Re: Pookie has gone. Horribly mishandled by clinic

2006-04-06 Thread Kathy Koutsis
Kerry,  I have not posted in a very long time but I wanted you to know that I do read the posts and keep up as much as I can.  I just had to post to tell you how sorry I am. This is inexcusable on the part of the shelter. Completely inexcusable and unforgiveable. They had no right to do that to Pookie without telling you first. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now. that is so sad and it angers me to no end. I'm sorry that you did not have the option to be there for Pookie's final moments. It's not your fault, you could not have done anything because you didn't know.   Is there any action that you can take against this clinic?Kerry MacKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Belinda,  Can you please add mydarling negative foster kitty Pookie to the CLS.  Pookiewas euthanized on Monday March 27 (read on for the way this was mishandled by the clinic, which will haunt me for the rest of my life).  Pookiewas 16 or 17 and had chronic renal failure. He had also been deaf all his life--he was white with blue eyes, and apparently white cats with blue eyes are often deaf. I took him to the animal hospital associated with the shelter on Monday morning as his breathing seemed labored and he didn't seem to want to eat (he ate from my fingers in the end) or drink. I fully expected to take him home again.  A terrible thing happened at the clinic. Even though Iremained in the waiting area of the clinic and had even told the intake receptionist when she asked if it was a drop-offthat I wasnot going
 anywhere,the vet euthanized Pookie without telling me. He apparently had tumors and fluid on the lungs. (Obviously Inever sawthe X-rays either.)  I don't have to explain to anyone on this list how that felt. That I wasn't there to hold and comfort him in his ultimate time of need--even though I was just feet away--will haunt me forever. I wrote a strong letter to the clinic owners the next day, copying the shelter CEO (PAWS), and wrote a second letter today in response to theirs, which raises more questions than it answers.   Pookiewas a wonderful little guy, bearing his illness and his subQs with fortitude and dignity. He had had a hard life. His guardian, a domestic violence victim, had fled their home last summerwith Pookie. She and Pookie lived in a car for some time; it was so hot that she was buying ice bags to keep them both cool. She found her way to a women's shelter, but
 as they wouldn't take pets, he was transferred to Paws. An observant volunteer noticed he was withdrawn and pushed the shelter director to get him fostered with me (apparently it wasn't straightforward--lot of bad feeling between the volunteer and the director). I am so glad that she did that. Pookie was a joy to have around. I was very concerend about my cats bullying him--he was skin and bone and must have weighed about 5 or 6 lb--but he soon ruled the roost in our house using brain, since he no longer had the benefit of brawn, and had even young thug Tiger whipped into shape within days.   The last night he soent here, Sunday, he slept, for the first time,curled aroundmy head, with his little paws gripping my hair. He also had this cute little habit of licking my hands and arms. Although I had the privilege of sharing my home with Pookie for only 5 months (apart from a short break when he went back to his original guardian--it didn't
 work out) he was the most physically affectionate and loving of all my cats. I loved the little fellow dearly and miss himvery much. For such a little fellow he truly has left a huge gap.  Kerry  - Original Message - From: "Belinda" [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To:  Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 2:11 AM  Subject: ImportantHi All,  Not sure if I've written to this group yet or not, the
 days are all  blurring together. My hard drive on my computer died last week and I  lost all of my emails and a few other things. I don't know who had  written to add a furchild to the list (I had forgotten my own password  and it took my 2 days to figure it out and be able to check my email again).  I need anyone with a furchild that passed last week and this week to  resend it so I can add them to the service, please send dates and if  they were FeLV positive or not thanks. That's 5 things in a row that  have gone wrong since the year started, though it was suppose to come in  3's??!!  I will try and check my email atleast once a day after I get home from  the hospital, if anything is urgent please mark it as such so I will  give it attention first. Ok, time to feed Bailey and get to bed, will  get the service tomorrow after I get he
 furkids to add. Take care all.  --   Belinda  Happiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kitties ...   http://www.bemikitties.comPost Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens  http://adopt.bemikitties.comFeLV Candle Light Service (affordable hosting  web design)   

Fwd: Puppy Dies, please help (WARNING, VERY GRAPHIC PHOTOS!)

2006-03-23 Thread Kathy Koutsis
Niki Giannikopoulos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 20:45:30 -0800 (PST)From: Niki Giannikopoulos [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Fwd: Puppy Dies, please help (WARNING, VERY GRAPHIC PHOTOS!)To: Joanna Koutsis [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kathy Koutsis [EMAIL PROTECTED],Michelle Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED],George Mavraganis [EMAIL PROTECTED],Luigi Mazzei [EMAIL PROTECTED], Rosa Mazzei [EMAIL PROTECTED],Maureen  Patrick Murray [EMAIL PROTECTED],Michelle Padavano [EMAIL PROTECTED], maria spacone [EMAIL PROTECTED],Tom Tyrrell [EMAIL PROTECTED], Demi Xenos [EMAIL PROTECTED],Angie Antonakos [EMAIL PROTECTED],George Antonakos [EMAIL PROTECTED], Lillian Barbari
 [EMAIL PROTECTED],Tammie Hensley- Favata [EMAIL PROTECTED],Jessica Jamrosz [EMAIL PROTECTED],Nikoleta Kobotis [EMAIL PROTECTED], Sandy Mancuso [EMAIL PROTECTED]Note: forwarded message attached.  Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 18:28:36 -0800 (PST)From: Vanessa Szymanski [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Fwd: Puppy Dies, please help (WARNING, VERY GRAPHIC PHOTOS!)To: Anita Tennison [EMAIL PROTECTED],Michelle Tsipianitis [EMAIL PROTECTED],Spiro Tsipianitis [EMAIL PROTECTED], Sandy Waters [EMAIL PROTECTED],Megan Kim [EMAIL PROTECTED], Carla Kozak
 [EMAIL PROTECTED],Kassandra Lamas [EMAIL PROTECTED], Rosa Mazzei [EMAIL PROTECTED],Maggie McKinney [EMAIL PROTECTED],Lesley Ostapa [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ron Arias [EMAIL PROTECTED],Joe Boo [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jim Chino [EMAIL PROTECTED],Kim Demonica [EMAIL PROTECTED],Tracy Farenza [EMAIL PROTECTED],Niki Giannikopoulos [EMAIL PROTECTED],Christina Griffin [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sorry to show you this, but it really upset me and I have emailed the newsources to see if they will broadcast it. I want to personally F*c$ up the person who did this!! If you love animals forward this around and maybe someone can somehow help- this REALLY bothered me. I can't stop crying!cassandra szymanski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 17:57:21 -0800 (PST)From: cassandra szymanski [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Fwd: Puppy Dies, please help (WARNING, VERY GRAPHIC PHOTOS!)To: janet szymanski [EMAIL PROTECTED],vanessa szymanski [EMAIL PROTECTED], rita cordis [EMAIL PROTECTED],jackie watson [EMAIL PROTECTED]Whoever did this is a fucking asshole and deserves thedeath penalty! This is the most disgusting thing i'veever seen in my life!Note: forwarded message attached.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 15:12:27 -0800 (PST)From: Sarah Ahlberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Puppy Dies, please help (WARNING, VERY GRAPHIC PHOTOS!)To: cassandra szymanski


2005-04-10 Thread Kathy Koutsis
I don't think there is any way that Meowser gave our other kitty felv. They never were even in contact. We kept Meowser in the basement. The vet also believes that Killian also had it before. She told me that it's not very easy for it to be passed to another cat especially without ever having had any physical contact, pretty much impossible! It's just a coincidence that we found out 2 months later. Killian had been sick so we took her to the vet. They ran blood tests on her. All was well except testing positive for felv. What a shock! But that was almost a year ago and she's been doing great! You know you can vaccinate your other cats if you would like to keep Tom. I know it's not easy to find a felv positive kitty a nice home. It's heartbreaking. He might live a full life. You never know.
Good luck!
KathyBarbara Baass [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Do you think that that your sweet stray gave your kitty the Felv? I have been working like crazy to find Tom a home, putting up posters and even calling sanctuary's out of state. I can't seem to bring myself to haveTom put to sleep. He is so sweet  wants to please you in ever way that he can. I put a $45 ad in the paper and got two response, but these people don't sound like someone I want to give Tom to. One her kitty was shot with a pellet gun  someone kicked him and his guts were clear up at the top she said. He was only a year old. The surgery was going to cost her $1,500, so she had him put to sleep and she said she would have to buy Tom cheap food. I told her he needed to eat quality food. The other people live in an Apt. and said that Tom could stay out side, as there were a lot of cats around there. These do not sound like ideal homes to me.Kathy Koutsis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Nearly a year ago I ran across the same predicament. Found a SWEET stray and took her in. She tested felv positive and I already had a 10 year old negative. I was so concerned for my 10 year old but I also had compassion for the felv+ cat (Meowser). Putting her to sleep was NEVER an option for me. I worked HARD to try to place her in a home. I put flyers out but nobody responded. I called numerous shelters and did research on the web. I finally found a sanctuary type no-kill sheter that takes in felv+ kitties. I drove over two hours away to get her there. I still keep in touch with the woman that runs the shelter and often give donations. So, please don't give up and do all you can to find Tom a home!
By the way, a few months later I found out that my 10 year old is FELV+! We never even knew! Your other cats could have it and you'd never know. But Killian is now 11. What a shame if she had been tested years ago and put to sleep! She's a healthy, happy, energetic, loveable cat! What a waste it would have been.

I need to findTom a good home with another positive kitty or I have no choice but to put him to sleep.I have 4 non-positive kitties and my vet said I must place him some where to be with another of his own kind or by his self. PLEASE help save Tom and let him live out the rest of his life in comfort. I will provide all food and littler.

Barbara Baass
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2005-04-09 Thread Kathy Koutsis
Nearly a year ago I ran across the same predicament. Found a SWEET stray and took her in. She tested felv positive and I already had a 10 year old negative. I was so concerned for my 10 year old but I also had compassion for the felv+ cat (Meowser). Putting her to sleep was NEVER an option for me. I worked HARD to try to place her in a home. I put flyers out but nobody responded. I called numerous shelters and did research on the web. I finally found a sanctuary type no-kill sheter that takes in felv+ kitties. I drove over two hours away to get her there. I still keep in touch with the woman that runs the shelter and often give donations. So, please don't give up and do all you can to find Tom a home!
By the way, a few months later I found out that my 10 year old is FELV+! We never even knew! Your other cats could have it and you'd never know. But Killian is now 11. What a shame if she had been tested years ago and put to sleep! She's a healthy, happy, energetic, loveable cat! What a waste it would have been.

I need to findTom a good home with another positive kitty or I have no choice but to put him to sleep.I have 4 non-positive kitties and my vet said I must place him some where to be with another of his own kind or by his self. PLEASE help save Tom and let him live out the rest of his life in comfort. I will provide all food and littler.

Barbara Baass

Re: Food for FeLV plus Urine Crystals, Brissle Update

2005-03-31 Thread Kathy Koutsis
After Killian had urine crystals our vet recommended HIll's Prescription Diet CD/S. You can only buy it at the vet's office - $25 for 10 pounds. But ever since Killian has been eating it, which is about 3 years now she has not had any reoccurences. Don't know if it has any byproducts though.
Melbeach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well I'm at the end of my bag of Science Diet CD/S. So it's time to buy more food. Here's my dilemma. Brissle is my FeLV+ female. Her FeLV- brother Squermie has urine crystal issues. They are both 8 years old. Squermie was about 2 when he had his urine crystals episode. It was really bad. He had to stay at the vet twice with a catheter inserted, once for an entire week. They said if he had another incident, they would have to "make him a girl". Apparently, girls have wider tubes and don’t have these problems.

Up until Squermie's incident, we were feeding them Max Cat. I don't remember which type. But I was warned about byproducts and the Max Cat said it had no byproducts. So we used it and paid dearly. After the incident, they have both been eating only Science Diet CD/S. That was all 6 years ago and Squermie hasn't had another incident since. So I really don't want to tamper with success. But now I'm hearing more about how bad Science Diet is with byproducts. Is there a no-byproduct dry food that's also especially made for urine crystals? I say "especially made for urine crystals" instead of "low-magnesium" because I'm not sure if low-magnesium is the only thing that makes Science Diet CD/S so special. I remember asking my last vet if I could just buy one of the low-magnesium foods at the pet store. But he said absolutely no. Only Science Diet CD/S.

I want to avoid feeding them both different foods. For one, it's s much easier to just keep a bowl of food down and forget about it. That's just always how it's been done with them. Also, if I give them different food, Squermie will surely get jealous and start picking on Brissle. I've considered giving Squermie back to the ex. But if I did that, Brissle would miss him. He can be an ogre at times. But he's gotten much better with age. I think weighing everything out, it would be better to keep him. I just have to be real fair about everything.

Brissle has been doing great. We finished the VO injections about 2 weeks ago. She's almost back to her normal weight! She has plenty of energy. It's looking real good! I'll be taking Brissle to the vet next week for blood tests. One month ago, when this all started, her HCT was 9.7%. The pink in her nose makes a good visual indicator of HCT. It's still pretty light. Nowhere near as dark pink as Squermie's. But on the day I brought her to the vet, her nose was completely gray! I really don't remember how dark her nose was originally. I would highly recommend making a mental note or taking a picture of the pinkness of all your cat's noses, especially the healthy ones, so you have something to gauge by.

Thanks for listening!

Re: OT:Check out Alliance for Animals: Action Alerts (Cat Hunting in WI.)

2005-03-13 Thread Kathy Koutsis
I don't believe that hunting cats is in any way humane. OK, maybe if the cat were suffering and it were by injection. But HUNTING? Are all of these hunters such sharp shooters that they would hit their target and the cat would die immediately without feeling anything. I DOUBT IT! Think of how these cats would get shot maybe just in a limb and suffer or shot somewhere very painful but not lethal in which they would suffer and linger for days in severe pain. Doesn't sound humane at all! How sad.
Yes - last week when this was discussed on Wisconsin Public Radio, an irate farmer called in to say that if this proposal became law, many farmers would close their land to all hunting. Bonnie in WIto finish my thoughtthese farmers will post their property to protect their cats..TadBONNIE J KALMBACH wrote:
I know some people involved in the Trap, Neuter, and Release progtram 
here. They are always advertising for homes for these ferals and many 
of them go to family farms.

Bonnie in WI

- Original Message -
From: catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, March 13, 2005 6:43 pm
Subject: Re: OT:Check out Alliance for Animals: Action Alerts (Cat 
Hunting	in WI.)

Unless you can find a VERY safe place for the ferals and be sure 
there's someone to take care of them, I tend to agree with PETA.  
Even if the ferals have someone 'watching out' for them, I'm sure 
many of them are killed by dogs, hit by cars, shot, etc I 
think it's a very rough life for most ferals and in many cases it 
would have been better to put them to sleep.  I see their point of 

I can not believe PETA!!!  They used to be known as the most 
radical animal rights group around (at the time that I did belong 
to them).  This is welfarism at its very, very worst.  How can a 
group that says it is an animal rights group advocate catching and 
killing animals? Isn't the right to live out your life without 
being killed the most basic of rights? Without that right, what 
good is any other? They are insane.  I stopped contributing to 
them years ago based on other stances they took that I thought 
were crazy, but their position on ferals tops the cake.

  No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.7.2 - Release Date: 3/11/2005

Re: Anakin is gone

2005-03-09 Thread Kathy Koutsis
I'm so sorry Anita. I know it must by so hard to go through. Take care.
Kathycatstevens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When I took him to the vet he could not even stand.The vet said most of the medication won't help he's to for gone  most take time to work  he doesn't time.She said he was not getting enough blood to his heart  he has a heart murmur.Shesaid his kidneys were alot smaller.She went totake abit of blood he didn't even move,but she said there was so little blood left in himshe couldn't.She said that the best thingwe could do for him is topts.So we all said it was time,We said our good bye's  I stayed with him when she put the needle in he didn't even move.I stayed there patting him  tell him how much we love him.It's so hard.Thank you all so much for everything.Anakin iswith all our fur babies thehave past.
 Love Anita

Re: So Worried and Irritated (More ?s)

2005-02-18 Thread Kathy Koutsis
Well, Killian defineltly had a needle on the right side of her throat BUT it could very well be that she had blood drawn from that area because I know that she had bloodwork done. The area is shaved! I will have to ask my husband when he gets home if she had her Vitamin B shot there or blood drawn from there. Does it make a difference?
Killian is back to her normal self and hasn't had any antibiotics yet. She was prescribed the refridgerated kind, the name starts with a C. Do you think she still needs it as a preventative measure? I don't know if she still has a fever but she is acting completely normal. Should I call and ask the vet if it is still necessary? It is suppose to be given to her twice a day.
My last question may be a stupid one but I have to ask! I'm pretty sure that the answer is no, but just to be sure - Can I catch anything from Killian? Even if she just has upper respiratory or flu? I'm pregnant and when I lay on my side Killian likes to snuggle up to my belly. I just want to be absolutely sure that this is ok. Thanks for you help everyone!
KathyCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there any bleeding that you can see? Anywhere? Is she back in her normal routine? I live by Baytrill for an antibiotic, the fridge stuff never seems to work for me...
CherieKathy Koutsis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everyone. I haven't posted on here in quite a while but have been following everyone's posts daily. As you may remember I have a felv+ 11 year old cat named Killian. This morning after I left for work my husband said that she was not in her usual position begging for her treats. He shook the can of treats and still no Killian. He looked all over and found her in a box of clothes, very unlike her. That is not in her morning routine. She was very sluggish coming out and was not interested in treats. My husband took her to the vet. Well it turned out she had a slight fever, vet thought she might have upper resp. infection. He gave her a shot of vitamin B ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HER THROAT Isn't that a no-no for felv kitties? Aren'tthey suppose to only be given shots in the legs? The vet knows she is positive. My husband doesn't read and research these things like I do so was totally
The vet gave my husband some antibiotics to give her every evening. It's suppose to be refridgerated. But of course my husband did not put it in the fridge! So we didn't give her any! So frustrated. Killian is acting totally normal now. She is running around and begging for treats. Will she be ok without today's antibiotics? Now I have to go to the vet and get some more. What about the shot in the throat? Any input or advice would be great. Thanks!