Re: To Tonya Re: Popeye has gone to the bridge

2006-08-31 Thread wendy
Wow!  I am surprised you don't have any unions!  I
went on the AFT website, and sure enough, Georgia does
not have an affiliation.  43 states do however. 
Sounds like you guys need a bit of a change in
Georgia!!!  We have several different ones here in
Texas, and we are almost as far south as you can get! 
Is this something legislated in Georgia?  I hope your
year goes smoothly.  Here's to teacher happy hour when
you really need it.  LOLOLOL.


--- catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks Wendy.  We're very slowly getting used to
> Popeye not being around.  He was always underfoot. 
> Yes, it's true about the politics.  And I teach in
> Georgia where there are NO teacher unions.  That's
> why we can be treated however the principal wants to
> treat us.  She is new, and I hope there won't be any
> more incidents ughhh.
>   t

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Re: To Tonya Re: Popeye has gone to the bridge

2006-08-28 Thread catatonya
Thanks Wendy.  We're very slowly getting used to Popeye not being around.  He was always underfoot.  Yes, it's true about the politics.  And I teach in Georgia where there are NO teacher unions.  That's why we can be treated however the principal wants to treat us.  She is new, and I hope there won't be any more incidents ughhh.     t

To Tonya Re: Popeye has gone to the bridge

2006-08-27 Thread wendy
Hi Tonya,

First, let me say that I am so sorry that you have
lost Popeye.  I am so sorry that you had to let him go
and that nothing else can be done.  One positive thing
is that you know now that you made the right decision
in letting him go.  Had you not had that test result,
and made the decision to let him go, you would have
always wondered if it was the right one.  What a
blessing that you know.  I hope his sweet memories
help you to grieve for him.  And I know that he's
watching over you right now (and probably scratching
that principal's new Cadillac or clawing up their
couch when he/she is asleep.  hehe).  Popeye loves you
and will always be right by your side, even in death.

Second, let me say that I know exactly what it feels
like to work for a crappy administrator.  I have
worked in public education for 12 years now, at four
schools, first as a teacher/coach and now as a
librarian like Susan.  I have had some great
administators, and three crappy ones.  I work for two
of them now.  A lot of people don't know how much
politics and power do play a part in the public school
system.  It is a reality and it's sad the power that
an administrator has in a teacher's life.  I don't
know what state you are in, or how your evaluations
are done, but is this same administrator going to be
giving your evaluation?  Or is it your asst.
principal?  If it is this principal, I would strongly
suggest that you join the local region of your
teacher's union, like AFT or the like.  And document
everything that goes on this year with this principal.
 Everything.  Because the reality is that this
principal could really be a jerk and could cause you
trouble for no other reason than that his or her pants
are too tight.  I hate to be so fatalistic about this
but I've seen it and been through it, and I feel the
need to warn you.  Hopefully, this principal is just
trying to establish him or herself, and is a bit
insecure in the new position (maybe they are a first
year principal), and you and the other teacher were
the guinea pigs.  Keep in mind that you are a good
teacher and that you went into teaching because you
love kids and you love teaching them.  And pray for
guidance and protection this year.  You are a wise
woman to lie low.  I do the same thing.  I stay out of
the office unless I have to go in there, and when I
do, I'm sweet as pie.  Yes, I play the game, even
though I hate it.  Once, my senior year gov't teacher
told me that I would have to learn to play the game in
life, and I told her that was crap, and that I would
never do it, but she was right.  Sometimes you just
have to.  And I also agree wholeheartedly with the
others about calling in sick.  Complete honesty is not
always the best route to take.  It's like dealing with
the IRS.  The less they know, the better. 

Again, I am so sorry that you had to let Popeye go. 
If you need anything or just to vent, you know where
to find me.


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