very worried about Lucy

2006-10-31 Thread Lernermichelle

Yesterday Lucy seemed on the mend. I had fasted her for about 12 hours, then gave her little bits of cooked turkey every half hour or so in the morning.  She ate it the first 3 or 4 times and was in good spirits, no vomiting or diarrhea, so I went to work. Gray was at home.  She ate a little more turkey for him, not much, during hte da, and spent over an hour walking around outside. When I called him from work he said she was doing well.  When I got home she did not want to eat anything and was a little out of it.  Still no vomiting or diarrhea, and it had been over 24 hours.  But she had not urinated either.  So we gave her more fluids. And I offered her raw turkey with feline futures mixed in, and she ate a little.  Then at around 11 pm she had completely liquid diarrhea again, and seems very wasted again now and will not eat again.  She still weighs over 8 pounds, but I think it is because she has fluids in her.  She is starting to feel bony along her back.  She is still sniffling a little bit.
If she  were just hving hte diarrhea and not a URI, I would up her pred to 10 or 12 mg/day for a few days, which normally helps.  But I am afraid to do it because of the URI.  I am calling the vet in the morning to lobby for budesonide again-- does anyone know if that has less chance of making her URI worse than prednisolone?
I am also considering taking her to Red Bank to the internist. But it is a 3 hour round trip ride, and she is very stressed in the car, and if this is a matter of her getting over a URI and after-effects of the abx, it seems like a bad thing to stress her that much. The vet said her blood work a week ago was fine.  I did not ask about the corona titer, but will tomorrow.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Re: very worried about Lucy

2006-10-31 Thread Kerry Roach
Michelle,  Did you try giving her flagyl?  I am giving it to Inky once a day...1/8 pill is his usual dose..(250mg)  He didn't even poop yesterday, but ate ok.  I am back up to 10mg pred, too...I'm not so sure you shouldn't go ahead and up Lucy's pred, too even though she has URI...I gave Bandy lots of steroids at times when he had an infection going on and he did ok..cause you have to stop the diarrhea I would think..  How old is Lucy?   Anyway, just my thoughts on this for now..keep us posted..  kerry, Bandy and Inky 

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