Re: Some good news today

2006-03-17 Thread Becca DuBose

Catching up on email...

wendy wrote:

Kroger looks just like Paassht-she's such a cutie. 
Did you find her in the Kroger parking lot?

She was from a litter of kittens dumped there.  The manager brought them 
in and was giving them away along with little paper sacks of chow.  My 
precious Tigger had died suddenly the day before and an ex-boyfriend was 
in the right place at the right time.  I would despise him, but I can't 
completely because he brought me Kroger and she in turn gave me Paassht 
to love.

We are still missing her very acutely.  The house has never been so 
quiet...we had never lived here without her until now.  Kroger is 
spending a lot of time sitting with me and Corky and Chandra have been 
sleeping on our pillows, but no one has stepped up to the task of 
warming my shoulder.  Here is a brief introduction of my gang, everyone 
but Io has a picture at

Oliver Twist - 13 yrs in July.  Dumped as a kitten in 100+ degree heat, 
then luckily found and brought to me by a friend.  Red  white tuxedo LH.

Sierra - 12 years in July.  Adopted from a local shelter as a pup.  
Labrador Retriever/American Eskimo mix, vastly outnumbered and probably 
a little confused.

Corky - about 16 years, adopted in 2000 at age 10 because her owners 
decided to travel after they retired and made no provisions for their 
cats.  Fortunately the neighbors were looking out for them.

Kroger - 10 years, see above.

Sonic - exact age unknown, almost 7 years with us.  She was living 
underneath a storage shed in the Sonic parking lot and we convinced her 
to get in the car and come home.  Pastel red  white bobtail, v. round!

Chandra - exact age unknown, just over 6 years with us, shelter impulse 
rescue (I picked her up just to give her some love and she hugged my 
neck!).  Grey tabby with huge golden eyes, hence I named her for the 
Hindu moon god.

Io aka Baby Bear - almost 5 years.  Rescued as a kitten from the verge 
of a busy freeway.  Tiny, shiny black with a very Siamese-y build.

Kerby aka Little Man - just over 1 year.  Rescued from the kerb in a 
friend's apartment complex.  We think he was waiting for us.  Silver 
classic tabby, anything but little!

And if you count the big semiferal neighborhood cat we feed when he 
shows up hungry on our front steps, Buddy, who started letting us pet 
him in 2004.  It's now to the point where I can pick him up and give him 
a brief exam (Buddy Check) to look for new injuries...he is, erm, 
intact and very much a fighter.  If I'm quick about it I can put a 
little Bag Balm on his wounds.


Re: Some good news today

2006-03-17 Thread wendy
Cute pics Becca!  I still can't get over Paassht and
Kroger's beautiful faces.  I hope this email finds you


--- Becca DuBose [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Catching up on email...
 wendy wrote:
 Kroger looks just like Paassht-she's such a cutie. 
 Did you find her in the Kroger parking lot?
 She was from a litter of kittens dumped there.  The
 manager brought them 
 in and was giving them away along with little paper
 sacks of chow.  My 
 precious Tigger had died suddenly the day before and
 an ex-boyfriend was 
 in the right place at the right time.  I would
 despise him, but I can't 
 completely because he brought me Kroger and she in
 turn gave me Paassht 
 to love.
 We are still missing her very acutely.  The house
 has never been so 
 quiet...we had never lived here without her until
 now.  Kroger is 
 spending a lot of time sitting with me and Corky and
 Chandra have been 
 sleeping on our pillows, but no one has stepped up
 to the task of 
 warming my shoulder.  Here is a brief introduction
 of my gang, everyone 
 but Io has a picture at
 Oliver Twist - 13 yrs in July.  Dumped as a kitten
 in 100+ degree heat, 
 then luckily found and brought to me by a friend. 
 Red  white tuxedo LH.
 Sierra - 12 years in July.  Adopted from a local
 shelter as a pup.  
 Labrador Retriever/American Eskimo mix, vastly
 outnumbered and probably 
 a little confused.
 Corky - about 16 years, adopted in 2000 at age 10
 because her owners 
 decided to travel after they retired and made no
 provisions for their 
 cats.  Fortunately the neighbors were looking out
 for them.
 Kroger - 10 years, see above.
 Sonic - exact age unknown, almost 7 years with us. 
 She was living 
 underneath a storage shed in the Sonic parking lot
 and we convinced her 
 to get in the car and come home.  Pastel red  white
 bobtail, v. round!
 Chandra - exact age unknown, just over 6 years with
 us, shelter impulse 
 rescue (I picked her up just to give her some love
 and she hugged my 
 neck!).  Grey tabby with huge golden eyes, hence I
 named her for the 
 Hindu moon god.
 Io aka Baby Bear - almost 5 years.  Rescued as a
 kitten from the verge 
 of a busy freeway.  Tiny, shiny black with a very
 Siamese-y build.
 Kerby aka Little Man - just over 1 year.  Rescued
 from the kerb in a 
 friend's apartment complex.  We think he was waiting
 for us.  Silver 
 classic tabby, anything but little!
 And if you count the big semiferal neighborhood cat
 we feed when he 
 shows up hungry on our front steps, Buddy, who
 started letting us pet 
 him in 2004.  It's now to the point where I can pick
 him up and give him 
 a brief exam (Buddy Check) to look for new
 injuries...he is, erm, 
 intact and very much a fighter.  If I'm quick about
 it I can put a 
 little Bag Balm on his wounds.

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Re: Some good news today

2006-03-06 Thread wendy
Hi Becca,

So good to hear from you.  I'm glad that Kroger and
Corky have tested negative for FeLV.  What a relief! 
Kroger looks just like Paassht-she's such a cutie. 
Did you find her in the Kroger parking lot?  You sound
like you are in a better place now, emotionally.  It's
so amazing what a little time will do for us in
healing our hearts, thank goodness.  I hope you have a
great week Becca.


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Some good news today

2006-03-04 Thread Becca DuBose

Hello and kitty-kisses to all,

First let me say how grateful I am for the words of wisdom and comfort 
everyone has shared with me since little Paassht had to leave us.  I 
haven't been responding to your posts because when I try to write, I 
just break down.  I am starting to think nothing could have given us 
more time than we had.  If you count the Horner's syndrome in 2004 as 
the first sign, which it might or might not have been, that was 16 
months ago.  And after she became symptomatic in September we had five 
more months.  Most importantly it was almost all quality time for her.  
I do wish we had tried interferon back in 1999 when we found out she had 
FeLV, but it may not have been reasonable even then to expect any 
benefit.  She was tested after her sister died suddenly of lymphoma.  
Vixen's little body was riddled with tumors and she was dead within 12 
hours of the first signs of illness.  I'd had them since they were 
born.  There was probably never any chance of Paassht throwing off the 
virus.  I talked with her current doctor today and she told me she would 
have referred us to a specialist if she thought there would be any 
benefit.  I forgot how long she had been treating Paassht.  In 
retrospect the conservative approach was on target.  We didn't cause 
Paassht any unnecessary stress.  If we had tried aggressive therapy it 
could possibly have cost us time, quality of life or both.  I am having 
Paassht cremated and there is a wait of several days before her ashes 
are returned to us...she is with a wonderful lady who takes care of each 
little angel individually.  I sense we will have some closure once this 
is done, although early next week is too far into the future to imagine.

So finally, the good news I am writing to share.  My attention has been 
on Paassht so I haven't mentioned my other cats or my dog.  One of my 
cats, Kroger, is Paassht's mama.  She tested negative for FeLV in 1999 
but I wanted to be sure, so she was retested this morning.  I also had 
my oldest, Corky, tested to be on the safe side.  Corky will soon be 16 
and we believe she is in early stage CRF.  They are both ELISA negative 
for FeLV.  We will have the rest of our gang tested in the near future 
but I considered these two to be highest risk.  They are both ELISA 
negative for FeLV.  We will have the rest of our gang tested in the near 
future but I considered these two to be highest risk.


Becca  Angel Paassht