Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update

2009-08-06 Thread Hiromi Page

***Sorry about my lengthy email***

Hello MaryChristine  sorry about my late response :-)

I don't know how to read the blood test results, but here is what I have...
What's on the left of arrow is the results of first blood test taken on 
1/9/2009, and
what's on the right of arrow is the resulst of second test taken on 3/28/2009.
I didn't know which values indicate what, so I wrote down the items indicating 
abnormal values (High  Low) from the first blood test results...
AST (SGOT) 121 (H) - 32
ALT (SGPT) 145 (H) - 52
Cholesterol Total 235 (H) - 304 (still High)
Phosphorous 3.0 (L) - 4.1 (still Low)
CA/PHOS Ratio 2.7 (H) - 2.2
Total Protein 15.8 (H) - 7.6
Albumin 5.2 (H) - 3.2
Globulin 10.6 (H) - 4.4
LDH 1141 (H) - 434
RBC 3.2 (L) - 7.4
HGB 5.2 (L) - 11.1
HCT 18 (L) - 39
MCV 58 (H) - 53
MCHC 28.2 (L) - 29.1
Lymphs 17 (L) - 62 (H)
Lymph/Absolute 935 (L) - 2728
Platelet Count 58 (L) - 253
FELV (ELISA) Positive - Negative
1/9/2009 - I took my cat, Puma to the vet for bladder infection (I thought that 
was the only problem then).  Since it was the first time, the vet did the blood 
test.  Looking at the test results, he told me that Puma was FeLV+ and had 
severe anemia. (I don't know what kind...)
The vet gave Puma LCTI on 1/31, 2/7, 2/14 (once a week for 3 weeks) 2/28, 3/14 
(every other week).
On 3/28 which is two weeks after his 5th shots, the vet did the 2nd blood test 
which you can see the results above.  Looking at the 2nd test results, the vet 
told me that Puma no longer has anemia; however, I asked the vet to continue 
the LCTI treatment.
The vet gave Puma LCTI on 4/11, 5/9, 6/6, and 7/4 (Once a month).  I'm planning 
to ask the vet to do another blood test on 9/5 which will be two month from the 
last treatment.
Only other thing that I did was to make sure that Puma gets nutritious food.
When the treatment started, I switched from dry food (Nutro Natural Choice 
Complete Care) to can food (Natural Balance Ultra Formula) (I'm back to dry 
food (Wellness) now though)

I also gave him Hi-Vite drop daily (and I still do...)


Let me know if I missed anything that you asked.


Hiromi :-)
 Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 13:08:36 -0400
 Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update
 hiromi, i'd be very interested in learning about the blood values your
 cat showed, what kind of anemia it had, what other things you tried,
 how long it was on the lcti, etc.
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Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update

2009-08-05 Thread Hiromi Page

Hello Amy :-)

All I know is that Lymphocyte T-Cell Immunomodulator by Imulan worked very 
well for my FeLV+ cat w/ severe anemia...


Hiromi :-D
 Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2009 16:38:44 -0700
 Subject: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update
 So I've been posting about my cat Wolfie who has been losing weight since 
 about mid 2006, from 15.4 lbs down to 10.8 lbs today. His last visit was on 
 July 2nd and he had a HCT of 29. He also tested positive for Mycoplasma 
 haemominutum previously called Haemobartonella felis small form. He's been on 
 doxy, pred, and Pet-Tinic twice daily for almost a month. 
 My vet thought he looked great today and he hasn't lost any weight since his 
 last visit but he's not gaining and his HCT is still going down. We took a 
 tiny amount of blood and sent it out for a reticulocyte count. I've lost 
 almost all my leuk positives to anemia in the end (except for one to lymphoma 
 and one to neurological issues) and I'm really bummed out by the news. I was 
 hoping treating the Hemobart would help the HCT even though my vet wasn't as 
 I'm just wondering how most people here lose their leuk positives. It seems 
 all of mine do so well, are completely asymptomatic and then out of nowhere 
 they stop making red blood cells, the HCT starts to drop, and it is downhill 
 from there. My vet wrote me a 10 page letter on everything that could cause 
 weight loss and anemia and we have eliminated almost all the possibilities I 
 think. We haven't done a digestive panel yet because it takes 4 mls of blood 
 and I don't want to do that with his HCT dropping. If the reticulocyte test 
 comes back and shows he is making red blood cells, we will start 
 investigating digestive issues or anything else that could be causing his 
 lower HCT. If it comes back as nonregenerative anemia, is there anything I 
 can do? I know there is the option of Epogen and I'm looking into that. 
 Anything else or do I just spend time with him and wait? I hate this point 
 where they are feeling fine, looking fine, and I know it's only
 a matter of time :( This guy has been with me longer than any of my other 
 positives and I'd do anything to help him but I'm afraid there's nothing else 
 I can do. Thoughts?
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Re: [Felvtalk] Pixie didn't eat during the five days I was away

2009-05-13 Thread Hiromi Page

Hello Giselle,


I took Puma (4 or 5-year old male FeLV+) to a vet for blood test one day.  
Then, a several days later, he stopped eating.  He didn't eat for a couple days.

His ears and gums looked pale.  He was breathing laboriously. My vet gave him 
fluid and B12 shot.  Next day, he started to eat, and everything was back to 

In my case, I believe that withdrawing the blood caused Puma to become sick (He 
has severe anemia), so it may be a little different from Pixie's case, but I 
would think that at least giving fluid would ease Pixie's current condition.


 Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 21:02:52 +
 Subject: [Felvtalk] Pixie didn't eat during the five days I was away
 Hi everyone,
 Pixie is my best buddy and constant companion as I work from home. She's a 
 4-year old female FeLV+. Last Thursday I went away for 5 days, leaving her 
 home alone with a neighbor coming over for at least an hour each day to keep 
 her company, feed wet food, brush, clean litterbox, etc. I returned from my 
 trip yesterday and immediately knew something was wrong -- Pixie didn't come 
 greet me and her dry food and water bowls were almost totally full (how I 
 left them before leaving on Thursday).
 The neighbor said Pixie didn't eat her wet food either. She is now much 
 skinnier around the midsection/haunches and clearly weak. Straight away I 
 syringe-fed her a wet food  water slurry before rushing over to the vet 
 where the vet on duty found Pixie had lost over 1 lb (since she was last 
 weighed in 2007) and said her gums and eyes looked pale. The vet suggested 
 Pixie might have nonregenerative anemia linked to bone marrow failure. 
 She had some blood drawn, got weighed and had temperature taken but that's 
 it. I'm waiting to hear the blood work results tomorrow. Vet didn't even 
 recommend how to deal with the weight loss and probable dehydration. Didn't 
 suggest x-rays either. This woman basically shrugged when I asked about 
 courses of treatment (like, why bother?) for a FeLV cat who might have 
 Bottom line: I'm terrified about Pixie and don't know what to do to help her 
 recover. She's my second cat ever, and first cat I've been primary caregiver 
 to. I feel guilty about going away at all last week, but she had been OK on 
 previous occasions when I travelled. I've been syringe-feeding her slurries 
 every 2 hours all day but she doesn't seem to be regaining strength and she's 
 breathing faster than normal and I catch her staring blankly.
 Any advice from you guys is much appreciated. 
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Re: [Felvtalk] Immulin

2009-04-22 Thread Hiromi Page

I brought my cat (Puma) to a new vet for his bladder infection in Jan 2009.

I was then told that


1. Puma is FeLV+

2. Puma has severe anemia

3. Puma's kidney/Liver are failing (The vet said that based on Puma's blood 
test results)


I put Puma on the LTCI treatment, and he finished 6th shots so far.

The vet did another blood test 2weeks after his 6th shots, and the vet told me 


1. Puma is FeLV- this time (it's ELISA, so we will test him again)

2. Puma doesn't have anemia any more

3. All the values for the blood test came back as normal


I don't quite believe that this treatment cures stance is that if it 
works, great! if not, it's OK.

But I'm very happy that it helped Puma's anemia - he is not suffering from it 
any more!

I'm planning on 3 more monthly shots for Puma as maintenance/follow-up (?).

Hope this helps.



 Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 16:55:01 -0500
 Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Immulin
 I believe you are talking about a product called LTCI that is made by a
 company called Imulan their website is The product is not
 related to IR. Some people have had very good success with LTCI and some
 have not. I don't believe there is any information about its effectiveness
 when used on asymptomatic cats and I would find it far too expensive to use
 as a simple immune booster. Assuming I had the money, I might give it a try
 for a symptomatic cat where you can tell if there is an improvement.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Kerry MacKenzie
 Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 3:48 PM
 Subject: [Felvtalk] Immulin
 Dear all,
 Does anyone have any experience in treating FeLV kitts with Immulin?
 My FelV foster's new forever mom just sent me the email extract below 
 from her ex (who also adopts FeLV kitts). She is looking for any info 
 on Immulin. I wonder if it's akin to Immuno Regulin, or even IR 
 itself, re-packaged for cats (as opposed to dogs and horses)?
 I wonder about this guy being taken for a ride---even 
 unintentionally--by his vet, as it sounds pricy.
 I've been trying to research on the web with no success.
 I've also been unable to dig up any more info on Immuno Regulin other 
 than what I already read several years ago--mainly 2 articles by vets 
 supporting use of IR by Dr Mike Lies, and Dr Karen Thomas, respectively.
 Immulin - appears to be a scientific breakthrough that I am 
 excited about. Results have been incredible. Its a boost to the 
 immune system that in many cases has helped them to beat their 
 diseases. The only issue is cost. It is a very expensive and 
 intensive program. I am also uncertain about the stress of making 
 him go to the vet so often and taking the shots themselves. Doctor 
 thinks pros outway cons by far, I am a little less convinced of that 
 but still excited about the possibilities here.
 Any info on Immulin, or (more up to date) info on IR would be very 
 welcome. Incidentally, one Google result showed an email from a guy 
 that said Dr Karen Thomas' experiences were available on Jim's 
 website. He may mean this website -- James's -- but I've never seen 
 anything from a Dr Karen Thomas here??
 Hugs to all and good health wishes to all your kitts,
 Kerry M.
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Re: [Felvtalk] Lymphocyte T-Cell Immunomodulator

2009-03-03 Thread Hiromi Page

Hello Sue :-)

One of my cats, Puma was diagnosed as FeLV+ in January 2009, and he is 
currently on the medication.

He is still on his 2nd month (shot every other week), so I don't know the long 
term effect of this medication yet, but

after the 3rd shot in the first month, I noticed that he started to eat more 
and became more active.


I wanted my vet to do the blood test after the 3rd shot, but my vet wanted to 
wait, so I don't know

how much the medication is helping in actual numbers (red cell count, etc...) 
yet, but from what I observe so far,

I'm hopeful...I mean...the medication may or may not cure FeLV, but at least it 
seems to be helping Puma's anemia (When I brought Puma to this vet for the 
first time in Jan. 2009, I was told that he has severe anemia and his liver  
kidney are failing because of FeLV)


As for cost, I pay $85 for each visit. $60 for shot + $25 for administering the 

Imulan's recommendation is to give the shot every week for the first month (but 
4th one is optional), every other week for the second month, and every month 
after that.  (upto 6th month) (So...1st month - 3 shots, 2nd month - 2 shots, 
3rd/4th/5th/6th month - 1 shot = 9 shots)


English is not my first language, so let me know if there is anything that is 
not clear - I will do my best to re-explain.

I'm farely new to this group, but all of you has been helping Puma  me a lot 
(especially emotionally), so whatever I could do to help others, I would love 


Hiromi Page

 Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 17:32:28 +
 Subject: [Felvtalk] Lymphocyte T-Cell Immunomodulator
 Hello everyone, I am trying to decide if I should treat my positives with a 
 procuct called Lymphocyte T-Cell Immunomodulator. I believe it is made by a 
 company called Imulan and they claim to have had some success with it. I 
 e-mailed my vet with the website and he seems to think they have not tested 
 it enough to be certain of any results. I was just wondering if anyone on 
 this list has heard of it or used it and what you think of it. This is a link 
 the the website that has it.
 Thank you,
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