that 
updated before tomorrow's meeting.

Also, the length of 
is rapidly growing... pop ideas and such there if you have them, and 
I'll do my best to tackle it with a shovel before tomorrow's meeting and 
put things into some coherent readable order.


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Meeting Log - 2009-06-19

2009-06-20 Thread Mel Chua
Meeting logs are on the wiki! (man, 
irclog2html rocks.)

Who's doing what: see 
(hiemanshu, I apologise - I couldn't figure out your wiki username, but 
if you let me know I'll link it in.)

The general summary: in order of priority, f12 projects so far are 
get.fpo, decision process, www.fpo, docs.fpo, and then join.fpo, 
translation, and user gallery.

Right now it's mizmo on get.fp.o, with markg85's help, hiemanshu on the 
user gallery, markg85 on www.fp.o with hiemanshu's help, ricky on 
decisionmaking process and docs.fp.o, mchua on join.fp.o, and 
translation as a "we need to find someone."

Starting to see some action around stuff already, which is great. :) 
More when I'm not about to fall asleep at my computer.


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Meeting Log 26/06/2009

2009-06-26 Thread Mel Chua

now also on

(man I love irclog2html.)

Fedora-websites-list mailing list

tasktracking: wikitables aren't going to work much longer

2009-06-26 Thread Mel Chua
Keeping track of tasks on the wiki is starting to get a bit annoying. 
Can we get a project-tracking component in bz and track tasks there?

Here's what it looks like for docs:

If we get the bz component up I'll volunteer to migrate all websites 
tasks to bz and notify all owners.

Thoughts? There was also discussion of a separate trac during today's 
meeting, which is another option (however, I'm lazy and tend to favor 
using an existing installation. ;)

Note that this provides an easy place for us to do patch comments and 
reviews as well (we can make a tracking blocker bug called 

How would we make this bz component happen?


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Trac tasktracking

2009-06-26 Thread Mel Chua
Experiment: instead of using wiki tables, what if we could keep track of 
projects and tasks in Trac?

It's not quite working yet - blocked by - but you 
should get the general idea, and this is a heads-up on the tinkering 
going on.


PS: Non-meta stuff when I regain consciousness, on join.fp.o work. Had a 
good design discussion with Eve this afternoon, and she had some 
thoughts about approach.

Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Websites Meeting - 2009-07-03 17:00 UTC

2009-07-03 Thread Mel Chua

Hey, just a reminder that there'll be a meeting at 17:00 UTC today.  I'm
afraid I won't be able to make this one, but hopefully Mel and some of
the other regulars will be around to keep this going.

I'm actually going to be on the road traveling back from DC then, so I 
won't be able to make it either - but I'll be hitting up the list with updates today. Apologies for being so quiet and slow on 
this; it's been a hectic week.


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Feedback gathered for and

2009-07-10 Thread Mel Chua
Wow. This is fantastic, Mark - thanks to you and Hiemanshu for taking 
the time to go out and get a ton of data! Comments inline.

User 4
 - fedora main site
 -- "I've been able to find everything I need on the websites."

I wonder how experienced this user was. :)

User 5
 - fedora main site
 -- posibly more of a note that its based on the comercial Red Hat distro, that's a thought, if somewhat backwards - if anything, RHEL is 
based on Fedora, not the other way around (as I understand it, anyway) - 
not sure how the current way of showing the Fedora <--> Red Hat 
connection was chosen (it's currently in a tiny little sponsorship-note 
footer at the bottom of but I'm sure there's 
a good reason for it.

User 6
 - fedora main site
 -- if I'm new to linux and need help, do I click docs, wiki, get help, or what?


 - get.fp.o
 -- and it lacks consistancy
 -- if you have several options, display them in a consistent manner
 -->that page has a couple different options in the middle, other
options in a different style on the right (well, i think they are
different) and then other, alternat eoptions at the bottom
 -->could it not list all the options in one consistant list,
explaining what each is, with the different download options?

Man, this person gives good, concrete feedback.

 - fedora main site
 -- and it should probably have a better link text
 -- I mean, imagine reading it; Get Fedora 11 Desktop Edition Now


 -- one last thing; the layout breaks on a small viewport (4-500px wide)
 -- should have some minimal width limiter

Great point - do we have any heuristics that we're evaluating our sites 
against, any standard tests we run for sanity? (Making sure it works on 
a certain list of screen sizes, a certain set of browsers, that kind of 

-- if i didn't know what fedora is i wouldn't immediately know what it was

This is *incredibly* important.

-- most people who visit your site won't want a tour.  They want a
download link.

Really? I wonder if there is a good way we can empirically prove this.


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Feedback gathered for and

2009-07-10 Thread Mel Chua

 -- and it should probably have a better link text
 -- I mean, imagine reading it; Get Fedora 11 Desktop Edition Now


I'm not following at all... 

Yeah, I wasn't really clear...

Current site: tiny blue "--> Get Fedora" on the 
middle of the left side"

Compare to, say, - banner stretching across the 
top with "Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition / Save time and boot faster / Get 
productive with the latest apps / Enjoy an improved user experience" and 
then a high-contrast "Download" (and "Take the Tour") button right below 
that text.

Maybe we don't need *all* that stuff, but it's more descriptive and a 
lot easier to find.

Great point - do we have any heuristics that we're evaluating our sites 
against, any standard tests we run for sanity? (Making sure it works on 
a certain list of screen sizes, a certain set of browsers, that kind of 

800x600 and up is reasonable. 400-500 px wide isn't quite as reasonable.

That's a totally reasonable minimum bar - I think we just need to make 
clear somewhere that that *is* the minimum bar, and that problems at 
lower resolutions are a wontfix. I started to try and keep track 
of ideas for this - it's very much a draft, but I'm wondering whether 
having a good set of rules-of-thumb might help us answer "it breaks in 
this case, do we care about this case?" questions in the future.

Trying to think out loud why someone might have less than 800px width:

* Viewing fp.o on a mobile browser is probably an edge case and can be 
ignored (stats could prove me wrong, though - I wonder how to get access 
to those stats... maybe Ian might have some ideas)

* Someone on an 800+px wide display might have two windows open 
side-by-side (comparing the Fedora homepage with the Gentoo homepage, or 
surfing the web on the left side of his/her screen and reading email on 
the right). This sounds more plausible to me; my laptop is 1024x768 and 
it's not uncommon for me to have two browser windows side by side, each 
filling up half my screen (so, accounting for scrollbars and such, 
somewhere around 500px width each).

-- most people who visit your site won't want a tour.  They want a
download link.

Really? I wonder if there is a good way we can empirically prove this.

Why would I expend energy to download an operating system if I don't
understand what it is I would be getting for the effort?

Also thinking off the top of my head... I think a better reason might be 
"some people will already come to fp.o knowing that they want to dl 
Fedora, even before taking the tour. Who are they?"

* someone (I trust, possibly an Ambassador standing beside me) has 
already told me I should just download this "Fedora" thing and they'll 
help me get started

* I do understand what I'd be getting; I already know what Fedora is and 
just need to grab an image file and am easily frustrated by Fitt's Law

* some people blithely click on download links first, then figure out 
what they're getting afterwards. Not that it's a good idea, mind you... 
but I've watched enough people have this as almost a knee-jerk reaction 
to a webpage that... I mean, it happens.

All my reasoning in this email and my previous one are a lot more 
hand-wavy conjecturing than I'd like. I need to sit down and learn how 
to get hold of our actual website stats, so I can base these kinds of 
statements on Actual Data.


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Feedback gathered for and

2009-07-11 Thread Mel Chua
Thanks for pushing back and pointing out holes in my reasoning, btw - 
always good especially when it's 3:20am ('s one of Those Nights 
when I can't sleep).

We really should just format the site differently - at the very least
have a different style sheet - to target this specifically if we decide
to support it. We don't officially now.

Yay! wontfix, then. *docs at*

"some people will already come to fp.o knowing that they want to dl 
Fedora, even before taking the tour. Who are they?"

* someone (I trust, possibly an Ambassador standing beside me) has 
already told me I should just download this "Fedora" thing and they'll 
help me get started

* I do understand what I'd be getting; I already know what Fedora is and 
just need to grab an image file and am easily frustrated by Fitt's Law

* some people blithely click on download links first, then figure out 
what they're getting afterwards. Not that it's a good idea, mind you... 
but I've watched enough people have this as almost a knee-jerk reaction 
to a webpage that... I mean, it happens.

I agree with all of this, although i think the last two cases are far
less common than the first.

I wonder if "IP addresses that have dl'd one of the prior Fedora 
releases before" vs "IP addresses that have not downloaded Fedora 
before" would be a useful differentiation metric for this - it's hard to 
tell who's actually arriving at the site for what. I'll have a chat with 
Ian (since he's doing similar work) about ways we might instrument 
things up better to get the kind of data these discussions should be 
based on... who else is into stats and metrics?


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

j.fp.o design process strawman (criticism please!)

2009-07-11 Thread Mel Chua
As I pore through Websites stuff tonight and think about how to tackle 
join.fp.o, I'm realizing that I have a very dim notion (actually, "dim" 
is generous) of what a good design process to go through for this kind 
of thing would be. seems to... not 
exactly fit, but I will stab in the dark and try to use it, and hope 
better alternatives present themselves.

*Please* criticize this gameplan. It's put up here so that it can be 
ripped apart - I'm stuck on finding a better way to think about this, so 
I figured I'd try something (anything) and then let y'all tell me what 
my mistakes are.


1. Identify a need: "j.fp.o doesn't really get people to join fedora."

2. Define the problem: I can think of several angles to tackle this from 
- not sure which (if any) are useful ways of looking at this.

* Improve click-through percentages from j.fp.o to the "How To Join 
$Group" page of any group. (If someone reads j.fp.o clicks through to 
read step-by-step join instructions for at least one team, it counts as 
a yes; if they read j.fp.o but don't read a team's join instructions 
afterwards, it counts as a no.)
* Minimize the time it takes a newcomer to go from "I have started 
reading j.fp.o because it looked interesting, and know nobody to help 
me" to "I have made my first tracked project contribution." A good 
target might be 90 minutes.
* Minimize the time it takes a newcomer to go from "I have started 
reading j.fp.o because it looked interesting, and know nobody to help 
me" to having a mentor contact and welcome them, and help them decide on 
a first project to do. A good target might be 20 minutes. (yes, these 
targets are ambitious.)
* For each successive release, raise the number of contributions made by 
community members whose first contribution was towards that release. 
(For instance, F12 contributions made by volunteers who first got 
involved with Fedora during the F12 cycle.)

3. Conduct research: (This is where I am now, I am trying to figure out 
the answers to these questions.)

* How can the above metrics be instrumented? (Is it possible to measure 
them at all?)

* Who are the current users...
** looking at j.fp.o?
** finding j.fp.o helpful? (how?)
** not finding j.fp.o helpful (and disappearing rather than telling us 
it didn't help them out? what would have made it useful to them?)

* Who do we want...
** looking at j.fp.o?
** joining our community? (Do we *want* to consciously set up a 
minimum-effort barrier to encourage only the motivated? Are we trying to 
get more non-code contributors?)

* Who is it that wants these people looking at and using j.fp.o (beyond 
the Websites team)? Are there specific people on specific teams that 
have particular recruiting needs, and who can offer to mentor newcomers 
(or otherwise set up a newbie-contribution infrastructure for their 
particular projects/teams)?

* What does the 'join' experience look like for other projects - what do 
they consider? How do they compare, and what can we learn from them?

(The rest of the steps I'm not even going to think about just yet - this 
is plenty to tackle for now.)

4. Narrow the research:
5. Analyzing set criteria:
6. Finding alternative solutions:
7. Analyzing possible solutions:
8. Making a decision:
9. Presenting the product:
10. Communicating and selling the product:

Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Adding Phone Browser support

2009-07-17 Thread Mel Chua

They probably would want to read planet and fedora news? Anything else
you can think of that might be useful to view on fpo while on the go?

The front/about page, for the on-the-go scenario of "I wonder what 
Fedora is/let me show you what Fedora is, this is our homepage." I agree 
with Mo that mobile browsers of fp.o will probably only look at a few pages.


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Almost-finalized: Marketing F12 schedule

2009-07-27 Thread Mel Chua
I've updated the F12 schedule according to the meeting 
that Paul, John, and myself had today.

We've got some dates and such to coordinate with various teams (cc'd 
here) before Monday in order to make sure our calendars sync up. One of 
the things we'll be talking about at the Marketing meeting tomorrow 
( is how to make sure 
that each Marketing + OtherTeam coordination happens this week - some of 
these connections already have delegates, others have people who 
probably should be, others are wide open.

The notes below are very, *very* much drafts, and only starting points! 
It's also entirely possible that I've put *too* much in the notes below 
(that figuring out something shouldn't be Marketing's job, or its 
focus). Patches welcome.


Design: We should make sure we get you a release slogan in time, and 
give fast enough feedback/final-slogan turnaround based on your designs 
that you can make release buttons/banners with time to spare. Also need 
to see what sort of work we need to coordinate in order to make spiffy 
Ambassadors kits.

Docs: We should commit to those 1-page shiny release notes you wanted, 
and find other good points during the cycle to check in with each other. 
We also need to talk (possibly with News) on who'd like to do what 
portions of talking points and in-depth feature profiles. (How can we 
market our documentation as awesome, too?)

Ambassadors: We need to schedule a briefing for you folks to happen once 
the talking points are ready - but most importantly, we need to learn 
how we can listen to you better so that we can make the things you 
actually want and *need* to spread the word on the ground. What can we do?

Websites: We should talk - potentially with Design - about how we're 
going to coordinate various webpage redesigns and revisions, and how our 
respective roles complement each other.

News: We also need to talk (possibly with Docs) on who'd like to do what 
portions of talking points and in-depth feature profiles. We should also 
figure out what's going on with News and Marketing and Fedora Insight, 
so we can schedule in coordination times with other teams if needed.

Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Websites + Marketing schedules: synced!

2009-07-29 Thread Mel Chua
Websites and Marketing folks: just a heads-up so you know the stuff that 
the two groups will be working on together for this release cycle - 
Ricky and I just froze the milestone dates for things the two teams will 
be collaborating on (our version is at Here are the 
relevant parts for y'all on what Marketing is going to deliver for 

Final release slogan is ready for websites/design 2009-09-17 	Marketing 
creates this, influenced by the Design themes/wallpaper/etc. for the 
release. The slogan then (circularly?) affects the Design team's release 
button/banner for the website. Need to make sure this lines up with 
Design and Website's dates. This date is a start date; the end date 
needs to be set in conjunction with Design.

All desired website changes taken to websites team 2009-09-15 	The 
Websites team has a 09/29 feature freeze, so we need to make sure any 
features/changes we want (text, images, page restructuring, etc...) have 
been approved by them by that date. This means that two weeks prior, 
Marketing should know exactly what changes we'd like to see on the 
websites, that all those changes should be tickets filed in the Website 
team's Trac, and that each change should have a Marketing delegate 
working on it from within the Websites team.

(For Marketing's reference...)
Groups we (Marketing) have synced with: Websites, Design
Groups left to sync with: Docs, Ambassadors, News

...that is all. Thanks for your time!


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: index page

2009-09-08 Thread Mel Chua

Is having a site named Fedora Community that isn't Fedora Community
( going to cause confusion?

Ohh boy, I hadn't even put 2 and 2 together yet on that one.  Looks like
we've got a 2 apps 1 name problem :)

Searching for "Fedora Community" also brings up references to the 
community of Fedora contributors rather than the platform itself. Which 
imo is as it should be, but... it makes it hard to find; at one point I 
went to fp.o and sat and refreshed until the rotating banner became a 
Fedora Community link, because I couldn't remember the URL otherwise.

Your friendly local marketing person makes a plea for eigenbrands.


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: index page

2009-09-09 Thread Mel Chua
I'm going to try to chime in from a Marketing standpoint as best I can, 
and am Ccing the Marketing list in the hopes that Those Who Know More 
Than I can speak about branding here.

To summarize the conversation to date, both to catch up newcomers tothe 
conversation and to try and form a better understanding of this for 
myself: we have a naming collision problem. (The thread is at, 
please correct me if I've missed/mis-stated anything.)

The term "Fedora Community" currently refers to three things.

1. The community of contributors working on the Fedora Project (in other 
words, "us").

2., a site that helps keep 
track of who is packaging what, and what state those packages are in.

3., the top-level domain for a few (only 2 so 
far, it sounds like) local group homepages (such as for the Philippines). itself is not up and running, but was 
supposed to be a directory for all such homepages.

Needless, to say, this is confusing, particularly in the case of the two 
websites. What should we do? Should one or both of the websites be 
renamed/rebranded? If so, which one(s), and what to? How can we adjust?

Some solutions proposed on the list so far:

One way we could solve this would be to simply include the page
listing at the Fedora Community portal site somewhere, as static
content.  Ugh.

Renaming is very ugly because people have been
accumulating subdomains there for months.  Plus, the domain name was
blessed by Legal last year (when we were still talking about
"MyFedora") because the domain name helps make it clear that we don't
own the site, and aren't responsible for content.

So it seems the only choice is to rename Fedora Community. I have no idea
what it could be renamed to. Right now it's focused on package maintainers
but we're hoping to expand it out more... ?
I think it would be a branch from the overall fedora community.

My thoughts at this point are mainly questions - some of which have 
partially been answered in the discussion above.

0. What is the purpose of each website being discussed? (#2, and #3,

1. For each of the websites being discussed, what were the historical 
reasons for choosing that name? (Pointers to wiki pages, list archives, 
or IRC logs would be great.)

2. For each of the websites being discussed , what would the cost of 
renaming it be? (What effort would we have to go through, and how many 
people would be affected, in what way?)


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: index page

2009-09-10 Thread Mel Chua

Having said that, I'd propose that we get in touch with the groups
using the domain (#3) to find out to what extent a
renaming would hamper their community efforts.  I'd like to do that
with a Cc: of an appropriate list -- Marketing?  Websites?  Logistics?

I think Logistics is the right list for this, since it involves 
Websites, Infrastructure, and (eventually, when we need to do a 
marketing campaign for whatever new names go out there) Marketing, so 
I'd start a thread there and send a message to each list saying "hey, 
this discussion is happening in Logistics, ."

/me is also happy to do the legwork on this if desired. ;)


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Zikula theme status

2009-09-11 Thread Mel Chua

Here's the stuff still needing to be resolved:

I put this on so people 
can comment on the ticket and such when they're done, too.

• Author names - I can't figure out how to get real human names :( not
sure how. Also my method of linking to the author's profile is rather

• Feature story - I'd like to have one story displayed in full
blinginess on the front page, it seems the news module has a way to do
this but I can't figure out how to make it work (how do you assign
'today's feature' to an article?)

• EZComments packaging - we need someone to package this ASAP. Any takers?

Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fwd: Re: Zikula theme status

2009-09-14 Thread Mel Chua

Update: Mo and Simon are working on the first two

• Author names - I can't figure out how to get real human names :( not
sure how. Also my method of linking to the author's profile is rather

Done, yay for Mo and Simon!

• Feature story - I'd like to have one story displayed in full
blinginess on the front page, it seems the news module has a way to do
this but I can't figure out how to make it work (how do you assign
'today's feature' to an article?)

...and now they're working on this.

• EZComments packaging - we need someone to package this ASAP. Any

I'm working on this now. We're in #fedora-website if anyone would like 
to to join the fun.


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fwd: Re: Zikula theme status

2009-09-14 Thread Mel Chua

• EZComments packaging - we need someone to package this ASAP.

Done. I'm going to need a reviewer: - I based it on the 
other zikula module packages in the hopes that this would make the 
review process faster/cleaner/easier (...mostly faster).

Tracking bug in Marketing:

If you can pick up any part of this, let me know how I can unblock you - 
being on IRC at any particular time (I'll try to be on as much as I can 
this week), etc.


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Introduction

2009-11-24 Thread Mel Chua

On 11/23/2009 02:02 PM, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:

On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 03:14:13AM -0600, Gregory Sieranski wrote:

Hi guys,
I just wanted to introduce myself. I am a Programmer Analyst who works for a
large fortune 500 company. I have been using Fedora for over 3 years and
would love to give back in any way that I can. I absolutely love what Fedora
and open source does and believe in both 100%. I am skilled in Java, J2EE,
C, C++, Python, HTML, CSS and a bunch of other technologies. I am an avid
programming language enthusiast and am working toward getting my Masters in
Computer Science. I would love to contribute to the website project in any
way that I can. I deal with website technology on a daily basis and feel
that I would be able to provide a lot of help to the fedora website team. No
task is to small. If you guys just need someone to enter text or change a
CSS style I am willing to do it. Thank you for your time and I look forward
to talking with all of you!

Welcome!  What would you be most interested in working on?  If it's mostly
python with a bit of html, css, and javascript thrown in the fedora I'd be
happy to have you help out on some of the projects we're working on in
Fedora Infrastructure.  (Things like the account system, packagedb, updates
tool, etc).  If you're more interested in html and css, websites is the
right place to start!


Gregory's already started helping us out with - thanks, Gregory!


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Fedora Insight update: the Websites team rocketh / will be taking back-end after launch.

2009-12-19 Thread Mel Chua

Went to the Websites meeting yesterday to talk about Fedora Insight.

Short version: We've got us some CSS help from Websites to finish up 
theming, and they'll be taking on maintenance of the back-end (FWN and 
Marketing will continue to own workflow and content) once we do the 
initial launch:

What this means immediately:

CSS design tickets are getting worked on. 

I've cc'd everyone with FAS access to the theme group and everyone who 
owns a Fedora Insight CSS/Design ticket to make sure they're informed, 
know who the others working on the theme are, and can (possibly) make 
arrangements to sprint on IRC together; I'd suggest making sure that 
both the Websites and Design teams know when and where that work will be 

We'll also have proper versioning for theme stuff, finally - thanks to 
Hiemanshu for getting us into git! (Hosting ticket =, but it's 
just been taken care of.)

Hiemanshu should be posting "here's the repo / how to use it" 
instructions shortly, I believe.


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fedora Insight update: the Websites team rocketh / will be taking back-end after launch.

2009-12-19 Thread Mel Chua

On 12/19/2009 11:43 AM, Hiemanshu Sharma wrote:

Anyways the repo is located at

Wow. Thanks, Hiemanshu!

I've also copied these instructions over to, and am happy to 
move them somewhere else if there's a better spot on the wiki. I suspect 
that eventually we'll want to move this to the Websites space, perhaps 
after launch when we update the documentation as part of the backend 


Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: new member introduction

2009-12-27 Thread Mel Chua

On 12/27/2009 03:37 PM, Vikram Dhillon wrote:

Hi all,
  How are you guys doing? I have been working over at Ubuntu,
and currently I am one of the moderators of edubuntu (a deritive of
Ubuntu) and of Ubuntu start page. So I would like to get started with
fedora websites, how can I help out here. Thanks for your help on
getting started :D

Vikram Dhillon

Hi, Vikram - things are a bit slow right now because of the holidays, 
but here are a few resources for getting started.

If you're an IRC user, we hang out in #fedora-websites in If you're new to IRC, may be of help. 
points to - if you've 
already seen this and the email you sent was part of working through 
step #4, that's great! Knowing more about your skills (do you do 
graphics, html, css, programming with web frameworks, webmastering, 
etc?) and interests will help people point you in the direction of a 
specific project to get started with. may also be helpful; 
I'm not sure if we're having one this week because of the New Year, but 
hopefully someone else on this list can chime in on when the next 
meeting is going to be.

I might also take a look at and see if any of these 
catch your eye; some projects are more active/recent than others. The 
one I'm most involved with is Fedora Insight, but depending on your 
background there may be others you might want to lend a hand with.

In summary, I'd suggest:

* telling us a little more about your skills and interests so we can 
help you find a better match
* finding out when the next (IRC) meeting will be and whether you can 
attend it - they're a great chance to ask questions.
* checking out the list of current projects to see if there's anything 
you're particularly interested in helping with - some already have a 
ticket queue set up, so you can just go in and grab a task if you'd like 
to start with that.



Fedora-websites-list mailing list