To Nina and others who read this thread: male calico and black girl kittens

2006-07-13 Thread wendy
I called the woman who posted about the calico male
and black female and she runs a rescue in Arlington,
right next to Dallas.  I was upset that she left her
post the way she did (ie. it's over).  She told me
that she did pts the kittens, which of course, upset
me to hear.  I asked her to please not leave us
hanging like that again as it was upsetting for us to
read that and not know what she meant.  I could hear
in her voice a lot of frustration at trying to get
them adopted out and that one of her personal cats had
contracted the FeLV from the kittens, according to
her.  She had bottle fed the two kittens and had had
them for a year, so she was clearly upset about the
situation.  She did not want to pts and said that she
had tried to get them adopted out for months, but was
concerned for all the other cats.  She did say that
later an IFA showed that her personal cat was
negative, so that's a good thing.  I told her a little
about what we've found out here about FeLV and urged
her to post back if she came across any more FeLV
positives in her rescue before pts.  I know this will
put your minds a little at rest, unrestfully.  I hope
we don't get anymore of these posts because they are


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Re: To Nina and others who read this thread: male calico and black girl kittens

2006-07-13 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I know Carrie personally and I am shocked and surprised. You know I am 
disappointed with this entire state and the attitude towards animals. Animal 
controls shooting strays, gas chambers.just the fact you can shoot a dog if 
its treat to chickens...why I am surprised they have this attitude towards 
positives I will never know. I don't know any rescue people in this area with a 
open mind about positives. But then again Texas executes more people then the 
next five states combined. Its about time they come out of the dark ages. I am 
moving back east to be with my kids and hopefully its still the south but maybe 
they will have a better attitude. I offered to fly my vet on my buddy passes to 
a felv seminar and he declined. They simply are not interested. I am from NY and 
they say we are cold and cruel but never in my life have I ever been in a state 
that has little regard for human or animal life. Write a hot check any you wont 
see the light of day for a long time but commit animal abuse and you might get 
probation.sorry for venting. I watched the news last night about a guy with 
a bunch of wolf hybrids. breeding them of course. They had films of the wolves 
fightingthe great state of Texas has declared that "they are just being 
wolves and doing the same thing they would be doing in the wild." mean while the 
neighbors cant get any sleep with all the noise. BREEDING WOLVES NEEDS TO BE 
ILLEGAL. There is something seriously wrong with these people. The state seems 
to think if they have food water and shade the man has a right to make a 
God help these people for they know not what they do. 

God help them all

Re: To Nina and others who read this thread: male calico and black girl kittens

2006-07-13 Thread Tad Burnett

Hey Karen
 I just want to add that I know of 3 county shelters that took the
time themselves
to find special homes for FeLV+ cats... Road Island, New York State and
my own


  I know Carrie personally and I am shocked and surprised. You
know I am disappointed with this entire state and the attitude towards
animals. Animal controls shooting strays, gas chambers.just the
fact you can shoot a dog if its treat to chickens...why I am surprised
they have this attitude towards positives I will never know. I don't
know any rescue people in this area with a open mind about positives.
But then again Texas executes more people then the next five states
combined. Its about time they come out of the dark ages. I am moving
back east to be with my kids and hopefully its still the south but
maybe they will have a better attitude. I offered to fly my vet on my
buddy passes to a felv seminar and he declined. They simply are not
interested. I am from NY and they say we are cold and cruel but never
in my life have I ever been in a state that has little regard for human
or animal life. Write a hot check any you wont see the light of day for
a long time but commit animal abuse and you might get
probation.sorry for venting. I watched the news last night about a
guy with a bunch of wolf hybrids. breeding them of course. They had
films of the wolves fightingthe great state of Texas has declared
that "they are just being wolves and doing the same thing they would be
doing in the wild." mean while the neighbors cant get any sleep with
all the noise. BREEDING WOLVES NEEDS TO BE ILLEGAL. There is something
seriously wrong with these people. The state seems to think if they
have food water and shade the man has a right to make a living.
  God help these people for they know not what they do. 
  God help them all

Re: To Nina and others who read this thread: male calico and black girl kittens

2006-07-13 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

northern states and California seem to care. Is that why I am so 
fanatical about animal rights cause I am a Yankee?
Guess it doesn't matter. I have to remain positive and move on. I have 
babies here that need homes. I cant change all the attitudes but I can change 
some and every little bit helps.