FeLV transmission by bite

2006-01-09 Thread Dudes

Hi Everyone!
I haven't been on list in a while, but I 
have some real worries I need to share.
In case anyone needs reminding, we 
have Cotton, who is a young orange boy, under a year old FeLV+ who we 
adopted around 5 months ago or so, and 3 established older cats in our 
family, Cricket, Miss and Myca.  
Initially when Cotton first came he was 
stalked and terrorized by Cricket, who would slap at him and hiss and basically 
do a lot of posturing and chasing, but there was very little contact between 
them.  Now that Cotton is older and a little bigger, he has turned 
into the aggressor, and he is the one who stalks Cricket and when he 
catches her by suprise, he bites her.  Cotton and Cricket are 
both small cats, but he is much stronger than she is, and she is 
a little bit overwt, and much softer than he 
I'm so worried about her because I 
know he hurts her, and he's been relentless the last few days for some 
reason, and she has been hiding, and she seems a 
bit depressed.  At night I try and massage her while she lays on my 
chest kneading my chin. It's our bonding time. But last night she seemed 
restless, and I think some of the places I touched were sore.  
She has scabs on her where he's bitten her, but she has also put a few 
scratches on Cotton.  He's got an ugly but clean one on his 
Usually we break up the fights before 
they get too nasty by getting the squirt bottle, but I fear that not only will 
one of them inflict a nasty wound that might get infected, I worry that 
Cricket's stress level and her constant exposure to his saliva might lead to the 
transmission of the FeLV.  She was weakly positive on her last 
ELISA, but the vet said possibly due to exposure, and i am to take her back 
in for another test this weekend.  If she tests positive again, I will 
have them draw an IFA to confirm.  
The other two older cats were both 
negative, and received a booster.  I check everyone over very carefully 
for new wounds, because I have dealt with an abscessed wound before, 
and know they can become a real problem in a short time.
Needless to say Cotton is doing quite 
well, he is a little devil (in the most affectionate sense of the word).  
His energy level is great, he eats well, poops well, plays long and 
hard and bites and scratches his way through everyone in his way.  I 
believe he has lacked the proper socialization, as he has been slow to 
trust and is slow learning his limits in the household.  He's constantly 
testing his limits.  We have tried to teach him manners, but he is stubborn 
and wily.   It's been so long since we have had a kitten, I have a 
rather relaxed, very polite bunch (they sit in line waiting 
for another to finish at the food bowl or water), who have worked out their 
differences long ago.
I try to make sure Cricket has a safe 
place where she can go, which is my bedroom.  Cotton is not allowed in 
there.  We shoo him out whenever he goes in there.  Same for 
Cotton, when he goes to my son's room for quiet, the other cats are 
discouraged from bothering him.  At night he is not allowed free roam, and 
is confined in there to sleep with my son.  I have also used some Feliway 
spray, which did help.  I am continuing to use it.  
Any suggestions or thoughts on how I can 
deal with this?  It's hard to be mad at Cotton, since he is so well, 
and he's still very much a kitten, but I wonder if neutering might help if 
he's well enough?  I feel so bad for my poor little sweetpea, 
Cricket.  I don't want her to live in fear, and not safe in her own 
home.  She is already the littlest, and has had to work hard to earn 
her current status in the household.  Cotton has upset the 
pecking order.  
Please advise.

Re: Thoughts for Ewok

2006-01-09 Thread catatonya
Jen,     Thinking of you both.  Hang in there.  Ewok may still have more time.  It sounds like you got a lot of good suggestions.     t[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi All...Well, it appears we've exhausted all of our possibilities with thedifferent chemo drugs...the tumor in his belly is winning out, so I'mguessing it's only a matter of days, now... :( We've gone to strongersteriods in the hopes that I can give him a few goods days to make upfor the crappy weekend he just had...it just sucks as he's so healthy inevery other way, I just can't believe we're running out ofoptions...Please keep my little sweetie boy in your thoughts...Jen"But if you tame me, then we shall need each
 other. To me, you will beunique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; Youbecome responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine deSaint-Exupéry"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will knoweach other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and whatyou do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief DanGeorge

Re: Please add Isaiah to Candlelight Service

2006-01-09 Thread catatonya
Del,     I'm so sorry about Isaiah.  Things happen for a reason and you did what you could.  Please don't beat yourself up about this.  :(  t"Del H. Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Please add Isaiah, he passed away last Wednesday, 1/4.  He began coming to my house for food and on 13 December (after Shiloh, FeLV+ left for sanctuary because I'm out of isolation space) he moved in under the house and became very friendly.  He was solid gray, maybe a year+ old, a sweet fella.  I intended to have him neutered last week but he stopped showing up to eat.  I found him under the house Thursday morning, he had probably died the day before,
 don't know of what, we buried him in the back yard. An opossum or something had snacked on him after he had died as there was no blood there, quite gruesome.  I'm very upset about it and it's my fault, I should have looked for him earlier and maybe could have saved him.      Thanks,  Del 

RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-09 Thread catatonya
I admire how  you stand up for yourself!  I am usually 'afraid' of the 'officials' except when it comes to protecting my animals.     tHideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Sorry, at the last paragraph.. I meant to say “I was right an every body else was wrong”..     From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 Hideyo YamamotoSent: Monday, January 09, 2006 4:58 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: RE: Great news about my court case     Tonya – one of the things I learned from this experience, no one knows everything --- I mean even the top of animal care center person did not know their own ordinance and even an attorney does not know everything --- and but they act like they do.. and they try to use the power that they think they
 do to intimate you  sometimes, all it takes is for us to research, read the law and find out what they can do and they cannot ---     When they threatened me to take my cats away, I was not sure if they could or not and no one really knew for sure –so I read everything that I could read, state constitution, city charter, city ordinance, and find out if there is anywhere in the law that they can  and there was nothing in the law that states that they could in my situation – no animals are in danger and they are well taken care of … and they just cannot take away my animals based on the violation of the numbers that I had ---and I felt empowered to find out – but the authority
 will tell you that they can.. but legally they cannot –     There was a similar situation where they Immigration office in SF made a mistake on my residence status at the time of entry about 20 years ago,, in stead of them giving me a permanent green card, they gave me a conditional green card which would expire in two years --- and it’s sort of too complicated to explain, but after reading all the case law, and immigration law, I found out that I should have gotten the permanent status --- which wouldn’t have been a big deal if I did not get divorced, but I did .. so all of sudden, I was told that I need to leave the country – and I kept fighting with no lawyer.. but kept reading
 and believed that I was right –     I went to Immigration office in SF, and every person I spoke with at the window of Immigration office told me that I was wrong and need to be deported.. and finally got into the top of the immigration office at SF, and he acknowledged that I was wrong and every body was wrong and misunderstood the law – and finally a day before I was supposed to be deported, I finally got my permanent green card --- from the time one.. I decided not to give too much credit on government official about them knowing about what they are doing … and the same applied here sort of.. if you know what I mean.. so everyone, don’t underestimate your power and don’t let them
 intimidate you.. you don’t necessary have to do what they tell you to do…..     From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of catatonyaSent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 3:19 AMTo:
 felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Great news about my court case   Hooray for Merry and Michelle too!  I Michelle don't try to downplay your help.  Just having your ideas as an attorney have helped Hideyo hang in there.  It sounds like finding Merry was a Godsend.  I hope all of this pans out.  It's sad (no offense intended to any attorneys or those in enforcement). but it IS sad how easily 'regular' people can be treated in these situations.  Most people are very rightly afraid of going to jail and afraid of the large attorney fees that add up so quickly.  It's certainly not one of
 America's 'best' systems, but then people in other countries have no 'system' at all.  It's easy to say I would fight if this happened to me.  But if it came to criminal charges that might land me in jail, or court/attorney costs that might cause me to lose my home anyway.  I don't know what I'd do.  I admire anyone who will stand up for what is right in these kinds of situations!!  Go Hideyo! tonyaNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:HOORAY for Merry too!!  And of course let's not forget your part in all this.  Michelle, (don't argue with me), please take a bow.N[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Yes, Merry, Hideyo's attorney, called me yesterday to tell me what her hopes are for the case (I had referred Hideyo to her) and said she was so glad that I referred Hideyo to her because she had seen several people harrassed by animal control in Albuquerque into giving up their cats and she could not get those people to fight back because they were so intimidated by the criminal charges, etc. She was so glad to meet Hideyo and see someone willing to stand up to animal control, and to be able to help her get rid of the bad ordinance (still not final, but she seems very hopeful).  She is so impressed by how feisty, energetic, and smart Hideyo is, and so happy to be working with

Re: Thoughts for Ewok--Michelle

2006-01-09 Thread Lernermichelle

Jen, is that picture of him from today? he does not look that bad.
Yes, if he only got dex, you should keep him on pred.  But I really, 
really think that if he only got dex you should go back tomorrow and get him a 
depo shot too, or ask them to give it to you to give to him sub-q.  It is 
stronger than pred and lasts longer, and that way you do not need to bother him 
with pills either.  The vet may say you can only give that once a month, 
but when they are terminal, if they seem to need it, you can give it a lot more 
frequently if necessary.  You can give him the depo and then supplement 
with dex when he seems to feel bad again, and then give him another depo in a 
week or two.  I would not be afraid at this point to give a combo dex and 
depo every few days if he seems really bad, either. Though I might try to space 
out the depo as much as possible.
My thoughts are with you,

Re: Thoughts for Ewok--Michelle-- Hideyo's story

2006-01-09 Thread Lernermichelle

Hideyp-- what does your sister feed and give her dog?
In a message dated 1/9/2006 7:08:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Jen - 
  another important thing to remember is that -- don't let the disease itself 
  you intimidate you --- I just have to tell you this because I know some 
  amazing story --- I have a sister in Japan whose dog has had lymposarcama (?) 
  for the past 10 years, and the vet had given her only six months to live, 
  which was 10 years ago,,, and she is still with us, happily - she outlived all 
  of her sisters and brothers.. I consider it to be a miracle,, and she does 
  have cancer all over her body, but she is living happily  and this story 
  always make me think of focusing on the presence and not let any name of the 
  disease intimate us too much!


Re: Thoughts for Ewok

2006-01-09 Thread Lernermichelle

Wow, 40 mg/day of pred is a huge amount for a cat. How big was City Kitty? 
That is really good to know-- no vet I know would ever prescribe that much, but 
I always seem to have extra pred here from so many animals being on it, if it 
came down to it I would increase it myself.  Please let me know his weight, 
and I'm glad you posted that.
In a message dated 1/9/2006 7:06:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Hi Jen,
  I am so sorry to hear that little Ewok isn't doing well...I would have to 
  agree with Michelle on this one...My City Kitty that had lymphoma was on 40 
  mg. of pred a day for the rest of her life...She did have chemo for 6 months 
  with great response...but it got to a point that we had to stop it because of 
  her blood counts going too low..I can't remember exactly why...But we did 
  continue the pred..20mg twice a day..I would for sure try the dex, too...It 
  will perk them up more rapidly...and not to worry about the diabetes at this 
  point..I have used winstrol, too...for appetite stimulant...
  The essiac tea is very good...My Mom had lymphoma and she drank it every 
  day...2 times...Shark cartliage shrinks tumors as well...We used the brand 
  benefinYou could crush some up for Ewok, but I don't really know how long 
  it takes to work..
  I wish you the best of luck with him...
  I would try the dex though..
  Our prayers are with you,
  Kerry and Bandy


RE: RE: Thoughts for Ewok--Hideyo

2006-01-09 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Here we go, Jen!  That's the spirit!  I know it's not easy not to think of it 
... but here's something I read from Dr. Goldstein's book about cancer --- see 
in traditional medicine, they think of cancer is a really bad guy, being the 
cause of the problem of the illness and try to remove it.. but in an 
alternative medicine, they don't' try to remove the cancer, as the cancer is 
just a symptom of the problem - and can't remember the exactly what he said.. 
but an alternative medicine approach sort of nurtures the cancer simply as a 
part of her body... I know it's sort of weird.. but it's sort of like.. loving 
and nurturing cancer is a part of loving her -- asking the cancer to shrink... 
my sister constantly talks to her dog and the cancers in her body, not to give 
her (her dog) a hard time..try to get along well in her body.. does it make 
sense?- maybe not...huh?

Regardless of the situation with cancer, I will be thinking of Ewok and praying 
that he will continue to feel better!  And please think that it's very possible 
- if it happened to my sister's dog, I don't see why not for Ewok!! (what a 
great name, by the way, Jenn) -

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 5:20 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: RE: Thoughts for Ewok--Hideyo

Thank you, Hideyo, you are right!  I have let the big "C" word get me
down on more than one occasion...although my Dad is actually a cancer
survivor (lung cancer), I lost a good friend about a year ago (human) to
lymphoma (she was only 25 years old).  But your optimism is so catchy,
Hideyo!  I admire the passion you put into everything you do...I won't
give up hope, either!  :)

And congratulations on your court proceedings!  I've been doing the best
I can to keep up...and it sounds like a big win could be in your future!
 I'm pulling for you here in Texas!

Thanks, again!


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
From: Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, January 9, 2006 6:07 pm
Subject: RE: Thoughts for Ewok--Michelle

> Jen - another important thing to remember is that -- don't let the 
> disease itself you intimidate you --- I just have to tell you this 
> because I know some amazing story --- I have a sister in Japan 
> whose dog has had lymposarcama (?) for the past 10 years, and the 
> vet had given her only six months to live, which was 10 years 
> ago,,, and she is still with us, happily - she outlived all of her 
> sisters and brothers.. I consider it to be a miracle,, and she does 
> have cancer all over her body, but she is living happily  and 
> this story always make me think of focusing on the presence and not 
> let any name of the disease intimate us too much!
> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:Felvtalk-
> Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 5:04 PM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Re: Thoughts for Ewok--Michelle
> Agreed!  He's home now and already feeling much better (even ate some
> deli turkey!).  I'll have to check the receipt, but I think he only 
> gotdex today...so I'm tempted to give him pred tonight?  I gave him 
> somefish oil (heard that Omega 3 helps slow growth in some tumors) 
> and will
> basically look into the things that I was afraid to give him while he
> was on chemo...but I also believe that steriods are our best bet for
> quality time from here on out...
> I can't thank you enough for all of your advice, Michelle...you and 
> themembers of the list have been a huge comfort for me when I feel
> absolutely lost and alone in all of this...I know how hard it is to 
> readabout the failing health of any of our fur-kids...it's been 
> unbearablefor me at times...but I just wanted to tell you how much 
> I appreciate
> your thoughts and prayers...
> I'll keep you guys updated!  Right now, Ewok is scarfing down Fancy
> Feast... :)
> Jen
> "But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
> unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the 
> world; You
> become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de
> Saint-Exupéry
> "If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
> each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and 
> whatyou do not know you will fear. What one 

Re: RE: Thoughts for Ewok--Hideyo

2006-01-09 Thread jenmeyer
Thank you, Hideyo, you are right!  I have let the big "C" word get me
down on more than one occasion...although my Dad is actually a cancer
survivor (lung cancer), I lost a good friend about a year ago (human) to
lymphoma (she was only 25 years old).  But your optimism is so catchy,
Hideyo!  I admire the passion you put into everything you do...I won't
give up hope, either!  :)

And congratulations on your court proceedings!  I've been doing the best
I can to keep up...and it sounds like a big win could be in your future!
 I'm pulling for you here in Texas!

Thanks, again!


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
From: Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, January 9, 2006 6:07 pm
Subject: RE: Thoughts for Ewok--Michelle

> Jen - another important thing to remember is that -- don't let the 
> disease itself you intimidate you --- I just have to tell you this 
> because I know some amazing story --- I have a sister in Japan 
> whose dog has had lymposarcama (?) for the past 10 years, and the 
> vet had given her only six months to live, which was 10 years 
> ago,,, and she is still with us, happily - she outlived all of her 
> sisters and brothers.. I consider it to be a miracle,, and she does 
> have cancer all over her body, but she is living happily  and 
> this story always make me think of focusing on the presence and not 
> let any name of the disease intimate us too much!
> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:Felvtalk-
> Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 5:04 PM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Re: Thoughts for Ewok--Michelle
> Agreed!  He's home now and already feeling much better (even ate some
> deli turkey!).  I'll have to check the receipt, but I think he only 
> gotdex today...so I'm tempted to give him pred tonight?  I gave him 
> somefish oil (heard that Omega 3 helps slow growth in some tumors) 
> and will
> basically look into the things that I was afraid to give him while he
> was on chemo...but I also believe that steriods are our best bet for
> quality time from here on out...
> I can't thank you enough for all of your advice, Michelle...you and 
> themembers of the list have been a huge comfort for me when I feel
> absolutely lost and alone in all of this...I know how hard it is to 
> readabout the failing health of any of our fur-kids...it's been 
> unbearablefor me at times...but I just wanted to tell you how much 
> I appreciate
> your thoughts and prayers...
> I'll keep you guys updated!  Right now, Ewok is scarfing down Fancy
> Feast... :)
> Jen
> "But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
> unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the 
> world; You
> become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de
> Saint-Exupéry
> "If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
> each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and 
> whatyou do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --
> Chief Dan
> George

RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-09 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Sorry, at the last paragraph.. I meant to
say “I was right an every body else was wrong”..


Behalf Of Hideyo Yamamoto
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006
4:58 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: RE: Great news about my
court case


Tonya – one of the things I learned from
this experience, no one knows everything --- I mean even the top of animal care
center person did not know their own ordinance and even an attorney does not
know everything --- and but they act like they do.. and they try to use the
power that they think they do to intimate you  sometimes, all it takes is
for us to research, read the law and find out what they can do and they cannot


When they threatened me to take my cats
away, I was not sure if they could or not and no one really knew for sure
–so I read everything that I could read, state constitution, city
charter, city ordinance, and find out if there is anywhere in the law that they
can  and there was nothing in the law that states that they could in my
situation – no animals are in danger and they are well taken care of
… and they just cannot take away my animals based on the violation of the
numbers that I had ---and I felt empowered to find out – but the
authority will tell you that they can.. but legally they cannot –


There was a similar situation where they
Immigration office in SF made a mistake on my residence status at the time of
entry about 20 years ago,, in stead of them giving me a permanent green card,
they gave me a conditional green card which would expire in two years --- and
it’s sort of too complicated to explain, but after reading all the case
law, and immigration law, I found out that I should have gotten the permanent
status --- which wouldn’t have been a big deal if I did not get divorced,
but I did .. so all of sudden, I was told that I need to leave the country
– and I kept fighting with no lawyer.. but kept reading and believed that
I was right –


I went to Immigration office in SF, and
every person I spoke with at the window of Immigration office told me that I was
wrong and need to be deported.. and finally got into the top of the immigration
office at SF, and he acknowledged that I was wrong and every body was wrong and
misunderstood the law – and finally a day before I was supposed to be
deported, I finally got my permanent green card --- from the time one.. I
decided not to give too much credit on government official about them knowing
about what they are doing … and the same applied here sort of.. if you
know what I mean.. so everyone, don’t underestimate your power and
don’t let them intimidate you.. you don’t necessary have to do what
they tell you to do…..


Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006
3:19 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Great news about my
court case


Hooray for Merry and Michelle too!  I Michelle don't try to
downplay your help.  Just having your ideas as an attorney have helped
Hideyo hang in there.  It sounds like finding Merry was a Godsend.  I
hope all of this pans out.  It's sad (no offense intended to any attorneys
or those in enforcement). but it IS sad how easily 'regular' people can
be treated in these situations.  Most people are very rightly afraid of
going to jail and afraid of the large attorney fees that add up so
quickly.  It's certainly not one of America's 'best' systems, but then
people in other countries have no 'system' at all. 


It's easy to say I would fight if this happened to me.  But if it
came to criminal charges that might land me in jail, or court/attorney costs
that might cause me to lose my home anyway.  I don't know what I'd
do.  I admire anyone who will stand up for what is right in these kinds of
situations!!  Go Hideyo!




HOORAY for Merry too!!  And of course let's not forget your part
in all this.  Michelle, (don't argue with me), please take a bow.


Yes, Merry, Hideyo's
attorney, called me yesterday to tell me what her hopes are for the case (I had
referred Hideyo to her) and said she was so glad that I referred Hideyo to her
because she had seen several people harrassed by animal control in Albuquerque
into giving up their cats and she could not get those people to fight back
because they were so intimidated by the criminal charges, etc. She was so glad
to meet Hideyo and see someone willing to stand up to animal control, and to be
able to help her get rid of the bad ordinance (still not final, but she seems
very hopeful).  She is so impressed by how feisty, energetic, and smart
Hideyo is, and so happy to be working with her.




In a message dated 1/7/2006 2:20:04 P.M.
Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You know, Hideyo mentioned about how

Re: Thoughts for Ewok--pic!

2006-01-09 Thread jenmeyer
Sorry, forgot to mention that there is a picture of Ewok that I just
took with my webcam in that last email I addressed to Michelle if anyone
wants to put a face with the name!  :)

Thanks to everyone who replied to my email so quickly!  Your love and
support means the world to me (and Ewok!)...I just can't find the words
to express how grateful I am...thank you, thank you, thank you!!


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
Date: Monday, January 9, 2006 3:42 pm
Subject: Thoughts for Ewok

> Hi All...
> Well, it appears we've exhausted all of our possibilities with the
> different chemo drugs...the tumor in his belly is winning out, so I'm
> guessing it's only a matter of days, now... :(  We've gone to stronger
> steriods in the hopes that I can give him a few goods days to make up
> for the crappy weekend he just had...it just sucks as he's so 
> healthy in
> every other way, I just can't believe we're running out of
> options...Please keep my little sweetie boy in your thoughts...
> Jen
> "But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
> unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the 
> world; You
> become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de
> Saint-Exupéry
> "If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
> each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and 
> whatyou do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --
> Chief Dan
> George

Re: Hartz Tropical Flea & Tick Products for Cats

2006-01-09 Thread Marylyn
I missed this.  Can you tell me what happened with the Hartz products?  I 
haven't used that brand in a number of years because of rumors of problems.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 
From: "Karolyn Lount" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 10:37 AM
Subject: Hartz Tropical Flea & Tick Products for Cats

Announced that by Mach 31, 2006 (The Subject) will be removed from
distribution and retail shelves. Following discussions with the EPA the
company signed an agreement to voluntarily cancel these products

RE: Thoughts for Ewok--Michelle

2006-01-09 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Jen - another important thing to remember is that -- don't let the disease 
itself you intimidate you --- I just have to tell you this because I know some 
amazing story --- I have a sister in Japan whose dog has had lymposarcama (?) 
for the past 10 years, and the vet had given her only six months to live, which 
was 10 years ago,,, and she is still with us, happily - she outlived all of her 
sisters and brothers.. I consider it to be a miracle,, and she does have cancer 
all over her body, but she is living happily  and this story always make me 
think of focusing on the presence and not let any name of the disease intimate 
us too much!

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 5:04 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Thoughts for Ewok--Michelle

Agreed!  He's home now and already feeling much better (even ate some
deli turkey!).  I'll have to check the receipt, but I think he only got
dex today...so I'm tempted to give him pred tonight?  I gave him some
fish oil (heard that Omega 3 helps slow growth in some tumors) and will
basically look into the things that I was afraid to give him while he
was on chemo...but I also believe that steriods are our best bet for
quality time from here on out...

I can't thank you enough for all of your advice, Michelle...you and the
members of the list have been a huge comfort for me when I feel
absolutely lost and alone in all of this...I know how hard it is to read
about the failing health of any of our fur-kids...it's been unbearable
for me at times...but I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate
your thoughts and prayers...

I'll keep you guys updated!  Right now, Ewok is scarfing down Fancy
Feast... :)


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

Re: Please add Isaiah to Candlelight Service

2006-01-09 Thread Marylyn

Don't be upset with yourself.  Things happen 
as they should happen.  Even though we can't understand them and they hurt 
like hell.  He had food and shelter and a caring person.  That is 
so much more than so many have.  He is very, very grateful for your 
If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Del H. 
  To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
  Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 10:33 
  Subject: Please add Isaiah to Candlelight 
  Please add Isaiah, he passed away last 
  Wednesday, 1/4.  He began coming to my house for food and on 13 
  December (after Shiloh, FeLV+ left for sanctuary because I'm out of 
  isolation space) he moved in under the house and became very 
  friendly.  He was solid gray, maybe a year+ old, a sweet 
  fella.  I intended to have him neutered last week but he stopped showing 
  up to eat.  I found him under the house Thursday morning, he had probably 
  died the day before, don't know of what, we buried him in the back 
  yard. An opossum or something had snacked on him after he had died as 
  there was no blood there, quite gruesome.  I'm very upset about it and 
  it's my fault, I should have looked for him earlier and maybe could have saved 

Re: Thoughts for Ewok

2006-01-09 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Jen,  I am so sorry to hear that little Ewok isn't doing well...I would have to agree with Michelle on this one...My City Kitty that had lymphoma was on 40 mg. of pred a day for the rest of her life...She did have chemo for 6 months with great response...but it got to a point that we had to stop it because of her blood counts going too low..I can't remember exactly why...But we did continue the pred..20mg twice a day..I would for sure try the dex, too...It will perk them up more rapidly...and not to worry about the diabetes at this point..I have used winstrol, too...for appetite stimulant...  The essiac tea is very good...My Mom had lymphoma and she drank it every day...2 times...Shark cartliage shrinks tumors as well...We used the brand benefinYou could crush some up for Ewok, but I don't really know how long it takes to work..  I wish you the best of luck with him...  I would try the dex though..  Our
 prayers are with you,  Kerry and Bandy
		Yahoo! Photos 
Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.

Re: Thoughts for Ewok--Michelle

2006-01-09 Thread jenmeyer
Agreed!  He's home now and already feeling much better (even ate some
deli turkey!).  I'll have to check the receipt, but I think he only got
dex today...so I'm tempted to give him pred tonight?  I gave him some
fish oil (heard that Omega 3 helps slow growth in some tumors) and will
basically look into the things that I was afraid to give him while he
was on chemo...but I also believe that steriods are our best bet for
quality time from here on out...

I can't thank you enough for all of your advice, Michelle...you and the
members of the list have been a huge comfort for me when I feel
absolutely lost and alone in all of this...I know how hard it is to read
about the failing health of any of our fur-kids...it's been unbearable
for me at times...but I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate
your thoughts and prayers...

I'll keep you guys updated!  Right now, Ewok is scarfing down Fancy
Feast... :)


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan


RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-09 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Tonya – one of the things I learned
from this experience, no one knows everything --- I mean even the top of animal
care center person did not know their own ordinance and even an attorney does
not know everything --- and but they act like they do.. and they try to use the
power that they think they do to intimate you  sometimes, all it takes is
for us to research, read the law and find out what they can do and they cannot


When they threatened me to take my cats
away, I was not sure if they could or not and no one really knew for sure –so
I read everything that I could read, state constitution, city charter, city
ordinance, and find out if there is anywhere in the law that they can  and
there was nothing in the law that states that they could in my situation –
no animals are in danger and they are well taken care of … and they just
cannot take away my animals based on the violation of the numbers that I had
---and I felt empowered to find out – but the authority will tell you
that they can.. but legally they cannot –


There was a similar situation where they
Immigration office in SF made a mistake on my residence status at the time of
entry about 20 years ago,, in stead of them giving me a permanent green card,
they gave me a conditional green card which would expire in two years --- and
it’s sort of too complicated to explain, but after reading all the case
law, and immigration law, I found out that I should have gotten the permanent
status --- which wouldn’t have been a big deal if I did not get divorced,
but I did .. so all of sudden, I was told that I need to leave the country –
and I kept fighting with no lawyer.. but kept reading and believed that I was
right –


I went to Immigration office in SF, and
every person I spoke with at the window of Immigration office told me that I
was wrong and need to be deported.. and finally got into the top of the
immigration office at SF, and he acknowledged that I was wrong and every body
was wrong and misunderstood the law – and finally a day before I was
supposed to be deported, I finally got my permanent green card --- from the
time one.. I decided not to give too much credit on government official about
them knowing about what they are doing … and the same applied here sort
of.. if you know what I mean.. so everyone, don’t underestimate your
power and don’t let them intimidate you.. you don’t necessary have
to do what they tell you to do…..


Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006
3:19 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Great news about my
court case


Hooray for Merry and Michelle too!  I Michelle don't try to
downplay your help.  Just having your ideas as an attorney have helped
Hideyo hang in there.  It sounds like finding Merry was a Godsend.  I
hope all of this pans out.  It's sad (no offense intended to any attorneys
or those in enforcement). but it IS sad how easily 'regular' people can
be treated in these situations.  Most people are very rightly afraid of
going to jail and afraid of the large attorney fees that add up so
quickly.  It's certainly not one of America's 'best' systems, but then
people in other countries have no 'system' at all. 


It's easy to say I would fight if this happened to me.  But if it
came to criminal charges that might land me in jail, or court/attorney costs
that might cause me to lose my home anyway.  I don't know what I'd
do.  I admire anyone who will stand up for what is right in these kinds of
situations!!  Go Hideyo!




HOORAY for Merry too!!  And of course let's not forget your part
in all this.  Michelle, (don't argue with me), please take a bow.


Yes, Merry, Hideyo's attorney,
called me yesterday to tell me what her hopes are for the case (I had referred
Hideyo to her) and said she was so glad that I referred Hideyo to her because
she had seen several people harrassed by animal control in Albuquerque into
giving up their cats and she could not get those people to fight back because
they were so intimidated by the criminal charges, etc. She was so glad to meet
Hideyo and see someone willing to stand up to animal control, and to be able to
help her get rid of the bad ordinance (still not final, but she seems very
hopeful).  She is so impressed by how feisty, energetic, and smart Hideyo
is, and so happy to be working with her.




In a message dated 1/7/2006 2:20:04 P.M.
Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You know, Hideyo mentioned about how
other caring people have had to relinquish/find homes for their animals when
faced with animal control regulations about numbers.  I've heard of
abominable stories from other rescuers too.  I remember listening in
horror as one very dedicated woman told me about having to pts several cats
that were sic

Re: Thoughts for Ewok

2006-01-09 Thread Lernermichelle

Essiac tea is supposed to help, and I think it helped my dog Fern (though 
she actually drank it from a bowl).  Switching to an all meat diet is 
supposed to slow the growth.  I have heard that Winstrol, which is not 
holistic but an anabolic steroid, helps keep appetite and fights muscle wasting, 
but I have never used it. When things got bad with the cats (as opposed to with 
Fern, who would eat anything and was on more supplements than I can remember), I 
just used the dex/depo shots, which kept their appetite and energy up and their 
pain down until very close to the end.  I tried herbs and stuff but found 
that they felt very harassed by being administered all those things.
I basically do not think that, with terminal illness in cats, you can give 
too many steroids.  I gave Simon a huge amount of steroids-- a dex shot 
every day for a few days at one point-- to get him feeling better. Cats tolerate 
steroids way better than any other animals.  You would never want to load 
them up on steroids long-term because of side effects like possible diabetes, 
but unfortunately we are not talking very long-term here.  I feel like if 
the alternatives are lots of steroids and feeling good with possible side 
effects down the road versus feeling terrible now and going downhill and being 
euthanized, I choose loading them up with steroids.
Jen, I will be thinking of you and Ewok a lot.  
In a message dated 1/9/2006 5:13:55 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  Belinda!Elspar was actually what he got on Friday (it was the second 
  time he'dgotten it)...and the tumor is no longer responding to it... 
  :(  He alsodid great with CCNU, but the effects were also only 
  temporary.  I'mstarting to look into holistic options to keep him 
  comfortable...do youknow of any 


Hartz Tropical Flea & Tick Products for Cats

2006-01-09 Thread Karolyn Lount
Announced that by Mach 31, 2006 (The Subject) will be removed from
distribution and retail shelves. Following discussions with the EPA the
company signed an agreement to voluntarily cancel these products

Re: Thoughts for Ewok

2006-01-09 Thread Belinda Sauro

   Hi Jen,
  Darn that is really too bad, I was hoping that hadn't been tried 
yet.  Here is the page that covers holistic treatments and options, I 
have never used them but others have and with success.


Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service

HostDesign4U.com  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Thoughts for Ewok

2006-01-09 Thread jenmeyer
Hi Belinda!

Elspar was actually what he got on Friday (it was the second time he'd
gotten it)...and the tumor is no longer responding to it... :(  He also
did great with CCNU, but the effects were also only temporary.  I'm
starting to look into holistic options to keep him comfortable...do you
know of any off-hand?



"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
From: Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, January 9, 2006 3:59 pm
Subject: Re: Thoughts for Ewok

> Jen,
>   Has Ewok had elspar?  It has pulled many kitties from the edge?  
> It 
> is known on the Feline Lymphoma Caregivers website as the rescue 
> chemo!!  Have you gone to the chemo protocal page and looked over 
> the 
> many chemo options, and variations of standards used?  Just wanted 
> to be 
> sure you are aware of all the information out there.
> Chemo Protocals
> http://felinelymphomacaregivers.org/docs/ChemoProtocols.html
> Variations of Standard Chemo Portocals
> http://felinelymphomacaregivers.org/docs/GulfCoastChemoProtocols.html
> Here are some actual case studies of kitties with the same type of 
> cancer and the protocal/s (some had to try more than one) they used.
> Jean Luc
> http://felinelymphomacaregivers.org/jeanluc.html
> (large cell more agressive cancer)
> Drew
> http://felinelymphomacaregivers.org/drew.html
> (small cell, slower growing cancer)
> I wanted to give you a sample of each since the treatments are 
> different 
> if it is large cell or small cell.
> I'm sorry I haven't followed Ewok's story more closely, I'm can't 
> remember what you have or haven't tried.  Prayers for you both.
> -- 
> Belinda
> Happiness is being owned by cats ...
> Be-Mi-Kitties ...
> http://www.bemikitties.com
> Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
> http://adopt.bemikitties.com
> FeLV Candle Light Service
> http://www.bemikitties.com/cls
> HostDesign4U.com  (affordable hosting & web design)
> http://HostDesign4U.com
> ---
> BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)
> http://bmk.bemikitties.com

Re: Thoughts for Ewok

2006-01-09 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Thoughts and prayers with you and your precious Ewok.  SherryCarla Shoppe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  JenSorry to hear about EwokMy thoughts and prayers are with youCarla  
		Yahoo! Photos – Showcase holiday pictures in hardcover 
Photo Books. You design it and we’ll bind it!

RE: Thoughts for Ewok

2006-01-09 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Jen, I am praying that Ework will bounce back very soon - 

I might suggest that you call Martin Goldstein in NY - Smithridge - he is well 
known for homeopathic cancer treatment -

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 2:42 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Thoughts for Ewok

Hi All...

Well, it appears we've exhausted all of our possibilities with the
different chemo drugs...the tumor in his belly is winning out, so I'm
guessing it's only a matter of days, now... :(  We've gone to stronger
steriods in the hopes that I can give him a few goods days to make up
for the crappy weekend he just had...it just sucks as he's so healthy in
every other way, I just can't believe we're running out of
options...Please keep my little sweetie boy in your thoughts...


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

(no subject)

2006-01-09 Thread Carla Shoppe

Hi All Been off for awhile

I want to send my condolences to all who have lost a fur child 
and prayers to all that needs healing vibes and thoughts.


Re: Thoughts for Ewok

2006-01-09 Thread Carla Shoppe

Sorry to hear about Ewok

My thoughts and prayers are with you


Re: Thoughts for Ewok

2006-01-09 Thread Lernermichelle

Oh, Jen. I am so sorry.  I have been there, and it is the worst thing 
ever. I am assuming the stronger steroids means you just gave him a dex/depo 
shot for the first time?  You might be surprised; it might help for a 
while.  I am praying it does.
Love and prayers and thoughts,
In a message dated 1/9/2006 4:43:41 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  All...Well, it appears we've exhausted all of our possibilities with 
  thedifferent chemo drugs...the tumor in his belly is winning out, so 
  I'mguessing it's only a matter of days, now... :(  We've gone to 
  strongersteriods in the hopes that I can give him a few goods days to make 
  upfor the crappy weekend he just had...it just sucks as he's so healthy 
  inevery other way, I just can't believe we're running out 
  ofoptions...Please keep my little sweetie boy in your 


Re: Thoughts for Ewok

2006-01-09 Thread Belinda Sauro

  Has Ewok had elspar?  It has pulled many kitties from the edge?  It 
is known on the Feline Lymphoma Caregivers website as the rescue 
chemo!!  Have you gone to the chemo protocal page and looked over the 
many chemo options, and variations of standards used?  Just wanted to be 
sure you are aware of all the information out there.

Chemo Protocals

Variations of Standard Chemo Portocals

Here are some actual case studies of kitties with the same type of 
cancer and the protocal/s (some had to try more than one) they used.

Jean Luc
(large cell more agressive cancer)

(small cell, slower growing cancer)

I wanted to give you a sample of each since the treatments are different 
if it is large cell or small cell.

I'm sorry I haven't followed Ewok's story more closely, I'm can't 
remember what you have or haven't tried.  Prayers for you both.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service

HostDesign4U.com  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Thoughts for Ewok

2006-01-09 Thread wendy

Sending you and Ewok peaceful thoughts and vibes and
lots of prayers.  I'm sorry you two are having to go
through this.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi All...
> Well, it appears we've exhausted all of our
> possibilities with the
> different chemo drugs...the tumor in his belly is
> winning out, so I'm
> guessing it's only a matter of days, now... :( 
> We've gone to stronger
> steriods in the hopes that I can give him a few
> goods days to make up
> for the crappy weekend he just had...it just sucks
> as he's so healthy in
> every other way, I just can't believe we're running
> out of
> options...Please keep my little sweetie boy in your
> thoughts...
> Jen
> "But if you tame me, then we shall need each other.
> To me, you will be
> unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique
> in all the world; You
> become responsible, forever, for what you have
> tamed..." --Antoine de
> Saint-Exupéry
> "If you talk to the animals they will talk with you
> and you will know
> each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not
> know them, and what
> you do not know you will fear. What one fears one
> destroys." --Chief Dan
> George

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

RE: Thoughts for Ewok

2006-01-09 Thread Doljan, Joan

All fingers, toes and paws crossed here. 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 4:42 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Thoughts for Ewok

Hi All...

Well, it appears we've exhausted all of our possibilities with the different
chemo drugs...the tumor in his belly is winning out, so I'm guessing it's
only a matter of days, now... :(  We've gone to stronger steriods in the
hopes that I can give him a few goods days to make up for the crappy weekend
he just had...it just sucks as he's so healthy in every other way, I just
can't believe we're running out of options...Please keep my little sweetie
boy in your thoughts...


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know each
other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what you do
not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan George

Thoughts for Ewok

2006-01-09 Thread jenmeyer
Hi All...

Well, it appears we've exhausted all of our possibilities with the
different chemo drugs...the tumor in his belly is winning out, so I'm
guessing it's only a matter of days, now... :(  We've gone to stronger
steriods in the hopes that I can give him a few goods days to make up
for the crappy weekend he just had...it just sucks as he's so healthy in
every other way, I just can't believe we're running out of
options...Please keep my little sweetie boy in your thoughts...


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

Re: FIV cat

2006-01-09 Thread Kathie and Donna

Thanks! I have joined the FIVcats2 group and as 
soon as I'm approved I'll post there. I hope we can find her a home, she's a 
sweetie! Kathie

  Hi, I strongly 
  suggest that she be tested for Western blot to confirm that she is really 
  positive for FIV – 3 out of 8 cats who tested positive on ELISA, ended up 
  being false positive – 
  I live in NM – if 
  someone transportation can be arranged, I will take her if you can’t find any 
  alternatives.  I think there a couple of other people on the list who 
  were willing to take FIV kitty, I think –
  Also, I suggest that 
  you post this to FIVcats2 – yahoo group – please make sure that it’s “#2” 
  group, and not FIVcats.

Re: Please add Isaiah to Candlelight Service

2006-01-09 Thread Terri Brown

Ah, Del -- how sad!  You shouldn't blame yourself though.  Sounds 
like he had a mind of his own.
I'm so sorry.
Goodnight, sweet Isaiah...
=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' 
Furkid Photos! http://mysite.verizon.net/vze7sgqa/My 
Personal Page: http://www.geocities.com/ruthiegirl1/terrispage.html?1083970447350

  - Original Message - 
  From: Del H. 
  To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
  Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 11:33 
  Subject: Please add Isaiah to Candlelight 
  Please add Isaiah, he passed away last 
  Wednesday, 1/4.  He began coming to my house for food and on 13 
  December (after Shiloh, FeLV+ left for sanctuary because I'm out of 
  isolation space) he moved in under the house and became very 
  friendly.  He was solid gray, maybe a year+ old, a sweet 
  fella.  I intended to have him neutered last week but he stopped showing 
  up to eat.  I found him under the house Thursday morning, he had probably 
  died the day before, don't know of what, we buried him in the back 
  yard. An opossum or something had snacked on him after he had died as 
  there was no blood there, quite gruesome.  I'm very upset about it and 
  it's my fault, I should have looked for him earlier and maybe could have saved 

Re: Please add Isaiah to Candlelight Service

2006-01-09 Thread Belinda Sauro

  How tragic, that is so sad about Isaiah, too much tragedy all at 
once.  He knew love once he met you for that you can be thankful.  I 
have added him to the service.  I pray Sam is going to be OK and stop 
scaring Mommy so.  My Joey is also a HCM kitty, he is doing very good, 
thank goodness.  What happened with Sam?  How old is Sam?

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service

HostDesign4U.com  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

CLS Monday January 9th, 2006

2006-01-09 Thread Belinda Sauro

  Hi All,
   Here is this weeks Candle Light Service, my prayers for all the
furkids to stay well, and my condolences to those who have lost a
furbaby.  Take care all.

FeLV Candle Light Service

PS. Bailey is hanging in there, with syringing he is maintaining
his weight at between 8.5 and 8.8 pounds so that is acceptable for
now.  He has had 2 epogen shots, can't say I notice anything, but
didn't expect to.  I have put him back on the antibiotics bacuse now
his lymphnodes are swollen under his chin again (I think this is mainly
from stress of syringing, he really doesn't like it and wants NOTHING
to do with me ... period, it hurts for him to shun me but it will not
deter from what needs to be done).  He will get his 3rd epogen tomorrow
and get a blood test Friday to check his count.

Michelle, I asked my vet about the dex, and she said she had thought
about it but decided against it because if we feel there is more going
on than just the anemia and decide to do the endoscopy it will scew
those results.  She did alow me to give him one dose of pred, she said
that would scew anything, it didn't seem to make any difference.  With
Bailey being as sensitive as he is I am almost positive his ZERO
interest in food is because of the syringe feeding.  I'm just hoping
once the epogen kicks in he will get over that and want to eat again,
but if not, he will get food.  One girl on the CRF group with an anemic
cat had to syringe for the remained of its life after daignosis ... I
just hope he will not hate me forever, though if that is the price for
giving him life I can deal with it.
Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

RE: Great news about my court case - get yourself a lawyer

2006-01-09 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

How funny, Michelle ---but at the same
time, that’s probably why we are on the list --- we and so many people on the
list are so determined to do what it takes to take care of our furry babies who
cannot speak for themselves ---though I am probably very stubborn on any issues..
Greg is sort of a mediator – he always makes thing happen for me when I am
stuck being in stubborn and things are not going anywhere ---he find a middle
ground for me and whoever I am fighting against and make a deal so that things
actually get settled if it weren’t because of him, I guess I still wouldn’t
have my kitty cottage did not get converted (I had a disagreement with
contractors as they wanted me to pay more than what they had agreed to be
paid.. and I did not want to because I really couldn’t afford --- but Greg talked
to them for me, and negotiated something that we could both live with…


Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006
10:11 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Great news about my
court case - get yourself a lawyer


Hideyo, we are so much alike. Someone I
worked with actually said that this is my weakness as well as my strength, in
those very words. I think it makes me a good lawyer, but I do not always get
along with people all that well!




In a message dated 1/9/2006 12:09:11 P.M.
Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

But, I was never going to give in --- no
matter what, though --- that’s a sort of my weakness as well as strength – when
I feel I am right, I can’t compromise it – I need to fight until I get what I
want and sometimes, it’s not the best way.. 


RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-09 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

I also spoke with Levy this morning (again
the person you found for me) and asked for a sample ordinance for TN&R
program in place in IL ---and just got a copy of it- I will take a look at it
and talk to Merry this week (we were going to meet to prepare for a meeting
with the city councilor who is working on the new ordinance) too see how we can
convince the councilor on TN&R issue as well  – she told me that the
councilor was open to the idea in the industry area, but not in residential
area so much for some reason (that’s really stupid, too as there are so many
feral in residential area) -


Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006
10:35 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Great news about my
court case


I was hoping that your working with Merry
would lead to you and her teaming up on that too.  That's great.



In a message dated 1/9/2006 12:32:10 P.M.
Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I also told Merry that I would like help
TN&R ordinance to get into the new ordinance somehow with the city
councilor --- the current ordinance don’t consider any right for feral cats and
when you think about it, it’s very stupid, because the majority of the animals
involved in the community are feral --- and those are the ones being euthanized
---I found some ordinance in other states who protect rights of feral cats and
want to do everything I can to make a difference in their lives.


Re: Please add Isaiah to Candlelight Service

2006-01-09 Thread Del H. Daniels

Thanks Gloria.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: Please add Isaiah to Candlelight Service

Del, you have my deepest sympathies.  You gave him a good life.  There are 
so many things that we blame ourselves for, I know I do too.  We do the 
best we can, and food a love go a long way.  I know he's grateful for your 
loving care. Many blessings,  Gloria

At 10:33 AM 1/9/2006, you wrote:
Please add Isaiah, he passed away last Wednesday, 1/4.  He began coming to 
my house for food and on 13 December (after Shiloh, FeLV+ left for 
sanctuary because I'm out of isolation space) he moved in under the house 
and became very friendly.  He was solid gray, maybe a year+ old, a sweet 
fella.  I intended to have him neutered last week but he stopped showing 
up to eat.  I found him under the house Thursday morning, he had probably 
died the day before, don't know of what, we buried him in the back yard. 
An opossum or something had snacked on him after he had died as there was 
no blood there, quite gruesome.  I'm very upset about it and it's my 
fault, I should have looked for him earlier and maybe could have saved 


Re: Please add Isaiah to Candlelight Service

2006-01-09 Thread gblane
Del, you have my deepest sympathies.  You gave him a good life.  There are 
so many things that we blame ourselves for, I know I do too.  We do the 
best we can, and food a love go a long way.  I know he's grateful for your 
loving care. Many blessings,  Gloria

At 10:33 AM 1/9/2006, you wrote:
Please add Isaiah, he passed away last Wednesday, 1/4.  He began coming to 
my house for food and on 13 December (after Shiloh, FeLV+ left for 
sanctuary because I'm out of isolation space) he moved in under the house 
and became very friendly.  He was solid gray, maybe a year+ old, a sweet 
fella.  I intended to have him neutered last week but he stopped showing 
up to eat.  I found him under the house Thursday morning, he had probably 
died the day before, don't know of what, we buried him in the back yard. 
An opossum or something had snacked on him after he had died as there was 
no blood there, quite gruesome.  I'm very upset about it and it's my 
fault, I should have looked for him earlier and maybe could have saved him.


Re: Please add Isaiah to Candlelight Service

2006-01-09 Thread Del H. Daniels
Thank you, Wendy, Joan, and Susan.  Too much heartbreak in a short time. It 
was hard to give up Shiloh  when I discovered he was FeLV+, he had lived 
under the house and on the back deck for almost a year, 14-15 lbs sweet, 
healthy guy.  My Sam, HCM, had another crisis that Wednesday and almost died 
at the vet. Then found Isaiah the next morning.  :(  Fortunately the rest of 
my furbabies are doing well.


- Original Message - 
From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: Please add Isaiah to Candlelight Service

Dear Del,

Please don't feel so badly.  It's not your fault that
Isaiah died.  I am sorry for your loss and that you
had to find Isaiah the way you did.  You did more for
him than anyone else, for sure.  Take comfort in
knowing that he knew that and loved you because of it.


--- "Del H. Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Please add Isaiah, he passed away last Wednesday,
1/4.  He began coming to my house for food and on 13
December (after Shiloh, FeLV+ left for sanctuary
because I'm out of isolation space) he moved in
under the house and became very friendly.  He was
solid gray, maybe a year+ old, a sweet fella.  I
intended to have him neutered last week but he
stopped showing up to eat.  I found him under the
house Thursday morning, he had probably died the day
before, don't know of what, we buried him in the
back yard. An opossum or something had snacked on
him after he had died as there was no blood there,
quite gruesome.  I'm very upset about it and it's my
fault, I should have looked for him earlier and
maybe could have saved him.


Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about.
Just $16.99/mo. or less.

RE: FIV cat

2006-01-09 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Hi, I strongly suggest that she be tested
for Western blot to confirm that she is really positive for FIV – 3 out
of 8 cats who tested positive on ELISA, ended up being false positive – 


I live in NM – if someone transportation
can be arranged, I will take her if you can’t find any alternatives.  I
think there a couple of other people on the list who were willing to take FIV
kitty, I think –


Also, I suggest that you post this to
FIVcats2 – yahoo group – please make sure that it’s “#2”
group, and not FIVcats.


Behalf Of Kathie and Donna
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006
10:04 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: FIV cat


Our small rescue group has a very sweet female cat that has
tested + for FIV. For several weeks she has been boarding at the vet's as we
are all way over capacity in our homes. Unfortunately, we can't afford to board
her there indefinately, nor would that be fair to her. We are near Cleveland. Does anyone
know of a sanctuary or person who would be willing to adopt her? Thanks for any
help. Kathie 

Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-09 Thread Lernermichelle

I was hoping that your working with Merry would lead to you and her teaming 
up on that too.  That's great.
In a message dated 1/9/2006 12:32:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I also told Merry 
  that I would like help TN&R ordinance to get into the new ordinance 
  somehow with the city councilor --- the current ordinance don’t consider any 
  right for feral cats and when you think about it, it’s very stupid, because 
  the majority of the animals involved in the community are feral --- and those 
  are the ones being euthanized ---I found some ordinance in other states who 
  protect rights of feral cats and want to do everything I can to make a 
  difference in their lives.


RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-09 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Michelle, Greg also wanted to thank you
everything you have done for – I had printed all your correspondences and
gave to Greg so that he could prepare my argument for the hearing.. he was very
grateful of all the time you put into to help me out and the information was so


And, you finding Merry made such a huge
difference to the outcome for my case. I just spoke her with this morning and
she is working on them trying to dismiss the charges asap – I think I still
have to go to hearing this Thursday for my criminal case since they may not do
it in time.. Greg is filing the motion this morning for continuance.


I also told Merry that I would like help
TN&R ordinance to get into the new ordinance somehow with the city
councilor --- the current ordinance don’t consider any right for feral
cats and when you think about it, it’s very stupid, because the majority
of the animals involved in the community are feral --- and those are the ones
being euthanized ---I found some ordinance in other states who protect rights
of feral cats and want to do everything I can to make a difference in their


Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006
2:27 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Great news about my
court case


HOORAY for Merry too!!  And of course let's not
forget your part in all this.  Michelle, (don't argue with me), please
take a bow.


Yes, Merry, Hideyo's attorney,
called me yesterday to tell me what her hopes are for the case (I had referred
Hideyo to her) and said she was so glad that I referred Hideyo to her because
she had seen several people harrassed by animal control in Albuquerque into
giving up their cats and she could not get those people to fight back because
they were so intimidated by the criminal charges, etc. She was so glad to meet
Hideyo and see someone willing to stand up to animal control, and to be able to
help her get rid of the bad ordinance (still not final, but she seems very
hopeful).  She is so impressed by how feisty, energetic, and smart Hideyo
is, and so happy to be working with her.




In a message dated 1/7/2006 2:20:04 P.M. Eastern
Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You know, Hideyo mentioned about how other caring
people have had to relinquish/find homes for their animals when faced with
animal control regulations about numbers.  I've heard of abominable
stories from other rescuers too.  I remember listening in horror as one
very dedicated woman told me about having to pts several cats that were
sick/old that no one else would take.  I don't care what I would have had
to do, that would not have happened in my house!  Hideyo is such an
inspiration to all of us.  It just goes to show you what can be
accomplished, when you dig your heels in and just say NO!  She may be the
groundbreaking force in changing the ordinances in her town and, who knows, maybe
an example for other states to follow.  I don't want to jinx anything
here, I know Hideyo's trials and tribulations are far from over, but isn't it
just amazing what she's done so far?  I don't know what I'd have done in
her place, I'd probably be posting from some underground hidden location, if I
were her.  She instead has chosen to hold her ground and fight for
herself, her furchildren, and all of us that pray for the day that animals are
no longer treated as "property" and are finally given the respect and
rights due to the loved ones they are.  HOORAY for Hideyo!!!


RE: OT ear mite treatment

2006-01-09 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Thank you so much!  Actually I have been
using olive oil on the kittens so I will continue to do that!  Thank you!


Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006
4:30 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: OT ear mite treatment


Hideyo and Kat,


My vet recently told me to use olive oil rather than mineral oil. 
She said it was less irritating to cats' ears.  That's the first time I've
heard that, but thought I'd pass it on.





It's probably is Ivermectin -
I have no experience with this and kittens.
If you're unsure, you can always just use mineral oil or olive oil.
Squirt a dropperful into each ear (in as far as possible, and then
hold the ear flap over the ear canal for a bit before they shake
it out again). The oil drowns the mites (and helps loosen up the
black "gunk" so you can clean them easier too).

Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Thu, 5 Jan 2006, Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

> Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 12:56:44 -0700
> From: Hideyo Yamamoto 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: OT ear mite treatment
> Hi, I need to treat my kitten and kitties with ear mites and have a
> medicine called Ararrex (with IVIC... something ) - has anyone
> experience any side effects in kittens?


Re: Great news about my court case - get yourself a lawyer

2006-01-09 Thread Lernermichelle

Hideyo, we are so much alike. Someone I worked with actually said that this 
is my weakness as well as my strength, in those very words. I think it makes me 
a good lawyer, but I do not always get along with people all that well!
In a message dated 1/9/2006 12:09:11 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
But, I was never 
  going to give in --- no matter what, though --- that’s a sort of my weakness 
  as well as strength – when I feel I am right, I can’t compromise it – I need 
  to fight until I get what I want and sometimes, it’s not the best way.. 


RE: Great news about my court case - get yourself a lawyer

2006-01-09 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

I agree, even when calling to get some
public records, unless you are an attorney, they really don’t take care
of you that well or quickly ---
I also think that if you don’t have an attorney, you don’t know
that you have an option to fight against them --- I only knew because Greg told
me that I could from the very beginning.. so when my permit was denied at the
first time, I think that most of the people would have thought that they don’t
have any other options but to surrender their animals which is
sooo wrong!  Also, I think that in Albuquerque, there was
no one in the past who was trying to fight against the possibility of the
ordinance being unconstitutional before me according to Merry – they all
gave in because they did not better – even a few of my friends who are in
rescue organization (and these are board and president of well known rescue
groups) told me not to fight against it, but find a way to go around it because
I won’t win –


But, I was never going to give in --- no
matter what, though --- that’s a sort of my weakness as well as strength –
when I feel I am right, I can’t compromise it – I need to fight
until I get what I want and sometimes, it’s not the best way.. “being
right” is not necessary the most important thing, but “doing right”
might be more important sometimes – I think the city attorney was shocked
that I prepared so much information at the hearing, as no one in the past had
prepared that much information to fight and he simply got pissed at the end
because I did not give in ---


Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006
1:43 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Great news about my
court case - get yourself a lawyer


It's so true about people who have attorneys being
treated differently.  This is not a very significant example, but it
opened my eyes to this very fact and changed the way I pursue disputes. 
On one of the many relocations of my youth, I actually had a job waiting for me
in NY city.  The company I would be working for paid for my moving
expenses and I hired Mayflower to haul my stuff from CA to NJ.  I had
neatly marked all my boxes and when the drivers arrived they wouldn't wait for
me to inspect all the boxes.  I signed off, but I included a note saying
that I had not inspected everything.  Sure enough several of the boxes
marked "tools" were missing.  (Another lesson is to mark your
boxes in code!).  My significant other and I fought for months with the moving
company, through phone calls and letters, each time they would put us
off.  (We were insured for loss and damage btw).  Finally we spoke to
an attorney about it.  While we were in the attorney's office, after a 10
minute conversation mind you, he picked up the phone and that quick we were
okayed a check to cover our losses!  Made me want to spit!


No offense taken. Merry and I
actually talked for a while about this very thing-- how the city attorney and
the city council started acting differently once Merry announced to them she
was going to take the case and put together a team of lawyers to fight it. She
said the "team" was going to be her, the criminal attorney Hideyo
found, and Hideyo's boyfriend, but she did not say that to the city people. She
just said a "team" would be litigating it, and she said they all
seemed very surprised and then started acting cooperative.  I myself, in
my jobs as a legal aid lawyer, have seen over and over how differently people
with lawyers are treated.  It is really shocking and appalling.  One
of my jobs right now entails going through and reading most of the hearing
decisions that come out of the MA (I am telecommuting) welfare system
(administrative appeal decisions) to try to get a sense of systemic problems
that are occurring and to post relevant decisions on a website where legal aid
lawyers can see and use them.  Most of the decisions are in cases where
the person did not have a lawyer.  There are so many decisions that are
denied appeals, where if the person had had a lawyer I know they would have won
because they were completely in the right.  It makes me very depressed.


FIV cat

2006-01-09 Thread Kathie and Donna

Our small rescue group has a very sweet female cat that 
has tested + for FIV. For several weeks she has been boarding at the vet's as we 
are all way over capacity in our homes. Unfortunately, we can't afford to board 
her there indefinately, nor would that be fair to her. We are near Cleveland. 
Does anyone know of a sanctuary or person who would be willing to adopt her? 
Thanks for any help. Kathie 

Re: Please add Isaiah to Candlelight Service

2006-01-09 Thread wendy
Dear Del, 

Please don't feel so badly.  It's not your fault that
Isaiah died.  I am sorry for your loss and that you
had to find Isaiah the way you did.  You did more for
him than anyone else, for sure.  Take comfort in
knowing that he knew that and loved you because of it.


--- "Del H. Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Please add Isaiah, he passed away last Wednesday,
> 1/4.  He began coming to my house for food and on 13
> December (after Shiloh, FeLV+ left for sanctuary
> because I'm out of isolation space) he moved in
> under the house and became very friendly.  He was
> solid gray, maybe a year+ old, a sweet fella.  I
> intended to have him neutered last week but he
> stopped showing up to eat.  I found him under the
> house Thursday morning, he had probably died the day
> before, don't know of what, we buried him in the
> back yard. An opossum or something had snacked on
> him after he had died as there was no blood there,
> quite gruesome.  I'm very upset about it and it's my
> fault, I should have looked for him earlier and
> maybe could have saved him. 
> Thanks,
> Del 

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Please add Isaiah to Candlelight Service

2006-01-09 Thread Joan Doljan
Del,     I am so sorry. I suspect every "rescuer" wrestles with space issues.  I am so sorry that Isaiah died the way he did.  But look around and pet those that are with you and look at their faces.  You and they are the lucky ones.     Joan"Del H. Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Please add Isaiah, he passed away last Wednesday, 1/4.  He began coming to my house for food and on 13 December (after Shiloh, FeLV+ left for sanctuary because I'm out of isolation space) he moved in under the house and became very friendly.  He was solid gray, maybe a year+ old, a sweet fella.  I intended to have him neutered last week but he
 stopped showing up to eat.  I found him under the house Thursday morning, he had probably died the day before, don't know of what, we buried him in the back yard. An opossum or something had snacked on him after he had died as there was no blood there, quite gruesome.  I'm very upset about it and it's my fault, I should have looked for him earlier and maybe could have saved him.      Thanks,  Del   

Re: Please add Isaiah to Candlelight Service

2006-01-09 Thread Susan Loesch
Del, I am so sorry.  You may not have been able to save him but you loved him and I am sure he knew it."Del H. Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Please add Isaiah, he passed away last Wednesday, 1/4.  He began coming to my house for food and on 13 December (after Shiloh, FeLV+ left for sanctuary because I'm out of isolation space) he moved in under the house and became very friendly.  He was solid gray, maybe a year+ old, a sweet fella.  I intended to have him neutered last week but he stopped showing up to eat.  I found him under the house Thursday morning, he had probably died the day before, don't know of what, we buried him in the back yard. An opossum or something had snacked on him
 after he had died as there was no blood there, quite gruesome.  I'm very upset about it and it's my fault, I should have looked for him earlier and maybe could have saved him.      Thanks,  Del 

Please add Isaiah to Candlelight Service

2006-01-09 Thread Del H. Daniels

Please add Isaiah, he passed away last 
Wednesday, 1/4.  He began coming to my house for food and on 13 
December (after Shiloh, FeLV+ left for sanctuary because I'm out of 
isolation space) he moved in under the house and became very 
friendly.  He was solid gray, maybe a year+ old, a sweet fella.  
I intended to have him neutered last week but he stopped showing up to 
eat.  I found him under the house Thursday morning, he had probably died 
the day before, don't know of what, we buried him in the back yard. An 
opossum or something had snacked on him after he had died as there was no blood 
there, quite gruesome.  I'm very upset about it and it's my fault, I should 
have looked for him earlier and maybe could have saved 

Fu & Tapazole

2006-01-09 Thread Kat

>From what my vet has told me about Tapazole and Kidneys (as well as what I
found on the "Ask Dr. Mike"website:  http://www.vetinfo.com/ceffect.html
The primary problems with methimazole are gastrointestinal irritation,
liver disease and anemia due to adverse effects on the bone marrow. Of
these effects the bone marrow suppression is the most severe when it
occurs. Kidney disease is not a direct effect of methimazole but
successful treatment of hyperthyroidism will sometimes cause problems in a
cat that has pre-existing kidney failure. The kidneys try to induce high
blood pressure to keep up blood flow when they are damage. Hyperthyroidism
aids this process and seems to actually mask kidney disease in some cats.
When these cats are successfully treated for their hyperthyroidism there
is a drop in blood pressure. In a few cats with kidney failure this will
be enough of a problem to cause a sudden worsening of the kidney failure
they already had. It is important to monitor for this effect whenever
treatment for hyperthyroidism is undertaken, regardless of the treatment
method (methimazole, surgery, radioactive iodine therapy).
I'm so glad the epogen seems to be helping Fu.  I'm keeping you both in my

Kat (Mew Jersey)