Re: Good Bye Mama Kitty

2007-03-31 Thread Kerry Roach
I am so sorry for your loss..
  Our thought and prayers are with you at this most difficult time,
  Kerry, Inky, and Angels Bandy, Buster, Lil Rascal and Snoopy

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Re: Dry food recall

2007-03-31 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi guys,
  I am sort of behind times for the most part, but I haven't seen this listed 
anywhere..not any purina foods, dry or wet...I feed fancy feast to Inky and 
friskies to ferals..
  So that might be a good thing...Please let me know if I need to look at this 
some more..
  Hope all your kitties are well today.  
  Kerry, Inky and Angels Bandy, Buster, Lil Rascal and Snoopy

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Re: Hideyo - Please send her strength

2007-03-31 Thread catatonya
  I second everything Nina said.  Sending prayers and love your way for you and 
your cats.  I'm sorry you're going through such a bad time, and I hope everyone 
gets well and you have a good period of time coming your way.

  I'm writing to the list for prayers, strength and love to be sent to our 
dear friend Hideyo. She has had so many losses, so much pain and 
sadness, so much strife, she could so use our strength right now. It 
has been difficult for her to find time to participate in the list 
lately. She has stoically been dealing with loss after loss, and still, 
when I asked for her help in interpreting Joey's test results she wrote 
back immediately. I have never met a more giving unselfish heart as 
Hideyo. You may not agree with where her decisions take her, but they 
are always made from a place of love and giving. I wish there was more 
that I could do to relieve her burdens. Sometimes knowing that you are 
not alone, knowing that others care and are sending good thoughts and 
blessings your way can help rally our fortitude and get us through the 
worst of times. Hideyo is such an unsung hero and I'm proud to call her 
Hang in there Hideyo, you are loved,

Re: Good Bye Mama Kitty

2007-03-31 Thread elizabeth trent

Thank you so much Kerry - and all your sweet babies.


On 3/31/07, Kerry Roach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am so sorry for your loss..
Our thought and prayers are with you at this most difficult time,
Kerry, Inky, and Angels Bandy, Buster, Lil Rascal and Snoopy

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Re: Slinky - Please add to the CLS

2007-03-31 Thread catatonya
  I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your Slinky.  He is still there with you 
and will wait for you at the bridge.

Marissa Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all.  I guess I need to complete the updates on Slinky, huh?  
  Yes, he went to the bridge last night.  I was having second thoughts all day 
yesterday...he, of course, perked up a bit, sat in the window sill again 
(hadn't done that in ages), and was still drinking, eating, and breathing fine. 
 I even started to wonder if his nose looked pinker.
  But I decided to go to the vet appointment and ask her what she thought - and 
that all important question, what would you do if he were your kitty?  
  Right before we left I think I finally understood that it really was time.  
It occurred to me that on Sunday he was very cuddly with me and initiating some 
cuddle time on his own.  But yesterday he didn't want anything to do with me.  
And when we left the vet on Monday, someone said he'd tell me when it was time, 
and I remember thinking, I think he already has told me but I didn't want to 
believe it.  I think his spirit left on Sunday...I think all that cuddling was 
him saying goodbye and beginning to get ready for the journey.
  So we went to the vet and I asked her if she thought his nose looked pinker.  
She looked at his gums, etc. and assured me that they were not.  I was tempted 
to have her do another CBC, but that seemed like just adding to the torture 
he'd already been through.  Without my even asking, the vet said, If this were 
my cat, this is what I would be doing.  Not only is he not getting any better, 
but he's actually getting steadily worse...and he's just going to suffer if we 
wait much longer.  She of course pointed out that I had the option of waiting, 
but that seemed like it would just drag out the inevitable.  He was so weak the 
last couple days that he couldn't even get back on the bed once he'd gotten 
  The vet explained everything in detail and even shaved some of his fur for me 
since I'd forgotten I wanted a sample (good cuz what she got was way better 
than anything I could've gotten with a scissors).  Then she gave him the 
tranquilizer (I think she did it quickly so I wouldn't have time to change my 
mind...knowing that was best for me and for Slinky).  She said it would take a 
few minutes for it to work, so they left and I just held him and cried and told 
him how much I loved him.  Thanked him for letting me share in his life and 
told him I was giving him the only gift I could at this point.  The room we 
were in had a beautiful painting of the bridge, so I showed it to him and told 
him that was where he was going.  
  They had put a sheep skin-like pad on the table and when they came back I 
laid him on that and put his head on his favorite pillow (he loved to knead on 
this sqush pillow I have).  She thought they might have to put a catheter in 
his front leg to get the needle in since his veins were so small, but she was 
able to do it in his back leg.  Once it was in, I just held him and cried and 
cried some more.  But I know he was in peace.
  He visited me this morning - as I was waking up I could hear the birds 
outside my window and I distinctly heard a meow (I remember thinking that I 
didn't know of a bird that meowed).  When it happened I got chills.  And when I 
woke up fully I realized that he was letting me know that he's happy and he 
loves me.  
  I'm actually doing much better than I expected to be.  After the vet 
appointment my friend took me out to dinner and then to ben and jerry's 
(self-medicating is always good!), which distracted me and that helped a lot.  
Of course when I got home I completely lost it, but I knew that would happen.  
I called dad and he was wondeful about telling me I did all the right things, 
that he loves me, and not to worry about paying all those bills back 'till some 
time in the future.  
  Today I relaxed in the morning and then went and got my hair cut (my stylist 
is dad's partner and the owner of the he has lots of experience 
with losing kitties) and did some shopping.  I got a stuffed kitty that looks 
just like Slinky, so he'll be my new sleeping buddy.  I thought I would lose it 
when I came home tonight, but I just choked up for a bit and really was okay.  
I know all the prayers and thoughts everyone is sending me are helping a ton!!! 
 I think half the population of the US is praying for me and checking on me!
  You guys have been absolutely amazing and having people to talk to who've 
been there and understand how this is has been an unbelievable help!  Thank you 
all so much for all your support!!!
  I know this is kinda long, but since you've all been reading so much about 
Slink, I thought you might want to know some of the details of his crossing.  
Thanks again for everything...I know I couldn't get through this without you!!
  Love to you and 

Re: Dry Food

2007-03-31 Thread TenHouseCats

thanks for the link to the video--i used to feed the california natural long
ago, then they stopped shipping it my corner of the midwest.


I'm with ya Nina, it's very frustrating. Interesting info though about
Natura (the
makers of Innova and Cal Natural), the owner has a video out explaining
connection with Menu Foods, and even has decided to buy or build his own
canned food
plant due to this disaster. So.. when that get built, it will be all made
by Natura,
and not subcontracted out to Menu or any other mass producer. is the video, the part about building their
own plant is
near the very end (my vet sent this out to me today). I emailed them and
told them
that I would switch back to their foods as soon as I could be assured that
what I
ordered came from their OWN new plant. Until then, I am feeding Merrick
canned. It's
pricey, but the cats love it. Their dry food is made in their own plant,
and if safe
(I'm feeding it to the ferals, and no one has been ill at all so far). My
are on Felidae dry for now... I bought a bag in the original panic before
I was sure
Natura's promises about their dry food were true. I may or may not switch
back... it might not be worth the hassle, Doobie pukes his guts up
everytime we do a
food change, and he's just getting used to the felidae.

And now, on top of the Menu Foods scandal, there's a FDA warning about
having something not tested safe for cats in it, some kind of SWINE feed
additive in
their light and low cal dry foods (and their weight management /
prescription food as well). So it's all about to be recalled too, if it's

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ICQ: 289856892

Re: Hammy Please add to the CLS

2007-03-31 Thread catatonya
  I'm so sorry to hear about Hammy.  I hope Lucinda recovers.
  take care,

Sherry DeHaan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all,thank you for your good wishes and prayers for sweet little Hammy.He 
is now with all the Angel fur kids.
  Could you also put Lucinda in your prayers too? she is at Dr. Jens house 
possibly with some brain problems due to the felv.My boyfriend loves this 
beautiful orange tiger girl.Thank you all so much

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Re: satine

2007-03-31 Thread catatonya
  I wanted to send my condolences for your loss.  You don't need to worry about 
disinfecting your home due to felv.  When virus dries it dies.  FeLV is not 
so easily spready.  Satine probably had it the whole time.  I'm so sorry.

Leslie Lawther [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Jenna, I'm very sorry for your loss... it is never easy.  Please know that 
your house is safe... the virus does not live very long outside the body.  
Leslie =^..^= 

  On 3/29/07, Jenna [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I joined this list because 
my kitty died on Sunday from feline lukemia she also had feline hiv. She was a 
stray I adopted two years ago, and when I first adopted her I tested her and 
she came back negative. I think she contracted it before I adopted her, and I 
have kept her up to date on all her shots. It has been very very hard for me. I 
don't know if I will ever heal. I miss having her around, am wondering if I can 
ever have another kitty. I would make sure if I adopted they would be negative 
and have all their shots and not be a stray- but I don't know if my apartment 
will be safe or if it will have the virus still around. How long should I wait? 

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Leslie =^..^=

To leave the world a better place - whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, 
or an improved social condition - that is to have succeeded.  That only one 
life breathed easier because you lived - that is success. 
---Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Re: Update on Chief

2007-03-31 Thread catatonya
Great news!

Stephanie E Caldwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well… My parents decided to keep Chief when it came right down to 
it. So, he’s got a good, safe home as an only kitty. :D
  And, I am interviewing with the airlines to be a flight attendant!! I AM 

Re: mixing

2007-03-31 Thread catatonya
All of my cats were negative and vaccinated when I brought in my first positive 
along with another kitten about the same age.  They had been tested (one 
incorrectly) and given their first set of shots.  It was not until I was having 
them spayed and neutered that I asked for a retest and found out one cat was 
positive.  At that point she had been mixing with everyone for a couple of 
months  Everyone got retested and was negative.  I brought in another 
cat knowing it was positive.  She mixes with everyone here as well.  Now I only 
retest if someone gets sick.  I've lost cats to kidney failure, stroke, 
etc... and they've always tested negative.  I brought in 2 leukemia 
negative cats, one who had not had a booster yet (there was nowhere else for 
her to go).  She too, is still negative and has been here going on 3 years.  My
  first positive was probably around 10 years ago.  It's never been transferred 
in my house.  I have also fostered positive and negative cats.  Any negative 
cats are vaccinated every 3rd year now.

Gussies mom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm trying to get an idea, and maybe write something, about people who mix 
their FeLV cats, and or FIV cats with negative cats.
  I'm interested in when they were diaagnosed, were the negative cats 
previously vaccinated and were they ever re-tested. If so, when.
  How often were they retested? 
  If the FeLV cat has passed away, have the negatives been retested after at 
least 3 months? 
  Are the negative cats vaccinated every year for FeLV?
  Do the cats mix continually, sharing food, water, litter, etc? Or are they 
mixed only at certain times with water and food removed?
  You get the idea.
  You can email me off list if you like.

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Fwd: [feline-hyperT] OT:No Evidence of Aminopterin Rat Poison) in affected animals

2007-03-31 Thread wendy
Note: forwarded message attached.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world: Indeed it is the only thing that ever has! 

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Using a highly specific and sensitive test for Aminopterin, investigators at
UMDNJ documented that there was no evidence of Aminopterin in the tissues of
affected animals. Aminopterin persists in the liver of animals for months
at levels that are readily detected, said Barton A. Kamen, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Pediatric Oncology at UMDNJ. Whatever is causing the renal
failure, it is not Aminopterin. These results are completely consistent
with the findings of the FDA, who announced today that they found no
evidence of Aminopterin in food samples.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

---End Message---

Fwd: [FIVCats] Wellness has a free bag offer

2007-03-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS
In case you guys didn't see this..  

see our  available orphans at:

** See what's free at

The four pound bags run around $21 here, so even a one pound bag is 
worth it.  They send the bag, not a coupon.
---End Message---

more added to the list--including cat dog treats

2007-03-31 Thread TenHouseCats

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Delmonte Pet Food recall...

2007-03-31 Thread Chris
Pet food that is being recalled by Del Monte. 

Del Monte Pet Products Voluntarily Withdraws Specific Product Codes of Pet
Treats and Wet Dog Food Products

SAN FRANCISCO, March 31, 2007-As a precautionary measure, Del Monte Pet
Products is voluntarily recalling select product codes of its pet treat
products sold under the Jerky TreatsR, Gravy TrainR Beef Sticks and Pounce
Meaty MorselsR brands as well as select dog snack and wet dog food products
sold under private label brands. A complete list of affected brands and
products is below. 

The Company took this voluntary recall action immediately after learning
this morning from the FDA that wheat gluten supplied to Del Monte Pet
Products from a specific manufacturing facility in China contained melamine.
Melamine is a substance not approved for use in food. The FDA made this
finding as part of its ongoing investigation into the recent pet food

The adulteration occurred in a limited production quantity on select product
codes of the brands below. This recall removes all Del Monte pet products
with wheat gluten procured from this manufacturing facility from retail

No other Del Monte Pet Products treats, biscuits or wet dog food products
are impacted by this recall,and no Del Monte dry cat food, dry dog food, wet
cat food or pouched pet foods are subject to this voluntary recall. The
affected products comprise less than one-tenth of one percent of Del Monte
Pet Productsapos; annual pet food and pet treat production.

Del Monte Pet Products has proactively engaged and fully cooperated with the
FDA since the start of its investigation. The adulterated ingredients were
used in limited production over the last three months for those items
identified by specific product codes. Del Monte Pet Products has not used
wheat gluten from this manufacturing facility in China in any other pet
products except those described below. 

Consumers should discontinue feeding the products with the Product Codes
detailed below to their pets. 

Del Monte Pet Products are 100% guaranteed and all returned product will be

Del Monte Pet Products customers can visit our website or contact our
Consumer Hotline at (800) 949-3799 for further information about the recall
and for instructions on obtaining a product refund.


Production Code/Best By Date

Jerky Treats Beef Flavor Dog Snacks

Best By:

Aug 05 08

Aug 07 08

Aug 08 08

Aug 09 08

Aug 10 08

Best By:

Aug 15 08

Sep 02 08

Sep 03 08

Gravy Train Beef Sticks Dog Snacks 

Best By:

Aug 19 08

Aug 20 08

Aug 21 08

Pounce Meaty Morsels Moist Chicken Flavor Cat Treats 

Best By:

Sep 04 08 

Sep 09 08



Production Code/Best By Date

Ol' Roy Beef Flavor Jerky Strips Dog Treats

Best By:

Aug 06 08

Aug 07 08

Sep 02 08

Sep 03 08

Sep 04 08

Best By:

Sep 05 08

Ol' Roy Beef Flavor Snack Sticks Dog Treats

Best By:

Aug 19 08

Aug 20 08

Aug 21 08

Sep 05 08

Sep 06 08

Ol' Roy Bark'n Bac'n Beef  Bacon Flavor Dog Treats 

Best By:

Sep 11 08

Ol' Roy with Beef Hearty Cuts in Gravy Dog Food

Best By:

Dec 21 09

Ol' Roy with Beef Hearty Strips in Gravy Dog Food

Best By:

Jan 19 10

Ol' Roy Country Stew Hearty Cuts in Gravy Dog Food

Best By:

Dec 15 09


Dollar General Beef Flavored Jerky Strips Dog Treats

Best By:

Sep 03 08

Dollar General Beef Flavored Beef Sticks Dog Treats 

Best By:

Aug 20 08 

Aug 21 08

Happy Tails Beef Flavor Jerky Strips

Best By:

Aug 08 08

Aug 09 08

Happy Tails Meaty Cuts with Beef in Gravy Dog Food

Best By:

Jan 29 10



Christiane Biagi




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RE: more added to the list--including cat dog treats

2007-03-31 Thread Chris




-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TenHouseCats
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2007 12:58 AM
Subject: more added to the list--including cat  dog treats

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Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892