Re: [Felvtalk] Pam, Sandy et all

2018-02-23 Thread
Special foods have never helped my cats.  getting them off grain filled foods 
and gmo helped the most.  Now I find that blue buffalo has sold out to general 
mills, will have to find another food for m guys.  Used to have vomiting and 
loose stools but once I got them off foods with grain, that stopped.  Only time 
Harley vomits is when he gulps down his food and it hits the moisture in his 
stomach and back up it comes.  We are switching to wet foods that are organic.  
Wet foods stay down.
- Original Message -
From: Pam Doore 
Sent: Fri, 23 Feb 2018 17:16:19 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Pam, Sandy et all

Thank you Bob :).  I will try to post some pictures sometime of the crew :).  

A friend had a kitty who had chronic diarrhea and nothing worked.  They found 
it was an autoimmune disease that was treated with B12 shots, prednisone, and 
hydrolyzed protein.  He was on this plan for a few months and has been diarrhea 
free for several years now.  He is also off the hydrolyzed protein food too.  
His stool is still softer than other cats but no diarrhea.   I am extremely 
familiar with cats not eating food additives and special foods that are 
supposed to help them.  My vet now says, "with any other cat we would do , 
but this is Becca so will attempt.  


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Diarrhea....

2018-02-24 Thread
- Original Message -
From: Pam Doore 
Sent: Sat, 24 Feb 2018 08:58:52 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Diarrhea...

Hi Bob,  My friend's cat I mentioned was a shelter cat who was treated by both 
of our vets repeatedly and nothing worked. She was fostering and finally gave 
up and took him to her own vet who saw everything that had been tried and had 
not worked and went and did very expensive blood work and then came up with the 
diagnosis the B12 prednisone and hydrolyzed protein food. We were both 
disappointed that neither of the vet practices that the cat had been to 
repeatedly and previously had never even considered this condition as a 
possibility. If she had not adopted him he would have been euthanized even 
though it's a no-kill shelter  Praise the Lord different leadership is at the 
shelter now and that is not a possibility anymore.  

My Ally also got picky about food near the end and I definitely don't want to 
mess around with the kitty not eating and doing anything to make them even less 
inclined to eat.   

It would be more expensive but if you could get the script compounded into a 
transdermal to be absorbed through the skin in the ear that would make it so 
the meds were not in the food.  I am very grateful for transdermal meds:-D. 

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Pam, Sandy et all

2018-02-26 Thread
- Original Message -
From: Pam Doore 
Sent: Mon, 26 Feb 2018 10:40:34 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Pam, Sandy et all

Good morning, I have heard that FeLv+ are not concern to any other species 
including us, so your nephew is safe with your kitty :-D.
Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ 
beneath me, Christ above me. — St. Patrick

On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 9:56 AM, Armstrong-Brown, Sheila DDS Timonium 
Hello.  Has anyone heard of our FelV cats and cancer patients not allowed to be 
around one another?   My felv cat Skylar has been with me 2 years and my nephew
 moved in who has cancer, I was unsure if they should be sleeping with each 
other.  Thanks for any information. 
  From: Felvtalk []
On Behalf Of Pam Doore
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2018 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Pam, Sandy et all Thank you Bob :).  I will try to post 
some pictures sometime of the crew :). 
A friend had a kitty who had chronic diarrhea and nothing worked.  They found 
it was an autoimmune disease that was treated with B12 shots, prednisone, and 
hydrolyzed protein.  He was on this plan for a few
 months and has been diarrhea free for several years now.  He is also off the 
hydrolyzed protein food too.  His stool is still softer than other cats but no 
diarrhea.   I am extremely familiar with cats not eating food additives and 
special foods that are supposed
 to help them.  My vet now says, "with any other cat we would do , but this 
is Becca so will attempt. 


Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] lymphoplasmacytic proctitis (inflamed rear end)

2018-04-26 Thread
HOW MANY STEROID SHOTS FOR HOW LONG?  The B12 should help offset the effects of 
the steroid shots some.  You could give her L-Lysine and other immune boosting 
supliments too.  Check with the vet to be sure this does not cancel out the 
effect of the steroid.  hang in there for more info from others.
- Original Message -
From: Corinne Shank 
Sent: Thu, 26 Apr 2018 07:33:50 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Felvtalk] lymphoplasmacytic proctitis (inflamed rear end)

My cat is 10 years old and has tested positive for FELV in the ELISA test but 
the IFA test was negative.  So she has virus but it seems to be dormant. I 
noticed that she has blood on her anus and it was inflamed.  So I took her to 
the vet and they did a biopsy of her anus as it was inflamed.  It turns out she 
has lymphoplasmacytic proctitis which from what I read is kind of like IBD. The 
vet wants to put her on a hypoallergenic diet, give a course of B12 shots sand 
give her some low dose steroids to reduce the inflammation.  I am concerned 
about the steroids as I have read that it suppresses the immune system.  I 
don’t want her immune system to be suppressed as I am worried the virus could 
come out.   Any thoughts?
Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk Digest, Vol 47, Issue 6

2018-06-09 Thread
Jennifer, I don't think that you need to be so sterile.  I have been taking in 
strays and dump cats for over 40 years, some positive and some not.  Each one 
goes to the vet to be sure they are healthy and then join the pride in my 
house.  I have had 3 positives and none of the others (over 40) have been 
infected.  Every one including my positives has lived to 18+ years.  As long as 
you are observant and keep on top of things, you should be okay.  Vaccinate the 
negatives if you want, but as long as you keep stress out of their lives, giver 
them good quality food, clean water and follow medical advise of Amani and 
others here, you should be okay.
- Original Message -
From: Jennifer Minnich 
Sent: Sat, 09 Jun 2018 18:18:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk Digest, Vol 47, Issue 6

Hi,  thank you for replying.  It is helpful to talk to someone with experience 
with this.
Sorry to be ignorant but, how do I post where I am?  (Not sure what that 
means). And If I post, is it ok to ‘put it out there’ re: possible home with 
other felv positives? Esp because I would be willing to help support him which 
I think makes a difference.
we’d love to keep and care for him and this sucks !!  but i’m trying to be 
positive that a plan will happen.  He went from hissy street cat to curling up 
in my lap.  Urg!   
I’d worry with someone else unless it was someone with experience, or like u 
said non cat crazy people but compassionate and committed.
We discussed it a few times and just would not be comfortable with the risk of 
coMingling them unfortunately,-:( which sucks.  Or the whole vaccination thing 
b/c with multiple other cats it’ll be too much craziness plus not even sure of 
efficacy, or side effects.  
That leaves me with leaving him separated and constantly trying to be 
sterilized on our end which seems cumbersome and I’m not so sure fair to him to 
be isolated all the time.   OR the only cat.  OR in a multi pos. home (prob. 
preferrable b/c someone would know how to treat him). OR putting him back 
outside which doesn’t seem best for him. 
I can imagine there are times it works out ok to comingle yes, where it can be 
ok vs ‘oh my gosh no don’t do that’.  That is what happened with my FIV cat 
which is a long story but bottom line after research and talking to folks it 
was an ok fit b/c no one were fighters. felv is different. I have known others 
(individuals or rescues) where exposure of different things had bad outcomes.  
I guess it’s a matter of variables, situations and/or luck.   Sounds like you 
have been fortunate which is awesome.(Thanks for ALL u do to help the felines-:)
I got the antibiotic before seeing this.  I amfamiliar with doxy and thought 
that’s what he’d give, but it was Orbax (Orbifloxacin).Are U familiar?  When i 
got it I asked front desk if it was as strong as doxy and she said yes and that 
it’s broad spectrum antibiotic.   Thoughts?
Are u familiar with Collodial Silver?  If not I can send the link. I was 
recommended this yesterday for use for people and cats or other animals. Cat 
person said she uses all the time for different things from bacterial 
infections to URI’s.   It’s a natural antibiotic. It lists as an option for 
stomatitis  and felv use so I imagine it cannot hurt,  in basic doses.  
(supposed to be good for many things including inflammation and 
immune-building).  I plan to give him that and the antibiotic; was ok with vet .
With ur experience and what u’ve heard (he’s between 5-7 yrs. old they say;  to 
be neutered in couple weeks;   10lbs  (needs gain some);   Bad stomatitis (i’ll 
send pic if u want ): 
A) what’s ur feeling about putting himback outside?(I’ve never done that;  
he could get by but My feeling is he shouldn’t be in the elements and would do 
better inside)—- just not sure what will happen if there are no other good 
B) at that age and what you are hearing... any sense of lifespan?  (I know it’s 
hard to say but was guessing 2-4 years or up to a year). my vet said oldest one 
he knew of was patient’s who lived to 8y/o.   What’s ur feeling of assessing if 
he could last a while or if things could go south quickly??I guess i’m trying 
to imagine how long or short term the commitment may be. 
C). He would def . seem to have felv by way of strong stain and stomatitis.  In 
doing some research, I wonder about the confirmTory IFA test.  It seems if it’s 
pos. too, that it’s in the bone marrow and no chance shedding it.

On Jun 9,r  2018, at 1:24 PM, Amani Oakley  wrote:

Jennifer – from your area code, you are no where near me. You need to post 
where you are.
 Can I also suggest you get your vet to start him on doxycycline – 50 mg. 
daily, for an extended treatment period like 6 weeks. As long as he isn’t 
showing other
 symptoms other than the stomatitis, that should be enough for now. Even if 
your vet wants to put him other antibiotics, the Doxycycline should also

Re: [Felvtalk] Cleaning? Retesting?

2019-02-22 Thread
I have only had FELV  cats but never washed my hands after handling them.  I 
treated all the same and have had no experience of the disease spreading to 
others.  I have had up to 10 at a time as all who came to my house became part 
of my "pride".  As they came to me, I took them to the vet for a checkup, spay 
or neuter and they became mine.
- Original Message -
From: Lorraine Johnston 
Sent: Fri, 22 Feb 2019 10:10:16 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Felvtalk] Cleaning? Retesting?

Hello again, For those of you who have both FELV+ and - cats, how strenuous 
are your cleaning efforts? For instance, do you wash hands after just petting? 
Do you have your negative cats retested every year? Thank you, - Lorraine 
"Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no 
one can imagine."  - Alan Turing  
Felvtalk mailing list


2019-03-06 Thread
This is serious.  Animals are being abused daily especially by BLM .  We need 
to stop this as people who abuse animals also abuse children, spouses and 
elders.  t
- Forwarded Message -
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Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Hyper thyroid in cats

2019-04-18 Thread
Hello everyoone,I have a 12 year old former feral who was diagnosed with hyper 
thyroid yesterday.  Herm level is 4.7 and she is one meds, 2.5mg of Felimazole 
morning and evening.  I had one cat about 10 years ago that we did radioactive 
iodine.  the isolation was very hard on her and she went downhill after she got 
home, bleeeding from nose, etc.  don't really want to repeat that.  Homey is 
especially bonded with me and has been my caregiver since my heart surgery.  
she has alerted me to one time of gasping for air in the night and 3 instances 
of low sugar.  she sleeps plastered to my chest and when she is on my lap, 
holds on to me .  I am very attached to her and do not want to loose her so am 
hoping meds work.  my question is:  does anyone know of alternative or better 
ways of treating this?___
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Hyper thyroid in cats

2019-04-21 Thread
Computer acting up, not sure if my message got thru.Homey is not felv, Shalie 
was.  Harley and Dee are not felv and I got them at Walmart, lady was giving 
away.  I chewed her out and she said visitors accidently let her out and she 
became pregnant.  nicely explained that if she was not breeding to sell 
kittens, is best for her cat and herself to get her spayed.  I believe in 
spay/neuter so we don't end up with more kittens to be killed on streets, being 
used to "blood" fighting dogs or killed in shelters.  Homey was feral.  I am 
against the Iodine because of the long seperation period would be hard on her 
and the rest of us.  She has always slept on my bed .  PLUS MY EXPERIENCE with 
Shali.  Can't do this to another of my fur babies.  I have contacted 2 vets who 
have used medical cannibus with good results and am contacting my vets who have 
been open minded about alternative medicine.  Hopefully they will be willing to 
supervise her treatment for me.  downloading info from new vets for them.

- Original Message -
From: Amani Oakley 
Sent: Sat, 20 Apr 2019 20:07:38 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Hyper thyroid in cats

Got in now. Yes, it’s true that most of our conversations relate to FeLV 
cats, but Dlgegg has a lot of cats (like many of us on this chatline) and we 
also sometimes just see
 if others in the group may have experience with other conditions. Good 
information you have provided regarding hyperthyroidism. Thank you, Amani From: 
On Behalf Of Lorraine Johnston
Sent: April 20, 2019 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Hyper thyroid in cats As this group is FeLVtalk, I 
assumed that cats discussed here are FeLV-positive unless the writer says 
 Yes, I would indeed hesitate to put a FeLV cat through I-131 therapy. We’ve 
seen many of our rescues go temporarily hypothyroid (ie, underactive thyroid) 
for 2
 or more months as the treatment, after it is administered, gradually kills the 
overactive thyroid nodules and the healthy thyroid tissue has to wake back up. 
This happening is known to veterinarians administering I-131 and is one reason 
they recommend waiting
 to test the thyroid until 60 days after treatment. Sometimes, though, the 
cat’s thyroid becomes oversuppressed because too much tissue was destroyed, and 
the cat needs supplementation with thyroid hormone. In two
 of our cases, permanent supplementation became necessary.  This is meaningful 
to FeLV (and FIV) cats because when the thyroid gland is working too slowly, 
the immune system can also slow down. This has been seen in humans
 and in dogs, so I suspect cats would be affected as well.  So, for my own FIV 
cat and for my cousin’s FeLV kitty who we baby-sit, I wouldn’t use I-131 
therapy without thinking hard about it, especially if the cat is doing well on 
methimazole.  Hope this helps, - Lorraine "Sometimes it is the people no 
one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine."  - Alan 
 From: Felvtalk []
On Behalf Of Amani Oakley
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2019 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Hyper thyroid in cats And in your post, you indicated 
“In spite of our mostly good experiences with I-131, I would think hard before
 putting a FeLV cat through it”. I hadn’t seen a reference to the FeLV status 
of Dlgegg’s cat, and that is what I was referencing. You seemed to be 
suggesting that you had had good experience with the radioactive iodine 
treatment but would reticent to contemplate
 the use of that treatment on a FeLV cat. Amani From: Felvtalk 

On Behalf Of Lorraine Johnston
Sent: April 20, 2019 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Hyper thyroid in cats Amani, I’m not sure who you’re 
addressing with this latest message, or what you mean by “don’t
 remember that being mentioned,” but I was responding to the original poster 
– see bottom) who said that her cat is on Felimazole and that one of her prior 
cats did badly after I-131 (radioactive iodine). - Lorraine  Subject: Re: 
[Felvtalk] Hyper thyroid in cats Did I miss something in the original post 
about FeLV? I don’t remember that being mentioned. Anyhow, I would reiterate my 
suggestion to look into CBD Oil if that is also a concern, given the lack of 
any side-effects reported with its use. CBD Oil could be used along
 with the Felimazole, as it would not likely have any interference with the 
other medication, if there was a concern regarding discontinuing one to start 
the other. However, if you get a good result, you would have difficulty knowing 
which was responsible.
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Hyper thyroid in cats Hello,We have taken numerous cats 
to Radiocat for iodine-131 treatment -- at least 10 -- in the past 15-20 years. 
In spite of our mostly good experiences with I-

Re: [Felvtalk] Hyper thyroid in cats

2019-04-21 Thread
Have that on my plate, but so far no GI problems, in fact she has not up 
chucked once since we started it.  also watching boxes, no loose stools either. 
 She has in fact been less irritable with Harley and has settled into her old 
routine.  also not eating as much.  I plan to weigh her Monday to be sure she 
has not lost weight.  she has a follow up vet appt in 4 weeks.Thank everyone 
for your help, I am not looking to loosing anyone soon.  In fact I have made 
arrangements with a no kill shelter in St. Louis to take all 3 when I pass.  
They will keep up with any meds and continue their favorite food.  A member of 
my church will drive them in with their toys, beds, condos, etc.  at 78, is 
likely I will go first.  have this locked into my will.
- Original Message -
From: Lorraine Johnston 
Sent: Sun, 21 Apr 2019 14:51:09 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Hyper thyroid in cats

You might also want to consider the methimazole gel that can be rubbed onto 
the inside of the tip of the ear. We’ve had great luck with that. It bypasses 
all the GI upset that oral methimazole can cause. - Lorraine On April 18, 2019 
at 3:12 PM ""  wrote:Hello 
I have a 12 year old former feral who was diagnosed with hyper thyroid 
yesterday.  Herm level is 4.7 and she is one meds, 2.5mg of Felimazole morning 
and evening.  I had one cat about 10 years ago that we did radioactive iodine.  
the isolation was very hard
on her and she went downhill after she got home, bleeeding from nose, etc.  
don't really want to repeat that.  Homey is especially bonded with me and has 
been my caregiver since my heart surgery.  she has alerted me to one time of 
gasping for air in the night
and 3 instances of low sugar.  she sleeps plastered to my chest and when she is 
on my lap, holds on to me .  I am very attached to her and do not want to loose 
her so am hoping meds work.
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Baby's other bloodwork - also good news :)

2019-05-02 Thread
treating with Doxy to be on safe side is good.  I have learned is best to be 
- Original Message -
From: Lorraine Johnston 
Sent: Thu, 02 May 2019 12:13:14 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Felvtalk] Baby's other bloodwork - also good news :)

Hello again, Here are the results of my cousin Tom’s cat Baby’s traditional 
(non-viral-load) bloodwork. Her anemia is gone!  This is VERY good new!  And 
all the rest of her bloodwork is entirely normal. By all measures, it is better 
than February’s was, done soon after she was bitten. I noticed when she arrived 
here on 4/5 that she was FAR more active than in February, so I think she’s 
feeling much better. But she tested positive via IDEXX’s RealPCR “fever of 
unknown origin” for one subtype of mycoplasma – they are ubiquitous (soil, etc) 
and some subtypes can cause anemia. Unfortunately that IDEXX test can find the 
mycoplasma DNA/RNA, but can’t tell if she’s just getting it, or did have it and 
is recovering.  The options were to treat her, else repeat bloodwork in 1 month 
to see if it’s gone. But because her FeLV status can make her more vulnerable 
to not being able to fight off infections, it seemed sensible to go ahead and 
treat her. So she’s getting doxycycline for 28 days.Baby is back home now and 
loving life. (-:  Best regards, - Lorraine 
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Baby's viral load - good news :)

2019-05-02 Thread
Question,  is this expensive?  If so will start saving just in case I ever need 
- Original Message -
From: Lorraine Johnston 
Sent: Thu, 02 May 2019 11:51:42 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Felvtalk] Baby's viral load - good news :)

Hello, Our vet sent a sample of my cousin Tom’s FeLV cat Baby (*) to 
Scanelis in France to determine her viral load –and the news was good! She is 
found to have a very low viral load, 8.77 x 103 per 2.5 microliters of blood 
examined. This is encouraging as, first, it matches her absence of symptoms, 
and it implies that she can have a dental now while she’s still pretty healthy. 
 If Tom can keep her teeth/gums healthy, perhaps stomatitis can be avoided.
Scanelis also noted that in spite of her low viral load, immunosuppressive 
drugs should be avoided. (*Baby stays with us when Tom goes away.)  Thanks, - 
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Price of FeLV viral-load test (Scanelis, France)

2019-05-03 Thread
Thank you!  it would help expedite the procedure.
- Original Message -
From: Lorraine Johnston 
Sent: Fri, 03 May 2019 17:23:22 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Felvtalk] Price of FeLV viral-load test (Scanelis, France)

Hi, dlgegg, The FeLV viral-load test was USD $98, but friends have quoted a 
charge of USD $109, so I guess it goes up and down a little with the exchange 
rate for the Euro.  My vet paid for the overseas shipping (via USPS) and passed 
that cost along to me, as I expected. The shipping charge was $100, but it’s 
very likely that my vet added a handling charge to that, so your vet might 
charge less (or more).  Scanelis is in the south of France, in Colomiers, a 
suburb of Toulouse. I can send you via private email the form that Scanelis 
would expect to receive along with the blood. Best regards, - Lorraine. . . . . 
. . . . . . . . . . . . .  Question,  is this expensive?  If so will start 
saving just in case I ever need it.
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Chablis - seeking advise about giving Pred/Doxy/Winstrol with low WBC

2019-07-25 Thread
I am not knowledgeable enough to say anything, best left to Amani.  I can pray 
for her.
- Original Message -
From: Deborah Whorley 
Sent: Thu, 25 Jul 2019 02:59:27 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Felvtalk] Chablis - seeking advise about giving Pred/Doxy/Winstrol 
with low WBC

Hi - one of my FeLV+ cats, Chablis (F, 5 yrs), has been dealing with 
constipation since Jan of this year. Last week she stopped eating like she does 
when she is “backed up” but 100 cc SQ fluids didn’t resolve the issue as it 
normally does. She also started wheezing Sat eve.  I ended up with her in the 
emergency clinic on Sun and to my surprise her CBC was terrible (see below). 
Radiograph revealed no constipation or obvious masses in lungs/abdomen. ER vet, 
and my vet the next day, reluctant to give pred due to low WBC. Treating 
dehydration and inappetance with SQ fluids and mertazapine. ER vet also gave 
Convenia "just in case”. Going back on Fri to my vet for another CBC. Have been 
following this group for several years and want to try Amani’s treatment 
protocol, but does low WBC contraindicate giving prepnisolone and/or Winstrol? 
Thanks in advance for any advise. - DebCBC (21Jul2019) NOTE: they did not 
repeat the analysis which, in hindsight, I should have insisted uponTest Result 
Flag Normal Range MeasureRBC 5.11  L 5.65 8.87M/μLHCT 24.4 L
 37.3 61.7 %HGB 7.8 L 13.1 20.5 g/dLMCV 47.7 L  61.6 73.5 
fLMCH 15.3 L  21.2 25.9 pgMCHC 32.0  32.0 37.9 g/dLRDW 
23.6 H  13.6 21.7 %%RETIC 0.2 %RETIC 8.7 L  
10.0 110.0 K/μLWBC * 2.39  5.05 16.76 K/μL%NEU * 32.6   
  %%LYM * 36.8 %%MONO * 28.5 %%EOS 
* 0.4 %%BASO * 1.7 %NEU --.-- 2.95 11.64
 K/μLBAND * SuspectedLYM * 0.88 1.05 5.10K/μLMONO * 
0.68 0.16 1.12 K/μLEOS * 0.01 0.06 1.23 
K/μLBASO * 0.04 0.00 0.10 K/μLnRBC * SuspectedPLT * 182 
148 484 K/μLMPV 17.6 H 8.7 13.2 fLPDW --.-- 9.1 19.4
 fLPCT 0.320.14 0.46 %

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Bogey's Progress

2020-02-12 Thread
Thank you for sticking with her and giving her a chance to live.  We need to 
educate vets that all deserve a chance to live.  
- Original Message -
From: Sherri Godschalk 
Sent: Wed, 12 Feb 2020 12:55:51 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Felvtalk] Bogey's Progress

Good afternoon everyone. I was a pretty active person on this board when 
my new stray kitten Bogey was diagnosed as FELV+ in 2016. We had a rough 
go of it the first six months and you all were very helpful and kind and 
I can't thank you enough for that. The information was invaluable. I 
have become ill myself since that time so I fell off the planet for a 
bit but I wanted to take a moment to let you know about my girl.

Bogey is doing very well. 8/2016 - 1/2019 she had been taking 1mg of 
Winstrol (half of a capsule) and a half of a Prednisilone. (sp) I also 
treated her with a series of Doxy (7 days) once every 3 months. These 
dosages seem low but anything higher made her liver very sick and she 
was only barely 5 pounds initially.

When I took her for her biannual Chem 17 test 1/2019 ALL of her levels 
were completely normal. She has gained about 3.5 pounds and has really 
thrived. She went almost 4 months last year without the need of any kind 
of treatment. Her numbers dropped a bit last in November, just the low 
side of normal and but very low platelets. So she is getting just the 
Winstrol 4 times a month. I will know next week at her checkup if that 
needs to be increased. My vet says that this is not uncommon in the 
winter months...hibernation/longer nights/colder temps.

So here we are. I am so thankful that we found a vet willing to try to 
save her by prescribing these meds for her. She was failing so fast that 
I know she would have been gone years ago. Nothing felt as good as 
sending her blood test results and a photo of her to our original vet 
that said she should be destroyed because there were "plenty of other 
healthy cats that need homes".

Best to all.

Sherri & Bogey

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Re: [Felvtalk] Winstrol (Stanozolol)

2020-08-06 Thread
have they tested for internal bleeding? maybe is hemoraging.   i was syringe 
feeding my 12 year old Homey.  had to cover my lap .  i mixed the canned food 
with warm water so would go through 20ml syringe.  then broke my right arm and 
had to stop,is eating maybe a spoon full each day, just enough to keep her 
alive.  she stopped after some time on Felimazole 2.5mg.  also after started 
giving treats as reward for taking pill.  loves the treats but not her food.  
have tried to mix treats with food in blender, no go.  going to try your method 
of balling up the food.  may be neater and get more down her.
- Original Message -
From: Maribel Piloto 
Sent: Thu, 06 Aug 2020 12:38:59 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Winstrol (Stanozolol)

The problem is that force feeding her is stressing her out.   I tried to 
syringe feed her some baby food with liqui-tinic this morning and she started 
breathing open mouth and moaning.   She just gets up to turn positions now and 
just lays back down.  I know she needs another blood transfusion but after 
paying $3500 for the first two I have no funds left.  Even that I was only able 
to pay with the help from a friend and a GoFundMe fundraiser.
They never were able to figure out what is causing the anemia.  She is neither 
FIV nor Leuk pos.   She tested negative for a slew of blood parasite and other 
parasites they tested for.   The Winstrol is my last hope but I fear that by 
the time I get it she will be gone or too weak.   I live in South Florida and 
cannot believe that there isn't a place anywhere around here where I can't get 
that.  I've been calling every pharmacy in town it seems.
"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
-Mohandas Ghandi

 On Wednesday, August 5, 2020, 07:35:28 PM EDT, Amani Oakley 

Can you get the vet to call the pharmacy and order the meds urgently? I agree 
that if Amy is not eating, Winstrol may be helpful on that score as well, and 
you cannot wait until Monday if she isn’t eating.One thing I learned how to do 
with cats who weren’t eating is to take soft wet cat food, ball it up into a 
ball about the size of a marble, pry open their mouths, and lob the food to the 
back of the throat. Some of it gets spit back up, but once you get the hang of 
it, most of it goes down. I have found that doing it this way also seems to 
cause the cat to ultimately get a bit more interested in eating, once some of 
the food has gone down - usually after a few sittings though.I agree that 
giving her baby food via syringe is also a good way to get food into a cat who 
won't eat on her own.Amani-Original Message-From: Felvtalk 
 On Behalf Of Maribel PilotoSent: August 
5, 2020 7:25 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: [Felvtalk] Winstrol 
(Stanozolol)I had to give my vet instructions on Winstrol and the info on how 
to order it.  Amy is not eating.  I’m syringe feeding her baby food, 
Liqui-tinic, giving her some subq fluids.Maribel "The greatness of a nation can 
be judged by the way its animals are treated."-Mohandas Ghandi> On Aug 5, 2020, 
at 7:11 PM, Amani Oakley  wrote:> > I don’t know of 
any pharmacies, unless you get it through your vets. They may be able to order 
it sooner.> > However, I know it seems like a nerve-wracking time to wait, but 
my Zander dropped down to a 5 haematocrit and survived. Mind you, at that 
point, he needed to be in an oxygen tent. Your cat will be all right by next 
Monday - slow and lethargic and she may have to catch her breath on stairs, but 
Zander dropped down to 10 after his transfusions, and you couldn’t tell from 
his behaviour. > > Obviously, it is better if the vets help you out and get the 
Winstrol to you sooner so you don’t need to worry, but all is not lost if that 
isn’t an option.> > Amani> > -Original Message-> From: Felvtalk 
 On Behalf Of Maribel Piloto> Sent: August 
5, 2020 6:59 PM> To:> Subject: [Felvtalk] Winstrol 
(Stanozolol)> > Does anyone know of local pharmacies that sell Winstrol.  My 
cat Amy is dying from anemia - two blood transfusions already.  Her HTC was at 
17 after the transfusions but is now back down to 11 a few weeks later.  I 
ordered the drug from Wedgewood Pharmacy online but even paying for next day 
delivery they tell me it won’t get to me until Monday.  I need it quickly.> > 
Maribel > > "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are 
treated."> -Mohandas Ghandi> > ___> 
Felvtalk mailing list>>> 
___> Felvtalk mailing list>>

Re: [Felvtalk] RIP Mary Christine/MC/Tenhousecats

2021-04-22 Thread
So sad to learn of her passing.  We need more like her in this world, not just 
for cats but all animals and children.  It seems people today have lost their 
compassion for other living beings.
- Original Message -
From: kat 
Sent: Thu, 22 Apr 2021 14:14:24 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] RIP Mary Christine/MC/Tenhousecats

 So Sad!!  She was such a force for the kitties. I always used to chuckle at 
her tag line -
Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!

Maybe That'll Make The Difference  May she rest in Peace in the comfort of 
all her kitties that were waiting for her! Kat (Mew Jersey)Sent: Thursday, 
April 22, 2021 at 12:32 PM
From: "Marlene Snowman" 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] RIP Mary Christine/MC/TenhousecatsThank you in sharing 
the news of her passing and honoring the work that she did, especially her 
contributions to assisting our furry friends (and within this network). I’m 
hopeful that she was greeted with many furry friends.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 22, 2021, at 2:41 AM, Kelley S  wrote:


> I just learned of the sad passing of MaryChristine. She was one of the first 
> and best friends I made on this list. She was a fierce advocate for FELV cats 
> as well as other special needs cats such as CH kitties. She loved Calicos and 
> Persians. She also loved dragons and photography. During her later years she 
> suffered from poor health and was not around very much. She died of Covid in 
> late January.


> I’m sure there were many happy reunions when she crossed the Bridge.

> ___

> Felvtalk mailing list




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Re: [Felvtalk] New to felv

2021-05-18 Thread
Hello Amani,

It has been a while.  Glad to know you survived the "pandemic".  All is well 
here despite having 2 FELV positive cats.  It did not spread to others.  I lost 
one Homey to Hyper thyroid at age 13.  Everyone else has passed from old age at 
- Original Message -
From: Amani Oakley 
Sent: Tue, 18 May 2021 14:44:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] New to felv


First, I have kept FeLV positive cats with other cats and never ever had a 
transfer of the infection. Like you, we didn’t know and the kitten we took in 
only tested positive when he was a little under a year old. He had been mixing 
with our other cats for at least ten months - same food and water bowls, 
sleeping together, etc. I think your primary vet is correct. Keep Toby.

With respect to the FeLV, treat with Winstrol + Doxycycline + Prednisone. Our 
FeLV cat lived to almost 8 years old, and died from a heart condition. The 
heart condition might have been related to the damage done by the virus, or 
not, but in any event, he greatly outlived all predictions. We were repeatedly 
told to put him down when he was one, and I just refused.

Your cat doesn’t seem to be in crisis and it might be best to start him now on 
1 mg Winstrol (stanozolol) twice a day plus 50 mg of Doxycycline a day. Our cat 
was in crisis and almost died when I stumbled upon the effectiveness of 
Winstrol to help the body produce red cells and stimulate the bone marrow, so 
after trying just about everything else I could find on the Internet, with 
nothing working, and after giving him 2 blood transfusions, I had run out of 
options. I tried Stanozolol, which I happened to have at home for another cat, 
thinking at best it would make him feel better and increase his appetite. I was 
absolutely shocked when his hematocrit immediately (and I mean within days) 
began to climb for the first time in a year of ordeals. We were testing him 
weekly so I knew exactly what his haematology was showing before the Stanozolol 
and what happened to his red cells, reticulocytes, and platelets (all of which 
were very very very low) after we gave him the Winstrol.

You will have a devil of a time getting Winstrol and your vets are likely not 
going to believe you. I hope you have a friendly vet who can assist.


-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk  On Behalf Of Pamela 
Sent: May 18, 2021 2:30 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] New to felv

I am a cat owner my whole life and have no idea about felv. I need help as we 
have no idea what to expect and my apologies for the long history below. Any 
comments are greatly appreciated 

After losing 3 adult cats in a year to rare cancers, we were left with a single 
18 month old. We adopted another kitten from a rescue in December when he was 4 
months. He was rescued with his mother from a NM shelter and both tested 
negative for felv/fiv. The foster home kept him about a month after he was 
neutered and routine immunizations and deworming were completed

When having him checked at my general vet, she noted he had enlarged lymph 
nodes that did no subside even after teething was over. Otherwise Toby was 
fine. Many tests later he turned up positive for felv on both Elisa and IFA.  
We brought him to an internal specialist who also said Toby  has the antibody 
for bartonella and we started a month of antibiotics. His lymph nodes have 
decreased and we will check this week if the second round of antibiotics have 
decreased further. (14 days on veraflox and 21 days on doxycycline) No other 
medical issues with Toby who is now 9 months old

We were devastated the specialty vet told us we had to re home Toby to keep our 
other young cat safe. Our primary vet felt since the other cat was exposed for 
over 3 months and was now negative and vaccinated the risk was low.  We kept 
both but have separate feeding stations but struggling to keep separate water 

Does anyone have experience keeping these - and + together?  Since Toby IFA was 
positive yet still asymptomatic except enlarged lymph, is there any way to know 
if he will decline quickly?  The internal medicine specialist was very 
pessimistic said they rarely live beyond 2 years post diagnosis.  Toby’s mother 
and siblings are still negative per the rescue group so I was hoping for a 
miracle the IFA is wrong, is that possible? Can bartonella skew results ?

Thank you so much 


Pamela Olkowski

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Re: [Felvtalk] My 11 and 1/2 year old indoor only male cat was diagnosed with FeLV....

2022-01-01 Thread
RE:  Winstrol, leave it up to humans to mess things up, over using drugs.  
- Original Message -
From: Amani Oakley 
Sent: Sat, 01 Jan 2022 16:08:57 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] My 11 and 1/2 year old indoor only male cat was 
diagnosed with FeLV

Jason, if your baby is only ½ a year old, he may have been born with it or 
had it before you took him in. I have written many times on this chatline about 
my own success with Zander, my baby who had FeLV and we were told there was no 
hope and to just put him down. What worked for us was Winstrol (Stanozolol), an 
anabolic steroid – the “Ben Johnson steroid”. Unfortunately, because many many 
athletes use Stanozolol to improve their performance and to heal injuries 
faster, the scientific community has
 labeled this steroid as “evil”, and stupidly ignore it and will not use it on 
either humans or animals. It used to be regularly given to cats, because cats 
in particular, really respond well to it. There was a really poorly-researched 
vet paper years ago,
 which suggested Winstrol causes liver failure in cats, so vets just abruptly 
stopped using it. In my case, after trying EVERYTHING including interferon and 
LCTI. We tried each for 4 to 6 months, while monitoring blood work every week. 
There was no change or
 improvement in red cell count, haematocrit, reticulocytes, etc. Here is my 
original post on this chatline, from 2015, and I have repeated this advice many 
times over the years. Several people have reported success using “Zander’s 
protocol” which I describe
 below:  I had a cat with leukemia as a kitten, and he lived to the age of 7 
and died from something else that I don’t believe was related to the leukemia. 
 the vets told me that they could do nothing for him as a kitten dying with 
leukemia (and he WAS dying - his red cells were dropping down to nothing and I 
had given him TWO blood transfusions that weren't holding up his numbers to any 
great degree) then as
 a last ditch effort, I tried some Winstrol I had in the cupboard that a 
previous vet had given to me for another cat.
  This medication turned him completely around. To monitor his condition, we 
were performing weekly blood tests on him - CBC, liver function, etc. After
 being put on the Winstrol, his red cells and white cell counts began to climb 
very quickly and steadily. It was totally amazing and the vets couldn't believe 
the lab results either. My beautiful little boy was out of the woods in about 
six months. We were
 obsessively checking the pinkness of his ears, gums and pads to check the 
status of his profound anemia, and to our unbelievable joy, he began to get 
pink and his lab results just kept getting better. After about a year, I called 
back the internal medicine
 veterinarian we had seen, and who had told us there was no hope, and told him 
of our beautiful cat's recovery. To my surprise - and a little bit of anger - 
he said that I had gone "old school" and that Winstrol used to be used but then 
there were rumours of
 possible liver damage associated with it, and vets stopped prescribing it. 
This REALLY annoyed me. My cat was dying and no one thought that maybe, just 
maybe, some treatment - even with a potential side effect - was better than no 
treatment??? In our experience,
 on a few occasions the liver enzymes would indeed rise, but would drop back 
down to normal fairly quickly after a short break from the Winstrol. We 
monitored our beautiful Zander very closely during and after his initial 
crisis, and if I thought that maybe
 he was looking pale again, or if the CBC came back with a significantly 
dropping red cell count, we would put him back on the Winstrol for a 4 to 6 
week period, and it would fix him right up.

The Winstrol also really helped to increase his appetite so I could get him to 
eat when he was so very sick.

I used it at a level of 1 mg two times a day when he was really sick, and when 
he started to recover, I cut it back to 1 mg a day, or even 1/2 mg a day for a 
maintenance dose. I would often pair it with prednisone as well (5 mg a day) 
and Doxycycline (50 mg
 a day).

I have looked after a very large number of strays over the years and I have a 
science and medicine background in science and microbiology and laboratory 
medicine, so I tested and analyzed the lab results we were getting, using this 
knowledge. I have since used
 Winstrol in my cats in a number of other situations where vets have told me 
there is no hope, and I have to say that it has come through more often than 

I therefore could not understand the reluctance of the veterinary - and medical 
community for that matter - to consider Winstrol, especially in circumstances 
where vets are telling pet owners that there are no other options and their 
kitten or cat will die.

I have had to do a fair amount of internet research and spoken to a number of 
veterinarians about this. I have personally concl