Re: Question on diarrhea (homeopathics)

2005-11-01 Thread Lernermichelle

Lucy seems to be better today. I will keep you posted. I started 
mixing slippery elm and a kaolin powder for cats (like kaopectate but for cats) 
with warm water into a gel-like paste and giving her about a spoonful 3 
times/day plus once a day an acidophilus pill. I also gave her some W/D wet 
food, which is supposed to be easy on the digestive system. I hesitate to say 
the diarrhea is all gone, but it seems like it is or almost is. I will let you 
know for sure tonight. Keep in mind this was simple diarrhea from a change 
of diet and antibiotics for too long, so this remedy probably would not work for 
diarrhea caused by IBD. Though slippery elm paste a few times a day did 
control the diarrhea of my cat Josephine who had intestinal lymphoma 3 years 

In a message dated 10/31/2005 8:56:39 P.M. Central Standard Time, 

  another thought: my alternative vet uses apple 
  pectin and my regular vets use Metamucilunflavored. Both have worked 
  for my critters.
- Original Message - 

Re: Question on diarrhea (homeopathics)

2005-10-31 Thread Nina

Using homeopathics is such an individual thing. Hideyo has had great
success with Sulphur and it didn't help Gypsy at all. Patti wrote
about using BioPlasma, (a combination of 12 cell salt remedies), that
helps with nutrient absorption, Gypsy does seem to respond favorably to
that. We've had her on so many different things trying to narrow it
down, but I think what she did best on was a combination of Phosphorus,
Arsenicum Album, and China, (also called Cinchona Officinalis). I
would strongly suggest consulting with Darla
for more specific remedies that might help Ginger. She has you
fill out an extensive questionnaire to determine your animal's physical
and emotional profile and what might best help them.

I'm afraid I spoke too soon about Gypsy's diarrhea resolving. There
was liquid stool in the litterbox this morning, so we've had another
setback. There are so many darn variables it's hard to tell what
causes her to improve and what is detrimental. She is, however, so
very much improved overall. Something is working. I was at the point
of considering pts, and now I wouldn't dream of it. Let us know what
you decide to do for Ginger and certainly let me know if anything you
try seems to help.

 She has been off the antibiotics for days now. Which
homeopathic remedies do you feel helped Gypsy? 

Re: Question on diarrhea (homeopathics)

2005-10-31 Thread Nina

Oops, sorry, we're talking about Lucy, not Ginger! :)

Nina wrote:

Using homeopathics is such an individual thing. Hideyo has had great
success with Sulphur and it didn't help Gypsy at all. Patti wrote
about using BioPlasma, (a combination of 12 cell salt remedies), that
helps with nutrient absorption, Gypsy does seem to respond favorably to
that. We've had her on so many different things trying to narrow it
down, but I think what she did best on was a combination of Phosphorus,
Arsenicum Album, and China, (also called Cinchona Officinalis). I
would strongly suggest consulting with Darla
  for more specific remedies that might help Ginger. She has you
fill out an extensive questionnaire to determine your animal's physical
and emotional profile and what might best help them.
I'm afraid I spoke too soon about Gypsy's diarrhea resolving. There
was liquid stool in the litterbox this morning, so we've had another
setback. There are so many darn variables it's hard to tell what
causes her to improve and what is detrimental. She is, however, so
very much improved overall. Something is working. I was at the point
of considering pts, and now I wouldn't dream of it. Let us know what
you decide to do for Ginger and certainly let me know if anything you
try seems to help.
   She has been off the antibiotics for days now. Which
homeopathic remedies do you feel helped Gypsy? 

Re: Question on diarrhea (homeopathics)

2005-10-31 Thread Lernermichelle

I have bone meal and can try it with Lucy, though I am wary of it because 
her calcium levels were high two blood tests ago (but normal last blood 
test). Her diarrhea started a week ago after sudden diet change and 
antibiotics, so it is probably different than Gypsy's problems, but maybe the 
bone meal would help her get over it.

In a message dated 10/31/2005 10:00:40 A.M. Central Standard Time, 
  just used the litterbox behind me in the bathroom. I heard the tell 
  tale sound of diarrhea, and figured it must be bad news. When I went 
  to check, there was some formed, some liquid. It may have to do with 
  the bone meal, that seems to be the single variable that is making a 
  difference. Of course, we both know I can be wrong! I did 
  remember, just now, that the raw diet that I credit with saving Gypsy's 
  life, (duck muscle meat and salmon), stopped her constant "drippy faucet", 
  but it wasn't until I started her on barf, (grinding the duck with bones, 
  organ meat, and sups), that she started to have firmed 

Re: Question on diarrhea (homeopathics)

2005-10-31 Thread Nina

Thanks for the ideas. I've stayed clear of any kinds of grains,
fruits, or veggies because she's so diet sensitive. I did try
Metamucil and other fibers, they didn't help her. Her diarrhea (IBD),
I strongly suspect was brought on by an accidental over-vaccination.
It's been tough to get a handle on it, but we're still fighting.

maimaipg wrote:

  another thought: my alternative vet uses
apple pectin and my regular vets use Metamucilunflavored. Both
have worked for my critters.