Hey Kerry,

I am sooooo happy to hear that Bandy is FINALLY
getting over the ringworm.  I don't think I could have
been as patient as you.  It seems like it's been six
months that you've been dealing with it! 
Congratulations!  So glad Inky is doing well also.  I
hope I have as long with my Julie who turned 17 this
summer.  She is hyper-T too, and is SO thin.  I can
feel every little bone in her little body, poor thing;
a lot of atrophy going on with the hyper-T.  She gets
.25 mg of Tap trans. twice a day.  I think she also
has CRF as well, but need to check on that with
bloodwork soon, now that we most likely have the hyper
T regulated.  I worry about her.  She doesn't seem
dehydrated, but with the CRF, I feel I should be
giving her sub Q more than I do.  When I do, she is so
thin and has such loose skin, that she carries 100
cc's around like a big sack on her legs until her body
absorbs it.  Do you know if this is normal?  

Again, so glad to hear that things are looking up for

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