Re: ot-Take Action Now to Support the Pet Animal Welfare Statute-take off list?

2005-07-28 Thread BONNIE J KALMBACH
I would go with the animal welfare groups over the breeders, although I 
know some of the latter, e.g. PETA, have done questionable things etc. 
But many breeders' organizations like the American Kennel club do give 
(for a fee?) papers to puppies raised in puppy mill like places, so the 
breeders have a much clearer financial stake in this issue. My guess is 
that with commercial cat breeders the situation may be similar.

that's my two cents,

- Original Message -
From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 11:31 pm
Subject: Re: ot-Take Action Now to Support the Pet Animal Welfare
Statute-take off list?

> This is not directly related to felv, but a lot of us work in 
> rescue and rescue a lot of leukemia positive cats.  My positive is 
> a rescue.  I don't know whether it should be taken offlist or not.
> I have read about the bill and done a little research, though I'm 
> no authority.  All I know is that the Cat Fancier's Association 
> and the AKC (and now a 'purebred'  cat rescue) are all posting 
> that we should push for a NO to this bill.
> Every animal welfare group I know of is saying we push for YES.  
> This has been discussed on my local animal welfare and animal 
> rights' lists.  All animal groups I belong to here in Georgia  say 
> that the purebred groups are trying to 'scare' rescues into 
> thinking this will hurt them, and that in fact, it will NOT hurt 
> rescue groups, but help them by preventing the influx of animals 
> from breeders.  Rescue groups do not 'sell' animals for a profit.  
> I have more info. for those interested, but from what I've read I 
> am reassured that this will NOT negatively impact those in rescue.
> We've had a long going discussion on the Georgia Animal Welfare 
> list with a breeder/rescuer trying to get people to oppose,  All 
> rescuers have assured people that she is wrong.  Breeders just do 
> not want to be regulated.  All of my local rescue groups, humane 
> societies, etc... are supporting this legislation (except for 
> those that deal only with purebreds or are breeders themselves 
> involved in rescue).
> How many felv + siamese, himalayans, etc... are in the homes of 
> people on this list who were not 'bought' from a breeder, but 
> RESCUED BECAUSE of a breeder's irresponsibility?
> I have google searched this legislation, and groups against it are 
> breeder or pet dealer type groups and every group in favor of this 
> legislation is an animal welfare group working to help animals 
> such as HSUS, Doris Day Animal League, Friends of Animals, etc...
> The senators working on this bill are doing it to STOP the deaths 
> of animals in shelters due to overpopulation and STOP horrible 
> puppymill practices. I believe they are working directly with 
> DDAL.  DDAL has a strong focus on spay/neuter and stopping 
> puppy/kitten mills.
> I'm not an attorney, but I 'believe' the animal welfare groups 
> over the breeders' groups, and I know the purpose of this bill is 
> to help companion animal overpopulation, not to stop rescue work.  
> If nothing else, think how many LESS animals there will be to 
> rescue if we can stop backyard breeders and puppy and kitten 
> mills...  I think it's unprecedented and a step in a positive 
> direction to have people in Congress willing to even work on this.
> Breeders are a well organized group as well.  They jumped on this 
> legislation and started urging people to vote NO on their 
> petitions in full force before most of us (on Georgia rescue lists 
> anyway) even knew what was going on  They are also 
> appealing to individual citizens saying they are going to lose 
> their 'constitutional right' to do whatever they want with their 
> 'property'. 
> That's my 3 cents.
> tonya
> TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> PLEASE read what CFA Purebred Cat Breed Rescue has to say about PAWS
> before you send out your letters. more info will be available on the
> possible effects on rescue groups tomorrow, but this is important to
> read NOW.
> -- 
> MaryChristine
> AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
> ICQ: 289856892

Re: Bandy

2005-07-28 Thread Kerry Roach
Thanks so much for the replies..
Bandy seems to be doing ok right now and maybe the infection is finally clearing up..I hope..
He is eating and drinking good...He will even play some now...
Here are some of the blood test results as of last Sat.:  PCV 26 up from 21
Total Protein is staying between 6 and 7.. the RBC is up to 4.22 now and it had been lower..
Please let me know if I can list any other results that might give you an idea about him.
His K and Na were both low but I am he is getting some K suppliments, too..
My vet has us on interferon every other day now for the next 3 wks...I have read that most keep their kitties on it daily..any suggestion on this would be appreciated, too..
He is living with 3 other cats as I have no way to separate them, but they are neg for FIV and one is FeLV + so I am going to give him  interferon, too..He is healthy now and shows no signs of any illness...They are all on vitamins and a highly nutritional diet. The 2 older ones eat K/D as a preventitive mixed with Natures best.
Thanks again and any additional information is appreciated...
Kerry and Bandy  and his buddies  Lil Rascal, Buster and Whitey...__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Bandy

2005-07-28 Thread Terri Brown

Good news -- will keep the healing thoughts coming!
=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=
Furkid Photos! 
FeLV Site: 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: Kerry 
  Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 3:49 
  Subject: Re: Bandy
  Thanks so much for the replies..
  Bandy seems to be doing ok right now and maybe the infection is finally 
  clearing up..I hope..
  He is eating and drinking good...He will even play some now...
  Here are some of the blood test results as of last Sat.:  PCV 26 up 
  from 21
  Total Protein is staying between 6 and 7.. the RBC is up to 4.22 now and 
  it had been lower..
  Please let me know if I can list any other results that might give you an 
  idea about him.
  His K and Na were both low but I am he is getting some K suppliments, 
  My vet has us on interferon every other day now for the next 3 wks...I 
  have read that most keep their kitties on it daily..any suggestion on this 
  would be appreciated, too..
  He is living with 3 other cats as I have no way to separate them, but 
  they are neg for FIV and one is FeLV + so I am going to give him  
  interferon, too..He is healthy now and shows no signs of any illness...They 
  are all on vitamins and a highly nutritional diet. The 2 older ones eat K/D as 
  a preventitive mixed with Natures best.
  Thanks again and any additional information is appreciated...
  Kerry and Bandy  and his buddies  Lil Rascal, Buster and 
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Bandy

2005-07-28 Thread catatonya
Hi Kerry (and Bandy!)
It sounds like you're doing everything you can, and it also sounds like what you're doing is helping!  That's good news.
How old is Bandy?
tonyaKerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We are new here, so I am interested in any help any of you might help with my kitty Bandy.
He was recently diagnoised with FeLV and FIV...He came down sick around the middle of June with a kidney here is what we have done and are doing now..
He had a temp of 106 so was in the hospital for 2 days and put on clavamox for 10 days..he responded at first but got sick again on July 4 with 105 temp and was admitted again to the hospital and put on baytril for 14 days with good response until July 15 which he relapsed again with 105 temp...More blood work was done and this is when the FIV and FeLV tests were done...and both were positive.. 
He is now on baytril and amoxicillin, interferon for 8 days now every other day, epogen every other day, tagamet twice daily, and oxazepam .1ml applied to inner ear for appetite stimulant..
His PCV has gone up 4 so that is improving with the help of the epogen..his appetite it good..
With all this, he still spiked a temp of 104.5 a few days ago and was given a dexamethasone shot and next day temp was back to normal.. We get SQ fluids every time we go for the epogen shot... He also gets nutri-cal 3x a day and another vitamin mixture with his interferon.
I was wondering if any of you might have tried any other antibiotics to combate these infections..or any other suggestions would be appreciated...He is a fighter so I want to give him the best chance possible to help him have a good quality of life...
I also don't understand these tests being positive as he is an indoor cat and hasn't been outside at all since 2001...He is 5 yrs old now..So I am a little confused about the FIV test being positive...
Thank so much,
Kerry and Bandy
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: overwhelmed

2005-07-28 Thread catatonya
I'm sorry to hear that Sebastian's not doing well. I'm behind on my email, so I'm sure you have already received a lot of replies.
I really can't tell you what I would do in that situation.  Only YOU can judge his quality of life, his will  to fight this, etc...  At some point you have to draw the line at what you think will help versus putting him through procedures that might cause more harm than good.
I know this isn't much help, but it's such a personal decision, and it's so hard, but you are closest to Sebastian and know him best.
You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

I have not written anything for a while.  I have been very overwhelmed with Sebastian's problems and I keep trying things that do not seem to work.  I recently took Sebastian to Virginia Tech's Veterinary hospital (because of everyone's recommedations).  I am so upset that he is getting sicker.  I feel that I am overlooking his problems because I do not want to face them.  I love him so much and I can not stand to see him this way.  I took him to the veterinary hospital because he has almost lost all control of his hind legs.  They are becoming so weak and he has used the bathroom on himself a few times because it is hard for him to get in and out of the litter box.  The vets are worried that his problems are nuerological, so I set up another appointment with the nuerology department. He also twitches and has like muscle spasms or something when he is sleeping.  It is like his body can not rest.  The vets told me that they
 would like to do a spinal tap and a special X-ray where they shoot dye into his spine. All of this has to be done under Anaestheia.  There are alot of risks with these tests.  Putting a FELV+ kitty under involvees alot of risks and they said that if something goes wrong with the spinal tap he could be paralyzed.  I do not know what to do.  What what you do?  I need help making this decision.  

Currently, Sebastian is taking methylcobalamin and AHCC-vitamins.  I also started him on Interferon.  It is just the Interferon that the vet gave me.  Should I get some other type of Interferon?  WHat is everyone else using?  Should I give him more supplements and vitamins everyday?  I will do anything for him.  I just do not know what all I should/can do right now.  I need alot of help.

Bandy's temp up again!

2005-07-28 Thread Kerry Roach
Bandy's temp was up again today to 104..he received another dex shot to hopefully bring it vet said she thinks it could be from the inflammation going on with both these diseases.. He is still eating and drinking so that is the good thing..
As Nina suggested, we have gotten some doxycycline and are going to try see if it helps...I know it can cause some stomach upset in some...Does anyone have any info on that?  He also received some pepcid to replace the tagamet.  The cream that you put in the inner ear once a day.. 
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we will do the same..
Kerry and Bandy
		Yahoo! Mail 
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Re: Bandy's temp up again!

2005-07-28 Thread Nina

Kerry R,
I sent you a pretty extensive reply to your off-list inquiry, but I 
wanted to add something about Dox.  It is pretty harsh stuff and can 
cause esophagus damage if it doesn't get swallowed properly.  They tell 
you not to lie down directly after taking the stuff.  Always chase it 
with at least a couple of ccs of water, watch for Bandy to swallow!  You 
don't want this stuff getting stuck in his throat.  What I do to make it 
even safer is put it in a small gel-cap, (you can get empty gel caps at 
most health food stores, or use a small one from other sups that you 
empty).  Michelle Lerner coats her pills with Nutrical, but I've found 
it's too sticky.  I use a tiny bit of olive oil, or margarine to grease 
it up.  If you can get Bandy to drink, or eat a tiny bit right 
afterward, all the better. 

Some cats have good response to transdermals, (drugs made into creams 
and applied to the ear for absorption), others don't.  If Bandy doesn't 
seem to be getting the expected relief from the Pepcid in this form, you 
could grind up the tablets, (I forget the dose, I think it's a 1/4 tab 
of the "original" formula), and add it to his food.

Keep us informed, prayers for Bandy's speedy recovery,

Kerry Roach wrote:

Bandy's temp was up again today to 104..he received another dex shot 
to hopefully bring it vet said she thinks it could be from 
the inflammation going on with both these diseases.. He is still 
eating and drinking so that is the good thing..
As Nina suggested, we have gotten some doxycycline and are going to 
try see if it helps...I know it can cause some stomach upset 
in some...Does anyone have any info on that?  He also received some 
pepcid to replace the tagamet.  The cream that you put in the inner 
ear once a day..

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we will do the same..
Kerry and Bandy

Yahoo! Mail
Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour 

Has anyone heard from Kerry MacKenzie?

2005-07-28 Thread Nina

Hi Everyone,
Have I missed a post from Kerry MacKenzie?  She was suppose to be back 
around the 23rd.


Re: Has anyone heard from Kerry MacKenzie?

2005-07-28 Thread catatonya
No.  I've not seen anything, and I've been watching. I didn't know when she was supposed to be back, but it's been a while. :(
tNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Everyone,Have I missed a post from Kerry MacKenzie? She was suppose to be back around the 23rd.Nina