Re: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

2016-12-14 Thread Sherri Godschalk
Well they released her today. Not much drop on the TBIL. She is less yellow.
She is still very wobbly but not as bad as when I took her in. Is
disoriented. Her BUN today was below normal at 14. Her ALT had dropped from
237 to 194 with the normal range shown below. She ate pretty good when I got
her home. Not drinking anything so I am just giving her an eyedropper of
water every half hour or so.

I know she needs to eat to keep this elimination thing going. Should I be
giving her food every hour? At least a couple of bites in a syringe? Is
there anything else I need to do for her. I have her safely away in a small
bathroom to protect her.

The doctor told me to get her back on the Winstrol but I am going to wait a
day or so. He gave her a shot of pred before I got there so told me not to
give her that pill.

Wish us luck!

From:  Felvtalk <> on behalf of Amani
Oakley <>
Reply-To:  <>
Date:  Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 7:47 PM
To:  "" <>
Subject:  Re: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

The results aren’t that bad at all. I have seen Total Billirubins (TBili) in
the thousands and the babies/humans and animals survived. The liver enzymes
are barely budged. They are  wee bit up but again, I have seen them in the
thousands with no effect on the cats. There may have been a gallbladder
blockage or something like that, (though I don’t know if cats get these).
This may have been washed out by the fluids she is getting.
Your explanation regarding adding the Doxycycline explains everything. What
I have repeatedly said in this forum is that you need the combination of
Winstrol to up the cell production and Doxycycline to retard the
reproduction of the viruses. You can see the difference in the results once
the Doxycycline was added at the end of October.
I am hoping that Bogey is out of the woods now. I don’t think that either
the Doxy or the Winstrol are the culprit here. The Winstrol is likely
getting the liver enzymes to increase a bit but only a very small bit. The
ALT and GGT are the only ones a bit elevated, but again, I have seen these
in the thousands – especially the ALT.
I do notice however that her potassium is a bit low (I hope they were giving
her some potassium in the fluids) and her glucose is a bit high. Did they
give her dextrose?

From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sherri Godschalk
Sent: December-13-16 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

She was really out of it earlier today. Couldn’t stand on her own. Very
confused. Dr told me once a cat goes yellow like that they don’t normally
survive. The tech that was in there with me today said she couldn’t believe
the test results weren’t worse than the were. Said the TBIL was the bad
thing. I haven’t looked it up yet.


We added Doxy on 10/24. Two weeks on and then a month off. So she was in to
her second round of it. No other changes. Feeding her anything and
everything she would eat. The doc didn’t want to see her again until after
the second round of Doxy. We were just about done with it.


I have bounced a lot of email here too. Might be copying and pasting from
Excel that is making the emails run big.


Anyway…here ya go.

___ Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

2016-12-13 Thread Sherri Godschalk
I noticed the glucose right away. I had a diabetic dog that required insulin
twice a day and so that number stuck out. I believe these tests were before
the IV. I didn’t look at the bag closely that they were giving her but I
think it was Dextrose. I will ask him about that tomorrow.  With this
jaundice…is the fact that it really hasn’t gotten any better an indicator
that she isn’t any better? Or does that take a while to return to normal? I
will also ask him about the potassium. Is that the K number?

She had an interest in a can of salmon that I opened on Saturday. So I sat
aside a little for her and fed it to her bits at a time for a couple of days
before this all happened. I told the vet about it. She never had salmon
before. He didn’t think that was anything.

The doxy clearly made a huge difference. Around the house here, she just
came alive after the first week of being on it. That tip, and the doc
finally agreeing to prescribe it…saved her life I believe. Thank you so

I don’t think they are giving her one other than that bag of fluid. He
really didn’t want to do anything and I actually begged him to hospitalize
her and give her a chance. I am sure he thought her blood tests would show
the very worst.

Thanks for the feedback on these test results Amani. I feel a little hopeful
tonight. She is never very comfortable at the Vet’s office. She is looking
for a way to escape normally or someplace to hide. Once she gets home she is
fine. She hates her cage. But when I sat her on the floor to let her try to
walk a little she headed straight for it. I think she would like to come

From:  Felvtalk <> on behalf of Amani
Oakley <>
Reply-To:  <>
Date:  Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 7:47 PM
To:  "" <>
Subject:  Re: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

The results aren’t that bad at all. I have seen Total Billirubins (TBili) in
the thousands and the babies/humans and animals survived. The liver enzymes
are barely budged. They are  wee bit up but again, I have seen them in the
thousands with no effect on the cats. There may have been a gallbladder
blockage or something like that, (though I don’t know if cats get these).
This may have been washed out by the fluids she is getting.
Your explanation regarding adding the Doxycycline explains everything. What
I have repeatedly said in this forum is that you need the combination of
Winstrol to up the cell production and Doxycycline to retard the
reproduction of the viruses. You can see the difference in the results once
the Doxycycline was added at the end of October.
I am hoping that Bogey is out of the woods now. I don’t think that either
the Doxy or the Winstrol are the culprit here. The Winstrol is likely
getting the liver enzymes to increase a bit but only a very small bit. The
ALT and GGT are the only ones a bit elevated, but again, I have seen these
in the thousands – especially the ALT.
I do notice however that her potassium is a bit low (I hope they were giving
her some potassium in the fluids) and her glucose is a bit high. Did they
give her dextrose?

From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sherri Godschalk
Sent: December-13-16 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

She was really out of it earlier today. Couldn’t stand on her own. Very
confused. Dr told me once a cat goes yellow like that they don’t normally
survive. The tech that was in there with me today said she couldn’t believe
the test results weren’t worse than the were. Said the TBIL was the bad
thing. I haven’t looked it up yet.


We added Doxy on 10/24. Two weeks on and then a month off. So she was in to
her second round of it. No other changes. Feeding her anything and
everything she would eat. The doc didn’t want to see her again until after
the second round of Doxy. We were just about done with it.


I have bounced a lot of email here too. Might be copying and pasting from
Excel that is making the emails run big.


Anyway…here ya go.

___ Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

2016-12-13 Thread Amani Oakley

The results aren’t that bad at all. I have seen Total Billirubins (TBili) in 
the thousands and the babies/humans and animals survived. The liver enzymes are 
barely budged. They are  wee bit up but again, I have seen them in the 
thousands with no effect on the cats. There may have been a gallbladder 
blockage or something like that, (though I don’t know if cats get these). This 
may have been washed out by the fluids she is getting.

Your explanation regarding adding the Doxycycline explains everything. What I 
have repeatedly said in this forum is that you need the combination of Winstrol 
to up the cell production and Doxycycline to retard the reproduction of the 
viruses. You can see the difference in the results once the Doxycycline was 
added at the end of October.

I am hoping that Bogey is out of the woods now. I don’t think that either the 
Doxy or the Winstrol are the culprit here. The Winstrol is likely getting the 
liver enzymes to increase a bit but only a very small bit. The ALT and GGT are 
the only ones a bit elevated, but again, I have seen these in the thousands – 
especially the ALT.

I do notice however that her potassium is a bit low (I hope they were giving 
her some potassium in the fluids) and her glucose is a bit high. Did they give 
her dextrose?


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Sherri 
Sent: December-13-16 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

She was really out of it earlier today. Couldn’t stand on her own. Very 
confused. Dr told me once a cat goes yellow like that they don’t normally 
survive. The tech that was in there with me today said she couldn’t believe the 
test results weren’t worse than the were. Said the TBIL was the bad thing. I 
haven’t looked it up yet.

We added Doxy on 10/24. Two weeks on and then a month off. So she was in to her 
second round of it. No other changes. Feeding her anything and everything she 
would eat. The doc didn’t want to see her again until after the second round of 
Doxy. We were just about done with it.

I have bounced a lot of email here too. Might be copying and pasting from Excel 
that is making the emails run big.

Anyway…here ya go.

































































Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

2016-12-13 Thread Sherri Godschalk
She was really out of it earlier today. Couldn’t stand on her own. Very
confused. Dr told me once a cat goes yellow like that they don’t normally
survive. The tech that was in there with me today said she couldn’t believe
the test results weren’t worse than the were. Said the TBIL was the bad
thing. I haven’t looked it up yet.

We added Doxy on 10/24. Two weeks on and then a month off. So she was in to
her second round of it. No other changes. Feeding her anything and
everything she would eat. The doc didn’t want to see her again until after
the second round of Doxy. We were just about done with it.

I have bounced a lot of email here too. Might be copying and pasting from
Excel that is making the emails run big.

Anyway…here ya go.

  Scale 12-Dec  
 GLU 74-159 178  
 BUN 16-36 23  
 CREA 08-2.4 1.3  
 BUN/CREA  18  
 PHOS 3.1-7.5 4.5  
 CA 7.8-11.3 9.8  
 TP 5.7-8.9 8.7  
 ALB 2.2-4.0 3.1  
 GLOB 2.8-5.1 5.6  
 ALB/GLB  0.6  
 ALT 12-130 237  
 ALKP 14-111 39  
 GGT 0-4 8  
 TBIL .0-.9 27.9  
 CHOL 65-225 170  
 AMYL 500-1500 842 
 LIPA 100-1400 255 
 NA 150-165 158  
 K 3.5-5.8 3.4  
 NA/K  46  
 CL 112-129 114  
 OSM CALC  318 

From:  Felvtalk <> on behalf of Amani
Oakley <>
Reply-To:  <>
Date:  Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 7:11 PM
To:  "" <>
Subject:  Re: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

Good to hear there has been an improvement. I wanted to say that to you in
my previous email, because I was surprised you were saying you thought she
wouldn’t recover. Usually, there is a pretty rapid turn-around as the
bilirubin and enzymes drop. It is very good news that she is eating a bit as
well. However, I am of course not there, and you can see her and I can’t. My
feeling though is that her since her underlying results were showing such an
improvement in haematocrit, red cells, haemoglobin, and platelets, then I
felt she would come through the jaundice okay.
The lab results you have sent me are pretty puzzling though. There seems to
have been a trend between August 24 to October 26 and then some real changes
in virtually all cell parameters seen in the December 12th blood work. Any
other medication changes during the end of October to December 12th?
P.S. – sorry but I had to chop off your email to get this one to go through.
I had it returned to me THREE TIMES as being to big, even though the last
time I sent it, it was just my email and your previous one, with the rest
chopped off. I keep asking if the moderators can address this limited size
thing, but there’s been no change.

___ Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

2016-12-13 Thread Amani Oakley

Good to hear there has been an improvement. I wanted to say that to you in my 
previous email, because I was surprised you were saying you thought she 
wouldn’t recover. Usually, there is a pretty rapid turn-around as the bilirubin 
and enzymes drop. It is very good news that she is eating a bit as well. 
However, I am of course not there, and you can see her and I can’t. My feeling 
though is that her since her underlying results were showing such an 
improvement in haematocrit, red cells, haemoglobin, and platelets, then I felt 
she would come through the jaundice okay.

The lab results you have sent me are pretty puzzling though. There seems to 
have been a trend between August 24 to October 26 and then some real changes in 
virtually all cell parameters seen in the December 12th blood work. Any other 
medication changes during the end of October to December 12th?


P.S. – sorry but I had to chop off your email to get this one to go through. I 
had it returned to me THREE TIMES as being to big, even though the last time I 
sent it, it was just my email and your previous one, with the rest chopped off. 
I keep asking if the moderators can address this limited size thing, but 
there’s been no change.

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

2016-12-13 Thread Sherri Godschalk
Yes…here are her comparison results. I just visited with her and she appears
better this evening. She seemed less out of it. Walking better. Ate a
little. Even the guy who cleans the ICU there said he saw much improvement.
Hoping and praying. Amani they gave me two sheets of test results this time.
It’s the one that shows the enzyme levels and such. I will post that in a

  Range 12-Dec 26-Oct 30-Sep 16-Sep 24-Aug
 RBC 6.54 12.2 4.99 2.54 2.9 2.57 2.43
 HCT 30.3 52.3 35.1 14.8 17.9 15.3 15.3
 HGB 9.8 16.2 10.4 5.2 6.2 5.5 5.3
 MCV 35.9 53.1 70.3 58.3 61.7 59.1 62.6
 MCH 11.8 17.3 20.8 20.5 21.4 21.4 21.8
 MCHC 28.1 35.8 29.6 35.1 34.6 36.2 34.9
 RDW 15 27 22.2 24.5 25.2 23.7 23.9
 RETIC 3 50 27.4 89.9 82.1 78.1 61.5
 WBC 2.87 17.02 8.59 13.05 12.01 14.47 13.46
 NEU 1.48 10.29 5.42 3.97 3.96 4.07 4.03
 LYM 0.92 6.88 2.21 7.8 6.81 8.83 7.75
 MONO 0.05 0.67 0.87 1.16 1.17 1.52 1.58
 EOS 0.17 1.57 0.08 0.11 0.06 0.004 0.01
 BASO 0.01 0.26 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0
 PLT 151 800 122 28 53 88 50

From:  Felvtalk <> on behalf of Amani
Oakley <>
Reply-To:  <>
Date:  Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 4:46 PM
To:  "" <>
Subject:  Re: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

That is very strange indeed. Usually, any jaundice develops rather slowly.
Your description leaves me confused. Have they tested her again to see what
the current values are?
I don’t understand the numbers you have posted, by the way. Perhaps they are
in different units than what I am familiar with. I also don’t recognize the
abbreviation you used. If you want more information, please post the results
exactly as you have received them, along with full titles of the tests and
the reference ranges.
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sherri Godschalk
Sent: December-13-16 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

Hi Amani. She is hospitalized. I am going up to see her again as soon as I
get out of here. She hasn't had the Winstrol now since Sunday at noon. The
jaundice was sudden. She was wobbly Sunday night but still eating. I made an
appointment for her right away but I couldn't get in for 5 hours. I gave her
a little tuna water and I swear within 15 minutes her ears had turned
yellow. So I took her right in. She is very sick. I can't imagine her
pulling through this.


On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 4:31 PM, Amani Oakley <>

The jaundice is probably a side effect of the Winstrol. Is she still on it?
If so, discontinue. You don’t need it right now anyway with her blood counts
doing so well. From what I saw in my cats, any of them whose liver enzymes
increased, would show a quick and steady drop of the enzymes once the
Winstrol was continued. After a rest period, I could start them on it again.
However, my cats didn’t actually show any jaundice, though their liver
enzymes (ALT, ALP, AST, Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin) might increase.
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sherri Godschalk
Sent: December-13-16 4:27 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat


I just wanted you all to know that my cat Bogey made an unbelievable
recovery in her counts in the last 6 weeks, only to become jaundice suddenly
yesterday and is not doing well at all.


Her platelets had jumped to 112 from the lower 20s. Her RBC was up to 4.9
and it had been half of that. The amazing jump had been in her hematocrit
was al the way up to 38 from 15. She had been feeling so good and then
everything went south in less than a day.


Her enzymes are at 29. And the scale at the DR says the high end of the
scale is .9. She turned yellow and I got her to the vet within the hour. She
has been on IV trying to flush things out for about 28 hours. She is eating.
But is very disoriented. I believe she is less wobbly today but they are not
retesting her blood until tomorrow. I have had 2 visits with her and she
knows my voice.


My doctor isn't willing to do anything else for her if she does't improve
tonight. With her normalized blood test now, I am wondering if maybe they
should look for a bile obstruction or something. She has no fever, normal
bowel movements. Her urine is dark.


I was just wondering if I should be trying to find another vet if this one
will not even ultrasound her. Suggestions?


Thanks in advance.

Felvtalk mailing list
___ Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

2016-12-13 Thread Amani Oakley
That is very strange indeed. Usually, any jaundice develops rather slowly. Your 
description leaves me confused. Have they tested her again to see what the 
current values are?

I don’t understand the numbers you have posted, by the way. Perhaps they are in 
different units than what I am familiar with. I also don’t recognize the 
abbreviation you used. If you want more information, please post the results 
exactly as you have received them, along with full titles of the tests and the 
reference ranges.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Sherri 
Sent: December-13-16 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

Hi Amani. She is hospitalized. I am going up to see her again as soon as I get 
out of here. She hasn't had the Winstrol now since Sunday at noon. The jaundice 
was sudden. She was wobbly Sunday night but still eating. I made an appointment 
for her right away but I couldn't get in for 5 hours. I gave her a little tuna 
water and I swear within 15 minutes her ears had turned yellow. So I took her 
right in. She is very sick. I can't imagine her pulling through this.

On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 4:31 PM, Amani Oakley 
<<>> wrote:
The jaundice is probably a side effect of the Winstrol. Is she still on it? If 
so, discontinue. You don’t need it right now anyway with her blood counts doing 
so well. From what I saw in my cats, any of them whose liver enzymes increased, 
would show a quick and steady drop of the enzymes once the Winstrol was 
continued. After a rest period, I could start them on it again. However, my 
cats didn’t actually show any jaundice, though their liver enzymes (ALT, ALP, 
AST, Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin) might increase.


From: Felvtalk 
 On Behalf Of Sherri Godschalk
Sent: December-13-16 4:27 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

I just wanted you all to know that my cat Bogey made an unbelievable recovery 
in her counts in the last 6 weeks, only to become jaundice suddenly yesterday 
and is not doing well at all.

Her platelets had jumped to 112 from the lower 20s. Her RBC was up to 4.9 and 
it had been half of that. The amazing jump had been in her hematocrit was al 
the way up to 38 from 15. She had been feeling so good and then everything went 
south in less than a day.

Her enzymes are at 29. And the scale at the DR says the high end of the scale 
is .9. She turned yellow and I got her to the vet within the hour. She has been 
on IV trying to flush things out for about 28 hours. She is eating. But is very 
disoriented. I believe she is less wobbly today but they are not retesting her 
blood until tomorrow. I have had 2 visits with her and she knows my voice.

My doctor isn't willing to do anything else for her if she does't improve 
tonight. With her normalized blood test now, I am wondering if maybe they 
should look for a bile obstruction or something. She has no fever, normal bowel 
movements. Her urine is dark.

I was just wondering if I should be trying to find another vet if this one will 
not even ultrasound her. Suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Felvtalk mailing list<>

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

2016-12-13 Thread Sherri Godschalk
Hi Amani. She is hospitalized. I am going up to see her again as soon as I
get out of here. She hasn't had the Winstrol now since Sunday at noon. The
jaundice was sudden. She was wobbly Sunday night but still eating. I made
an appointment for her right away but I couldn't get in for 5 hours. I gave
her a little tuna water and I swear within 15 minutes her ears had turned
yellow. So I took her right in. She is very sick. I can't imagine her
pulling through this.

On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 4:31 PM, Amani Oakley <>

> The jaundice is probably a side effect of the Winstrol. Is she still on
> it? If so, discontinue. You don’t need it right now anyway with her blood
> counts doing so well. From what I saw in my cats, any of them whose liver
> enzymes increased, would show a quick and steady drop of the enzymes once
> the Winstrol was continued. After a rest period, I could start them on it
> again. However, my cats didn’t actually show any jaundice, though their
> liver enzymes (ALT, ALP, AST, Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin) might
> increase.
> Amani
> *From:* Felvtalk [] *On Behalf
> Of *Sherri Godschalk
> *Sent:* December-13-16 4:27 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat
> I just wanted you all to know that my cat Bogey made an unbelievable
> recovery in her counts in the last 6 weeks, only to become jaundice
> suddenly yesterday and is not doing well at all.
> Her platelets had jumped to 112 from the lower 20s. Her RBC was up to 4.9
> and it had been half of that. The amazing jump had been in her hematocrit
> was al the way up to 38 from 15. She had been feeling so good and then
> everything went south in less than a day.
> Her enzymes are at 29. And the scale at the DR says the high end of the
> scale is .9. She turned yellow and I got her to the vet within the hour.
> She has been on IV trying to flush things out for about 28 hours. She is
> eating. But is very disoriented. I believe she is less wobbly today but
> they are not retesting her blood until tomorrow. I have had 2 visits with
> her and she knows my voice.
> My doctor isn't willing to do anything else for her if she does't improve
> tonight. With her normalized blood test now, I am wondering if maybe they
> should look for a bile obstruction or something. She has no fever, normal
> bowel movements. Her urine is dark.
> I was just wondering if I should be trying to find another vet if this one
> will not even ultrasound her. Suggestions?
> Thanks in advance.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

2016-12-13 Thread Amani Oakley
The jaundice is probably a side effect of the Winstrol. Is she still on it? If 
so, discontinue. You don’t need it right now anyway with her blood counts doing 
so well. From what I saw in my cats, any of them whose liver enzymes increased, 
would show a quick and steady drop of the enzymes once the Winstrol was 
continued. After a rest period, I could start them on it again. However, my 
cats didn’t actually show any jaundice, though their liver enzymes (ALT, ALP, 
AST, Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin) might increase.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Sherri 
Sent: December-13-16 4:27 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

I just wanted you all to know that my cat Bogey made an unbelievable recovery 
in her counts in the last 6 weeks, only to become jaundice suddenly yesterday 
and is not doing well at all.

Her platelets had jumped to 112 from the lower 20s. Her RBC was up to 4.9 and 
it had been half of that. The amazing jump had been in her hematocrit was al 
the way up to 38 from 15. She had been feeling so good and then everything went 
south in less than a day.

Her enzymes are at 29. And the scale at the DR says the high end of the scale 
is .9. She turned yellow and I got her to the vet within the hour. She has been 
on IV trying to flush things out for about 28 hours. She is eating. But is very 
disoriented. I believe she is less wobbly today but they are not retesting her 
blood until tomorrow. I have had 2 visits with her and she knows my voice.

My doctor isn't willing to do anything else for her if she does't improve 
tonight. With her normalized blood test now, I am wondering if maybe they 
should look for a bile obstruction or something. She has no fever, normal bowel 
movements. Her urine is dark.

I was just wondering if I should be trying to find another vet if this one will 
not even ultrasound her. Suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

2016-12-13 Thread Sherri Godschalk
I just wanted you all to know that my cat Bogey made an unbelievable
recovery in her counts in the last 6 weeks, only to become jaundice
suddenly yesterday and is not doing well at all.

Her platelets had jumped to 112 from the lower 20s. Her RBC was up to 4.9
and it had been half of that. The amazing jump had been in her hematocrit
was al the way up to 38 from 15. She had been feeling so good and then
everything went south in less than a day.

Her enzymes are at 29. And the scale at the DR says the high end of the
scale is .9. She turned yellow and I got her to the vet within the hour.
She has been on IV trying to flush things out for about 28 hours. She is
eating. But is very disoriented. I believe she is less wobbly today but
they are not retesting her blood until tomorrow. I have had 2 visits with
her and she knows my voice.

My doctor isn't willing to do anything else for her if she does't improve
tonight. With her normalized blood test now, I am wondering if maybe they
should look for a bile obstruction or something. She has no fever, normal
bowel movements. Her urine is dark.

I was just wondering if I should be trying to find another vet if this one
will not even ultrasound her. Suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
Felvtalk mailing list