Re: [Felvtalk] Murphy's little comeback-he definitely has 9 lives!! jbero (Jenny)

2010-10-02 Thread Sharyl
You have gotten a great response from Alice.  Just a few points about anemia.  
Anemia has many causes - not just CRF.  There is a Yahoo anemia group you may 
want to join.

For my CRF kitty a mix of B12, Super B Complex, folic acid and NutriVed helped 
manage his anemia and keep his HCT around 24%.  That mix of supplements did not 
help my FeLV kitties when anemia hit them.  Like Alice's babies, mine went 
quick.  As you will find on the anemia board most do not start using Procrit 
until the HCT is below 20%.  

Hugs to Avis

--- On Fri, 10/1/10,  wrote:

> From: 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Murphy's little comeback-he definitely has 9 lives!! 
> jbero (Jenny)
> To:
> Date: Friday, October 1, 2010, 8:58 PM
> Hi Alice,
> Thanks so much for sharing all this. I'm learning a lot
> following your posts and 
> am so happy that Murphy is having a comeback. If you don't
> mind answering some 
> more questions, I would very much appreciate it.
> Just this week I found out by pure accident that the
> awesome Avis is FeLV+. His 
> counts show nonregenerative anemia: RBC 4.37, HCT 21%. I'd
> love to get these 
> numbers up a little, or at least keep them from going down
> for as long as 
> possible. Because right now, he is loving life: eats well,
> plays with Max the 
> Dog, stalks all those critters on the other side of the
> window & purrs & purrs & 
> purrs.
> So, the questions:
> 1) How long have Murphy & Rosie been taking LTCI shots
> & how have they benefited 
> from them?
> 2) Ditto Interferon -- how long & what benefits. Also,
> do you use the feline 
> Interferon (omega) version & if so, how do you get it?
> Because my understanding 
> is that feline interferon is only available in Europe,
> maybe Canada, and that 
> there are some risks to using human interferon.
> 3) Procit -- I was under the impression that Procrit/Epogen
> is used when the 
> anemia is a result of chronic renal failure. Does Murphy
> have CRF?
> 4) Any experience/thoughts on ImmunoRegulin & Staph
> Protein A?
> I am struggling with what treatments to try and when to
> start. Is sooner better 
> or should I keep these treatments in reserve for when HCT
> goes under 20%? 
> Thanks again, hearing your real world experience helps
> tremendously!
> Kris B.
> From: Alice Flowers 
> To: ""
> Sent: Fri, October 1, 2010 8:01:24 PM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Murphy's little comeback-he
> definitely has 9 lives!! 
> jbero (Jenny)
> Hi Jenny! OK-we live at the vet-LOL   With
> FeLV, the sooner you can nip anything 
> in the bud, the better. Murphy was put on Cyproheptadine in
> April for 
> sneezing-we thought allergies because he liked to hang out
> at the screen door to 
> watch the birds. I had been giving fewer LTCI shots-went to
> 8 weeks-dumb.the 
> end of July he became anemic-still sneezing and now
> lethargic,  he had lost 
> almost a pound in the 3 months. 
> July 23-He has always tested negative for FHM (formerly
> known as 
> Hemobartonella). We added the Doxy 2x a day (1/4 of a 100mg
> tab that I put in a 
> gel cap with the 1/2 tab of 4 mg Cypro) on  July 23,
> along with Procrit 3x a 
> week and the iron capsule 1x a day. Still on Interferon 1cc
> 2x a day (both he 
> and Rosie). I think the Doxy as more of a preventative
> measure. He had lots of 
> URIs his first year. Absolute Reticulocyte count was 35200.
> Autoplatelet 
> 744..Large platelets present, Slight Howell jolly bodies
> persent. No FHM seen. 
> Went to every 2 wks with the LTCI.
> Aug 6 he had a temp of 104.7 and was given a shot of .5 ml
> PennG which I 
> repeated every 5 days at home. But his in-office PCV was up
> to 27 from 18 in 
> July. CBCs- RBC 3.07 HGB 6.9 HCT 22.5  Autoplatelet
> 897  Platelets appear 
> increased Large platelets present  Absolute
> Reticulocyte count 70610 Marked 
> degree of regeneration.
> Sept 18-Breathing too fast-103.5 temp ultrasound showed
> fluid in the chest 
> cavity and she could not see his heart and lungs on the
> test-his breathing was 
> raspy. Added Prednisolone 5mg 2x a day and Lasix 1/2 tab 2x
> a day (I put both in 
> one gelcap)  CBC showed RBC 6.48  HGB 11.6 
> HCT 38.7  (no reticulocyte done) 
> Auto Platelet 621 Platelets appear increased. Decreased
> Procrit to 2x a week 
> and Iron capsule to one every other night. Added Rutin when
> Dawn wrote about 
> using it and it helped her cat-1 gel cap 2x a day. LTCI
> once a week.
> Today Oct 1 "Marked Improvements!" ultrasound showed very
> scant fluid -lung 
> sounds great. In office PCV 36 TP 6-continue the meds
> except decrease the 
> Procrit (21 units in an insulin syringe) to once a
> week-mucous membranes nice 
> and pink, temp 101.1, up to 11 lbs 1/2 oz (from 10 lbs Aug
> 6 but he was 12 lbs

Re: [Felvtalk] Update on our Lydia

2010-10-02 Thread Anndrea DeLozier
Oh, I guess I hadn't put her name in the first message, so I can see why
people don't know what I'm talking about :)


The heading was:

[Felvtalk] Questions about FeLV


My name came up as:



And it was posted:
Tue, 28 Sep 2010 00:26:52 -0700


Anyway, any idea how much Pet Tinic I should give her?


Any thoughts on an iron supplement? Liquid seems to be the way to go :)


Also, and I hope I don't sound too dumb.but can kitty have human blood in a


And/Or, can her sister (if she's FeLV negative) donate blood to her?
Biological sister, not adopted sister :)


Would a vet do a transfusion from one cat to another? Any idea if it would
be extremely expensive?


We are going to be moving 1400 miles away, and we leave on the 15th. It'll
take a few days to get there. I know that will be stressful on her, is there
anything I can do to make it any less stressful? Like if she rides on
someone's lap instead of in a crate.or get one of those "calming collars"
I've seen at Walmart.? They have some kind of pheromone or something on
them, I think.?


There will be other cats in crates, and 2 dogs possibly in crates, possibly
not, but the dogs and this cat get along very well. 


She has continued to eat baby food.not a ton, but some.and she urinated the
other day (on the floor - missed the box, I guess) and it was a very
"string" yellow color, but not orange, brown, or a.hi-liter yellow,
but really concentrated. Like if you hi-lited the same spot on a piece of
paper over and over.hope that makes some


She's still real yellow-skinned (and paw pads and nose and gums). She has
been more alert the last few days, but still not active much. 


The vet she saw was very sure that she won't make it. He kept saying he has
seen cats with the levels in her bloodwork, and it never turns out good. I
don't expect a miracle (thought it would be nice), but if she can live for a
while, and not be in pain or discomfort, I have to try.ya know?


If she makes it until the 15th, and makes the trip, I will be looking for a
vet that is maybe a bit more optimistic.but realistic, too.


Oh.and guess what? She was purring for me the other morning :) That was the
first time I'd heard/felt that in a while.


She seems to not want to be warm. She won't stay under the covers at night
like she used to, prefers the bare wood floor to the soft beds, and we even
found her in the empty bathtub yesterday.  Most of her day is spent in the
top of a tall laundry basket, laying on a fleece blanket. At night she
sleeps at the foot of our bed.


Anyway, any more info, encouragement, ideas, etc. are greatly appreciated :)



Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Update on our Lydia

2010-10-02 Thread Natalie
Yes, get some Feliway (facial pheromone)and spray it into the carrier a few
hours prior to leaving because if it's fresh, it's a bit strong. You can
take cat out once in a while, but it's not really safe in lap...I had a
friend whose cat was in the car, she got into a slight fender-bender, opened
the door and cat got out on a highway - she never found it again. Keep them
safe inside a proper cat carrier - get a larger one where you could place a
small baking dish with litter, etc.
No, you cannot do human blood to cat. From a cat to another, yes - vets
usually have donor cats living at hospitals. Don't know where you live -
cost varies from area to area.
Yes, those calming things could work - but how about Bach Flower Remedies'
"Rescue" - put into water, into mouth, spread fur away on forehead and place
a few drops on it.  You cannot overdo.
Does kitty drink enough water/?  You might want to give her water with an
eyedropper throughout the day.
If she's anemic, I';m surprised that she wants to keep cool
Good luck eith the trip and the little one!  I'll be thinking of you all!

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Anndrea DeLozier
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2010 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Update on our Lydia

Oh, I guess I hadn't put her name in the first message, so I can see why
people don't know what I'm talking about :)


The heading was:

[Felvtalk] Questions about FeLV


My name came up as:



And it was posted:
Tue, 28 Sep 2010 00:26:52 -0700


Anyway, any idea how much Pet Tinic I should give her?


Any thoughts on an iron supplement? Liquid seems to be the way to go :)


Also, and I hope I don't sound too dumb.but can kitty have human blood in a


And/Or, can her sister (if she's FeLV negative) donate blood to her?
Biological sister, not adopted sister :)


Would a vet do a transfusion from one cat to another? Any idea if it would
be extremely expensive?


We are going to be moving 1400 miles away, and we leave on the 15th. It'll
take a few days to get there. I know that will be stressful on her, is there
anything I can do to make it any less stressful? Like if she rides on
someone's lap instead of in a crate.or get one of those "calming collars"
I've seen at Walmart.? They have some kind of pheromone or something on
them, I think.?


There will be other cats in crates, and 2 dogs possibly in crates, possibly
not, but the dogs and this cat get along very well. 


She has continued to eat baby food.not a ton, but some.and she urinated the
other day (on the floor - missed the box, I guess) and it was a very
"string" yellow color, but not orange, brown, or a.hi-liter yellow,
but really concentrated. Like if you hi-lited the same spot on a piece of
paper over and over.hope that makes some


She's still real yellow-skinned (and paw pads and nose and gums). She has
been more alert the last few days, but still not active much. 


The vet she saw was very sure that she won't make it. He kept saying he has
seen cats with the levels in her bloodwork, and it never turns out good. I
don't expect a miracle (thought it would be nice), but if she can live for a
while, and not be in pain or discomfort, I have to try.ya know?


If she makes it until the 15th, and makes the trip, I will be looking for a
vet that is maybe a bit more optimistic.but realistic, too.


Oh.and guess what? She was purring for me the other morning :) That was the
first time I'd heard/felt that in a while.


She seems to not want to be warm. She won't stay under the covers at night
like she used to, prefers the bare wood floor to the soft beds, and we even
found her in the empty bathtub yesterday.  Most of her day is spent in the
top of a tall laundry basket, laying on a fleece blanket. At night she
sleeps at the foot of our bed.


Anyway, any more info, encouragement, ideas, etc. are greatly appreciated :)



Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Update on our Lydia

2010-10-02 Thread Anndrea DeLozier
Is FeliWay something I might find at like PetsMart?


I know it isn't safe to have her on a lap.I guess I wasn't thinking about
that part.thanks for bringing it up.I'm so focused on her not feeling well,
it totally slipped my mind what could happen to her if she's not in a crate
most of the time.


I am hoping to use a large enough crate for her to have litter, food, and
water in there.she will definitely have food and water available (as will
the other cats in their crates).


Too bad human to cat blood transfusion won't and hubby have both
said if we could, we'd go so far as to give her organs (or parts of organs -
like a piece of my liver), we wouldn't even hesitate :)


I'll call around on cost.but would I want to be having a transfusion done
shortly before we're moving, or should I call around at the new place
(assuming she makes it there)?


That Bach Flower stuff.the vet said not to do shots because of her weakened
immune system.I'm not sure I should be giving her anything I don't know
anything about.does that make sense?


Lydia doesn't drink a lot of water. She is not really active, and when I see
her having a hard time swallowing, I get her non-needled small syringe and
give her a couple drinks. I need to get more in her.she was getting more
when she was lapping up really watery cat food, but I was worried she wasn't
getting enough food, so went and got baby food. She eats that right out of
the jar, but doesn't seem to want water by itself anymore. I will try to get
more water in her from now on, since she hasn't been drinking it much on her


Yeah, I thought anemia would make her feel cold.I mean her paw pads seemed
cold for several days, but they feel normal warm now.hope that's a good
thing.I sure know the cold feet didn't feel right.


And, sorry to press the same question over and over, but does anyone know
how much Pet-Tinic I should be giving her? And of an iron supplement (if it
might help)?


Thanks :)






Yes, get some Feliway (facial pheromone)and spray it into the carrier a few
hours prior to leaving because if it's fresh, it's a bit strong. You can
take cat out once in a while, but it's not really safe in lap...I had a
friend whose cat was in the car, she got into a slight fender-bender, opened
the door and cat got out on a highway - she never found it again. Keep them
safe inside a proper cat carrier - get a larger one where you could place a
small baking dish with litter, etc.
No, you cannot do human blood to cat. From a cat to another, yes - vets
usually have donor cats living at hospitals. Don't know where you live -
cost varies from area to area.
Yes, those calming things could work - but how about Bach Flower Remedies'
"Rescue" - put into water, into mouth, spread fur away on forehead and place
a few drops on it.  You cannot overdo.
Does kitty drink enough water/?  You might want to give her water with an
eyedropper throughout the day.
If she's anemic, I';m surprised that she wants to keep cool
Good luck eith the trip and the little one!  I'll be thinking of you all!


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Update on our Lydia

2010-10-02 Thread Natalie
Yes, any pet supply store carries Feliway.  There's even a dog counterpart
available now.
Don't put water in there - it'll spill and everything will be wet.  Give it
to her once in a while of with an eyedropper.  We have traveled a lot with
our cats and dogs - cross-country, to Europe and back
Transfusion isn't always IT - does she really need it according to the vet?

Rescue remedy can be given anytime - it's not a shot - cannot interfere with
PetTinic - sorry, I forgot to answer: My vet prescribed .25 mL twice a day
for an adult cat with regular anemia (he was not FeLV+).  He always reminds
me not to give too much of it.
If you use a small amount of really hot water in the food, the flavor comes
out and cats love it.
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Anndrea DeLozier
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2010 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Update on our Lydia

Is FeliWay something I might find at like PetsMart?


I know it isn't safe to have her on a lap.I guess I wasn't thinking about
that part.thanks for bringing it up.I'm so focused on her not feeling well,
it totally slipped my mind what could happen to her if she's not in a crate
most of the time.


I am hoping to use a large enough crate for her to have litter, food, and
water in there.she will definitely have food and water available (as will
the other cats in their crates).


Too bad human to cat blood transfusion won't and hubby have both
said if we could, we'd go so far as to give her organs (or parts of organs -
like a piece of my liver), we wouldn't even hesitate :)


I'll call around on cost.but would I want to be having a transfusion done
shortly before we're moving, or should I call around at the new place
(assuming she makes it there)?


That Bach Flower stuff.the vet said not to do shots because of her weakened
immune system.I'm not sure I should be giving her anything I don't know
anything about.does that make sense?


Lydia doesn't drink a lot of water. She is not really active, and when I see
her having a hard time swallowing, I get her non-needled small syringe and
give her a couple drinks. I need to get more in her.she was getting more
when she was lapping up really watery cat food, but I was worried she wasn't
getting enough food, so went and got baby food. She eats that right out of
the jar, but doesn't seem to want water by itself anymore. I will try to get
more water in her from now on, since she hasn't been drinking it much on her


Yeah, I thought anemia would make her feel cold.I mean her paw pads seemed
cold for several days, but they feel normal warm now.hope that's a good
thing.I sure know the cold feet didn't feel right.


And, sorry to press the same question over and over, but does anyone know
how much Pet-Tinic I should be giving her? And of an iron supplement (if it
might help)?


Thanks :)






Yes, get some Feliway (facial pheromone)and spray it into the carrier a few
hours prior to leaving because if it's fresh, it's a bit strong. You can
take cat out once in a while, but it's not really safe in lap...I had a
friend whose cat was in the car, she got into a slight fender-bender, opened
the door and cat got out on a highway - she never found it again. Keep them
safe inside a proper cat carrier - get a larger one where you could place a
small baking dish with litter, etc.
No, you cannot do human blood to cat. From a cat to another, yes - vets
usually have donor cats living at hospitals. Don't know where you live -
cost varies from area to area.
Yes, those calming things could work - but how about Bach Flower Remedies'
"Rescue" - put into water, into mouth, spread fur away on forehead and place
a few drops on it.  You cannot overdo.
Does kitty drink enough water/?  You might want to give her water with an
eyedropper throughout the day.
If she's anemic, I';m surprised that she wants to keep cool
Good luck eith the trip and the little one!  I'll be thinking of you all!


Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Update on our Lydia

2010-10-02 Thread Anndrea DeLozier
Ok, I will get some Feliway and see if it helps her on the trip :)


I didn't think about water spilling.we're going to have to make a lot of
stops anyway because I'm having knee surgery Tuesday and have to get out and
stretch like every hour or two.I can try to get some food and water in her
on those stops and when we stop for the night.


The vet hasn't really said anything about transfusion since the bloodwork
came back. We had taken her in on a Friday, so had to wait until Monday for
the FeLV test results. He gave us antibiotics for her, and called Friday
night to let us know some of the bloodwork tests had come back and that she
is VERY anemic and that it looks like her bone marrow is not making new red
blood cells. He was gone that next week, and another doctor gave me some
hope, but was also very realistic about it. Once he was back in the office,
he called and was very adamant about putting her down. I asked about pain.if
she might have any and how I would know if she does. All they told me was
she'd cry out and would pant like a dog. They said I would definitely know
something had changed and that it was important. She has never done those


I might try both.? Feliway and rescue remedy.?


I never thought about the hot water helping make it more tasty.I assumed
people said to dilute it because she probably doesn't have much energy to
chew food. but, I need to keep getting water into her, maybe a little
hot water in her food would be good :)


Don't be sorry.I hope I didn't come was snapping at you.I
totally didn't mean for it to sound that way :)


Ok, 0.25 ml. I'm sure that wouldn't be too much.the bottle was saying 2.5ml
for a 25lb dog or cat.but I want to make sure I don't OD her, so I will do


Thanks a ton for the info and suggestions :)


This is just so hard on me and my husband (who Lydia "claimed" as hers the
moment we brought her home :)   ). She is just so amazing :)





Yes, any pet supply store carries Feliway.  There's even a dog counterpart

available now.

Don't put water in there - it'll spill and everything will be wet.  Give it

to her once in a while off with an eyedropper.  We have traveled a lot with

our cats and dogs - cross-country, to Europe and back

Transfusion isn't always IT - does she really need it according to the vet?


Rescue remedy can be given anytime - it's not a shot - cannot interfere with


PetTinic - sorry, I forgot to answer: My vet prescribed .25 mL twice a day

for an adult cat with regular anemia (he was not FeLV+).  He always reminds

me not to give too much of it.

If you use a small amount of really hot water in the food, the flavor comes

out and cats love it.


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Update on our Lydia

2010-10-02 Thread Sharyl
Here are some travel tips.  I've made several long road trips with my cats.  
Some will eat in the car and some will wait until we get settled in a motel for 
the night.  I take several jars of meat baby food for the road.  Most truck 
stops have a microwave oven so you can gently warm the baby food.  I carry a 
bottle of water just for Pequita, my CRF kitty.  At every stop I'd syringe 10 
cc's of water to her.   

I've found a large carrier works well.  In the back it will hold a small 
aluminum pan filled with litter.  I put the food and water in when I stop.  I 
have back problems and need to stop every couple of hours for a stretch.  I 
carry a med. size rubbermaid tub with litter for the motel.  I set up the 
litter box, food and water in the motel bathroom.  

Feliway spray for the carriers and motel rooms well help settle the cats.  

Can you check now to see if the area you are moving to has a vet familiar with 

Good luck

--- On Sat, 10/2/10, Anndrea DeLozier  wrote:

> From: Anndrea DeLozier 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Update on our Lydia
> To:
> Date: Saturday, October 2, 2010, 1:28 PM
> Oh, I guess I hadn't put her name in
> the first message, so I can see why
> people don't know what I'm talking about :)
> The heading was:
> [Felvtalk] Questions about FeLV
> My name came up as:
> A D
> And it was posted:
> Tue, 28 Sep 2010 00:26:52 -0700
> Anyway, any idea how much Pet Tinic I should give her?
> Any thoughts on an iron supplement? Liquid seems to be the
> way to go :)
> Also, and I hope I don't sound too dumb.but can kitty have
> human blood in a
> transfusion?
> And/Or, can her sister (if she's FeLV negative) donate
> blood to her?
> Biological sister, not adopted sister :)
> Would a vet do a transfusion from one cat to another? Any
> idea if it would
> be extremely expensive?
> We are going to be moving 1400 miles away, and we leave on
> the 15th. It'll
> take a few days to get there. I know that will be stressful
> on her, is there
> anything I can do to make it any less stressful? Like if
> she rides on
> someone's lap instead of in a crate.or get one of those
> "calming collars"
> I've seen at Walmart.? They have some kind of pheromone or
> something on
> them, I think.?
> There will be other cats in crates, and 2 dogs possibly in
> crates, possibly
> not, but the dogs and this cat get along very well. 
> She has continued to eat baby food.not a ton, but some.and
> she urinated the
> other day (on the floor - missed the box, I guess) and it
> was a very
> "string" yellow color, but not orange, brown, or
> a.hi-liter yellow,
> but really concentrated. Like if you hi-lited the same spot
> on a piece of
> paper over and over.hope that makes some
> She's still real yellow-skinned (and paw pads and nose and
> gums). She has
> been more alert the last few days, but still not active
> much. 
> The vet she saw was very sure that she won't make it. He
> kept saying he has
> seen cats with the levels in her bloodwork, and it never
> turns out good. I
> don't expect a miracle (thought it would be nice), but if
> she can live for a
> while, and not be in pain or discomfort, I have to try.ya
> know?
> If she makes it until the 15th, and makes the trip, I will
> be looking for a
> vet that is maybe a bit more optimistic.but realistic,
> too.
> Oh.and guess what? She was purring for me the other morning
> :) That was the
> first time I'd heard/felt that in a while.
> She seems to not want to be warm. She won't stay under the
> covers at night
> like she used to, prefers the bare wood floor to the soft
> beds, and we even
> found her in the empty bathtub yesterday.  Most of her
> day is spent in the
> top of a tall laundry basket, laying on a fleece blanket.
> At night she
> sleeps at the foot of our bed.
> Anyway, any more info, encouragement, ideas, etc. are
> greatly appreciated :)
> ~Anndrea
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Update on our Lydia

2010-10-02 Thread Cougar Clan
I'm not sure the origin of this line but please consider carrying some  
ice packs.  I traveled two hours, stopped to visit a lady that Kitty  
apparently didn't care for (she hid under some towels and stayed there  
for another hour or so in very moderate weather).  When we arrived at  
my holistic vet's, Kitty was very overheated.  Luckily I had extremely  
cold water bottles in a cooler.  I travel with ice packs and extremely  
cold water nowno matter how hot it is.  Additionally, this could  
be a life saver in case of a car breakdown .

On Oct 2, 2010, at 6:36 PM, Sharyl wrote:

Here are some travel tips.  I've made several long road trips with  
my cats.  Some will eat in the car and some will wait until we get  
settled in a motel for the night.  I take several jars of meat baby  
food for the road.  Most truck stops have a microwave oven so you  
can gently warm the baby food.  I carry a bottle of water just for  
Pequita, my CRF kitty.  At every stop I'd syringe 10 cc's of water  
to her.

I've found a large carrier works well.  In the back it will hold a  
small aluminum pan filled with litter.  I put the food and water in  
when I stop.  I have back problems and need to stop every couple of  
hours for a stretch.  I carry a med. size rubbermaid tub with litter  
for the motel.  I set up the litter box, food and water in the motel  

Feliway spray for the carriers and motel rooms well help settle the  

Can you check now to see if the area you are moving to has a vet  
familiar with FeLV?

Good luck

--- On Sat, 10/2/10, Anndrea DeLozier  wrote:

From: Anndrea DeLozier 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Update on our Lydia
Date: Saturday, October 2, 2010, 1:28 PM
Oh, I guess I hadn't put her name in
the first message, so I can see why
people don't know what I'm talking about :)

The heading was:

[Felvtalk] Questions about FeLV

My name came up as:


And it was posted:
Tue, 28 Sep 2010 00:26:52 -0700

Anyway, any idea how much Pet Tinic I should give her?

Any thoughts on an iron supplement? Liquid seems to be the
way to go :)

Also, and I hope I don't sound too dumb.but can kitty have
human blood in a

And/Or, can her sister (if she's FeLV negative) donate
blood to her?
Biological sister, not adopted sister :)

Would a vet do a transfusion from one cat to another? Any
idea if it would
be extremely expensive?

We are going to be moving 1400 miles away, and we leave on
the 15th. It'll
take a few days to get there. I know that will be stressful
on her, is there
anything I can do to make it any less stressful? Like if
she rides on
someone's lap instead of in a crate.or get one of those
"calming collars"
I've seen at Walmart.? They have some kind of pheromone or
something on
them, I think.?

There will be other cats in crates, and 2 dogs possibly in
crates, possibly
not, but the dogs and this cat get along very well.

She has continued to eat baby food.not a ton, but some.and
she urinated the
other day (on the floor - missed the box, I guess) and it
was a very
"string" yellow color, but not orange, brown, or
a.hi-liter yellow,
but really concentrated. Like if you hi-lited the same spot
on a piece of
paper over and over.hope that makes some

She's still real yellow-skinned (and paw pads and nose and
gums). She has
been more alert the last few days, but still not active

The vet she saw was very sure that she won't make it. He
kept saying he has
seen cats with the levels in her bloodwork, and it never
turns out good. I
don't expect a miracle (thought it would be nice), but if
she can live for a
while, and not be in pain or discomfort, I have to try.ya

If she makes it until the 15th, and makes the trip, I will
be looking for a
vet that is maybe a bit more optimistic.but realistic,

Oh.and guess what? She was purring for me the other morning
:) That was the
first time I'd heard/felt that in a while.

She seems to not want to be warm. She won't stay under the
covers at night
like she used to, prefers the bare wood floor to the soft
beds, and we even
found her in the empty bathtub yesterday.  Most of her
day is spent in the
top of a tall laundry basket, laying on a fleece blanket.
At night she
sleeps at the foot of our bed.

Anyway, any more info, encouragement, ideas, etc. are
greatly appreciated :)


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