Re: re Foxy/ bad news

2008-04-03 Thread Kathy Dillard
Foxy is on day four. Monday the vet told us she would probably only last 24- 48 
hours. We did call the vet back and they ordered dexamethazone for her. We also 
got oxygen for her to keep her comfortable. The vet said that her blood was not 
reproducing red blood cells at all . They did test for the hemobartinello and 
it was negative. Foxy did eat a little bit of food mixed with vitamins (from a 
syringe)  and we have been giving her water from a syringe.
When they say that there is no way for the red blood cells to reproduce at this 
pint if they are not making any new blood cells- is this true. Foxy is such a 
little fighter and I want to do what I can for her but I do not want her  to 
suffer. She is very weak now and has difficulty walking. We decided to not pts 
but let her be home in her own environment she she was doing okay. I hope we 
made the right decision. I am sure we will be up throught the night. I looked 
through the archives and got some helpful  tips on keeping her comfortable.. If 
anyone has any other thoughts please respond. Oh- the vet did call another vet 
in Tampa and they conquered regarding Foxys condition and that she probably 
wouldnt survive the transfusion and if she did it would only give her a couple 
of weeks at the most.Kathy
Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Sally,
If it is al all possible find another vet who is more knowledgable in 
treating FeLV this vet is pretty clueless. An HCT of 10 is when a 
transfusion would be seriously considered not ruled out, that alone 
tells me this vet doesn't have the knowledge to help you.

Bailey started with an HCT of 20% at which point we ordered the epogen, 
by the time I got it his HCT had gone down to 18%, after two weeks of 
being on the epogen it was at 15%, it often takes epogen 3 weeks or even 
longer to kick in. By week 3 his HCT was back up to 18% and went up 
from there. When he passed of pancreatic cancer his HCT was a very 
healthy 33%, so he never became anemic after that. The prednisolone may 
help but in order to build new red cells she needs vitb, iron and folic 
acid, all are needed to build new red cells. Nutrived ahs all 3 and is 
fairly cheap, you can order it here:

I order it for Fred my CRF furkid. I have not found it cheaper anywhere 

How is the baby today?


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Re: re Foxy/ bad news

2008-04-01 Thread Kathy Dillard
First of all- thank-you for your response. When Foxy went to the vet yesterday 
they gave her steroid shot, and antibiotic (shot) and fluid under the skin 
(shot) as she was dehydrated. They did a blood test and said her white count 
was almost nonwxisent and her red count was at 10- even too low for a 
transfusion. So we took her home and cried- and prepared ourselves for the 
worst. Today Foxy is doing better ( which is probably due to the shots) but she 
is eating and grooming herself and she doesnt have a fever. My husband and I 
dont understand and feel confused because Foxy is not breathing heavy which you 
would think would be happening because of lack of red blood cells and and lack 
of oxygen. Foxy has been very healthy up to this point so I think she has a 
strong constitution to draw from-but wonder if her blood count is so low now 
that it is too late. We did call the vet back today to let them know that she 
was actually looking better and if there was anything else we
 could do and they had us pick up a prescription of prednisone.  i have raised 
alot of cats but have never had one with feline leukemia and feel very 
overwhelmed but want to do everything possible for  Foxy and to make sure she 
is comfortable and not suffering. I hope this information helps clarify her 
condition and if you have anymore information or thoughts I would greatly 
appreciate it. I will definitley call the vet tomorrow with more questions and 

Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  This may be too late already but what 
does your vet say is causing 
the anemia If he said it is the FeLV causing it RUN to another 
vet Is she getting doxycycline in case she has hemobartonella, 
something positives are prone to get and VERY hard to test for??? 
Bailey was anemic at one point and it was because the virus had activate 
in his bone marrow and was preventing the making of new red blood cells, 
he got high doses of prednisolone and epogen and his anemia was reversed.

Send her numbers to the list. How low is low??


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re Foxy/ bad news

2008-03-31 Thread Kathy Dillard
We took our kitten  Foxy to the vet and she only has about 24-48 hours to 
live.The leukemia has taken over and her blood count is very very low. We are 
heart sick but want to do what is best for her and I dont want to prolong her 
suffering. The vet said we have done a good job keeping her healthy. They gave 
her a water shot for deydration and a perscription for oxygen. I have never had 
any experience with this and would like to know other members thoughts on this. 
Should we get the oxygen for her? They said she would probably not survive a 
blood transfusion. Any advice would be appreciated.


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Re: re spaying my kitten

2008-03-29 Thread Kathy Dillard
She was just checked by the vet and she has gianed weight (6 lbs) and the vet 
said she seems very healthy.  The vet said that cats that are not spayed have 
more problems with cancer. She has been in heat twice now and it does seem to 
stress her out some and she eats less during that time

Lynne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Kathy, personally, unless she has had 
bloodwork showing she is the healthiest positive cat on the planet, I would not 
do it.  I was told that the stress of wanting to breed is harder on a cat than 
the stress of undergoing neutering but if I had to do it again, I would never 
have had my positive male neutered.  Although he was pretty far advanced 
leukemia wise, I truly believe his neutering caused him many additional 
problems that hastened his death.  As we know, spaying is a much bigger 
procedure than neutering.  If she is going to be an indoor cat only and you are 
willing to go through heats I would not do it.  Just my take on things.  I now 
have a 3 year old female who has Feline Herpes Virus, inactive at the moment, 
and I've only had her for a week.  I am not even going to think about spaying 
for at least a month.  I want her to be in excellent health, stress free etc 
before I'll even consider it.
- Original Message - 
  From: Kathy Dillard 
  Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 10:18 AM
  Subject: re spaying my kitten

My female kitten Foxy is about 8 1/2 months old. She has tested positive for 
feline leukemia and is currently on a daily dose of interferon. My vet has 
recommended having her spayed . Please advise and discuss pros and cons. I feel 
very anxious and scared about having this procedure done but want to do the 
right thing for Foxy.


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Re: re spaying my kitten

2008-03-29 Thread Kathy Dillard
The last time she was at the vet was for shots and the vet told us to bring her 
back in three weeks for a distemper shot and to discuss having her sapyed. I 
believe they said they would do  blood work at that time. After she tested 
positive for feline leukemis I think their protocol is to just keep her on 
interferon all the time. Do you think that is a bad idea?

Lynne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Well, I guess you have to trust your 
vet.  I still have misgivings about it but will be getting my girl spayed also. 
 I must confess I am very nervous about having it done.  She will never be an 
outdoor cat so there is no cause for worry there but I think part of my 
adoption agreement was that I do get her spayed.  Why is your little one on 
interferon?  Has she had routine blood work done to make sure her CBC is ok?  
There was a young leukemia positive cat, around 8 months old, at our vets whose 
bloodwork was excellent and she was going to be spayed.  So I don't know what 
the best thing to do is.  I never had a cat that was terminally ill before 
until Boo and it just seemed everything went downhill rapidly after he was 
neutered.  I'm just a little paranoid these days.
- Original Message - 
  From: Kathy Dillard 
  Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 6:14 PM
  Subject: Re: re spaying my kitten

She was just checked by the vet and she has gianed weight (6 lbs) and the vet 
said she seems very healthy.  The vet said that cats that are not spayed have 
more problems with cancer. She has been in heat twice now and it does seem to 
stress her out some and she eats less during that time

Lynne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  STYLE   Kathy, personally, unless she 
has had bloodwork showing she is the healthiest positive cat on the planet, I 
would not do it.  I was told that the stress of wanting to breed is harder on a 
cat than the stress of undergoing neutering but if I had to do it again, I 
would never have had my positive male neutered.  Although he was pretty far 
advanced leukemia wise, I truly believe his neutering caused him many 
additional problems that hastened his death.  As we know, spaying is a much 
bigger procedure than neutering.  If she is going to be an indoor cat only and 
you are willing to go through heats I would not do it.  Just my take on things. 
 I now have a 3 year old female who has Feline Herpes Virus, inactive at the 
moment, and I've only had her for a week.  I am not even going to think about 
spaying for at least a month.  I want her to be in excellent health, stress 
free etc before I'll even consider it.
- Original Message - 
  From: Kathy Dillard 
  Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 10:18 AM
  Subject: re spaying my kitten

My female kitten Foxy is about 8 1/2 months old. She has tested positive for 
feline leukemia and is currently on a daily dose of interferon. My vet has 
recomm ended having her spayed . Please advise and discuss pros and cons. I 
feel very anxious and scared about having this procedure done but want to do 
the right thing for Foxy.


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