Re: Misha

2005-07-09 Thread Paul Jr
Thanks for all the great feedback about Misha. I
understand more about her type of FeLV. FeLv can cause
changes in the intestinal wall. Parasites and bacteria
more commonly mulitply and cause diarrhea in FeLV
infected cats. We have found in Misha's case its
bacteria that causes her diarrhea. Thats why drugs like
Flagyl and the cortcosteriods have temporarily
alleviated her problem. I would say, from the feedback
I've gotten from some of you, that because she has this
type of FeLv, that her symptoms are very much like
those of a cat with IBD. I'm so glad that you all have
helped me understand and that I was able to talk to the
other vet (that isn't so pessimistic) at the aninal
hospital where I take Misha. I know now that I don't
have to get rid of my sweet kitty and although the only
cure is a miracle, there is help. Yea she does get
cattitude and I'm going to have to watch her closely
around the baby and it's going to be a bit aggravating
to change her diet to wet food but my other six cats
get attitude and even my tortie bobtail (that sleeps
with us and thinks she's my baby now) is going to have
to be watched around the baby when he gets here.
Thanks again,
Melody (GO GATORS!)

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Re: Flavia (So Sorry!)

2005-07-09 Thread Paul Jr
I am sooo sorry to hear about your loss. I love my cats
very much and don't even want to think about a day when
they will be gone. I lost Pumpkin Custard to old age
(18 years) in 2002 or 2003 I think. I still miss the
old buzzard as we started to call him in his old age.
I cuddle with my kitties and tell them my thoughts.
Please know that I will be praying for you and that one
day you will see your darling Flavia again!

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Re: transfer factor

2005-07-06 Thread Paul Jr
I vaguly remeber a website about Transfer Factor can
someone point me int he right direction? Also what is
the diffrence between giving an FELV+ cat Interferon
vs. Transfer Factor? If anyone remebers I asked about
Misha, my darling skinny calico, who is almost 7 years
old and FeLV+ and on Science Diet I/D dry cat food and
has on/off ( alot on, runny bowels).  Thanks for your

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