Meeting Log - 2009-10-15

2009-10-15 Thread Ricky Zhou
20:06  mmcgrath #startmeeting
20:06  zodbot Meeting started Thu Oct 15 20:06:16 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at
20:06  zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:06  mmcgrath Who's here?
20:06  * a-k is
20:06  * sijis is here
20:06  * collier_s here
20:06  * nirik is around
20:06  brothers_ here
20:07  mmcgrath Not too much going on this week, just focusing on things to 
get the beta ready
20:07  mmcgrath #topic Beta Tickets
20:07 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Beta Tickets
20:07 -!- Fedora11 [n=evil...@fedora/bobjensen] has quit Leaving
20:07  mmcgrath #link
20:07 -!- Fedora11 [n=evil...@fedora/bobjensen] has joined #Fedora-Meeting
20:07  mmcgrath .ticket 1709
20:07  zodbot mmcgrath: #1709 (f12-beta website) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac -
20:07  mmcgrath hiemanshu: ping
20:07  mmcgrath sijis: ping
20:07  mmcgrath ricky: ping?
20:07  smooge hi
20:07  hiemanshu mmcgrath, pong
20:07  mmcgrath After the F12 release, should we leave this one to you guys 
or would you like us to continue tracking it?
20:08  sijis mmcgrath: pong
20:08  mmcgrath is the f12 beta website in good shape?
20:09  hiemanshu Its only gonna be a few changes
20:09  sijis yeah, i think so.
20:09  hiemanshu So yeah
20:09  sijis i know we got the banner for the countdown.
20:09  sijis i'll have to look at the ticket a little closer (honestly)
20:10  * dgilmore id here
20:10  mmcgrath nod that's probably all that needs to get done.
20:10  mmcgrath Ok, moving on
20:10  mmcgrath .ticket 1711
20:10  zodbot mmcgrath: #1711 (Release day ticket) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac -
20:10  mmcgrath tracking ticket, in good shape.
20:10  mmcgrath .ticket 1712
20:10  zodbot mmcgrath: #1712 (verify releng permissions) - Fedora 
Infrastructure - Trac -
20:11  mmcgrath smooge: this one's assigned to you though I suspect there's 
nothing else needed atm.
20:11  * ricky /me is here, sorry
20:11 -!- mizmo [n=du...@fedora/mizmo] has quit Sláinte Mhath!
20:11  smooge yes. I need to know what I should do about it. Will discuss 
after meeting.
20:12  mmcgrath nod
20:12  mmcgrath And that's really all the tickets left, we're in good shape 
it seems.
20:12  mmcgrath #topic Search Engines
20:12 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Search Engines
20:12  mmcgrath a-k: you want to take this one?
20:12  a-k Sure.
20:12  a-k I didn't find any engines written in Python, but I found 4 written 
in Perl, according to their documentation.  2 are not actively maintained.  
Huzaifas and I split the 4 between us.
20:13 -!- Fedora11 [n=evil...@fedora/bobjensen] has quit Leaving
20:13  a-k Most engines are written in C.  Are we willing to consider them?  
The preference had been Python.
20:13  abadger1999 a-k: C is okay.
20:13  mmcgrath a-k: C is perfectly ok.
20:13  a-k OK.  That opens it up quite a bit more.
20:14  dgilmore there are a few in java also
20:14  mmcgrath a-k: I was talking with huzaifas last night about this very 
topic.  I didn't mean to imply that language had as much weight as it has had :)
20:14  * ianweller is here
20:14  mmcgrath we have a preference for python and all but it's not a hard 
requirement at all.  We just want the best tool for the job.
20:14  dgilmore the one uses could be good to use
20:14  a-k Roger.  We'll look at the others.
20:14  mmcgrath a-k: any of them look particularly interesting?
20:15  a-k Of the Perl ones, Namazu looked good.  Huzaifas is looking at that 
20:15  a-k OpenFTS is not maintained, but it has a Python interface for apps 
to access it.
20:15  mmcgrath cool, well lets keep talking about this at the weekly 
meetings.  I think a few people are interested in the outcome of this.
20:15  mmcgrath yeah :( for unmaintained apps
20:15  dgilmore a-k: it needs to be maintained
20:16  a-k dgilmore:  yeah.  I figured
20:16  mmcgrath Ok, anything else on that?
20:16  a-k I don't think so.
20:16  mmcgrath K.
20:16  mmcgrath nb: you around?
20:17  mmcgrath 'mm kay
20:17  mmcgrath So really that's all that's going on at the moment that's 
meeting worthy
20:17  mmcgrath #topic Open Floor
20:17 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Open Floor
20:18  mmcgrath anyone have anything they'd like to discuss?
20:18  mmcgrath If not we'll close the meeting in 30
20:19  sijis blogs.
20:19  sijis so, i know there are minor things on it.. but i believe nb's 
thought its to put a public notice about it soon.
20:20  smooge how is it situated to go ?
20:21  mmcgrath sijis: yeah
20:21  mmcgrath I'm not sure the status of that at the moment either.
20:21  mmcgrath I'd like to get it finalized though
20:21  mmcgrath this last 10% for projects always seems to 

Re: Meeting Log - 2009-10-15

2009-10-15 Thread Ricky Zhou
Sorry for the noise, I somehow sent this to the wrong list.


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