Hi Nina
Minstral hasn't gone on antibiotics at the moment. I will watch her closely for 
a couple of days and try to look at her mouth again after that period - if she 
has worsened then I will take her to the boss vet cos he is great - but he only 
works 2 days a week. She is a very difficult cat to medicate anyway - although 
very affectionate with me she is semi ferral and is also very defensive and 
doesn't take kindly to being restrained by any means bless her - unless of 
course she is on the vets table then she is good as gold and makes me look a 
As was the case with Bramble - Minstral and Buddy both carry calicivirus but 
are at the moment able to fight it. I wondered if she was fighting a 
reoccurence of calici as she sounds a little nasaly at times but hasn't got the 
runny nose or sneezes. Calici can also explain gingivitis - Her little ears 
were getting a bit hot at times so I suspect she was getting a temperature and 
looked a bit confused at times but it wasn't severe. I think that if she is 
fighting off calici herself at the moment the antibiotics are of limited use 
and I don't want to build her tolerance to them unneccesarily. FIO is the  gold 
standard drug for calici anyway in the uk. 
Another thing I wondered about was that I changed their biscuits and they were 
a little harder (they have some biscuits and some wet food) but that was a 
couple months ago - the last couple of days I changed back to slightly softer 
dry food and I think this has helped her - she loves her biscuits. I'm going to 
put cod liver oil and multi vits in her food and see if she will eat it. She is 
fussy like most cats - if she smells anything medicine like in her food she 
won't eat it. At least she is a fat cat and loves eating which is one less 
worry at the moment. She is eating drinking and toileting fine - in fact she 
still looks at me and waits for me to give her clean litter before she gets in 
to soil it again LOL.
The behavioural changes were so subtle that most people would have not noticed 
but as you will all know you become so fined tuned to your furbabies that you 
sense it instantly. Was cute really it's as if she was coming to me to tell me 
she wasn't well. Then when we got home after she'd been to the vet today, and 
although she battles against being picked up and put in the carrier, she lifted 
her head up and butted my chin as she was saying thanks for listening mummy - 
was so sweet.
Don't know if this is any clearer Nina 
Michelle, Minstral, Buddy & Angel Bramble

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