I have a 7 month old Bengal kitten that I purchased from a breeder.  She was given to us at 11 weeks.  When we took her to the vet for her shots, she came up slightly positive for FeLV.  The vet drew her blood before she was vaccinated.  The breeder told us that her cats do not have it and she couldn't gotten here because we do not have cats. Anyway, we had her tested a month later and the test still shows slightly positive.
Now my question is:  What does slightly positive mean and will we ever be able to know if she carries the virus.  The reason is because we would like to breed Bengal's, but if she has the virus then we will not breed her.
We have heard from one vet. that we will never know until she starts showing symptoms and another breeder who we want to purchase the male cat from told us it could just be the kittens hormones that make the test show a slight positive.
I would appreciate any information you could give me.
Terri Perciavalle

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