OT: funny ?
someone might get a chuckle out of this.. 12:24 am a LOUD noise woke me up, the sound of cats scattering i went downstairs and the 6 1/2 foot cat tree is on its side blocking the stairs. set it back up and fell back asleep.around 1:15 woke up again to what sounded like a heard of cattle running up and down the stairs and through the halls. didnt seem to be any damage. 1:40(?) a "THUNK" "THUNK" "THUNK" noise woke me up. bandit is in the bathroom sink taking the stoper out again. all of the toothbrushes,hairbrushes,hair jell,ect is GONE. the counter is completly cleaned off. still havent been able to find any of it but waiting till morning to check under the furniture downstairs. anyone who wants 8 cats that get along together hassent tried to sleep through "The Herd" !! compliments of : Bandit, Pogo, Stitch, Teddy, Salem, Oreo, Houdini, Boots (the obviouse illness isnt physical...its mental !) :) Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
Re: Some good news--and thanks to Nina & Hideyo!!
Hi Gary---it's made by Merrill (sp???), is relatively new, does not involve injection, and is the only type on the market that carries no sarcoma risk. I'm sorry to be so dismally vague and detail-challenged but it involves some sort of box-shaped equipment and "air". That's all I know at this point. I mentioned it to Nina and she immediately knew what was meant so she may have some more meaningful info. My vet--who did invest in the equipment--said that many vets don't use it because of the cost of the equipment...I only heard about it in the first place through this list, otherwise I wouldn't even have known to ask my vet about it---so hopefully someone else will jump in with more info!? Kerry - Original Message - From: gary To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 12:12 AM Subject: Re: Some good news--and thanks to Nina & Hideyo!! Kerry, What vaccine are yoou referring to below and what special equipment is needed to administer it? Gary - Original Message - From: Kerry MacKenzie To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 12:57 AM Subject: Some good news--and thanks to Nina & Hideyo!! There is a much better vaccination available now, and my vet has the special equipment to do it.
Re: Some good news--and thanks to Nina & Hideyo!!
Congrantulations. This gives me great hope as well for an FeLV+ I have in a foster home. Kerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Here's some good news. But first, the background for those who don't know it: of the feral colony of 5 kittens (Caramel, Levi, Flavia, Snoball and Mickey) and I adult cat (Momcat) I took in in December 2003, 4 of the kittens ---Caramel, Levi, Flavia & Snoball--tested positive in Feb 2004 and all 5 kittens tested positive in July 2004. Momcat tested negative both times. All were quarantined in my 2nd bedroom, away from my 3 existing negative cats. The 4 kitties that tested pos twice succumbed between November 2004 and July 2005. That left 1 pos, Mickey, and 1 neg, Momcat, both of whom I continued to quarantine. They were buddies and it would have been cruel to separate them, particularly as Momcat appeared immune to FeLV. My dream has been that Mickey would revert to neg, and I could then integrate them both in my household. Hope springs eternal as they say-- I dreamed of that before, and it didn't come to pass. Nonetheless for about 10 months, I dreamedand procrastinated over re-testing them for a variety of reasons, not least fear of Mickey testing pos again. Today I trapped Mickey, had him re-tested, and..he's NEGATIVE!!! Because I'm anal, I'm going to trap Momcat next weekend and have her tested. I fully expect her to have remained negative. But, if by some horrible twist of fate she is not (because she caught it from the pos kitties before they passed away) I plan at lastto vaccinate my negs and integrate them all anyway. There is a much better vaccination available now, and my vet has the special equipment to do it. This is such wonderful news on so many levels, not least because it demonstrates -- again---that FeLV is simply not as contagious as most people believe. Mickey lived with his siblings all his life, tested pos once, but has thrown it off. And Momcat, who also lived with them all, never got it in the first place. (And neither of them has ever been FeLV vaccinated!) It's also something I'm going to highlight in the letter to Paula F in my lobbying for the new Chicago PAWS shelter to have an FeLV annex. I had intended the letter to be (finally) mailed on Friday. But I'm glad that it wasn't! I now want to thank Nina for coming to my rescue when I called her at 11pm last night (1am my time) in a panic because Mickey walked into the trap way before I expected him to. How could I reasonably expect him to stay there all night? What was I going to do about his bodily needs?? Nina reassured me a) that she has had to do that too on occasion (so I stopped feeling like a monster) and b) advised me to elevate the trap and layer the floor with paper. Sure enough, everything fell through the wire mesh on to the paper so Mickey was not in the discomfort in which he would otherwise have been and he survived the night. And I have Hideyo to thank for the success of the next stage--I was gearing up for a chase & catch battle in transferring Mickey from the cage to a carrier to take to the vet (I don't have a car; so carrier is easier for standing in street hailing cab). But Hideyo has a great technique that she shared---uncover the cage the cat is in, and cover (or provide dark-colored) carrier you want to transfer the cat to. The principle being that they will always prefer the dark option. (Correct me if I'm wrong about the principle Hideyo) Sure enough--my little feral Mickey WALKED from the cage straight in to the carrier. No battle necessary!! So, today is a happy day at no 603, to say the least. Also, last but not least, I want to say, I'm sorry I continue to only post sporadically. I pray for all your sick kitties and send healing vibes. And my heart goes out to all those that have crossed the bridge. I hope that I will be in a position to post more regualarly when I get back from UK mid-June. (I go there mid May.) (I had a month's FMLA approved yesterday, to be with my dad, who has Stage 3 cancer.) I *really* miss being part of the everyday list. This group is just the best EVER. love and hugs to all of you and your furballs.Kerry
Re: Some good news--and thanks to Nina & Hideyo!!
Kerry, What vaccine are yoou referring to below and what special equipment is needed to administer it? Gary - Original Message - From: Kerry MacKenzie To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 12:57 AM Subject: Some good news--and thanks to Nina & Hideyo!! There is a much better vaccination available now, and my vet has the special equipment to do it.
Re: JuneAmy
Pam, I am sorry as well. take care, tonyaLance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Pam,I am saddened to read that JuneAmy has passed. My hope and prayer is that you will someday be reunited with her, at the Bridge, never to be separated again.Lance
Re: Bandy is going blind
Kerry, You may remember me writing about my vet taking my cats' blood pressure now? Well she put 2 of them on blood pressure medication and she told me Popeye was going blind due to this. Popeye is my cat who REFUSES to be pilled. I decided I'd never heard of such a thing and after fighting over the medicine for a while I let it go. Well about a month ago I noticed he was losing his sight. I took him into the vet ( not realizing that's what was going on) and they said his blood pressure was through the roof and his eyes were inflamed from that. We put him back on the medication ( with a liquid in wet food) and he is better again. Maybe you could see if your vet knows about this? My vet I'm sure would be glad to speak to her if she hasn't heard of it. They are on norvasc, a human blood pressure medication. When I posted this before no one acted like their vets were checking blood pressures, so maybe it's something new? tonyaKerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I took Bandy to an eye specialist in Dallas on Fri...as his sight has just been getting worse in the last week or so...They changed his meds and increased them to 4x a day..also put him on zithromax for 5 days...he goes back in 2 weeks for a re-check..The doctor did say that we might get some of his vision back, but I don't think he was really that hopeful...I can get him to play with his string, but I don't know if he sees the shadow or what...I am just glad he will do that...I am going to keep everything the same for him so he won't have any trouble finding anything... Michelle, if you see this let me know if you have any more info on the anterior uveitis..the doctor did say, that he might have posterior, too...He said there was so much inflammation in there, he couldn't really tell... Please pray for Bandy everyone... Kerry and Bandy Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.
Some good news--and thanks to Nina & Hideyo!!
Here's some good news. But first, the background for those who don't know it: of the feral colony of 5 kittens (Caramel, Levi, Flavia, Snoball and Mickey) and I adult cat (Momcat) I took in in December 2003, 4 of the kittens ---Caramel, Levi, Flavia & Snoball--tested positive in Feb 2004 and all 5 kittens tested positive in July 2004. Momcat tested negative both times. All were quarantined in my 2nd bedroom, away from my 3 existing negative cats. The 4 kitties that tested pos twice succumbed between November 2004 and July 2005. That left 1 pos, Mickey, and 1 neg, Momcat, both of whom I continued to quarantine. They were buddies and it would have been cruel to separate them, particularly as Momcat appeared immune to FeLV. My dream has been that Mickey would revert to neg, and I could then integrate them both in my household. Hope springs eternal as they say-- I dreamed of that before, and it didn't come to pass. Nonetheless for about 10 months, I dreamedand procrastinated over re-testing them for a variety of reasons, not least fear of Mickey testing pos again. Today I trapped Mickey, had him re-tested, and..he's NEGATIVE!!! Because I'm anal, I'm going to trap Momcat next weekend and have her tested. I fully expect her to have remained negative. But, if by some horrible twist of fate she is not (because she caught it from the pos kitties before they passed away) I plan at lastto vaccinate my negs and integrate them all anyway. There is a much better vaccination available now, and my vet has the special equipment to do it. This is such wonderful news on so many levels, not least because it demonstrates -- again---that FeLV is simply not as contagious as most people believe. Mickey lived with his siblings all his life, tested pos once, but has thrown it off. And Momcat, who also lived with them all, never got it in the first place. (And neither of them has ever been FeLV vaccinated!) It's also something I'm going to highlight in the letter to Paula F in my lobbying for the new Chicago PAWS shelter to have an FeLV annex. I had intended the letter to be (finally) mailed on Friday. But I'm glad that it wasn't! I now want to thank Nina for coming to my rescue when I called her at 11pm last night (1am my time) in a panic because Mickey walked into the trap way before I expected him to. How could I reasonably expect him to stay there all night? What was I going to do about his bodily needs?? Nina reassured me a) that she has had to do that too on occasion (so I stopped feeling like a monster) and b) advised me to elevate the trap and layer the floor with paper. Sure enough, everything fell through the wire mesh on to the paper so Mickey was not in the discomfort in which he would otherwise have been and he survived the night. And I have Hideyo to thank for the success of the next stage--I was gearing up for a chase & catch battle in transferring Mickey from the cage to a carrier to take to the vet (I don't have a car; so carrier is easier for standing in street hailing cab). But Hideyo has a great technique that she shared---uncover the cage the cat is in, and cover (or provide dark-colored) carrier you want to transfer the cat to. The principle being that they will always prefer the dark option. (Correct me if I'm wrong about the principle Hideyo) Sure enough--my little feral Mickey WALKED from the cage straight in to the carrier. No battle necessary!! So, today is a happy day at no 603, to say the least. Also, last but not least, I want to say, I'm sorry I continue to only post sporadically. I pray for all your sick kitties and send healing vibes. And my heart goes out to all those that have crossed the bridge. I hope that I will be in a position to post more regualarly when I get back from UK mid-June. (I go there mid May.) (I had a month's FMLA approved yesterday, to be with my dad, who has Stage 3 cancer.) I *really* miss being part of the everyday list. This group is just the best EVER. love and hugs to all of you and your furballs.Kerry
Re: JuneAmy
I am so very sorry too, Pam. My heart goes out to you. I am glad that at least JuneAmy knew what it was to be loved and truly cared for. Kerry M/ - Original Message - From: Pam Norman To: Felv Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 1:52 PM Subject: JuneAmy I have to believe that when our little ones cross the Rainbow Bridge & reach the other side, the sick have left their suffering behind, the crippled can run & play, the deaf can hear, & the blind can see. Today JuneAmy can see. Pam Hurricane Katrina's terrible message: if it is too dangerous for YOU to stay behind as a disaster approaches, then why would you leave your PETS behind? Never ever ever leave them behind! Have enough crates for all & take them with you! They are your family!
Re: Prayers for Demetri again
Sending prayes and healing vibes for Demetri, Sherry. I'm glad he has you by his side. love & hugs, Kerry M. - Original Message - From: Sherry DeHaan To: Felvtalk Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 9:04 PM Subject: Prayers for Demetri again Hi all my sweet Demetri is pretty sick again,he sounds so bad,it sounds like a URI but I worry so much when they have felv.He has the sweetest little face.I pray that he can fight it off.Dr. Jen was going to check on him tonight.Thanks all for you good thoughts. Sherry Yahoo! Mail goes everywhere you do. Get it on your phone.
Re: Bandy is going blind
Praying for your brave little Bandy, Kerry. He is such a trooper. Hang on in there, love & hugs, Kerry M. - Original Message - From: Kerry Roach To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 6:07 PM Subject: Bandy is going blind I took Bandy to an eye specialist in Dallas on Fri...as his sight has just been getting worse in the last week or so...They changed his meds and increased them to 4x a day..also put him on zithromax for 5 days...he goes back in 2 weeks for a re-check..The doctor did say that we might get some of his vision back, but I don't think he was really that hopeful...I can get him to play with his string, but I don't know if he sees the shadow or what...I am just glad he will do that...I am going to keep everything the same for him so he won't have any trouble finding anything... Michelle, if you see this let me know if you have any more info on the anterior uveitis..the doctor did say, that he might have posterior, too...He said there was so much inflammation in there, he couldn't really tell... Please pray for Bandy everyone... Kerry and Bandy Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.
I don't normally support capital punishment...until I read about this sort of madness. Poor Mercy. What sort of parent creates a monster like this psychopath? Will petition tomorrow from my work computer (home computer can't handle it). Kerry M. - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 10:36 PM Subject: JUSTICE FOR MERCY OT Mercy is a 10 month old pit bull mix that was stabbed and set on fire with gasoline because she would not breed for her stupid pysco owner. She died a horrible death even though operation kindness spared no expense to try and save her. Her little heart gave out Sunday night due to her being burned over 60% of her body This horrid creep was arrested today and we would like to see this man suffer. Texas is famous for its non caring attitude towards what it deems "property" yet they will lock you up for many years for marijuana. Please tell the City of Dallas that Mercy's killer should pay. Sign and pass it on please http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/536739879
Re: I'm back for a while again
> >>>Please stop spamming me. Remove me from your distribution lists Please! This group does not spam. See below for information on how to unsubscribe. This is a reminder, sent out once a month, about your felineleukemia.org mailing list memberships. It includes your subscription info and how to use it to change it or unsubscribe from a list. You can visit the URLs to change your membership status or configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on. In addition to the URL interfaces, you can also use email to make such changes. For more info, send a message to the '-request' address of the list (for example, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) containing just the word 'help' in the message body, and an email message will be sent to you with instructions. If you have questions, problems, comments, etc, send them to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks! Passwords for [EMAIL PROTECTED]: List Password // URL Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org vabiif http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/options/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org/dellmh or%40msn.com - Original Message - From: "Vic Kelley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 10:20 PM Subject: RE: I'm back for a while again > Please stop spamming me. Remove me from your distribution lists Please!
Question about "home" test kits
Ok, I remember reading about "home testing" kits here. Have a couple of questions. Is the test(s) referred to the Idexx SNAP test? Also, are there other home tests available? If so, what are they and how/where to purchase? My dilemma, my friend and I are doing rescue "outside" the shelter. It is kitten seasaon, too many strays. dumps. you name i... Anyway, the shelter, No-Kill, is overflowing and are NOT taking any new animals. Also, they are less than pleasd that we are working indepently (After 25+ YEARS PLUS, THIS IS THJE THANKS i GET Grr.) Anyway. my friend and I are doing indepent rescue,and thhe Shelter won't budge I'm lookig to purchase test kits (NOT SNAP) to test our rescues Does anyone know of kits avavialbe? Eurhrt combo or elv. Oh, BTW, I am a a tech and draw the blod myself. Any and all response welcome. Thanks, Patti **Wouyld even consider Saliva tests
Re: Bandy is going blind
Bandy will be in my prayers. I wish I could help some other way. My dad is an optometrist, but I'm guessing that the eye specialist in Dallas is a lot more knowledgeable about these diseases, especially in felines. Lance
Re: Prayers for Demetri again
I'll pray for Demetri tonight. I'm glad the vet will be looking in on him tonight. Hopefully this is just a minor thing that looks much worse than it is.
Re: Testing
it's also usually a lot slower on the weekends as many of us are on the list at workbarb[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I think it is just going through a slow period. Nina and I are usually both very active, and neither of us has been very active lately. it may be true of others as well. Michelle In a message dated 4/29/2006 11:28:05 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:This list has seemed very inactive & I amwondering if there is a technological or yahoo problem. Pam Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."- Anonymous Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.
Re: Testing
I think it is just going through a slow period. Nina and I are usually both very active, and neither of us has been very active lately. it may be true of others as well. Michelle In a message dated 4/29/2006 11:28:05 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: This list has seemed very inactive & I am wondering if there is a technological or yahoo problem. Pam
This list has seemed very inactive & I am wondering if there is a technological or yahoo problem. Pam Hurricane Katrina's terrible message: if it is too dangerous for YOU to stay behind as a disaster approaches, then why would you leave your PETS behind? Never ever ever leave them behind! Have enough crates for all & take them with you! They are your family!
Re: Bandy is going blind
Kerry, sending GLOW for the both of you and Bandit and Smoky are sending love and purrs and headbutts and pawpats.Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I took Bandy to an eye specialist in Dallas on Fri...as his sight has just been getting worse in the last week or so...They changed his meds and increased them to 4x a day..also put him on zithromax for 5 days...he goes back in 2 weeks for a re-check..The doctor did say that we might get some of his vision back, but I don't think he was really that hopeful...I can get him to play with his string, but I don't know if he sees the shadow or what...I am just glad he will do that...I am going to keep everything the same for him so he won't have any trouble finding anything... Michelle, if you see this let me know if you have any more info on the anterior uveitis..the doctor did say, that he might have posterior, too...He said there was so much inflammation in there, he couldn't really tell... Please pray for Bandy everyone... Kerry and Bandy Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."- Anonymous New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.
Re: Prayers for Demetri again
Have you tried Immuno-Regulin? I have had great success with that for URI's with my positives. Sending prayers, Michelle In a message dated 4/29/2006 10:06:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hi all my sweet Demetri is pretty sick again,he sounds so bad,it sounds like a URI but I worry so much when they have felv.He has the sweetest little face.I pray that he can fight it off.Dr. Jen was going to check on him tonight.Thanks all for you good thoughts. Sherry
Re: Bandy is going blind
Hi, Kerry. All I know about uveitis is that steroids are needed, topically and sometimes (I think, but am not sure) internally, to take down the inflammation before blindness occurs. It happened so fast with my horse Pepsi that by the time we got an eye specialist and she got the right treatment she had already lost sight in the eye. Her eye, though blind, would still get inflamed and painful sometimes (it would look sort of cloudy) and we would need to put steroids in it until it got better. Have you done internet research on it? Has he talked about internal steroids as well as external steroids? Michelle In a message dated 4/29/2006 7:07:39 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I took Bandy to an eye specialist in Dallas on Fri...as his sight has just been getting worse in the last week or so...They changed his meds and increased them to 4x a day..also put him on zithromax for 5 days...he goes back in 2 weeks for a re-check..The doctor did say that we might get some of his vision back, but I don't think he was really that hopeful...I can get him to play with his string, but I don't know if he sees the shadow or what...I am just glad he will do that...I am going to keep everything the same for him so he won't have any trouble finding anything... Michelle, if you see this let me know if you have any more info on the anterior uveitis..the doctor did say, that he might have posterior, too...He said there was so much inflammation in there, he couldn't really tell... Please pray for Bandy everyone... Kerry and Bandy
Re: Prayers for Demetri again
Prayers for healing on the way to Demetri from my whole crew here in Texas. Karen
Prayers for Demetri again
Hi all my sweet Demetri is pretty sick again,he sounds so bad,it sounds like a URI but I worry so much when they have felv.He has the sweetest little face.I pray that he can fight it off.Dr. Jen was going to check on him tonight.Thanks all for you good thoughts. Sherry Yahoo! Mail goes everywhere you do. Get it on your phone.
Re: Bandy is going blind
Prayers for Bandy and you Kerry. N Kerry Roach wrote: I took Bandy to an eye specialist in Dallas on Fri...as his sight has just been getting worse in the last week or so...They changed his meds and increased them to 4x a day..also put him on zithromax for 5 days...he goes back in 2 weeks for a re-check..The doctor did say that we might get some of his vision back, but I don't think he was really that hopeful...I can get him to play with his string, but I don't know if he sees the shadow or what...I am just glad he will do that...I am going to keep everything the same for him so he won't have any trouble finding anything... Michelle, if you see this let me know if you have any more info on the anterior uveitis..the doctor did say, that he might have posterior, too...He said there was so much inflammation in there, he couldn't really tell... Please pray for Bandy everyone... Kerry and Bandy Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.
Bandy is going blind
I took Bandy to an eye specialist in Dallas on Fri...as his sight has just been getting worse in the last week or so...They changed his meds and increased them to 4x a day..also put him on zithromax for 5 days...he goes back in 2 weeks for a re-check..The doctor did say that we might get some of his vision back, but I don't think he was really that hopeful...I can get him to play with his string, but I don't know if he sees the shadow or what...I am just glad he will do that...I am going to keep everything the same for him so he won't have any trouble finding anything... Michelle, if you see this let me know if you have any more info on the anterior uveitis..the doctor did say, that he might have posterior, too...He said there was so much inflammation in there, he couldn't really tell... Please pray for Bandy everyone... Kerry and Bandy Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.
RE: Alpha interferon for Hannibal?? for URIs
My vet suggested this and offered it for free to our shelter when we kept having outbreaks.but the shelter refused to take the time to administer it. tHideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Has anyone used Interferon for URIs treatment for your kitties?My Hannibal is on penicillin but still has yellow colored dischargesometimes, and remember people on the list using interferon for URIs -could tell me more about it? What are the potential side effect?
Re: JuneAmy
In a message dated 4/28/06 2:53:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I have to believe that when our little ones cross the Rainbow Bridge & reach the other side, the sick have left their suffering behind, the crippled can run & play, the deaf can hear, & the blind can see. Today JuneAmy can see. Pam~ I am so sorry I know mere words can't take away your pain, but hopefully will give you comfort knowing that your JuneAmy touched many lives. I also believe that there IS a Rainbow Bridge, and that our loved ones will be happy, whole and healthy again, just waiting to be reunited with us. Please take care. Patti
Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 15, Issue 56
Recently joined this list and want to wish you all the very best in caring for your kitties. I fostered one FIV and one feluke positive kitty (separate rooms) that I was gathering information on and that is how I found this listserv. I have since found individual homes for each and they are both doing well. Anyway, re:Interferon. My vet regualrly prescribes alpha interferon (oral and optic) for the more persistent types of URI's. I beleive it provides that extra something that some kitties need to get over some illnesses. I can tell a difference when it is used so I'm always asking for it. My vet does try not to prescribe it for everything though. I foster alot of kitties and some come in pretty sick. So I highly recomment alpha interferon. The cost is not prohibitive and results are good. -- Original message -- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Send Felvtalk mailing list submissions to > Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org > > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit > http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org > > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > You can reach the person managing the list at > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific > than "Re: Contents of Felvtalk digest..." > > > Today's Topics: > > 1. Re: Bandy has ringworm on his nose (Kerry Roach) > 2. RE: Alpha interferon for Hannibal?? for URIs (Hideyo Yamamoto) > > > -- > > Message: 1 > Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 05:32:35 -0700 (PDT) > From: Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Subject: Re: Bandy has ringworm on his nose > To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" > > Thank you all for your replies..I went to the vet yesterday and asked her to > please make Bandy an appt. with an eye specialist in Dallas...We aren't getting > any where with what we are doing so I believe he needs the specialist to figure > out what is really going on here...I asked her to give him something else, and > she called in a prescription of prednisolone drops...It was almost like > immediate relief for him..I have given him 2 treatments so far and he seems to > be able to get around some now..I even got him to play with his string...I think > he could sort of see it..He was very cautious walking around, but at least he > did it...I got him to scratch on his post, too..I was scratching on it and he > went to it... > They also told me the other day that if I didn't give him the oral meds for > the ringworm, that he would get it all over his body..I haven't ever heard of > that..and I think that stuff was making him feel sick too..so I didn't give him > any on thursday..What do you all know about that?? fulvicin is what it is...It > is strong stuff...I am using the topical conofite that she prescribed..It seems > to be helping..I have some goldenseal in the fridge, but I don't know if it is > too old to use and if I should use it with the prescription med..I can get some > more if I should use both.. > Bottom line, I think, about his eyes...is that we need a special ist to try to > save his eyes and quit messing around with it..I just hope and pray that I > haven't waited too long..They would clear up then it would start all over > again...I know he probably has the chronic form of anterior uveitis, and we can > deal with that..I just need to know for sure what to do..as it can result in > glaucoma...she did that test on Wed and his ocular pressure wasn't elevated > yet..I also found out if there is a fungal infection going on with the eye that > the steroid drops aren't good for him...so I guess that test would have to be > done by a specialist..as really the steroid drops are the only ones that will > work for his condition... > I hope I haven't confused everyone going back and worth with all this..It is > alot for my little guy to handle all at once... > We are thinking of all of you and your furbabies..I hope they are all doing > well today..and our prayers go out to you that have lost one.. > thanks once again, > Kerry, Bandy, Inky and Angels Buster, Lil Rascal and Snoopy > > > - > Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min > with Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. > -- next part -- > An HTML attachment was scrubbed... > URL: > /pipermail/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org/attachments/20060428/d6ad4d10/attachment. > htm > > -- > > Message: 2 > Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 11:00:20 -0600 > From: "Hideyo Yamamoto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Subject: RE: Alpha interferon for Hannibal?? for URIs > To: > Message-ID: > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" < BR>> > Has anyone used Interferon for URIs treatment for your kitties? > My Hannibal is on penici