Chinese cat/dog fur-shopping for our pets?- depression-bridge list addition

2005-12-14 Thread catatonya
You know, I LIVE at Walmart.  I have thought and thought of boycotting them, even before this.  But I went to petsmart today to buy litter and I HATE giving them my business as well when they are selling all of the poor exotic birds being teased by children running around and screaming at them.  The reptiles etc.     Where in the h*ll can you shop with a conscience any more?  It's all very depressing.     And speaking of depressing     Yesterday about a quarter of a mile from my school I saw a cat writhing in pain and bleeding in the middle of the road with cars just driving around it!   It had obviously just been hit or it would have already been hit again.     I stopped traffic (because I'm sure if I had pulled over people would have just driven around me and run over the cat again) and got out of the car and ran to the
 cat.  It was crying and I was afraid really to pick it up that I might be bitten.  But I didn't have much of a choice, so I picked up the cat and carried it to the other side of the road and laid it in the grass.  It went limp, and I thought it was dead.     It was bleeding horribly from its mouth and head.  I "knew" it wasn't going to make it until I could get it to a vet, but I felt his heart beating steadily and he was still breathing...  So I picked him up and fought the traffic back across the street. I mean with the bleeding cat in my arms--trying to cross the street--- people didn't want to stop and let me cross!  I had to basically force people to let me back into traffic when I got in the car to leave (they were all going around my car by now again).      I put on my flashers, I blew my horn.  People would not let me pass, and it took forever to go about 2 miles to the
 nearest vet. I got the cat to the nearest vet who was luckily open.  He's someone I know, luckily.  I told them to please get the doctor to euthanize the cat.  I couldn't believe he was still alive!  It was just terrible.     Well, the doctor came in and started checking him and said he thought he could help him.  He said he had bitten his tongue and that was what had caused all of the blood.  He was in shock, had a concussion.  But the doctor said his heart and lungs sounded ok and he would see what he could do.     I left the cat there and went to work.  I wanted to go home after all of that, and had a bad cold and didn't feel well anyway.  But there were no subs so I was told to stay.  I called back later and the doctor had put pins in the cat's top and bottom jaws which were both broken.  He had a ruptured ear drum and concussion.  He had inserted a feeding
 tube, but said he was hanging in there.  He felt if he could get him stabilized with the feeding tube he could save him.  (All without charging me!  He's a nice guy.  That's the ONE good thing from this story.)  He said things were looking good so far and they were taking good care of him.     Anyway, today I called and they said the cat (they had named him "Jaws". ha.) had died last night around 8:00. He was a gray tabby with a few brown markings and white feet. Very handsome.  Now I feel guilty because I didn't stop after work and visit the cat again yesterday because I felt sick and just wanted to go home. A lot of my co-workers did say 'how awful' or they were sorry, or whatever, but they were just appalled that I decided I didn't want to go to the Christmas party after school.       I am just so MAD about the whole thing.  I don't know what kind of world we live in that
 people treat animals so horribly and people are so uncaring.  I don't see how anyone who is the least bit aware of the suffering doesn't suffer from depression like I do.       I feel like many people on this list understand me better than my friends and family.  How DO you deal with the daily emails of animals being gassed in overcrowded shelters, people dumping their pets, people abusing animals.  It is just so sad and depressing to me all the time.  I can't just 'turn it off' and go 'be happy' and 'not think about it'.     I feel like "It's Christmas time and I hate the world."  Merry Christmas...     Maybe this shouldn't be on the list, but I would really like to know if others have a hard time handling or balancing your animals and any semblance of a 'normal, happy' life??  I guess it sounds like a 'martyr complex'.  I don't know.  It just
 seems like so very few people care about anyone or anything other than themselves.     tonyaBONNIE J KALMBACH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  PLEASE CROSS POSTForwarded Message:Subj: LETTER - China's Dog/Cat Fur Markets Date: 12/10/2005 8:35:57 PM Eastern Standard TimeFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent from the Internet (Details)

Re: Chinese cat/dog fur-shopping for our pets?- depression-bridge list addition

2005-12-14 Thread Steph E Caldwell

catatonya wrote:

Maybe this shouldn't be on the list, but I would really like to know if 
others have a hard time handling or balancing your animals and any 
semblance of a 'normal, happy' life??  I guess it sounds like a 'martyr 
complex'.  I don't know.  It just seems like so very few people care 
about anyone or anything other than themselves.


My animals that I have are my happy normal life. I've got four rescues, 
three equine and one kitty. I've got a happy, healthy group of ferals 
that moved in the barn where I board. Even though it's depressing to 
realize the "grand scheme of things" I'm doing the best I can by the 
animals I'm in contact with.

One of the reasons I'm still single is I'd quite honestly rather be with 
my animals as another person. If I ever find someone he'd best be an 
animal person, because I've seen that it won't work without that! :P

No, other people don't care about others or their animals. Even though 
it hurts to care, and people thing I'm rather odd, I can't imagine being 
one of those selfish SOBs that don't care about other people or animals. 
I talk nicer to my car than they do to their families!


Re: Chinese cat/dog fur-shopping for our pets?- depression-bridge list addition

2005-12-14 Thread gblane
Tonya, it so humbles me and honors us all that you did the right - though 
difficult - thing.  But you did the right thing, and demonstrated to all 
those whizzing cars.  It made people think - and maybe next time some one 
of them will behave differently  Most important, you helped the poor 
injured kitty, the  great thing.  Thank you for doing the right thing, even 
though you suffer for it.  The world can be a crappy place, but if we keep 
trying to do the right thing, it makes a lot of difference...


At 07:11 PM 12/14/2005, you wrote:

And speaking of depressing

Yesterday about a quarter of a mile from my school I saw a cat writhing in 
pain and bleeding in the middle of the road with cars just driving around 
it!   It had obviously just been hit or it would have already been hit again.

I stopped traffic (because I'm sure if I had pulled over people would have 
just driven around me and run over the cat again) and got out of the car 
and ran to the cat.  It was crying and I was afraid really to pick it up 
that I might be bitten.  But I didn't have much of a choice, so I picked 
up the cat and carried it to the other side of the road and laid it in the 
grass.  It went limp, and I thought it was dead.

It was bleeding horribly from its mouth and head.  I "knew" it wasn't 
going to make it until I could get it to a vet, but I felt his heart 
beating steadily and he was still breathing...  So I picked him up and 
fought the traffic back across the street. I mean with the bleeding cat in 
my arms--trying to cross the street--- people didn't want to stop and let 
me cross!  I had to basically force people to let me back into traffic 
when I got in the car to leave (they were all going around my car by now 

I put on my flashers, I blew my horn.  People would not let me pass, and 
it took forever to go about 2 miles to the nearest vet. I got the cat to 
the nearest vet who was luckily open.  He's someone I know, luckily.  I 
told them to please get the doctor to euthanize the cat.  I couldn't 
believe he was still alive!  It was just terrible.

Well, the doctor came in and started checking him and said he thought he 
could help him.  He said he had bitten his tongue and that was what had 
caused all of the blood.  He was in shock, had a concussion.  But the 
doctor said his heart and lungs sounded ok and he would see what he could do.

I left the cat there and went to work.  I wanted to go home after all of 
that, and had a bad cold and didn't feel well anyway.  But there were no 
subs so I was told to stay.  I called back later and the doctor had put 
pins in the cat's top and bottom jaws which were both broken.  He had a 
ruptured ear drum and concussion.  He had inserted a feeding tube, but 
said he was hanging in there.  He felt if he could get him stabilized with 
the feeding tube he could save him.  (All without charging me!  He's a 
nice guy.  That's the ONE good thing from this story.)  He said things 
were looking good so far and they were taking good care of him.

Anyway, today I called and they said the cat (they had named him "Jaws". 
ha.) had died last night around 8:00. He was a gray tabby with a few brown 
markings and white feet. Very handsome.  Now I feel guilty because I 
didn't stop after work and visit the cat again yesterday because I felt 
sick and just wanted to go home. A lot of my co-workers did say 'how 
awful' or they were sorry, or whatever, but they were just appalled that I 
decided I didn't want to go to the Christmas party after school.

I am just so MAD about the whole thing.  I don't know what kind of world 
we live in that people treat animals so horribly and people are so 
uncaring.  I don't see how anyone who is the least bit aware of the 
suffering doesn't suffer from depression like I do.

I feel like many people on this list understand me better than my friends 
and family.  How DO you deal with the daily emails of animals being gassed 
in overcrowded shelters, people dumping their pets, people abusing 
animals.  It is just so sad and depressing to me all the time.  I can't 
just 'turn it off' and go 'be happy' and 'not think about it'.

I feel like "It's Christmas time and I hate the world."  Merry Christmas...

Maybe this shouldn't be on the list, but I would really like to know if 
others have a hard time handling or balancing your animals and any 
semblance of a 'normal, happy' life??  I guess it sounds like a 'martyr 
complex'.  I don't know.  It just seems like so very few people care about 
anyone or anything other than themselves.



Forwarded Message:
Subj: LETTER - China's Dog/Cat Fur Markets
Date: 12/10/2005 8:35:57 PM Eastern Standard Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

Re: Chinese cat/dog fur-shopping for our pets?- depression-bridge list addition

2005-12-15 Thread Susan Loesch
Tonya, thank you for doing what you did for Jaws.  He may not have lived but he had a chance.  And he died much more peacerfully than if he'd been hit again by another car.  You are a hero.   And knowing people like you and being reminded of what is really important helps overshadow all the bad we see people do to the animals we are privileged to share this earth with.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Tonya, it so humbles me and honors us all that you did the right - though difficult - thing. But you did the right thing, and demonstrated to all those whizzing cars. It made people think - and maybe next time some one of them will behave differently Most important, you helped the poor injured kitty, the great thing. Thank you for doing the right thing, even though you suffer for it. The world can be a crappy place, but if we
 keep trying to do the right thing, it makes a lot of difference...Hugs,GloriaAt 07:11 PM 12/14/2005, you wrote:>...>And speaking of depressing>>Yesterday about a quarter of a mile from my school I saw a cat writhing in >pain and bleeding in the middle of the road with cars just driving around >it! It had obviously just been hit or it would have already been hit again.>>I stopped traffic (because I'm sure if I had pulled over people would have >just driven around me and run over the cat again) and got out of the car >and ran to the cat. It was crying and I was afraid really to pick it up >that I might be bitten. But I didn't have much of a choice, so I picked >up the cat and carried it to the other side of the road and laid it in the >grass. It went limp, and I thought it was dead.>>It was bleeding horribly from its mouth and head. I "knew" it
 wasn't >going to make it until I could get it to a vet, but I felt his heart >beating steadily and he was still breathing... So I picked him up and >fought the traffic back across the street. I mean with the bleeding cat in >my arms--trying to cross the street--- people didn't want to stop and let >me cross! I had to basically force people to let me back into traffic >when I got in the car to leave (they were all going around my car by now >again).>>I put on my flashers, I blew my horn. People would not let me pass, and >it took forever to go about 2 miles to the nearest vet. I got the cat to >the nearest vet who was luckily open. He's someone I know, luckily. I >told them to please get the doctor to euthanize the cat. I couldn't >believe he was still alive! It was just terrible.>>Well, the doctor came in and started checking him and said he thought he >could help him. He
 said he had bitten his tongue and that was what had >caused all of the blood. He was in shock, had a concussion. But the >doctor said his heart and lungs sounded ok and he would see what he could do.>>I left the cat there and went to work. I wanted to go home after all of >that, and had a bad cold and didn't feel well anyway. But there were no >subs so I was told to stay. I called back later and the doctor had put >pins in the cat's top and bottom jaws which were both broken. He had a >ruptured ear drum and concussion. He had inserted a feeding tube, but >said he was hanging in there. He felt if he could get him stabilized with >the feeding tube he could save him. (All without charging me! He's a >nice guy. That's the ONE good thing from this story.) He said things >were looking good so far and they were taking good care of him.>>Anyway, today I called and they said the cat (they had
 named him "Jaws". >ha.) had died last night around 8:00. He was a gray tabby with a few brown >markings and white feet. Very handsome. Now I feel guilty because I >didn't stop after work and visit the cat again yesterday because I felt >sick and just wanted to go home. A lot of my co-workers did say 'how >awful' or they were sorry, or whatever, but they were just appalled that I >decided I didn't want to go to the Christmas party after school.>>I am just so MAD about the whole thing. I don't know what kind of world >we live in that people treat animals so horribly and people are so >uncaring. I don't see how anyone who is the least bit aware of the >suffering doesn't suffer from depression like I do.>>I feel like many people on this list understand me better than my friends >and family. How DO you deal with the daily emails of animals being gassed >in overcrowded shelters,
 people dumping their pets, people abusing >animals. It is just so sad and depressing to me all the time. I can't >just 'turn it off' and go 'be happy' and 'not think about it'.>>I feel like "It's Christmas time and I hate the world." Merry Christmas...>>Maybe this shouldn't be on the list, but I would really like to know if >others have a hard time handling or balancing your animals and any >semblance of a 'normal, happy' life?? I guess it sounds like a 'martyr >complex'. I don't know. It just seems like so very few people care about >anyone or anything other than themselves.>>tonya>>BONNIE J KALMBACH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:>P

Re: Chinese cat/dog fur-shopping for our pets?- depression-bridge list addition

2005-12-15 Thread Barb Moermond
Tonya,  I am so sorry you were exposed yet again to the idiocy and selfishness of the 2 footers.  And I'm so proud of you and so grateful that you stopped for that kitty and took him to a vet.  He was given a chance and was able to pass peacefully in a relatively quiet place.     The balancing act is a tough one; I'm not going home for the family get-together because Smoky is dealing with his 2nd bout of cystitis in 4 weeks.  He's feeling better, but I'm not comfortable leaving him.  My mom understands, but my dad doesn't.     If it would help, there are pet loss chats every night on, it's a very safe place to share if you're ready and/or inclined.     The chat room
 is Haven - Pet Loss Support.     <>>catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:You know, I LIVE at Walmart.  I have thought and thought of boycotting them, even before this.  But I went to petsmart today to buy litter and I HATE giving them my business as well when they are selling all of the poor exotic birds being teased by children running around and screaming at them.  The reptiles etc.     Where in the h*ll can you shop with a conscience any more?  It's all very depressing.     And speaking of depressing     Yesterday about a quarter of a mile from my school I saw a cat writhing in pain and bleeding in the middle of
 the road with cars just driving around it!   It had obviously just been hit or it would have already been hit again.     I stopped traffic (because I'm sure if I had pulled over people would have just driven around me and run over the cat again) and got out of the car and ran to the cat.  It was crying and I was afraid really to pick it up that I might be bitten.  But I didn't have much of a choice, so I picked up the cat and carried it to the other side of the road and laid it in the grass.  It went limp, and I thought it was dead.     It was bleeding horribly from its mouth and head.  I "knew" it wasn't going to make it until I could get it to a vet, but I felt his heart beating steadily and he was still breathing...  So I picked him up and fought the traffic back across the street. I mean with the bleeding cat in my arms--trying to cross the street--- people didn't want to stop and let
 me cross!  I had to basically force people to let me back into traffic when I got in the car to leave (they were all going around my car by now again).      I put on my flashers, I blew my horn.  People would not let me pass, and it took forever to go about 2 miles to the nearest vet. I got the cat to the nearest vet who was luckily open.  He's someone I know, luckily.  I told them to please get the doctor to euthanize the cat.  I couldn't believe he was still alive!  It was just terrible.     Well, the doctor came in and started checking him and said he thought he could help him.  He said he had bitten his tongue and that was what had caused all of the blood.  He was in shock, had a concussion.  But the doctor said his heart and lungs sounded ok and he would see what he could do.     I left the cat there and went to work.  I wanted to go home
 after all of that, and had a bad cold and didn't feel well anyway.  But there were no subs so I was told to stay.  I called back later and the doctor had put pins in the cat's top and bottom jaws which were both broken.  He had a ruptured ear drum and concussion.  He had inserted a feeding tube, but said he was hanging in there.  He felt if he could get him stabilized with the feeding tube he could save him.  (All without charging me!  He's a nice guy.  That's the ONE good thing from this story.)  He said things were looking good so far and they were taking good care of him.     Anyway, today I called and they said the cat (they had named him "Jaws". ha.) had died last night around 8:00. He was a gray tabby with a few brown markings and white feet. Very handsome.  Now I feel guilty because I didn't stop after work and visit the cat again yesterday because I felt sick and just wanted to go
 home. A lot of my co-workers did say 'how awful' or they were sorry, or whatever, but they were just appalled that I decided I didn't want to go to the Christmas party after school.       I am just so MAD about the whole thing.  I don't know what kind of world we live in that people treat animals so horribly and people are so uncaring.  I don't see how anyone who is the least bit aware of the suffering doesn't suffer from depression like I do.       I feel like many people on this list understand me better than my friends and family.  How DO you deal with the daily emails of animals being gassed in overcrowded shelters, people dumping their pets, people abusing animals.  It is just so sad and depressing to me all the time.  I can't just 'turn it off' and go 'be happy' and 'not think about it'.     I feel like "It's Christmas time and I hate the world." 
 Merry Christmas...     Maybe this shouldn't be on the list, 

Re: Chinese cat/dog fur-shopping for our pets?- depression-bridge list addition

2005-12-15 Thread TenHouseCats
and, for what it's worth, i co-host the pet-loss support chats on
Friday, Sunday and Monday nights


> The chat room is Haven - Pet Loss Support.


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Chinese cat/dog fur-shopping for our pets?- depression-bridge list addition

2005-12-15 Thread wendy

Bless you for caring for that kitty.  Most people
don't stop to help another human, much less a cat. 
It's sad.  But there are lots of people out there like
you who will help and I consider those people angels. 
And I bet Jaws does too.  I am so sorry he didn't make
it, but you did all you could.  You're a wonderful
person Tonya.  Don't let life get you down.


--- Steph E Caldwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> catatonya wrote:
> > Maybe this shouldn't be on the list, but I would
> really like to know if 
> > others have a hard time handling or balancing your
> animals and any 
> > semblance of a 'normal, happy' life??  I guess it
> sounds like a 'martyr 
> > complex'.  I don't know.  It just seems like so
> very few people care 
> > about anyone or anything other than themselves.
> Tonya...
> My animals that I have are my happy normal life.
> I've got four rescues, 
> three equine and one kitty. I've got a happy,
> healthy group of ferals 
> that moved in the barn where I board. Even though
> it's depressing to 
> realize the "grand scheme of things" I'm doing the
> best I can by the 
> animals I'm in contact with.
> One of the reasons I'm still single is I'd quite
> honestly rather be with 
> my animals as another person. If I ever find someone
> he'd best be an 
> animal person, because I've seen that it won't work
> without that! :P
> No, other people don't care about others or their
> animals. Even though 
> it hurts to care, and people thing I'm rather odd, I
> can't imagine being 
> one of those selfish SOBs that don't care about
> other people or animals. 
> I talk nicer to my car than they do to their
> families!
> Steph

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Re: Chinese cat/dog fur-shopping for our pets?- depression-bridge list addition

2005-12-15 Thread PEC2851

In a message dated 12/15/05 11:33:40 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
and, for 
  what it's worth, i co-host the pet-loss support chats onFriday, Sunday and 
  Monday nightsMC

That is very good to 
Bless you for doing that.  I just posted 
that you have a beautiful way with words, you must bring comfort to 

Re: Chinese cat/dog fur-shopping for our pets?- depression-bridge list addition

2005-12-15 Thread TenHouseCats
we certainly hope that we help--we ARE there every night of the year, including holidays  

In a message dated 12/15/05 11:33:40 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

and, for what it's worth, i co-host the pet-loss support chats on
Friday, Sunday and Monday nightsMC

That is very good to know.
Bless you for doing that.  I just posted that you have a beautiful way with words, you must bring comfort to many.
-- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892