Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

2010-03-09 Thread Christy Buchin

Gray Kitty was diagnosed in 2007 as FeLV +.  He now test negative, however, we 
are dealing with Steroid Responsive Regenerative Anemia.  He has been on a high 
dosage of Pred for a year.  We are looking into alternatives such as 
 Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 19:47:44 -0500
 Subject: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive
 My poor sweet Casper is FeLV+. So by making the decision to mix I have 
 condemned him. He is anemic and he is going on Doxycyclne and Prednosolone. 
 Has anyone ever heard of a cat that has anemia living longer then a few 
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[Felvtalk] My Maggie felv+

2010-03-09 Thread Donnan Helton

I just want to start out by saying i am so happy that I have found this forum 
because it has helped us out so much and given me information that nothing else 
did.  Just last year we were a 6 cat household, then in november of 09 our 3 yr 
old Kafka got sick.  Her back legs just stopped working one day and she stopped 
eating. we rushed her to the Evet and they ran many tests before do the flv 
tests and seeing she was positive.  They called us the next morning and told us 
the bad news(at this point we knew very little to nothing about this diease) we 
were devastated.  The vet asked us to come in to discuss options, problem is 
when we got there he said our only option was to euth.  We begged him for 
something more and he said since she was severely anemic all her could do was 
do a blood transfusion but advised us against it cause he said it would be for 
our sake only.  Since we trusted him we went ahead and let our baby go.  After 
that I started doing extensive research on felv and found that we did have 
options! I was outraged and immediatly switched vets.  Also, i learned that 
they were a vaccination(we live in a small town and the vet had yet to mention 
it to us even though he knew we had multiple cats).  So we started going to a 
new vet but decided against getting the rest of our babies tested cause i dont 
think i could bare to know.


Last week, one of our other babies who happens to be 3 also, went to the vet 
for her yearly vaccinations and when we brought her home she got very sick and 
immediatly became anemic and lost a whole pound in 3 days.  we took her back in 
and she tested positive.  They said the vaccines shocked her immune system and 
brought the felv out.  She got a antibiotic shot and anti inflammatory shot and 
when she got home she was like a brand new cat.  shes doing much better 
although she is still very pale from the anemia, but shes eating like crazy.  
Im so happy shes doing well but im afraid for what will come next.  I had a 
meeting the vet yesterday and told her about all the info i had read about ltci 
and that i wanted to try it.  she didnt seem to be interested at all but i was 
persistant and she said she would contact the company for some info.  she did 
suggest when she stops eating again that we try interferon, she said she had 
had success in the past with it.  I hope that you all can help me and guide in 
the right direction to give my maggie a full life.  Thanks to all of you.
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Re: [Felvtalk] My Maggie felv+

2010-03-09 Thread Sally Davis
Welcome to the group.

You will get much information and support here. This groupgot me though a
crisis involving multiple cats. I no longer have a positive. I do have 7
cats that were here during the time that Junior was still alive. I miss my

 Lily, Daisy, Pewter, Junior Junior, Hotdog (newest) Silver, and  Spike
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