Hi guys,

My husband and I were driving out in the country this
afternoon on our way home from visiting my grandfather
who just had a pacemaker put in, and saw a white Pit
Bull (looks like a puppy; we aren't sure) walking down
the side of a fairly busy road.  It was very emaciated
and looked like it was scavenging for food.  We
discussed it and turned around to check on the dog. 
We pulled up to the dog and I called out to it and it
wagged it's tail but cowered.  I got out of the car
and went over to the dog slowly, and she just laid
down and rolled over.  She was clearly starving, and
not in great shape.  She also looked like she had been
nursing puppies, although I can't tell how long.  We
couldn't find any puppies nearby.  We decided to take
the dog home with us.  We figured that even if she did
have puppies, she couldn't take care of them if she
gets hit by the cars that were driving by at 70+ mph,
or if she starves to death.  Although I'm sad we had
to leave her puppies (if there were any), I feel like
we made the right decision.  We stopped by Walmart and
bought wet food and water and dishes and fed her on
the trip and she's now home with us.  We may or may
not keep her.  My husband has always wanted a pit
bull; he thinks they are beautiful.  But we already
have two dogs, and I don't know how they'll accept
her.  She's completely docile, but one of ours may
give her trouble.  So far so good; our two are in the
dog run right now and aren't growling at her.  I am
going to try to see if there's a Pit Bull Rescue here
in Dallas.  If we don't keep her, I don't want to
adopt her out myself or turn her over to any shelter
because of her breed.  I don't want someone to adopt
her just to try to breed her or fight her.  She looks
and acts as if she's already been treated badly
enough.  We are going to take her to the vet and have
her checked out, probably wormed, and given a pill to
dry up her milk.  Does anyone have any advice as to
how we should care for her?  Anything else we can do
for her?


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