RE: Question about URI contagion

2007-11-16 Thread Caroline Kaufmann

Gosh- could that time frame be anymore vague!  2-17 days is a long time period! 
 I will ask my mom how she feels about it...she is very protective of LeeRoy- 
even tho she's not a cat-person- b/c he's the sweetest little boy ever- the 
nicest cat in the world- a real people-cat and she wouldn't want him to come 
down with the funk.  I know technically they were probably already exposed to 
some degree since I don't have an iso room- altho this downstairs room is about 
as isolated as you can get without having a separate ac/heat, etc.  And Yoda 
and the B/W originally had the same URI anyway.  Yoda is the only one from that 
group of 4 kittens (Metro AC orphans but not a litter) that the URI eye 
symptoms haven't come back on yet since he kicked it in September (the other 2 
have been adopted (Tippi and GoGo-- I like to think it's b/c I spent A LOT 
of time cleaning them with kitty wipes, cleaning ears- Tippi's were the worst 
I'd seen in my 30 years- and my dad was a vet!, brushing them, pumping them 
full of high-qual food and supplements and giving them exercise and 
frankly, they looked better than most of the other cats!)  I have not let loose 
of Yoda though (added him to the condos for adoption)- even tho I know someone 
would grab him up b/c he's buff-colored and freaking adorable, altho he is 
kind of an a$$, but the cuteness makes up for it!  So he's been living the high 
life since I took him in so he certainly hasn't had any stress that would bring 
the URI back out.  I even moved and the little booger loved his new room and 
got to truly bird watch for the first time and he never even missed a beat!  
So much for moving causing stress on my cats!

Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 09:47:54 -0600From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: Re: Question about URI contagionOddly enough, I just picked up a 
fact sheet that says incubation is between 2-17 days.  I don't know if that 
helps you.
On Nov 16, 2007 9:40 AM, Gloria Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If he were at my house, I'd probably go ahead and mix him with the others.  
They've probably already been exposed anyhow.  Sounds like he's responded well 
to your loving care.  FYI - I also had good luck with a dose or two of 
Zithromax for kittens with URI. 


On Nov 16, 2007, at 9:33 AM, Caroline Kaufmann wrote:

Does anyone know how long a URI is contagious?  I picked up a B/W approx. 6 mth 
old kitten from the adoption location last Sat. b/c he'd been suffering from a 
URI- mostly affecting the eyes (no sneezing) for 2-3 weeks and it just wasn't 
getting better.  Poor thing had started to rub off the fur around his one eye 
from rubbing at it so much.  I had this same kitten back at labor day for about 
3 weeks when I took in 4 kittens who all had URIs in various degrees of 
severity.  He was the oldest and he got well the fastest after treatment with 
Amoxy and Terramycin.  Well, when he was added to the condo at the store to 
be on display for adoption, I guess the stress of that shortly thereafter 
brought the eye problems back and he's been suffering off and on since then.  I 
tried to stop by as much as possible to clean and treat his eyes, but it's hard 
b/c the store closes at 6:00.  He is also one of those cats prone to tear 
stains regardless of a URI and with the white fur on his face, he looks really 
bad being on display with tear stains and eye funk (he looked sick- which looks 
bad for our no-kill agency), so I decided to take him home and put in him the 
downstairs room and just not mix him at all with my other two fosters Yoda and 
LeeRoy.  Well, I've had him since last Sat. and this time, he's on Clavamox 
(and Terramycin in the eyes) and I'm feeding him tons of wet food (Wellness 
kitten)- they only get dry at the store- and pumping him full of supplements.  
He gets to run around the house when I am home b/c the other foster kittens 
have a big room to romp, so they stay closed in there and away from him  But, I 
know he's lonely and needs some kitty-socialization and he and Yoda may 
remember each other!  He's doing SO MUCH better- it's unreal.  I know it's 
probably mostly because he is having fun, not stressed, eating like a piggy and 
getting love (that probably helps more than the meds...sigh).   So, if he is no 
longer having inflamed red eye tissue and green discharge, is he okay to mingle 
now?  He's not sneezing and he doesn't really have any eye discharge at all, 
besides his regular eye boogers that he is prone to getting.  He does not act 
like a sick cat (runs around like a maniac).  I haven't seen green eye funk 
since the day after I brought him home (Sunday) b/c he improved almost 
instantly.  I just wanted to know if anyone knows if he's been on the 
antibiotic almost a week now,  showing no signs of infection, can he be 
mingled with the other two kittens for play-time, or should I wait longer? 

Climb to the top of the charts!  Play Star Shuffle:  the word 

RE: Question about URI contagion

2007-11-16 Thread Caroline Kaufmann

That sounds like good advice!  Usually, the agency I work with doesn't treat 
with oral antibiotics for URI eye symptons, unless accompanied by the sneezing 
(which the 4 kittens I had at labor day were all sneezin like crazy).  Tho the 
B/W wasn't sneezing when I brought him home, his eyes looks so bad in the condo 
that I wanted to really knock out the URI, so I decided to treat with an 
antibiotic, but not Amoxy b/c he had that back in Sept.  That was my own 
decision- the green eye discharge had me worried.  I don't think I will keep 
him on the Clavamox more than 7 days tho, I just don't think it's necessary 
anymore.  The agency I work with also seems to only have powdered Amoxy and 
Clavamox for treating URIs?  I'm sure we could get Zithromax from one of our 
vets, but if it's more expensive...well, you know how that goes.  However, the 
woman who has been in charge of the group and is clearly burned out and 
over-loaded (I have complained about her before)-- I took the kittens in 
originally b/c she had no business having kittens at her house- she is going to 
back off and step down and has realized she needs to stop being an 
over-controlling hindrence basically.  Which is going to open the door to lots 
of things and fresh thinking from me, with people who aren't over-controlling 
that are willing to implement my ideas and better delegate the 
hopefully, I will be able to push for some better treatment protocols in the 
very near future.  The reins have already been loosened a lot and I've already 
been able to enact some positive changes.  
-Caroline  Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 11:13:20 -0500 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject: Re: Question about URI contagion  in 
persians, who are predisposed to uri symptoms at any time, especially  in 
shelter or new situations (stress, no noses to speak of anyway),  zithromax 
has become the drug of choice: we don't even bother with the  others for cats 
we pull from shelters, we just go for the zithro.  the other thing is that 
there's many causes for runny noses and goopy  eyes, and unless you actually 
culture out the emissions, you can't be  sure what you're dealing with--might 
just be that kitty's reaction to  stress, might be allergies , might be a 
virus or bacteria. so once  they're responding and feeling better and want to 
play with the others,  i figure that's the best medicine as long as they 
aren't sneezing  constantly!  MC   Gloria Lane wrote:  If he were at my 
house, I'd probably go ahead and mix him with the   others. They've probably 
already been exposed anyhow. Sounds like   he's responded well to your loving 
care. FYI - I also had good luck   with a dose or two of Zithromax for 
kittens with URI.   Gloria On Nov 16, 2007, at 9:33 AM, 
Caroline Kaufmann wrote:   Does anyone know how long a URI is contagious? 
I picked up a B/W   approx. 6 mth old kitten from the adoption location last 
Sat. b/c   he'd been suffering from a URI- mostly affecting the eyes (no  
 sneezing) for 2-3 weeks and it just wasn't getting better. Poor   thing 
had started to rub off the fur around his one eye from rubbing   at it so 
much. I had this same kitten back at labor day for about 3   weeks when I 
took in 4 kittens who all had URIs in various degrees of   severity. He was 
the oldest and he got well the fastest after   treatment with Amoxy and 
Terramycin. Well, when he was added to the   condo at the store to be on 
display for adoption, I guess the   stress of that shortly thereafter 
brought the eye problems back and   he's been suffering off and on since 
then. I tried to stop by as   much as possible to clean and treat his eyes, 
but it's hard b/c the   store closes at 6:00. He is also one of those cats 
prone to tear   stains regardless of a URI and with the white fur on his 
face, he   looks really bad being on display with tear stains and eye funk 
(he   looked sick- which looks bad for our no-kill agency), so I decided to 
  take him home and put in him the downstairs room and just not mix him   
at all with my other two fosters Yoda and LeeRoy. Well, I've had him   since 
last Sat. and this time, he's on Clavamox (and Terramycin in   the eyes) and 
I'm feeding him tons of wet food (Wellness kitten)-   they only get dry at 
the store- and pumping him full of supplements.   He gets to run around the 
house when I am home b/c the other foster   kittens have a big room to romp, 
so they stay closed in there and   away from him But, I know he's lonely and 
needs some   kitty-socialization and he and Yoda may remember each other! 
He's   doing SO MUCH better- it's unreal. I know it's probably mostly   
because he is having fun, not stressed, eating like a piggy and   getting 
love (that probably helps more than the meds...sigh). *So,   if he is no 
longer having inflamed red eye tissue and green   discharge, is he okay to 
mingle now? He's not sneezing and he   doesn't really have any eye discharge 
at all*, 

Re: Question about URI contagion

2007-11-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
in persians, who are predisposed to uri symptoms at any time, especially 
in shelter or new situations (stress, no noses to speak of anyway), 
zithromax has become the drug of choice: we don't even bother with the 
others for cats we pull from shelters, we just go for the zithro.

the other thing is that there's many causes for runny noses and goopy 
eyes, and unless you actually culture out the emissions, you can't be 
sure what you're dealing with--might just be that kitty's reaction to 
stress, might be allergies , might be a virus or bacteria. so once 
they're responding and feeling better and want to play with the others, 
i figure that's the best medicine as long as they aren't sneezing 


Gloria Lane wrote:
If he were at my house, I'd probably go ahead and mix him with the 
others.  They've probably already been exposed anyhow.  Sounds like 
he's responded well to your loving care.  FYI - I also had good luck 
with a dose or two of Zithromax for kittens with URI.


On Nov 16, 2007, at 9:33 AM, Caroline Kaufmann wrote:

Does anyone know how long a URI is contagious?  I picked up a B/W 
approx. 6 mth old kitten from the adoption location last Sat. b/c 
he'd been suffering from a URI- mostly affecting the eyes (no 
sneezing) for 2-3 weeks and it just wasn't getting better.  Poor 
thing had started to rub off the fur around his one eye from rubbing 
at it so much.  I had this same kitten back at labor day for about 3 
weeks when I took in 4 kittens who all had URIs in various degrees of 
severity.  He was the oldest and he got well the fastest after 
treatment with Amoxy and Terramycin.  Well, when he was added to the 
condo at the store to be on display for adoption, I guess the 
stress of that shortly thereafter brought the eye problems back and 
he's been suffering off and on since then.  I tried to stop by as 
much as possible to clean and treat his eyes, but it's hard b/c the 
store closes at 6:00.  He is also one of those cats prone to tear 
stains regardless of a URI and with the white fur on his face, he 
looks really bad being on display with tear stains and eye funk (he 
looked sick- which looks bad for our no-kill agency), so I decided to 
take him home and put in him the downstairs room and just not mix him 
at all with my other two fosters Yoda and LeeRoy.  Well, I've had him 
since last Sat. and this time, he's on Clavamox (and Terramycin in 
the eyes) and I'm feeding him tons of wet food (Wellness kitten)- 
they only get dry at the store- and pumping him full of supplements.  
He gets to run around the house when I am home b/c the other foster 
kittens have a big room to romp, so they stay closed in there and 
away from him  But, I know he's lonely and needs some 
kitty-socialization and he and Yoda may remember each other!  He's 
doing SO MUCH better- it's unreal.  I know it's probably mostly 
because he is having fun, not stressed, eating like a piggy and 
getting love (that probably helps more than the meds...sigh).  *So, 
if he is no longer having inflamed red eye tissue and green 
discharge, is he okay to mingle now?  He's not sneezing and he 
doesn't really have any eye discharge at all*, besides his regular 
eye boogers that he is prone to getting.  He does not act like a sick 
cat (runs around like a maniac).  I haven't seen green eye funk since 
the day after I brought him home (Sunday) b/c he improved almost 
instantly.  I just wanted to know if anyone knows if he's been on the 
antibiotic almost a week now,  showing no signs of infection, can he 
be mingled with the other two kittens for play-time, or should I wait 


Climb to the top of the charts!  Play Star Shuffle:  the word 
scramble challenge with star power. Play Now!

RE: Question about URI contagion

2007-11-16 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Hi Caroline,
I can't answer your Q (tho I'd imagine the infectious period is well
over) but just wanted to say how wonderful that your little foster is
doing so well in your home. Yup, I've no doubt all the love and care
he's getting from you was the cure. What a lucky kitty that he found
you. Thanks for everything you do Caroline. Kerry M.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Caroline
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 9:33 AM
Subject: Question about URI contagion

Does anyone know how long a URI is contagious?  I picked up a B/W
approx. 6 mth old kitten from the adoption location last Sat. b/c he'd
been suffering from a URI- mostly affecting the eyes (no sneezing) for
2-3 weeks and it just wasn't getting better.  Poor thing had started to
rub off the fur around his one eye from rubbing at it so much.  I had
this same kitten back at labor day for about 3 weeks when I took in 4
kittens who all had URIs in various degrees of severity.  He was the
oldest and he got well the fastest after treatment with Amoxy and
Terramycin.  Well, when he was added to the condo at the store to be
on display for adoption, I guess the stress of that shortly thereafter
brought the eye problems back and he's been suffering off and on since
then.  I tried to stop by as much as possible to clean and treat his
eyes, but it's hard b/c the store closes at 6:00.  He is also one of
those cats prone to tear stains regardless of a URI and with the white
fur on his face, he looks really bad being on display with tear stains
and eye funk (he looked sick- which looks bad for our no-kill agency),
so I decided to take him home and put in him the downstairs room and
just not mix him at all with my other two fosters Yoda and LeeRoy.
Well, I've had him since last Sat. and this time, he's on Clavamox (and
Terramycin in the eyes) and I'm feeding him tons of wet food (Wellness
kitten)- they only get dry at the store- and pumping him full of
supplements.  He gets to run around the house when I am home b/c the
other foster kittens have a big room to romp, so they stay closed in
there and away from him  But, I know he's lonely and needs some
kitty-socialization and he and Yoda may remember each other!  He's doing
SO MUCH better- it's unreal.  I know it's probably mostly because he is
having fun, not stressed, eating like a piggy and getting love (that
probably helps more than the meds...sigh).  So, if he is no longer
having inflamed red eye tissue and green discharge, is he okay to mingle
now?  He's not sneezing and he doesn't really have any eye discharge at
all, besides his regular eye boogers that he is prone to getting.  He
does not act like a sick cat (runs around like a maniac).  I haven't
seen green eye funk since the day after I brought him home (Sunday) b/c
he improved almost instantly.  I just wanted to know if anyone knows if
he's been on the antibiotic almost a week now,  showing no signs of
infection, can he be mingled with the other two kittens for play-time,
or should I wait longer?


Climb to the top of the charts!  Play Star Shuffle:  the word scramble
challenge with star power. Play Now!
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Question about URI contagion

2007-11-16 Thread Caroline Kaufmann

Does anyone know how long a URI is contagious?  I picked up a B/W approx. 6 mth 
old kitten from the adoption location last Sat. b/c he'd been suffering from a 
URI- mostly affecting the eyes (no sneezing) for 2-3 weeks and it just wasn't 
getting better.  Poor thing had started to rub off the fur around his one eye 
from rubbing at it so much.  I had this same kitten back at labor day for about 
3 weeks when I took in 4 kittens who all had URIs in various degrees of 
severity.  He was the oldest and he got well the fastest after treatment with 
Amoxy and Terramycin.  Well, when he was added to the condo at the store to 
be on display for adoption, I guess the stress of that shortly thereafter 
brought the eye problems back and he's been suffering off and on since then.  I 
tried to stop by as much as possible to clean and treat his eyes, but it's hard 
b/c the store closes at 6:00.  He is also one of those cats prone to tear 
stains regardless of a URI and with the white fur on his face, he looks really 
bad being on display with tear stains and eye funk (he looked sick- which looks 
bad for our no-kill agency), so I decided to take him home and put in him the 
downstairs room and just not mix him at all with my other two fosters Yoda and 
LeeRoy.  Well, I've had him since last Sat. and this time, he's on Clavamox 
(and Terramycin in the eyes) and I'm feeding him tons of wet food (Wellness 
kitten)- they only get dry at the store- and pumping him full of supplements.  
He gets to run around the house when I am home b/c the other foster kittens 
have a big room to romp, so they stay closed in there and away from him  But, I 
know he's lonely and needs some kitty-socialization and he and Yoda may 
remember each other!  He's doing SO MUCH better- it's unreal.  I know it's 
probably mostly because he is having fun, not stressed, eating like a piggy and 
getting love (that probably helps more than the meds...sigh).  So, if he is no 
longer having inflamed red eye tissue and green discharge, is he okay to mingle 
now?  He's not sneezing and he doesn't really have any eye discharge at all, 
besides his regular eye boogers that he is prone to getting.  He does not act 
like a sick cat (runs around like a maniac).  I haven't seen green eye funk 
since the day after I brought him home (Sunday) b/c he improved almost 
instantly.  I just wanted to know if anyone knows if he's been on the 
antibiotic almost a week now,  showing no signs of infection, can he be 
mingled with the other two kittens for play-time, or should I wait longer?
Climb to the top of the charts!  Play Star Shuffle:  the word scramble 
challenge with star power.

Re: Question about URI contagion

2007-11-16 Thread Gloria Lane
If he were at my house, I'd probably go ahead and mix him with the  
others.  They've probably already been exposed anyhow.  Sounds like  
he's responded well to your loving care.  FYI - I also had good luck  
with a dose or two of Zithromax for kittens with URI.


On Nov 16, 2007, at 9:33 AM, Caroline Kaufmann wrote:

Does anyone know how long a URI is contagious?  I picked up a B/W  
approx. 6 mth old kitten from the adoption location last Sat. b/c  
he'd been suffering from a URI- mostly affecting the eyes (no  
sneezing) for 2-3 weeks and it just wasn't getting better.  Poor  
thing had started to rub off the fur around his one eye from rubbing  
at it so much.  I had this same kitten back at labor day for about 3  
weeks when I took in 4 kittens who all had URIs in various degrees  
of severity.  He was the oldest and he got well the fastest after  
treatment with Amoxy and Terramycin.  Well, when he was added to the  
condo at the store to be on display for adoption, I guess the  
stress of that shortly thereafter brought the eye problems back and  
he's been suffering off and on since then.  I tried to stop by as  
much as possible to clean and treat his eyes, but it's hard b/c the  
store closes at 6:00.  He is also one of those cats prone to tear  
stains regardless of a URI and with the white fur on his face, he  
looks really bad being on display with tear stains and eye funk (he  
looked sick- which looks bad for our no-kill agency), so I decided  
to take him home and put in him the downstairs room and just not mix  
him at all with my other two fosters Yoda and LeeRoy.  Well, I've  
had him since last Sat. and this time, he's on Clavamox (and  
Terramycin in the eyes) and I'm feeding him tons of wet food  
(Wellness kitten)- they only get dry at the store- and pumping him  
full of supplements.  He gets to run around the house when I am home  
b/c the other foster kittens have a big room to romp, so they stay  
closed in there and away from him  But, I know he's lonely and needs  
some kitty-socialization and he and Yoda may remember each other!   
He's doing SO MUCH better- it's unreal.  I know it's probably mostly  
because he is having fun, not stressed, eating like a piggy and  
getting love (that probably helps more than the meds...sigh).  So,  
if he is no longer having inflamed red eye tissue and green  
discharge, is he okay to mingle now?  He's not sneezing and he  
doesn't really have any eye discharge at all, besides his regular  
eye boogers that he is prone to getting.  He does not act like a  
sick cat (runs around like a maniac).  I haven't seen green eye funk  
since the day after I brought him home (Sunday) b/c he improved  
almost instantly.  I just wanted to know if anyone knows if he's  
been on the antibiotic almost a week now,  showing no signs of  
infection, can he be mingled with the other two kittens for play- 
time, or should I wait longer?


Climb to the top of the charts!  Play Star Shuffle:  the word  
scramble challenge with star power. Play Now!

Re: Question about URI contagion

2007-11-16 Thread Kelley Saveika
Oddly enough, I just picked up a fact sheet that says incubation is between
2-17 days.  I don't know if that helps you.

On Nov 16, 2007 9:40 AM, Gloria Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If he were at my house, I'd probably go ahead and mix him with the others.
  They've probably already been exposed anyhow.  Sounds like he's responded
 well to your loving care.  FYI - I also had good luck with a dose or two of
 Zithromax for kittens with URI.

  On Nov 16, 2007, at 9:33 AM, Caroline Kaufmann wrote:

  Does anyone know how long a URI is contagious?  I picked up a B/W approx.
 6 mth old kitten from the adoption location last Sat. b/c he'd been
 suffering from a URI- mostly affecting the eyes (no sneezing) for 2-3 weeks
 and it just wasn't getting better.  Poor thing had started to rub off the
 fur around his one eye from rubbing at it so much.  I had this same kitten
 back at labor day for about 3 weeks when I took in 4 kittens who all had
 URIs in various degrees of severity.  He was the oldest and he got well the
 fastest after treatment with Amoxy and Terramycin.  Well, when he was added
 to the condo at the store to be on display for adoption, I guess the
 stress of that shortly thereafter brought the eye problems back and he's
 been suffering off and on since then.  I tried to stop by as much as
 possible to clean and treat his eyes, but it's hard b/c the store closes at
 6:00.  He is also one of those cats prone to tear stains regardless of a
 URI and with the white fur on his face, he looks really bad being on display
 with tear stains and eye funk (he looked sick- which looks bad for our
 no-kill agency), so I decided to take him home and put in him the downstairs
 room and just not mix him at all with my other two fosters Yoda and LeeRoy.
 Well, I've had him since last Sat. and this time, he's on Clavamox (and
 Terramycin in the eyes) and I'm feeding him tons of wet food (Wellness
 kitten)- they only get dry at the store- and pumping him full of
 supplements.  He gets to run around the house when I am home b/c the other
 foster kittens have a big room to romp, so they stay closed in there and
 away from him  But, I know he's lonely and needs some kitty-socialization
 and he and Yoda may remember each other!  He's doing SO MUCH better- it's
 unreal.  I know it's probably mostly because he is having fun, not stressed,
 eating like a piggy and getting love (that probably helps more than the
 meds...sigh).  *So, if he is no longer having inflamed red eye tissue and
 green discharge, is he okay to mingle now?  He's not sneezing and he doesn't
 really have any eye discharge at all*, besides his regular eye boogers
 that he is prone to getting.  He does not act like a sick cat (runs around
 like a maniac).  I haven't seen green eye funk since the day after I brought
 him home (Sunday) b/c he improved almost instantly.  I just wanted to know
 if anyone knows if he's been on the antibiotic almost a week now,  showing
 no signs of infection, can he be mingled with the other two kittens for
 play-time, or should I wait longer?

 Climb to the top of the charts!  Play Star Shuffle:  the word scramble
 challenge with star power. Play 

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Re: Question about URI contagion

2007-11-16 Thread TenHouseCats
and while it's more expensive, it is usually only a 3-day course, and it
rarely needs to be repeated. it's a very nice drug.

On Nov 16, 2007 12:01 PM, Susan Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I order zithromax from  Much cheaper than US

 *Caroline Kaufmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

 That sounds like good advice!  Usually, the agency I work with doesn't
 treat with oral antibiotics for URI eye symptons, unless accompanied by the
 sneezing (which the 4 kittens I had at labor day were all sneezin like
 crazy).  Tho the B/W wasn't sneezing when I brought him home, his eyes looks
 so bad in the condo that I wanted to really knock out the URI, so I decided
 to treat with an antibiotic, but not Amoxy b/c he had that back in Sept.
 That was my own decision- the green eye discharge had me worried.  I don't
 think I will keep him on the Clavamox more than 7 days tho, I just don't
 think it's necessary anymore.  The agency I work with also seems to only
 have powdered Amoxy and Clavamox for treating URIs?  I'm sure we could get
 Zithromax from one of our vets, but if it's more expensive...well, you know
 how that goes.  However, the woman who has been in charge of the group and
 is clearly burned out and over-loaded (I have complained about her before)--
 I took the kittens in originally b/c she had no business having kittens at
 her house- she is going to back off and step down and has realized she needs
 to stop being an over-controlling hindrence basically.  Which is going to
 open the door to lots of things and fresh thinking from me, with people who
 aren't over-controlling that are willing to implement my ideas and better
 delegate the hopefully, I will be able to push for some better
 treatment protocols in the very near future.  The reins have already been
 loosened a lot and I've already been able to enact some positive changes.

  Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 11:13:20 -0500
  Subject: Re: Question about URI contagion
  in persians, who are predisposed to uri symptoms at any time, especially

  in shelter or new situations (stress, no noses to speak of anyway),
  zithromax has become the drug of choice: we don't even bother with the
  others for cats we pull from shelters, we just go for the zithro.
  the other thing is that there's many causes for runny noses and goopy
  eyes, and unless you actually culture out the emissions, you can't be
  sure what you're dealing with--might just be that kitty's reaction to
  stress, might be allergies , might be a virus or bacteria. so once
  they're responding and feeling better and want to play with the others,
  i figure that's the best medicine as long as they aren't sneezing
  Gloria Lane wrote:
   If he were at my house, I'd probably go ahead and mix him with the
   others. They've probably already been exposed anyhow. Sounds like
   he's responded well to your loving care. FYI - I also had good luck
   with a dose or two of Zithromax for kittens with URI.
   On Nov 16, 2007, at 9:33 AM, Caroline Kaufmann wrote:
   Does anyone know how long a URI is contagious? I picked up a B/W
   approx. 6 mth old kitten from the adoption location last Sat. b/c
   he'd been suffering from a URI- mostly affecting the eyes (no
   sneezing) for 2-3 weeks and it just wasn't getting better. Poor
   thing had started to rub off the fur around his one eye from rubbing
   at it so much. I had this same kitten back at labor day for about 3
   weeks when I took in 4 kittens who all had URIs in various degrees of

   severity. He was the oldest and he got well the fastest after
   treatment with Amoxy and Terramycin. Well, when he was added to the
   condo at the store to be on display for adoption, I guess the
   stress of that shortly thereafter brought the eye problems back and
   he's been suffering off and on since then. I tried to stop by as
   much as possible to clean and treat his eyes, but it's hard b/c the
   store closes at 6:00. He is also one of those cats prone to tear
   stains regardless of a URI and with the white fur on his face, he
   looks really bad being on display with tear stains and eye funk (he
   looked sick- which looks bad for our no-kill agency), so I decided to

   take him home and put in him the downstairs room and just not mix him

   at all with my other two fosters Yoda and LeeRoy. Well, I've had him
   since last Sat. and this time, he's on Clavamox (and Terramycin in
   the eyes) and I'm feeding him tons of wet food (Wellness kitten)-
   they only get dry at the store- and pumping him full of supplements.
   He gets to run around the house when I am home b/c the other foster
   kittens have a big room to romp, so they stay closed in there and
   away from him But, I know he's lonely and needs some
   kitty-socialization and he and Yoda may remember each other! He's
   doing SO MUCH 

RE: Question about URI contagion

2007-11-16 Thread Susan Hoffman
I order zithromax from  Much cheaper than US prices.

Caroline Kaufmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  .hmmessage P  {  margin:0px;  
padding:0px  }  body.hmmessage  {  FONT-SIZE: 10pt;  FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma  }
That sounds like good advice!  Usually, the agency I work with doesn't treat 
with oral antibiotics for URI eye symptons, unless accompanied by the sneezing 
(which the 4 kittens I had at labor day were all sneezin like crazy).  Tho the 
B/W wasn't sneezing when I brought him home, his eyes looks so bad in the condo 
that I wanted to really knock out the URI, so I decided to treat with an 
antibiotic, but not Amoxy b/c he had that back in Sept.  That was my own 
decision- the green eye discharge had me worried.  I don't think I will keep 
him on the Clavamox more than 7 days tho, I just don't think it's necessary 
anymore.  The agency I work with also seems to only have powdered Amoxy and 
Clavamox for treating URIs?  I'm sure we could get Zithromax from one of our 
vets, but if it's more expensive...well, you know
 how that goes.  However, the woman who has been in charge of the group and is 
clearly burned out and over-loaded (I have complained about her before)-- I 
took the kittens in originally b/c she had no business having kittens at her 
house- she is going to back off and step down and has realized she needs to 
stop being an over-controlling hindrence basically.  Which is going to open the 
door to lots of things and fresh thinking from me, with people who aren't 
over-controlling that are willing to implement my ideas and better delegate the hopefully, I will be able to push for some better treatment protocols 
in the very near future.  The reins have already been loosened a lot and I've 
already been able to enact some positive changes.  

 Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 11:13:20 -0500
 Subject: Re: Question about URI contagion
 in persians, who are predisposed to uri symptoms at any time, especially 
 in shelter or new situations (stress, no noses to speak of anyway), 
 zithromax has become the drug of choice: we don't even bother with the 
 others for cats we pull from shelters, we just go for the zithro.
 the other thing is that there's many causes for runny noses and goopy 
 eyes, and unless you actually culture out the emissions, you can't be 
 sure what you're dealing with--might just be that kitty's reaction to 
 stress, might be allergies , might be a virus or bacteria. so once 
 they're responding and feeling better and want to play with the others, 
 i figure that's the best medicine as long as they aren't sneezing 
 Gloria Lane wrote:
  If he were at my house, I'd probably go ahead and mix him with the 
  others. They've probably already been exposed anyhow. Sounds like 
  he's responded well to your loving care. FYI - I also had good luck 
  with a dose or two of Zithromax for kittens with URI.
  On Nov 16, 2007, at 9:33 AM, Caroline Kaufmann wrote:
  Does anyone know how long a URI is contagious? I picked up a B/W 
  approx. 6 mth old kitten from the adoption location last Sat. b/c 
  he'd been suffering from a URI- mostly affecting the eyes (no 
  sneezing) for 2-3 weeks and it just wasn't getting better. Poor 
  thing had started to rub off the fur around his one eye from rubbing 
  at it so much. I had this same kitten back at labor day for about 3 
  weeks when I took in 4 kittens who all had URIs in various degrees of 
  severity. He was the oldest and he got well the fastest after 
  treatment with Amoxy and Terramycin. Well, when he was added to the 
  condo at the store to be on display for adoption, I guess the 
  stress of that shortly thereafter brought the eye problems back and 
  he's been suffering off and on since then. I tried to stop by as 
  much as possible to clean and treat his eyes, but it's hard b/c the 
  store closes at 6:00. He is also one of those cats prone to tear 
  stains regardless of a URI and with the white fur on his face, he 
  looks really bad being on display with tear stains and eye funk (he 
  looked sick- which looks bad for our no-kill agency), so I decided to 
  take him home and put in him the downstairs room and just not mix him 
  at all with my other two fosters Yoda and LeeRoy. Well, I've had him 
  since last Sat. and this time, he's on Clavamox (and Terramycin in 
  the eyes) and I'm feeding him tons of wet food (Wellness kitten)- 
  they only get dry at the store- and pumping him full of supplements. 
  He gets to run around the house when I am home b/c the other foster 
  kittens have a big room to romp, so they stay closed in there and 
  away from him But, I know he's lonely and needs some 
  kitty-socialization and he and Yoda may remember each other! He's 
  doing SO MUCH better- it's unreal. I know it's probably mostly 
  because he is having fun, not stressed, eating like a 

Re: Question about URI contagion

2007-11-16 Thread Kelley Saveika
I know, it is quite vague.  I expect it depends on the type of URI.  There
are all sorts of URI so it would make sense incubation periods would be

You may know this based on your veterinary knowledge, but you can find out
what strain of URI it is based on laboratory testing.  I can't imagine
anyone would want to do that though unless it was something life

On Nov 16, 2007 10:05 AM, Caroline Kaufmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Gosh- could that time frame be anymore vague!  2-17 days is a long time
 period!  I will ask my mom how she feels about it...she is very protective
 of LeeRoy- even tho she's not a cat-person- b/c he's the sweetest little boy
 ever- the nicest cat in the world- a real people-cat and she wouldn't want
 him to come down with the funk.  I know technically they were probably
 already exposed to some degree since I don't have an iso room- altho this
 downstairs room is about as isolated as you can get without having a
 separate ac/heat, etc.  And Yoda and the B/W originally had the same URI
 anyway.  Yoda is the only one from that group of 4 kittens (Metro AC orphans
 but not a litter) that the URI eye symptoms haven't come back on yet since
 he kicked it in September (the other 2 have been adopted (Tippi and
 GoGo-- I like to think it's b/c I spent A LOT of time cleaning them with
 kitty wipes, cleaning ears- Tippi's were the worst I'd seen in my 30 years-
 and my dad was a vet!, brushing them, pumping them full of high-qual food
 and supplements and giving them exercise and frankly, they looked
 better than most of the other cats!)  I have not let loose of Yoda
 though (added him to the condos for adoption)- even tho I know someone would
 grab him up b/c he's buff-colored and freaking adorable, altho he is kind
 of an a$$, but the cuteness makes up for it!  So he's been living the high
 life since I took him in so he certainly hasn't had any stress that would
 bring the URI back out.  I even moved and the little booger loved his new
 room and got to truly bird watch for the first time and he never even
 missed a beat!  So much for moving causing stress on my cats!

 Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 09:47:54 -0600
 Subject: Re: Question about URI contagion

 Oddly enough, I just picked up a fact sheet that says incubation is
 between 2-17 days.  I don't know if that helps you.

 On Nov 16, 2007 9:40 AM, Gloria Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If he were at my house, I'd probably go ahead and mix him with the others.
  They've probably already been exposed anyhow.  Sounds like he's responded
 well to your loving care.  FYI - I also had good luck with a dose or two of
 Zithromax for kittens with URI.

  On Nov 16, 2007, at 9:33 AM, Caroline Kaufmann wrote:

  Does anyone know how long a URI is contagious?  I picked up a B/W approx.
 6 mth old kitten from the adoption location last Sat. b/c he'd been
 suffering from a URI- mostly affecting the eyes (no sneezing) for 2-3 weeks
 and it just wasn't getting better.  Poor thing had started to rub off the
 fur around his one eye from rubbing at it so much.  I had this same kitten
 back at labor day for about 3 weeks when I took in 4 kittens who all had
 URIs in various degrees of severity.  He was the oldest and he got well the
 fastest after treatment with Amoxy and Terramycin.  Well, when he was added
 to the condo at the store to be on display for adoption, I guess the
 stress of that shortly thereafter brought the eye problems back and he's
 been suffering off and on since then.  I tried to stop by as much as
 possible to clean and treat his eyes, but it's hard b/c the store closes at
 6:00.  He is also one of those cats prone to tear stains regardless of a
 URI and with the white fur on his face, he looks really bad being on display
 with tear stains and eye funk (he looked sick- which looks bad for our
 no-kill agency), so I decided to take him home and put in him the downstairs
 room and just not mix him at all with my other two fosters Yoda and LeeRoy.
 Well, I've had him since last Sat. and this time, he's on Clavamox (and
 Terramycin in the eyes) and I'm feeding him tons of wet food (Wellness
 kitten)- they only get dry at the store- and pumping him full of
 supplements.  He gets to run around the house when I am home b/c the other
 foster kittens have a big room to romp, so they stay closed in there and
 away from him  But, I know he's lonely and needs some kitty-socialization
 and he and Yoda may remember each other!  He's doing SO MUCH better- it's
 unreal.  I know it's probably mostly because he is having fun, not stressed,
 eating like a piggy and getting love (that probably helps more than the
 meds...sigh).   *So, if he is no longer having inflamed red eye tissue and
 green discharge, is he okay to mingle now?  He's not sneezing and he doesn't
 really have any eye discharge at all*, besides his