You always say the right thing!!  I take inspiration whenever I read  your 
Your story about the little bird brought back a "bitter sweet" moment I  had, 
years ago, when I lost my Bear to AIHA...
I remember "watching" this little bird make her nest, & waited, w/  
anticipation for the eggs to hatch...
The afternoon I returned from vet, after having lost my baby, I sat,  
tearfully on my porch. Crying my eyes out, just "not understanding"  why/how I 
my Bear..... It made no sense & I was  totally devastated!!
When, lo & behold..... Just when I was at the utmost moment of despair  - the 
eggs hatched!!!
Words can't explain the joy I felt at that exact moment...  I just  remember 
thinking," One life ends, another one begins".
I was SO comforted at that moment.  And, thankfully, it's a memory  that 
hasn't been lost.
Whenever I lose a furbaby, I "try" to remember that moment, for  comfort.
It's never easy....... But at least I have "that" memory to take comfort  
Patti & her gang

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