does anyone live around the NJ/NY border?

tad is driving down to Newburgh, NY tomorrow to pick up a very handsome
siamese boy, Tai, from a shelter in NJ. the transport was all set up, but
the woman who was gonna do the middle leg of the transport was mugged and
beaten yesterday and can't do it. if anyone is in that area and would like
to take a nice drive, help out a needy kitty, and get to meet our Tad!,
please let me know!


from Vince Lombardi Service Station (12:30)
end of NJ Turnpike/I95)
Located between Interchanges 18E/18W
and the George Washington Bridge (13)
Milepost 116E,115.5W
Ridgefield Borough, Bergen County

Newburgh NY (arrive 2pm) at a nearby fast food place near exit 87.

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

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