Megan, I just checked how everyone is doing with their
cat situations...I read your last post where you are
feeling so torn, in so many directions and a lot of it
is due to listening to people here. 
Well, Melissa said some wonderful and true things . I
have the teacher in me too, so I totally agree with
what she said. 
This group of people is here to share the many things
they have learned, while loving and caring for their
cats. It can be very helpful and educational here. 
 I personally am very fond of some of these guys
,because I can feel how really beautiful they are in
their hearts. You do get a certain type of people
here. To me they care about things most people out
there in the world might not even notice...These
people can smell the roses and do take the time to
appreciate things (cats) and understand them...
However, sometimes someone will read a couple emails
that someone else has posted and just assume they have
it all figured out . Sometimes they might miss a lot
of information and also not understand really what
that other person is dealing with. 
I do not know how desperately ill Olive is. I have
never looked into her eyes. I do understand that you
have two other kitties that need you. Right now they
have tested negative. I understand you are having one
of your kitties donate blood, Juniper,right? Anyway, I
do worry about the kitties you have. I worry about
you. I know you cannot afford these crazy bills...It
is just insane that anyone would suggest
2,000.00-3,000.00 for treatment for Olive. When the
disease is already in her bone morrow. It is
bad...This disease is going to eventually be fatal for
her, maybe?  Maybe somehow you could buy her a little
time, but your heart will eventually break, because
the "odds" just do not look good. 
I think to subject her to some of these extreme
measures will be very stressful for her and you and
your other kitties will be living in a cardboard box
Nobody here should be making you feel guilty...Nobody
here is youor is in your shoes. Only you really know
what is right for this situation. It is your
I personally, stand by going to reasonable measures to
help our FeLV+ kitties. This includes a good diet,
vitamin and iron supplements. A lot of love and a
stress free environment. If my kitty is suffering, a
sedative and then pts.I have my vet come to me... I
did this with my dog in May of this year. The dog I
had before that, I kept until the end. He went out
naturally, but his last day with me was horrible for
him. He was 15-yr old, a German Shorthair.The last
couple days I carried him outside to use the bathroom.
On his last day, he made it over to my front door to
let me know he had to go outside...He had an accident
on the floor. A flood of blood came out the back of
him. He looked at me like he had done something wrong.
I will never again NOT recognize when the kindest
thing to do, is to just help them to go. My last dog
was very uncomfortable towards the end. When the light
was completely gone from his eyes and he just started
looking so sad I made the appt. 
Nobody here can decide anything for you. This list is
simply for your education. Melissa's letter said it
I know everyone here has to really admire you. You
have been amazing and caring and obviously you are a
very intelligent young lady. If only everyone in the
world could only be as nice of a person as you are. 
 Your character is building and for a young person you
already have plenty ... Bless you and Olive and your
other two little guys...You all have been doing all
possible for Olive...Just remember yourselves...That
is all...Love from us here, Glenda 

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