**I just read the abstract regarding using low dose interferon for
of FIV and possibly FeLV. I know this was a small study group. Does
here have experience with this sort of treatment?**
of FIV and possibly FeLV. I know this was a small study group. Does
here have experience with this sort of treatment?**
Only at crisis time_no eating, etc_however it depends on the cat. My FIV+ cat has been on intereferon since last year when he crashed but as he got better we're reducing the dose so that he eventually will be completly off.
Again, it depends on the cat's needs, I know some people have had cats on interferon for years while others had them on it for weeks.
Interferon supplies what the body can't produce and stimulates appetite; it is used in many crisis type situations, not neccesaraly FIV/FeLV.