OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

2007-02-23 Thread wendy
Hey guys,

I have been trying to write this email since I got
back to work Wednesday, but for some reason, there's
actually work here to do that has kept me away!  lol. 
Not to mention that my husband and I were caught in a
snow storm on the freeway just south of Flagstaff, AZ,
Monday afternoon, and sat in the car from about 3 pm
to 12 am watching a ton of snow fall as well as our
gas gauge go down.  Exciting and scary.  We missed our
flight out and didn't get to fly back home until the
next day after spending the night in the rental car! 
Crazy!  So the workload had piled up when I got back

Anyway, I wanted to tell you guys about our trip to
the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah
(pronounced Ku-nab, short 'u' and the 'a' like the 'a'
in 'kidnap', instead of ku-knob, which is what I
thought it was all this time).  It was great!  I
highly recommend it to anyone looking for a little
vacation.  They even have cottages on-site, where you
can have a 'sleepover' with one of the dogs they have
there.  They like to know how the dogs do out of a
pack situation, and the sleepovers are a great way to
find out.  

The sanctuary was better than I expected.  I was
afraid I would be let down, because I've always
thought so highly of the organization, but I was not. 
One of the exciting things there is the Casa De
Calmar, the FeLV building, built solely for kitties
with FeLV!  It houses no more than 15 cats per
section, 3 sections, and then there's about four
'lobby' kitties.  So no more than about 50 FeLV
kitties.  I volunteered mostly there, and also at the
Kitty Motel, the building for kitties with special
needs.  They have FIV kitties, kitties with only two
legs, blind kitties, kitties who have had surgery or a
cast, kitties with allergies, etc.  I sponsor a kitty
there named Regina.  Casa De Calmar was built with
funds from a man after his wife, an avid cat lover,
passed away.  He donated $500,000, I believe, to build
the unit, which I think is fantastic.  

Now I know the question that all of you are wanting to
ask, "What protocols do they follow for FeLV."  I was
VERY surprised to find that they give intra-MUSCULAR
(not IV or subQ!) injections of ImmunoRegulin every
two weeks.  They also give Lysine via syringes in the
mouth, but I forgot how often.  They completely change
out the litter boxes (there are a lot) twice a day and
clean them with bleach, twice a day.  They said it
cuts down on spreading the corona virus.  The kitties
are fed freely, wet and dry.  I didn't get the name of
the food, but I think it's a local brand like the dog
food.  I imagine it's probably good food.  All the
kitties there look very happy and healthy, although we
all know that there are losses because of the FeLV. 
However, they actually have a Siamese kitty there who
is 21 YEARS OLD!!!  Can you believe that? 

I met a lady there who runs Casa De Calmar, who was
the nicest person.  Her name is Joanie, I think, and
she is VERY knowledgeable about FeLV.  I asked her
lots of questions, and it seems BF is very up-to-date
on FeLV protocol, and doing everything they can for
these kitties.  She mentioned Interferon, but I can't
remember what she said about it.  I invited her into
this group, so maybe one day she will sign up.  Her
knowledge and helpfullness will be of great value. 

The buildings are cool.  They have 'runs' coming out
of each side.  So each inside octagonal unit for the
dogs, there is a big run attached to it that they use
freely.  The kitties also have attached, outside
units.  Two animal doors per run to cut down on
'bullying' or competitiveness.  Inside the kitty's
outside unit are big 'branches' going into the
unfinished rafters.  They even have litter boxes up
there!  Lots of places to lie in and play.  Toys. 
Inside, there are little cubbie holes, and there's
always kitties in there.  Lots of things to jump on
and climb on; lots of height.  While my husband was
filming, this kitty in one of the FIV rooms jumped on
his head.  It was hilarious!  We met lots of great
kitties there.  It's a wonderful place.  If I were a
kitty, I'm not sure I'd want to leave!  There is a
giant orange, long haired tabby named "Judah".  He is
such a love.  But my heart went to another.  I fell in
love with a kitty there named "Toshie".  Have lots of
pics of her.  S playful and beautiful and sweet. 
Joanie said she's incredibly smart, too.  I would so
adopt her if I didn't already have four negatives
living in the house.

I hope I didn't jump around too much.  I wanted to
cover everything, but I know I didn't.  If anyone
wants to ask more questions, feel free.  We should
plan a group trip there one day.

I have lots of photos if any of you would like to see
them.  Does anyone know how many megabytes I can send
out via yahoo email?



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Re: OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

2007-02-23 Thread Kelly L

At 11:36 AM 2/23/2007, you wrote:

Joannie is great and you will never be let down there. Our first few 
visits we stayed at the Rock House which is now used as an office. We 
then stay at the cottages. My husband does the horses and  I tend to 
stay in Benton's House and work.

We have never gone in the middle of Winter though, We usually go in the fall.
Glad you made it.

Hey guys,

I have been trying to write this email since I got
back to work Wednesday, but for some reason, there's
actually work here to do that has kept me away!  lol.
Not to mention that my husband and I were caught in a
snow storm on the freeway just south of Flagstaff, AZ,
Monday afternoon, and sat in the car from about 3 pm
to 12 am watching a ton of snow fall as well as our
gas gauge go down.  Exciting and scary.  We missed our
flight out and didn't get to fly back home until the
next day after spending the night in the rental car!
Crazy!  So the workload had piled up when I got back

Anyway, I wanted to tell you guys about our trip to
the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah
(pronounced Ku-nab, short 'u' and the 'a' like the 'a'
in 'kidnap', instead of ku-knob, which is what I
thought it was all this time).  It was great!  I
highly recommend it to anyone looking for a little
vacation.  They even have cottages on-site, where you
can have a 'sleepover' with one of the dogs they have
there.  They like to know how the dogs do out of a
pack situation, and the sleepovers are a great way to
find out.

The sanctuary was better than I expected.  I was
afraid I would be let down, because I've always
thought so highly of the organization, but I was not.
One of the exciting things there is the Casa De
Calmar, the FeLV building, built solely for kitties
with FeLV!  It houses no more than 15 cats per
section, 3 sections, and then there's about four
'lobby' kitties.  So no more than about 50 FeLV
kitties.  I volunteered mostly there, and also at the
Kitty Motel, the building for kitties with special
needs.  They have FIV kitties, kitties with only two
legs, blind kitties, kitties who have had surgery or a
cast, kitties with allergies, etc.  I sponsor a kitty
there named Regina.  Casa De Calmar was built with
funds from a man after his wife, an avid cat lover,
passed away.  He donated $500,000, I believe, to build
the unit, which I think is fantastic.

Now I know the question that all of you are wanting to
ask, "What protocols do they follow for FeLV."  I was
VERY surprised to find that they give intra-MUSCULAR
(not IV or subQ!) injections of ImmunoRegulin every
two weeks.  They also give Lysine via syringes in the
mouth, but I forgot how often.  They completely change
out the litter boxes (there are a lot) twice a day and
clean them with bleach, twice a day.  They said it
cuts down on spreading the corona virus.  The kitties
are fed freely, wet and dry.  I didn't get the name of
the food, but I think it's a local brand like the dog
food.  I imagine it's probably good food.  All the
kitties there look very happy and healthy, although we
all know that there are losses because of the FeLV.
However, they actually have a Siamese kitty there who
is 21 YEARS OLD!!!  Can you believe that?

I met a lady there who runs Casa De Calmar, who was
the nicest person.  Her name is Joanie, I think, and
she is VERY knowledgeable about FeLV.  I asked her
lots of questions, and it seems BF is very up-to-date
on FeLV protocol, and doing everything they can for
these kitties.  She mentioned Interferon, but I can't
remember what she said about it.  I invited her into
this group, so maybe one day she will sign up.  Her
knowledge and helpfullness will be of great value.

The buildings are cool.  They have 'runs' coming out
of each side.  So each inside octagonal unit for the
dogs, there is a big run attached to it that they use
freely.  The kitties also have attached, outside
units.  Two animal doors per run to cut down on
'bullying' or competitiveness.  Inside the kitty's
outside unit are big 'branches' going into the
unfinished rafters.  They even have litter boxes up
there!  Lots of places to lie in and play.  Toys.
Inside, there are little cubbie holes, and there's
always kitties in there.  Lots of things to jump on
and climb on; lots of height.  While my husband was
filming, this kitty in one of the FIV rooms jumped on
his head.  It was hilarious!  We met lots of great
kitties there.  It's a wonderful place.  If I were a
kitty, I'm not sure I'd want to leave!  There is a
giant orange, long haired tabby named "Judah".  He is
such a love.  But my heart went to another.  I fell in
love with a kitty there named "Toshie".  Have lots of
pics of her.  S playful and beautiful and sweet.
Joanie said she's incredibly smart, too.  I would so
adopt her if I didn't already have four negatives
living in the house.

I hope I didn't jump around too much.  I wanted to
cover everything, but I know I didn't.  If anyone

Re: OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

2007-02-23 Thread wendy
Very cool Kelly!  I would love to go back this summer
and take my twelve year old nephew.  He lives with us.
 He would LOVE the cats!  The fall sounds much better
than the summer; cooler I mean.


--- Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 11:36 AM 2/23/2007, you wrote:
> Joannie is great and you will never be let down
> there. Our first few 
> visits we stayed at the Rock House which is now used
> as an office. We 
> then stay at the cottages. My husband does the
> horses and  I tend to 
> stay in Benton's House and work.
> We have never gone in the middle of Winter though,
> We usually go in the fall.
> Glad you made it.
> Kelly
> www.kellyscats.zoomshare.com
> >Hey guys,
> >
> >I have been trying to write this email since I got
> >back to work Wednesday, but for some reason,
> there's
> >actually work here to do that has kept me away! 
> lol.
> >Not to mention that my husband and I were caught in
> a
> >snow storm on the freeway just south of Flagstaff,
> AZ,
> >Monday afternoon, and sat in the car from about 3
> pm
> >to 12 am watching a ton of snow fall as well as our
> >gas gauge go down.  Exciting and scary.  We missed
> our
> >flight out and didn't get to fly back home until
> the
> >next day after spending the night in the rental
> car!
> >Crazy!  So the workload had piled up when I got
> back
> >Wednesday.
> >
> >Anyway, I wanted to tell you guys about our trip to
> >the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah
> >(pronounced Ku-nab, short 'u' and the 'a' like the
> 'a'
> >in 'kidnap', instead of ku-knob, which is what I
> >thought it was all this time).  It was great!  I
> >highly recommend it to anyone looking for a little
> >vacation.  They even have cottages on-site, where
> you
> >can have a 'sleepover' with one of the dogs they
> have
> >there.  They like to know how the dogs do out of a
> >pack situation, and the sleepovers are a great way
> to
> >find out.
> >
> >The sanctuary was better than I expected.  I was
> >afraid I would be let down, because I've always
> >thought so highly of the organization, but I was
> not.
> >One of the exciting things there is the Casa De
> >Calmar, the FeLV building, built solely for kitties
> >with FeLV!  It houses no more than 15 cats per
> >section, 3 sections, and then there's about four
> >'lobby' kitties.  So no more than about 50 FeLV
> >kitties.  I volunteered mostly there, and also at
> the
> >Kitty Motel, the building for kitties with special
> >needs.  They have FIV kitties, kitties with only
> two
> >legs, blind kitties, kitties who have had surgery
> or a
> >cast, kitties with allergies, etc.  I sponsor a
> kitty
> >there named Regina.  Casa De Calmar was built with
> >funds from a man after his wife, an avid cat lover,
> >passed away.  He donated $500,000, I believe, to
> build
> >the unit, which I think is fantastic.
> >
> >Now I know the question that all of you are wanting
> to
> >ask, "What protocols do they follow for FeLV."  I
> was
> >VERY surprised to find that they give
> intra-MUSCULAR
> >(not IV or subQ!) injections of ImmunoRegulin every
> >two weeks.  They also give Lysine via syringes in
> the
> >mouth, but I forgot how often.  They completely
> change
> >out the litter boxes (there are a lot) twice a day
> and
> >clean them with bleach, twice a day.  They said it
> >cuts down on spreading the corona virus.  The
> kitties
> >are fed freely, wet and dry.  I didn't get the name
> of
> >the food, but I think it's a local brand like the
> dog
> >food.  I imagine it's probably good food.  All the
> >kitties there look very happy and healthy, although
> we
> >all know that there are losses because of the FeLV.
> >However, they actually have a Siamese kitty there
> who
> >is 21 YEARS OLD!!!  Can you believe that?
> >
> >I met a lady there who runs Casa De Calmar, who was
> >the nicest person.  Her name is Joanie, I think,
> and
> >she is VERY knowledgeable about FeLV.  I asked her
> >lots of questions, and it seems BF is very
> up-to-date
> >on FeLV protocol, and doing everything they can for
> >these kitties.  She mentioned Interferon, but I
> can't
> >remember what she said about it.  I invited her
> into
> >this group, so maybe one day she will sign up.  Her
> >knowledge and helpfullness will be of great value.
> >
> >The buildings are cool.  They have 'runs' coming
> out
> >of each side.  So each inside octagonal unit for
> the
> >dogs, there is a big run attached to it that they
> use
> >freely.  The kitties also have attached, outside
> >units.  Two animal doors per run to cut down on
> >'bullying' or competitiveness.  Inside the kitty's
> >outside unit are big 'branches' going into the
> >unfinished rafters.  They even have litter boxes up
> >there!  Lots of places to lie in and play.  Toys.
> >Inside, there are little cubbie holes, and there's
> >always kitties in there.  Lots of things to jump on
> >and climb on; lots of height.  While my husband was
> >filming, this kitty in one of the FIV rooms jump

Re: OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

2007-02-23 Thread Kelly L

At 01:06 PM 2/23/2007, you wrote:

You do get a lot of thunder storms though, I was in Bentons Place and 
there was a bad lighting storm and of course all the cat headed it. 
One very loud one...got to lunch and found out it had taken out the 
tree in front of the clinic...

Very cool Kelly!  I would love to go back this summer
and take my twelve year old nephew.  He lives with us.
 He would LOVE the cats!  The fall sounds much better
than the summer; cooler I mean.


--- Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 11:36 AM 2/23/2007, you wrote:
> Joannie is great and you will never be let down
> there. Our first few
> visits we stayed at the Rock House which is now used
> as an office. We
> then stay at the cottages. My husband does the
> horses and  I tend to
> stay in Benton's House and work.
> We have never gone in the middle of Winter though,
> We usually go in the fall.
> Glad you made it.
> Kelly
> www.kellyscats.zoomshare.com
> >Hey guys,
> >
> >I have been trying to write this email since I got
> >back to work Wednesday, but for some reason,
> there's
> >actually work here to do that has kept me away!
> lol.
> >Not to mention that my husband and I were caught in
> a
> >snow storm on the freeway just south of Flagstaff,
> AZ,
> >Monday afternoon, and sat in the car from about 3
> pm
> >to 12 am watching a ton of snow fall as well as our
> >gas gauge go down.  Exciting and scary.  We missed
> our
> >flight out and didn't get to fly back home until
> the
> >next day after spending the night in the rental
> car!
> >Crazy!  So the workload had piled up when I got
> back
> >Wednesday.
> >
> >Anyway, I wanted to tell you guys about our trip to
> >the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah
> >(pronounced Ku-nab, short 'u' and the 'a' like the
> 'a'
> >in 'kidnap', instead of ku-knob, which is what I
> >thought it was all this time).  It was great!  I
> >highly recommend it to anyone looking for a little
> >vacation.  They even have cottages on-site, where
> you
> >can have a 'sleepover' with one of the dogs they
> have
> >there.  They like to know how the dogs do out of a
> >pack situation, and the sleepovers are a great way
> to
> >find out.
> >
> >The sanctuary was better than I expected.  I was
> >afraid I would be let down, because I've always
> >thought so highly of the organization, but I was
> not.
> >One of the exciting things there is the Casa De
> >Calmar, the FeLV building, built solely for kitties
> >with FeLV!  It houses no more than 15 cats per
> >section, 3 sections, and then there's about four
> >'lobby' kitties.  So no more than about 50 FeLV
> >kitties.  I volunteered mostly there, and also at
> the
> >Kitty Motel, the building for kitties with special
> >needs.  They have FIV kitties, kitties with only
> two
> >legs, blind kitties, kitties who have had surgery
> or a
> >cast, kitties with allergies, etc.  I sponsor a
> kitty
> >there named Regina.  Casa De Calmar was built with
> >funds from a man after his wife, an avid cat lover,
> >passed away.  He donated $500,000, I believe, to
> build
> >the unit, which I think is fantastic.
> >
> >Now I know the question that all of you are wanting
> to
> >ask, "What protocols do they follow for FeLV."  I
> was
> >VERY surprised to find that they give
> intra-MUSCULAR
> >(not IV or subQ!) injections of ImmunoRegulin every
> >two weeks.  They also give Lysine via syringes in
> the
> >mouth, but I forgot how often.  They completely
> change
> >out the litter boxes (there are a lot) twice a day
> and
> >clean them with bleach, twice a day.  They said it
> >cuts down on spreading the corona virus.  The
> kitties
> >are fed freely, wet and dry.  I didn't get the name
> of
> >the food, but I think it's a local brand like the
> dog
> >food.  I imagine it's probably good food.  All the
> >kitties there look very happy and healthy, although
> we
> >all know that there are losses because of the FeLV.
> >However, they actually have a Siamese kitty there
> who
> >is 21 YEARS OLD!!!  Can you believe that?
> >
> >I met a lady there who runs Casa De Calmar, who was
> >the nicest person.  Her name is Joanie, I think,
> and
> >she is VERY knowledgeable about FeLV.  I asked her
> >lots of questions, and it seems BF is very
> up-to-date
> >on FeLV protocol, and doing everything they can for
> >these kitties.  She mentioned Interferon, but I
> can't
> >remember what she said about it.  I invited her
> into
> >this group, so maybe one day she will sign up.  Her
> >knowledge and helpfullness will be of great value.
> >
> >The buildings are cool.  They have 'runs' coming
> out
> >of each side.  So each inside octagonal unit for
> the
> >dogs, there is a big run attached to it that they
> use
> >freely.  The kitties also have attached, outside
> >units.  Two animal doors per run to cut down on
> >'bullying' or competitiveness.  Inside the kitty's
> >outside unit are big 'branches' going into the
> >unfinished rafters.  They even have litter boxes 

Re: OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

2007-02-23 Thread Kelley Saveika

I'm jealous!

I am so a fan of BF..I want to be that big and awesome one dayI love the
way they stay positive too

I want to go to the How to Start a Sanctuary program, but it is sold out
through this whole year already..and you have to stay a week so it would be
quite expensive.  It is $500 for the program, plus lodging, transportation,
meals, etc.

On 2/23/07, wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey guys,

I have been trying to write this email since I got
back to work Wednesday, but for some reason, there's
actually work here to do that has kept me away!  lol.
Not to mention that my husband and I were caught in a
snow storm on the freeway just south of Flagstaff, AZ,
Monday afternoon, and sat in the car from about 3 pm
to 12 am watching a ton of snow fall as well as our
gas gauge go down.  Exciting and scary.  We missed our
flight out and didn't get to fly back home until the
next day after spending the night in the rental car!
Crazy!  So the workload had piled up when I got back

Anyway, I wanted to tell you guys about our trip to
the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah
(pronounced Ku-nab, short 'u' and the 'a' like the 'a'
in 'kidnap', instead of ku-knob, which is what I
thought it was all this time).  It was great!  I
highly recommend it to anyone looking for a little
vacation.  They even have cottages on-site, where you
can have a 'sleepover' with one of the dogs they have
there.  They like to know how the dogs do out of a
pack situation, and the sleepovers are a great way to
find out.

The sanctuary was better than I expected.  I was
afraid I would be let down, because I've always
thought so highly of the organization, but I was not.
One of the exciting things there is the Casa De
Calmar, the FeLV building, built solely for kitties
with FeLV!  It houses no more than 15 cats per
section, 3 sections, and then there's about four
'lobby' kitties.  So no more than about 50 FeLV
kitties.  I volunteered mostly there, and also at the
Kitty Motel, the building for kitties with special
needs.  They have FIV kitties, kitties with only two
legs, blind kitties, kitties who have had surgery or a
cast, kitties with allergies, etc.  I sponsor a kitty
there named Regina.  Casa De Calmar was built with
funds from a man after his wife, an avid cat lover,
passed away.  He donated $500,000, I believe, to build
the unit, which I think is fantastic.

Now I know the question that all of you are wanting to
ask, "What protocols do they follow for FeLV."  I was
VERY surprised to find that they give intra-MUSCULAR
(not IV or subQ!) injections of ImmunoRegulin every
two weeks.  They also give Lysine via syringes in the
mouth, but I forgot how often.  They completely change
out the litter boxes (there are a lot) twice a day and
clean them with bleach, twice a day.  They said it
cuts down on spreading the corona virus.  The kitties
are fed freely, wet and dry.  I didn't get the name of
the food, but I think it's a local brand like the dog
food.  I imagine it's probably good food.  All the
kitties there look very happy and healthy, although we
all know that there are losses because of the FeLV.
However, they actually have a Siamese kitty there who
is 21 YEARS OLD!!!  Can you believe that?

I met a lady there who runs Casa De Calmar, who was
the nicest person.  Her name is Joanie, I think, and
she is VERY knowledgeable about FeLV.  I asked her
lots of questions, and it seems BF is very up-to-date
on FeLV protocol, and doing everything they can for
these kitties.  She mentioned Interferon, but I can't
remember what she said about it.  I invited her into
this group, so maybe one day she will sign up.  Her
knowledge and helpfullness will be of great value.

The buildings are cool.  They have 'runs' coming out
of each side.  So each inside octagonal unit for the
dogs, there is a big run attached to it that they use
freely.  The kitties also have attached, outside
units.  Two animal doors per run to cut down on
'bullying' or competitiveness.  Inside the kitty's
outside unit are big 'branches' going into the
unfinished rafters.  They even have litter boxes up
there!  Lots of places to lie in and play.  Toys.
Inside, there are little cubbie holes, and there's
always kitties in there.  Lots of things to jump on
and climb on; lots of height.  While my husband was
filming, this kitty in one of the FIV rooms jumped on
his head.  It was hilarious!  We met lots of great
kitties there.  It's a wonderful place.  If I were a
kitty, I'm not sure I'd want to leave!  There is a
giant orange, long haired tabby named "Judah".  He is
such a love.  But my heart went to another.  I fell in
love with a kitty there named "Toshie".  Have lots of
pics of her.  S playful and beautiful and sweet.
Joanie said she's incredibly smart, too.  I would so
adopt her if I didn't already have four negatives
living in the house.

I hope I didn't jump around too much.  I wanted to
cover everything, but I know I didn't.  If anyone
wants to 

Re: OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

2007-02-23 Thread Kelly L

At 01:48 PM 2/23/2007, you wrote:

I had a reservsation for this year the end of Aril start of May but I 
had to cancel so perhaps those are available, it was for 2,

I'm jealous!

I am so a fan of BF..I want to be that big and awesome one dayI 
love the way they stay positive too

I want to go to the How to Start a Sanctuary program, but it is sold 
out through this whole year already..and you have to stay a week so 
it would be quite expensive.  It is $500 for the program, plus 
lodging, transportation, meals, etc.

On 2/23/07, wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey guys,

I have been trying to write this email since I got
back to work Wednesday, but for some reason, there's
actually work here to do that has kept me away!  lol.
Not to mention that my husband and I were caught in a
snow storm on the freeway just south of Flagstaff, AZ,
Monday afternoon, and sat in the car from about 3 pm
to 12 am watching a ton of snow fall as well as our
gas gauge go down.  Exciting and scary.  We missed our
flight out and didn't get to fly back home until the
next day after spending the night in the rental car!
Crazy!  So the workload had piled up when I got back

Anyway, I wanted to tell you guys about our trip to
the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah
(pronounced Ku-nab, short 'u' and the 'a' like the 'a'
in 'kidnap', instead of ku-knob, which is what I
thought it was all this time).  It was great!  I
highly recommend it to anyone looking for a little
vacation.  They even have cottages on-site, where you
can have a 'sleepover' with one of the dogs they have
there.  They like to know how the dogs do out of a
pack situation, and the sleepovers are a great way to
find out.

The sanctuary was better than I expected.  I was
afraid I would be let down, because I've always
thought so highly of the organization, but I was not.
One of the exciting things there is the Casa De
Calmar, the FeLV building, built solely for kitties
with FeLV!  It houses no more than 15 cats per
section, 3 sections, and then there's about four
'lobby' kitties.  So no more than about 50 FeLV
kitties.  I volunteered mostly there, and also at the
Kitty Motel, the building for kitties with special
needs.  They have FIV kitties, kitties with only two
legs, blind kitties, kitties who have had surgery or a
cast, kitties with allergies, etc.  I sponsor a kitty
there named Regina.  Casa De Calmar was built with
funds from a man after his wife, an avid cat lover,
passed away.  He donated $500,000, I believe, to build
the unit, which I think is fantastic.

Now I know the question that all of you are wanting to
ask, "What protocols do they follow for FeLV."  I was
VERY surprised to find that they give intra-MUSCULAR
(not IV or subQ!) injections of ImmunoRegulin every
two weeks.  They also give Lysine via syringes in the
mouth, but I forgot how often.  They completely change
out the litter boxes (there are a lot) twice a day and
clean them with bleach, twice a day.  They said it
cuts down on spreading the corona virus.  The kitties
are fed freely, wet and dry.  I didn't get the name of
the food, but I think it's a local brand like the dog
food.  I imagine it's probably good food.  All the
kitties there look very happy and healthy, although we
all know that there are losses because of the FeLV.
However, they actually have a Siamese kitty there who
is 21 YEARS OLD!!!  Can you believe that?

I met a lady there who runs Casa De Calmar, who was
the nicest person.  Her name is Joanie, I think, and
she is VERY knowledgeable about FeLV.  I asked her
lots of questions, and it seems BF is very up-to-date
on FeLV protocol, and doing everything they can for
these kitties.  She mentioned Interferon, but I can't
remember what she said about it.  I invited her into
this group, so maybe one day she will sign up.  Her
knowledge and helpfullness will be of great value.

The buildings are cool.  They have 'runs' coming out
of each side.  So each inside octagonal unit for the
dogs, there is a big run attached to it that they use
freely.  The kitties also have attached, outside
units.  Two animal doors per run to cut down on
'bullying' or competitiveness.  Inside the kitty's
outside unit are big 'branches' going into the
unfinished rafters.  They even have litter boxes up
there!  Lots of places to lie in and play.  Toys.
Inside, there are little cubbie holes, and there's
always kitties in there.  Lots of things to jump on
and climb on; lots of height.  While my husband was
filming, this kitty in one of the FIV rooms jumped on
his head.  It was hilarious!  We met lots of great
kitties there.  It's a wonderful place.  If I were a
kitty, I'm not sure I'd want to leave!  There is a
giant orange, long haired tabby named "Judah".  He is
such a love.  But my heart went to another.  I fell in
love with a kitty there named "Toshie".  Have lots of
pics of her.  S playful and beautiful and sweet.
Joanie said she's incredibly sm

Re: OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

2007-02-23 Thread Kelley Saveika

There's a waiting list, I guess I should get on it.

I couldn't come up with the amount of $$$ I would need in that timeframe,
though.  I estimate it'd cost me around $1500 to go,.

Thanks for letting me know though:)

On 2/23/07, Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 01:48 PM 2/23/2007, you wrote:

I had a reservsation for this year the end of Aril start of May but I had
to cancel so perhaps those are available, it was for 2,

 I'm jealous!

I am so a fan of BF..I want to be that big and awesome one dayI love
the way they stay positive too

I want to go to the How to Start a Sanctuary program, but it is sold out
through this whole year already..and you have to stay a week so it would be
quite expensive.  It is $500 for the program, plus lodging, transportation,
meals, etc.

On 2/23/07, *wendy* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Hey guys,

I have been trying to write this email since I got
back to work Wednesday, but for some reason, there's
actually work here to do that has kept me away!  lol.
Not to mention that my husband and I were caught in a
snow storm on the freeway just south of Flagstaff, AZ,
Monday afternoon, and sat in the car from about 3 pm
to 12 am watching a ton of snow fall as well as our
gas gauge go down.  Exciting and scary.  We missed our
flight out and didn't get to fly back home until the
next day after spending the night in the rental car!
Crazy!  So the workload had piled up when I got back

Anyway, I wanted to tell you guys about our trip to
the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah
(pronounced Ku-nab, short 'u' and the 'a' like the 'a'
in 'kidnap', instead of ku-knob, which is what I
thought it was all this time).  It was great!  I
highly recommend it to anyone looking for a little
vacation.  They even have cottages on-site, where you
can have a 'sleepover' with one of the dogs they have
there.  They like to know how the dogs do out of a
pack situation, and the sleepovers are a great way to
find out.

The sanctuary was better than I expected.  I was
afraid I would be let down, because I've always
thought so highly of the organization, but I was not.
One of the exciting things there is the Casa De
Calmar, the FeLV building, built solely for kitties
with FeLV!  It houses no more than 15 cats per
section, 3 sections, and then there's about four
'lobby' kitties.  So no more than about 50 FeLV
kitties.  I volunteered mostly there, and also at the
Kitty Motel, the building for kitties with special
needs.  They have FIV kitties, kitties with only two
legs, blind kitties, kitties who have had surgery or a
cast, kitties with allergies, etc.  I sponsor a kitty
there named Regina.  Casa De Calmar was built with
funds from a man after his wife, an avid cat lover,
passed away.  He donated $500,000, I believe, to build
the unit, which I think is fantastic.

Now I know the question that all of you are wanting to
ask, "What protocols do they follow for FeLV."  I was
VERY surprised to find that they give intra-MUSCULAR
(not IV or subQ!) injections of ImmunoRegulin every
two weeks.  They also give Lysine via syringes in the
mouth, but I forgot how often.  They completely change
out the litter boxes (there are a lot) twice a day and
clean them with bleach, twice a day.  They said it
cuts down on spreading the corona virus.  The kitties
are fed freely, wet and dry.  I didn't get the name of
the food, but I think it's a local brand like the dog
food.  I imagine it's probably good food.  All the
kitties there look very happy and healthy, although we
all know that there are losses because of the FeLV.
However, they actually have a Siamese kitty there who
is 21 YEARS OLD!!!  Can you believe that?

I met a lady there who runs Casa De Calmar, who was
the nicest person.  Her name is Joanie, I think, and
she is VERY knowledgeable about FeLV.  I asked her
lots of questions, and it seems BF is very up-to-date
on FeLV protocol, and doing everything they can for
these kitties.  She mentioned Interferon, but I can't
remember what she said about it.  I invited her into
this group, so maybe one day she will sign up.  Her
knowledge and helpfullness will be of great value.

The buildings are cool.  They have 'runs' coming out
of each side.  So each inside octagonal unit for the
dogs, there is a big run attached to it that they use
freely.  The kitties also have attached, outside
units.  Two animal doors per run to cut down on
'bullying' or competitiveness.  Inside the kitty's
outside unit are big 'branches' going into the
unfinished rafters.  They even have litter boxes up
there!  Lots of places to lie in and play.  Toys.
Inside, there are little cubbie holes, and there's
always kitties in there.  Lots of things to jump on
and climb on; lots of height.  While my husband was
filming, this kitty in one of the FIV rooms jumped on
his head.  It was hilarious!  We met lots of great
kitties there.  It's a wonderful place.  If I were a
kitty, I'm not sure I'd want to leave!  There is a
giant ora

Re: OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

2007-02-23 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Wow Wendy Best Friends sounds awesome.A lady that volunteers with us goes there 
every year with her husband.I would love to go there someday.I know I would be 
drawn to the felv fiv kitties,of course the special needs one too!! I would 
love to see your pics.My e-mail is [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks

wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hey guys,

I have been trying to write this email since I got
back to work Wednesday, but for some reason, there's
actually work here to do that has kept me away! lol. 
Not to mention that my husband and I were caught in a
snow storm on the freeway just south of Flagstaff, AZ,
Monday afternoon, and sat in the car from about 3 pm
to 12 am watching a ton of snow fall as well as our
gas gauge go down. Exciting and scary. We missed our
flight out and didn't get to fly back home until the
next day after spending the night in the rental car! 
Crazy! So the workload had piled up when I got back

Anyway, I wanted to tell you guys about our trip to
the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah
(pronounced Ku-nab, short 'u' and the 'a' like the 'a'
in 'kidnap', instead of ku-knob, which is what I
thought it was all this time). It was great! I
highly recommend it to anyone looking for a little
vacation. They even have cottages on-site, where you
can have a 'sleepover' with one of the dogs they have
there. They like to know how the dogs do out of a
pack situation, and the sleepovers are a great way to
find out. 

The sanctuary was better than I expected. I was
afraid I would be let down, because I've always
thought so highly of the organization, but I was not. 
One of the exciting things there is the Casa De
Calmar, the FeLV building, built solely for kitties
with FeLV! It houses no more than 15 cats per
section, 3 sections, and then there's about four
'lobby' kitties. So no more than about 50 FeLV
kitties. I volunteered mostly there, and also at the
Kitty Motel, the building for kitties with special
needs. They have FIV kitties, kitties with only two
legs, blind kitties, kitties who have had surgery or a
cast, kitties with allergies, etc. I sponsor a kitty
there named Regina. Casa De Calmar was built with
funds from a man after his wife, an avid cat lover,
passed away. He donated $500,000, I believe, to build
the unit, which I think is fantastic. 

Now I know the question that all of you are wanting to
ask, "What protocols do they follow for FeLV." I was
VERY surprised to find that they give intra-MUSCULAR
(not IV or subQ!) injections of ImmunoRegulin every
two weeks. They also give Lysine via syringes in the
mouth, but I forgot how often. They completely change
out the litter boxes (there are a lot) twice a day and
clean them with bleach, twice a day. They said it
cuts down on spreading the corona virus. The kitties
are fed freely, wet and dry. I didn't get the name of
the food, but I think it's a local brand like the dog
food. I imagine it's probably good food. All the
kitties there look very happy and healthy, although we
all know that there are losses because of the FeLV. 
However, they actually have a Siamese kitty there who
is 21 YEARS OLD!!! Can you believe that? 

I met a lady there who runs Casa De Calmar, who was
the nicest person. Her name is Joanie, I think, and
she is VERY knowledgeable about FeLV. I asked her
lots of questions, and it seems BF is very up-to-date
on FeLV protocol, and doing everything they can for
these kitties. She mentioned Interferon, but I can't
remember what she said about it. I invited her into
this group, so maybe one day she will sign up. Her
knowledge and helpfullness will be of great value. 

The buildings are cool. They have 'runs' coming out
of each side. So each inside octagonal unit for the
dogs, there is a big run attached to it that they use
freely. The kitties also have attached, outside
units. Two animal doors per run to cut down on
'bullying' or competitiveness. Inside the kitty's
outside unit are big 'branches' going into the
unfinished rafters. They even have litter boxes up
there! Lots of places to lie in and play. Toys. 
Inside, there are little cubbie holes, and there's
always kitties in there. Lots of things to jump on
and climb on; lots of height. While my husband was
filming, this kitty in one of the FIV rooms jumped on
his head. It was hilarious! We met lots of great
kitties there. It's a wonderful place. If I were a
kitty, I'm not sure I'd want to leave! There is a
giant orange, long haired tabby named "Judah". He is
such a love. But my heart went to another. I fell in
love with a kitty there named "Toshie". Have lots of
pics of her. S playful and beautiful and sweet. 
Joanie said she's incredibly smart, too. I would so
adopt her if I didn't already have four negatives
living in the house.

I hope I didn't jump around too much. I wanted to
cover everything, but I know I didn't. If anyone
wants to ask more questions, feel free. We should
plan a group trip there one day.

I have lots of photos if any of you

Re: OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

2007-02-23 Thread Jean

--- wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I hope I didn't jump around too much.  I wanted to
> cover everything, but I know I didn't.  If anyone
> wants to ask more questions, feel free.  We should
> plan a group trip there one day.

It sounds incredibly cool.  If I lived out west, I
know I'd love to go too.

> I have lots of photos if any of you would like to
> see
> them.  Does anyone know how many megabytes I can
> send
> out via yahoo email?

You can simply put together a photo album in your
account's photo section. Go to the main Yahoo page,
look for Photos, and go from there.  I have several
photo albums, both public and private, on different
Yahoo accounts.

You do need to make sure you set the permissions to
"Public" so we can all see the pictures. :)

Good luck, and congrats on such an interesting trip!



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Re: OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

2007-02-26 Thread Linda Johnson
Hi Wendy,
What dosage did they inject IM ?  .5 ml ?

> VERY surprised to find that they give intra-MUSCULAR
> (not IV or subQ!) injections of ImmunoRegulin every
> two weeks.  


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Re: OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

2007-02-26 Thread wendy
Hi Linda,

That's a good question, which I did not ask.  You
might try to email someone at Best Friends to see if
they will forward it to one of the vets.  I bet they
will let you know.  There is a list of some of the
staff members and their email addys on the website.


--- Linda Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Wendy,
> What dosage did they inject IM ?  .5 ml ?
> Linda
> > VERY surprised to find that they give
> intra-MUSCULAR
> > (not IV or subQ!) injections of ImmunoRegulin
> every
> > two weeks.  

> It's here! Your new message!  
> Get new email alerts with the free Yahoo! Toolbar.
> http://tools.search.yahoo.com/toolbar/features/mail/


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Re: OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary - IMMUNOREGULIN DOSAGE

2007-03-04 Thread Linda Johnson
Hi Wendy & all,

I wrote to Best Friends regarding the IM
administration of Immunoregulin and this is the reply
I received: 

"We give this drug to our Felv positive cats once a
month.  It is administered IM at the rate of .25 cc
per cat.  
If a cat is symptomatic in any way then we skip that
cat for that month.  We have had some adverse
reactions. They are minor and rare, consisting mostly
of lameness in the leg we give the injection in or
general malaise for a day or two after the treatment. 
Even so, we discontinue the treatments for that cat."

--- wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Linda,
> That's a good question, which I did not ask.  You
> might try to email someone at Best Friends to see if
> they will forward it to one of the vets.  I bet they
> will let you know.  There is a list of some of the
> staff members and their email addys on the website.
> :)
> Wendy


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Re: OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary - IMMUNOREGULIN DOSAGE

2007-03-04 Thread Kelly L

At 11:03 AM 3/4/2007, you wrote:

When I use the I.R I just take him tot he vet and the techs give it 
IV and charge me 6 dollars,,,I am not comfortable with using it any 
other way besides I.V


Hi Wendy & all,

I wrote to Best Friends regarding the IM
administration of Immunoregulin and this is the reply
I received:

"We give this drug to our Felv positive cats once a
month.  It is administered IM at the rate of .25 cc
per cat.

If a cat is symptomatic in any way then we skip that
cat for that month.  We have had some adverse
reactions. They are minor and rare, consisting mostly
of lameness in the leg we give the injection in or
general malaise for a day or two after the treatment.
Even so, we discontinue the treatments for that cat."

--- wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Linda,
> That's a good question, which I did not ask.  You
> might try to email someone at Best Friends to see if
> they will forward it to one of the vets.  I bet they
> will let you know.  There is a list of some of the
> staff members and their email addys on the website.
> :)
> Wendy

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No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.413 / Virus Database: 268.18.6/709 - Release Date: 3/3/2007

Re: OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary - IMMUNOREGULIN DOSAGE

2007-03-04 Thread Linda Johnson
Wow - that's a great price!  My vet hasn't even
suggested giving my cat the immunoregulin.  We're
going to discuss it and the type of administration on
--- Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 11:03 AM 3/4/2007, you wrote:
> When I use the I.R I just take him tot he vet and
> the techs give it 
> IV and charge me 6 dollars,,,I am not comfortable
> with using it any 
> other way besides I.V
> Kelly
> >Hi Wendy & all,
> >
> >I wrote to Best Friends regarding the IM
> >administration of Immunoregulin and this is the
> reply
> >I received:
> >
> >
> >"We give this drug to our Felv positive cats once a
> >month.  It is administered IM at the rate of .25 cc
> >per cat.
> >
> >If a cat is symptomatic in any way then we skip
> that
> >cat for that month.  We have had some adverse
> >reactions. They are minor and rare, consisting
> mostly
> >of lameness in the leg we give the injection in or
> >general malaise for a day or two after the
> treatment.
> >Even so, we discontinue the treatments for that
> cat."
> >
> >
> >--- wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi Linda,
> > >
> > > That's a good question, which I did not ask. 
> You
> > > might try to email someone at Best Friends to
> see if
> > > they will forward it to one of the vets.  I bet
> they
> > > will let you know.  There is a list of some of
> the
> > > staff members and their email addys on the
> website.
> > >
> > > :)
> > > Wendy
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Bored stiff? Loosen up...
> >Download and play hundreds of games for free on
> Yahoo! Games.
> >http://games.yahoo.com/games/front
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >No virus found in this incoming message.
> >Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> >Version: 7.1.413 / Virus Database: 268.18.6/709 -
> Release Date: 3/3/2007


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Re: OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary - IMMUNOREGULIN DOSAGE

2007-03-07 Thread wendy

Thanks for doing this!  This is good information for
us to have.  I will 'log' this email for future
reference.  I still think it's very interesting that
they do intramuscular injections.  It's the first I've
ever heard of it.


--- Linda Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Wendy & all,
> I wrote to Best Friends regarding the IM
> administration of Immunoregulin and this is the
> reply
> I received: 
> "We give this drug to our Felv positive cats once a
> month.  It is administered IM at the rate of .25 cc
> per cat.  
> If a cat is symptomatic in any way then we skip that
> cat for that month.  We have had some adverse
> reactions. They are minor and rare, consisting
> mostly
> of lameness in the leg we give the injection in or
> general malaise for a day or two after the
> treatment. 
> Even so, we discontinue the treatments for that
> cat."
> --- wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Linda,
> > 
> > That's a good question, which I did not ask.  You
> > might try to email someone at Best Friends to see
> if
> > they will forward it to one of the vets.  I bet
> they
> > will let you know.  There is a list of some of the
> > staff members and their email addys on the
> website.
> > 
> > :)
> > Wendy
> > 

> Bored stiff? Loosen up... 
> Download and play hundreds of games for free on
> Yahoo! Games.
> http://games.yahoo.com/games/front


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Re: OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary - IMMUNOREGULIN DOSAGE

2007-03-15 Thread Susan Loesch
Linda, do you know if their protocol just starts the cats out on monthly doses 
or if they do something like daily for some time then weekly, finally going to 
monthy?This is the way Immunoregulin is done if administered IV or subQ.  I 
really like the IM idea -- probably works better than subQ but less of an 
ordeal than IV.

wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Linda,

Thanks for doing this! This is good information for
us to have. I will 'log' this email for future
reference. I still think it's very interesting that
they do intramuscular injections. It's the first I've
ever heard of it.


--- Linda Johnson 

> Hi Wendy & all,
> I wrote to Best Friends regarding the IM
> administration of Immunoregulin and this is the
> reply
> I received: 
> "We give this drug to our Felv positive cats once a
> month. It is administered IM at the rate of .25 cc
> per cat. 
> If a cat is symptomatic in any way then we skip that
> cat for that month. We have had some adverse
> reactions. They are minor and rare, consisting
> mostly
> of lameness in the leg we give the injection in or
> general malaise for a day or two after the
> treatment. 
> Even so, we discontinue the treatments for that
> cat."
> --- wendy wrote:
> > Hi Linda,
> > 
> > That's a good question, which I did not ask. You
> > might try to email someone at Best Friends to see
> if
> > they will forward it to one of the vets. I bet
> they
> > will let you know. There is a list of some of the
> > staff members and their email addys on the
> website.
> > 
> > :)
> > Wendy
> > 

> Bored stiff? Loosen up... 
> Download and play hundreds of games for free on
> Yahoo! Games.
> http://games.yahoo.com/games/front

The fish are biting. 
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Re: OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary - IMMUNOREGULIN DOSAGE

2007-03-15 Thread Linda Johnson
>From what I've read I believe that they only give the
drug IM once per month.  They did not mention
following a protocol like the one for the IV

About a week after my first email they did sent this

Hi Linda, 
Here is some more input from one of our staff vets. 
"Not all of the cats get it.  If her cats are adults
and relatively healthy, I would not recommend it.  We
give the immunoreglan IM, but this is off label use,
so some vets may not be willing to do this.  It is
hard to tell if it helps the cats or not."

I really like the idea of the IM administration too,
but after reading this email I'm not sure what to do. 
I discussed this with my vet but she has never used
the immunoregulin before, either IV or IM, so she's
basically leaving the decision regarding using the
drug up to me.  

--- Susan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Linda, do you know if their protocol just starts the
> cats out on monthly doses or if they do something
> like daily for some time then weekly, finally going
> to monthy?This is the way Immunoregulin is done
> if administered IV or subQ.  I really like the IM
> idea -- probably works better than subQ but less of
> an ordeal than IV.


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Re: OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary - IMMUNOREGULIN DOSAGE

2007-03-15 Thread Nina
Linda, thanks for passing on the info from Best Friends.  That was nice 
of them to follow up with you.

If anyone is interested here's my 2 cents reaction...  If I had a 
situation that I was hoping IR would save my cat's life, then I'd take 
them to the vet and get it administered IM.  If I had a situation that 
wasn't dire, that I hoped the IR would help speed recovery, then I'd try 
it at home Subq.  Someone on the list did use it this way with good 
results and if I were going to go off label with it, I'd rather do subq 
than im because it's less stressful for me and the cat.  Im shots hurt 
more than subq and you have to be careful about not hitting veins/bones ect.

I did buy some IR and never had the nerve to use it.  A rescue friend 
had an urgent need, so I passed it on.  They ended up not using it 
either, so I don't have anything to personally report about it's 


Linda Johnson wrote:

>From what I've read I believe that they only give the
drug IM once per month.  They did not mention
following a protocol like the one for the IV

About a week after my first email they did sent this

Hi Linda, 
Here is some more input from one of our staff vets. 
"Not all of the cats get it.  If her cats are adults

and relatively healthy, I would not recommend it.  We
give the immunoreglan IM, but this is off label use,
so some vets may not be willing to do this.  It is
hard to tell if it helps the cats or not."

I really like the idea of the IM administration too,
but after reading this email I'm not sure what to do. 
I discussed this with my vet but she has never used

the immunoregulin before, either IV or IM, so she's
basically leaving the decision regarding using the
drug up to me. 

Re: OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary - IMMUNOREGULIN DOSAGE

2007-03-15 Thread Nina

Oops, sorry I meant "take them to the vet and get it administered IV".

Nina wrote:
Linda, thanks for passing on the info from Best Friends.  That was 
nice of them to follow up with you.

If anyone is interested here's my 2 cents reaction...  If I had a 
situation that I was hoping IR would save my cat's life, then I'd take 
them to the vet and get it administered IM.  If I had a situation that 
wasn't dire, that I hoped the IR would help speed recovery, then I'd 
try it at home Subq.  Someone on the list did use it this way with 
good results and if I were going to go off label with it, I'd rather 
do subq than im because it's less stressful for me and the cat.  Im 
shots hurt more than subq and you have to be careful about not hitting 
veins/bones ect.

I did buy some IR and never had the nerve to use it.  A rescue friend 
had an urgent need, so I passed it on.  They ended up not using it 
either, so I don't have anything to personally report about it's 


Linda Johnson wrote:

>From what I've read I believe that they only give the
drug IM once per month.  They did not mention
following a protocol like the one for the IV

About a week after my first email they did sent this

Hi Linda,  
Here is some more input from one of our staff vets.  
"Not all of the cats get it.  If her cats are adults

and relatively healthy, I would not recommend it.  We
give the immunoreglan IM, but this is off label use,
so some vets may not be willing to do this.  It is
hard to tell if it helps the cats or not."

I really like the idea of the IM administration too,
but after reading this email I'm not sure what to do. I discussed 
this with my vet but she has never used

the immunoregulin before, either IV or IM, so she's
basically leaving the decision regarding using the
drug up to me. 

Re: OT: My visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary - IMMUNOREGULIN DOSAGE

2007-03-15 Thread Kelly L

At 12:19 PM 3/15/2007, you wrote:

The question is, if you take the trouble to go to the vet then why 
not give it IV the way it is intended to be given,, that has the 
accurate dosing . plus many drugs can be given iV but cause problems 
given IM or SUB q as it can cause tissue damage,

I have used it IV in MAXX my FELV cat,\

Linda, thanks for passing on the info from Best Friends.  That was 
nice of them to follow up with you.

If anyone is interested here's my 2 cents reaction...  If I had a 
situation that I was hoping IR would save my cat's life, then I'd 
take them to the vet and get it administered IM.  If I had a 
situation that wasn't dire, that I hoped the IR would help speed 
recovery, then I'd try it at home Subq.  Someone on the list did use 
it this way with good results and if I were going to go off label 
with it, I'd rather do subq than im because it's less stressful for 
me and the cat.  Im shots hurt more than subq and you have to be 
careful about not hitting veins/bones ect.

I did buy some IR and never had the nerve to use it.  A rescue 
friend had an urgent need, so I passed it on.  They ended up not 
using it either, so I don't have anything to personally report about 
it's effectiveness.


Linda Johnson wrote:

>From what I've read I believe that they only give the
drug IM once per month.  They did not mention
following a protocol like the one for the IV

About a week after my first email they did sent this

Hi Linda,  Here is some more input from one of our staff 
vets.  "Not all of the cats get it.  If her cats are adults

and relatively healthy, I would not recommend it.  We
give the immunoreglan IM, but this is off label use,
so some vets may not be willing to do this.  It is
hard to tell if it helps the cats or not."

I really like the idea of the IM administration too,
but after reading this email I'm not sure what to do. I discussed 
this with my vet but she has never used

the immunoregulin before, either IV or IM, so she's
basically leaving the decision regarding using the
drug up to me.

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