Re: Bound Threads

2003-03-14 Thread Daan Leijen
Hi all,

I have just spend some time reading through all the discussions and the
new threads document and I would like to propose the addition of a new library 
forkOS :: IO () - IO ThreadID
The function forkOS forks a new Haskell thread that runs in a new OS (or
native) thread. With this, I also propose that forkIO always runs a Haskell thread 
in the same OS thread that the current Haskell thread runs in.
(i.e. forkIO: same OS thread, forkOS: new OS thread)
Using the new primitive, we can view the new threadsafe keyword as
syntactic sugar:
foreign import threadsafe foo :: Int - IO Int

foo :: Int - IO Int
foo i = threadSafe (primFoo i)
foreign import foo primFoo :: IO Int

threadSafe :: IO a - IO a
threadSafe io
= do result -newEmptyMVarforkOS (do{ x -io; putMVar result x })
getMVar result
Note that forkOS can use thread pooling in its implementation.

The advantage of a separate function forkOS is that we put control back
to the users hands, as a programmer can be very specific about which Haskell
threads are part of a certain OS thread and can be specific about the OS
thread that is used to run a foreign function. On other words, it is absolutely
clear to which OS thread a Haskell thread is bound. In this respect, it helps
to have another function that runs a Haskell thread in a specific OS thread.
getOSThread :: ThreadID - OSThreadID
forkIOIn :: OSThreadID - IO () - IO ThreadID
I have the feeling that it is not difficult to implement forkOS and family
once the runtime system has been upgraded to support multiple OS threads.
Wolfgang, you seem to be the expert on the OS thread area, would it be hard?

I am not saying that we should discard the threadsafe keyword as it might
be a useful shorthand, but I think that it is in general a mistake to try to keep the 
management of OS threads implicit -- don't use new keywords, add combinators to 
implement them!
I feel that the following has happened; urk, we need some way of keeping haskell threads running 
while calling C; we add threadsafe; whoops, sometimes
a function expects that it is run in the same OS thread; we add bound; whoops, 
sometimes functions expect to be run from a specific OS thread... unsolved??
Before we know it, we have added tons of new keywords to solve the wrong problem.
Maybe it is time to take a step back and use a somewhat lower level model with
two fork variants: forkIO (in the same OS thread) and forkOS (in a new OS thread).
It seems that none of the above problems occur when having explicit control.
In general it seems that OS threads are a resource that is too subtle to be managed 
automatically as they have a profound impact on how libraries are used and 
applications are structured.
All the best,
worse is better :-)

FFI mailing list

Re: Bound Threads

2003-03-14 Thread Daan Leijen
Hi Simon,

I'd like to point out a concept that I think is being missed here:

We never want to specify what OS thread is running a particular
Haskell thread.
why not?  Because (a) it doesn't matter: the programmer can never tell,
and (b) we want to give the implementation freedom to spread Haskell
threads across multiple OS threads to make use of multiple real CPUs.
I agree that these are valid points. However, as I said, I don't think
we can do (b), ie. automatic management, in many real-world situations. The above 
points are mostly useful in a pure Haskell setting.
In general, I think that only the programmer knows what strategy to use.
In particular, we can provide a fork function that forks of a new
Haskell thread that maybe runs in a new OS thread, or other CPU; basically
implementing the above concept for programs that don't care about how
the Haskell threads are distributed over OS threads:
fork :: IO () - IO ThreadID
fork io
 = do newOS -[complex algorithm that determines if a new OS thread is needed.]
  if (newOS) then forkOS io
   else do threadID -[complex algorithm that determines in which existing thread 
we run it]
   forkIOIn threadID io
Note that we can now implement our really sophisticated distributed algorithms in plain Haskell.

The point is that you want to
specify which OS thread is used to invoke a foreign function, NOT which
OS thread is used to execute Haskell code.  The semantics that Simon  I
wrote make this clear.
This is a good point and that is also the weakness of the forkOS, forkIO 
approach: it is less declarative and thus leaves less freedom to the implementation.
However, I hope that through functions like fork, we can bring back declarativeness 
by abstraction.
If we keep thinking like this, then implementations like Hugs can be
single-threaded internally but switch OS threads to call out to foreign
functions, and implementations like GHC can be multi-threaded internally
and avoid switching threads when calling out to foreign functions.
Ha, this is not true :-) We are saved by your observation that in the Haskell
world we can't observe whether we run in a different OS thread or not. Thus
a single-threaded Hugs will implement forkOS as forkIO but still attaches a different Hugs 
OS thread identifier to the Haskell thread. When a foreign call
is made, it matches the Hugs OS thread identifiers and uses a different OS thread
if necessary, maintaining a mapping between the Hugs OS thread identifiers
and the spawned OS threads.
 threadSafe :: IO a - IO a
 threadSafe io
 = do result -newEmptyMVar
  forkOS (do{ x -io; putMVar result x })
  getMVar result
This forces a thread switch when calling a threadsafe foreign function,
which is something I think we want to avoid.
We can refine the implementation to avoid a thread switch when it
is the only Haskell thread running in the current OS thread:
threadSafeEx :: IO a - IO a
threadSafeEx io
 = do count -getHaskellThreadCountInTheCurrentOSThreadif (count  1)
   then threadSafe io
   else io
I'm basing this on two assumptions: (a) switching OS threads is
expensive and (b) threadsafe foreign calls are common.  I could
potentially be wrong on either of these, and I'm prepared to be
persuaded.  But if both (a) and (b) turn out to be true, then worse is
worse in this case.
I think you are righ on (a), but I also think that we can avoid it
just as it can be sometimes avoided when implemented in C in the runtime.
Can't say anything about (b).
All the best,
Now, I have an example from the wxHaskell GUI library that exposes some
of the problems with multiple threads. I can't say it can be solved
nicely with forkOS, so I wonder how it would work out with threadsafe:
The example is a Haskell initialization function that is called via
a callback from the GUI library. The Haskell initialization function wants
to do a lot processing but still stay reactive to close events for example.
Since events are processed in an eventloop, new events can only come in
by returning from the callback. So, the initilization functions forks of
a Haskell thread (the processor) to do all the work and returns as soon as possible to 
the C GUI library. Now, the eventloop starts to wait for the next event in C land.
The problem is that the processor thread won't run since we have returned
to C-land and the haskell scheduler can't run. We can solve it by running the
processor thread with forkOS. I can't say it is a particularly nice solution
but it is how it is done in all other major programming languages.
I wonder how the threadsafe keyword can be used to solve this problem.
Since the haskell function is called via a callback, I guess that threadsafe
should also apply to wrapper functions -- that is, when the foreign world
calls haskell, we use another OS thread to run the haskell code. However, I think
that we are than forced to use a OS thread context switch??


Re: Bound Threads

2003-03-14 Thread Wolfgang Thaller
I have just spend some time reading through all the discussions and the
new threads document and I would like to propose the addition of a 
new library function.

forkOS :: IO () - IO ThreadID
Something like that is already in the proposal, only it's currently 
called forkBoundThread and it doesn't return the ThreadID (that can be 
changed, though).

With this, I also propose that forkIO always runs a Haskell thread 
in the same OS thread that the current Haskell thread runs in.
(i.e. forkIO: same OS thread, forkOS: new OS thread)
In the proposal we wrote:
The specification shouldnt explicitly require lightweight green 
to exist. The specification should be implementable in a simple and 
way in haskell systems that always use a 1:1 correspondence between
Haskell threads and OS threads.

The idea was that lightweight (green) threads are an optimization 
only (do they have any other advantage?), not a language feature, and 
that implementations of Haskell should not be forced to support a 
complex thread management system.
Your proposal obviously contradicts this.

What is the advantage of explicitly requiring one OS thread to execute 
(the foreign calls made by) several Haskell threads?
So far, I was only able to think of two possible situations:

a) The foreign functions don't care what thread they are called from

In that case, I would like the implementation to run my Haskell threads 
in the most efficient way possible. Currently, that means scheduling 
them all in one OS thread, but that is an implementation detail that I 
don't want to care about when I'm writing a normal application. On a 
four-processor-SMP machine, the most efficient way is to run them 
simultaneously in four OS threads (no implementation currently supports 
this, but there's experimental code in the GHC repository).

b) The foreign functions do care what thread they are called from

In that case I want the implementation to have an exact correspondence 
between Haskell threads and OS thread. I just want to think about one 
thread, and I don't want to manage some correspondence between Haskell 
threads and OS threads manually.

Using the new primitive, we can view the new threadsafe keyword as
syntactic sugar:
foreign import threadsafe foo :: Int - IO Int

foo :: Int - IO Int
foo i = threadSafe (primFoo i)
foreign import foo primFoo :: IO Int

threadSafe :: IO a - IO a
threadSafe io
= do result -newEmptyMVarforkOS (do{ x -io; putMVar result x })
getMVar result
That looks dangerous:
I want to call both threadsafe imports and unsafe imports from a bound 
thread, and I expect all foreign calls from a bound thread to be 
executed from the same OS thread (by the definitioon of a bound 
thread). This implementation of threadsafe always uses another (new 
or pooled) OS thread for the threadsafe call.

getOSThread :: ThreadID - OSThreadID
forkIOIn :: OSThreadID - IO () - IO ThreadID
Why should the RTS do inter-OS-thread messaging for us?

I have the feeling that it is not difficult to implement forkOS and 
once the runtime system has been upgraded to support multiple OS 
Wolfgang, you seem to be the expert on the OS thread area, would it be 
It would definitely more difficult to implement in GHC than the current 
proposal, but it could be done. In fact I think that implementing it 
would be more fun for me than having to use it afterwards.

I am not saying that we should discard the threadsafe keyword as it 
be a useful shorthand, but I think that it is in general a mistake to 
try to keep the management of OS threads implicit -- don't use new 
keywords, add combinators to implement them!
Management of OS threads _should_ be kept implicit. Ideally, the user 
should never notice that the GHC runtime is using green threads 

I feel that the following has happened; urk, we need some way of 
keeping haskell threads running while calling C; we add threadsafe; 
whoops, sometimes
a function expects that it is run in the same OS thread; we add 
bound;  whoops, sometimes functions expect to be run from a specific 
OS thread... unsolved??
Not unsolved. Use Control.Concurrent.Chan :-)

Before we know it, we have added tons of new keywords to solve the 
wrong problem.
The problem being, that some Haskell implementation try to optimize 
concurrency by doing the scheduling themselves. We have to provide 
hints (threadsafe and bounds) to the implementation to specify just how 
much it is allowed to optimize. We should never be required to 
explicitly do the optimization in the source code. It will break with 
SMP implementations (which I expect to be using in a few years), 
because different optimizations are required - suddenly it will be 
desirable to have multiple OS threads for performance reasons.

Maybe it is time to take a step back and use a somewhat lower level 
model with
two fork variants: forkIO (in the same OS thread) and forkOS (in a 
new OS thread).
It seems that none of the 

Re: Bound Threads

2003-03-14 Thread Wolfgang Thaller
In general, I think that only the programmer knows what strategy to 
Do programmers know? I know about my own program, but do I know about 
the library that I am going to use? Does it use forkOS or forkIO? What 
will be the consequences if it uses forkIO and I do a lengthy foreign 
Does the library writer know about my program?
I fear I'll end up wrapping every call to *Haskell* libraries in your 
threadSafe combinator - just to be sure that the library and my 
program don't interfere.
I'm very afraid of having some long debugging sessions once we have 
this feature.

Now, I have an example from the wxHaskell GUI library that exposes some
of the problems with multiple threads. I can't say it can be solved
nicely with forkOS, so I wonder how it would work out with 
In both cases, threadsafe and forkOS, we would have two OS threads, and 
we would have OS thread context switches between them. So it will get 
us nowhere to count the OS thread context switches involved 
(incidentally, handling GUI events is an area where we can easily 
afford the cost of OS thread context switches).

You would mark the call to the wxWindows event loop as threadsafe 
(actually, in the CVS version of GHC, safe is currently a shorthand 
for threadsafe as nobody has yet provided a logically sound and 
meaningful definition of the semantics that safe should have instead).
In case that wxWindows makes the assumption that it's functions are 
invoked _from the same OS thread_ that it used to call your callback, 
you can add bound to the foreign export statement for your callback.

Then you would use just forkIO and everything would work.

(If wxWindows doesn't allow access from multiple threads, then of 
course you can't call wx functions from the thread you just forked. But 
that's the same no matter which proposal we follow.)

The problem is that the processor thread won't run since we have 
to C-land and the haskell scheduler can't run.
Threadsafe means that you don't need to care about things like that.

[...] but it is how it is done in all other major programming 
Only other languages don't require you to manually keep track of a 
correspondence between lightweight and heavyweight threads.

Since the haskell function is called via a callback, I guess that 
should also apply to wrapper functions -- that is, when the foreign 
calls haskell, we use another OS thread to run the haskell code.
Sorry, no clue what you mean... could you elaborate? threadsafe just 
applies to imports, not to exports and wrappers. bound applies to 
exports and wrappers, but not to imports. Should it be different?



FFI mailing list

Re: Bound Threads

2003-03-14 Thread Wolfgang Thaller
(I keep forgetting to correctly fill out the To: and Cc: fields before  
sending my reply... so here's the copy that should have been sent to  
the list 10 minutes ago...)

Daan Leijen wrote:

Hi Wolfgang,

I feel like you are beating my proposal to death here, and I find it  
hard to
react individually to all your remarks.
Sorry, maybe I shouldn't shoot all my arguments at you at once :-)

I'll try to focus on the main issue:

You are worried that the forkOS and forkIO distinction is too  
primitive and
that it rule out sophisticated scheduling on SMP processors for  
That is closely related to the point that I don't want implementation  
details (that several Haskell threads can run in one OS thread) to be  
part of a defined interface that has to be supported by all  

My main point is probably my strong phobia of safe calls: they are  
not safe to use.
FFI newbies are repeatedly getting bitten by the fact that safe calls  
block everything else. There is no natural reason for a call to block  
other threads, it's a consequence of an implementation detail  
(lightweight threads).
The intention behind threadsafe is to make this implementation detail  
invisible, and therefore harmless.

The forkOS/forkIO proposal seems to rely on having foreign calls that  
block other threads (that run in the same OS thread)... or doesn't it?

Maybe, the forkOS/forkIO approach is flawed, but I think we should
only rule it out when we can provide a convincing example where only
the keyword approach would work, and where we can't use combinators to
achieve the same effect.
That's unfair ;-) --- I could also claim the reverse and say that we  
stick with threadsafe/bound until we have a convincing example...
Using combinators sounds good, but there are things where combinators  
are not automatically the best choice (we're usually not using  
combinators to implement lazyness, either), and we don't know yet  
whether this is the case here or not. So let's just get on with the  

About the example:
That is amazing :-) [...]
Well, of course, it's none of your business to know. Different  
Haskell runtimes could use completely different schemes, and you  
wouldn't even notice.
In GHC, the second OS thread is spawned earlier, the first time a  
threadsafe call is made. When the threadsafe call is made, GHC a) makes  
sure that there is a second OS thread available (some overhead the  
first time) and b) makes sure that all non-bound [in the current  
implementation: all] Haskell threads are executed by the second OS  
thread from now on.
Now if a bound callback is invoked [not yet implemented], the bound  
callback is executed in the thread that the wrapper was called in (the  
first OS thread). All other Haskell threads (if any) continue to run in  
the second OS thread.
If forkIO is called, the new Haskell thread is just added to the list  
of threads to be run by the second OS thread, no new OS thread has to  
be spawned, and forkIO doesn't have to know about threadsafe or about  
If a non-bound callback is invoked [available now in the CVS HEAD], the  
callback is executed along with the other background Haskell threads in  
the second OS thread.

Since the RTS can't guess whether to use new OS threads or not at  
forkIO, I assumed
that you could mark wrapper functions (callbacks) with a  
threadsafe attribute. If
this is not the case, I don't understand how the implementation could  
work in this particular
It doesn't need to guess, threadsafe is just for imports, and it  
works anyway. See above, and if I haven't explained it clearly, try 
thread.html (which I really should update, it's outdated), or ask   

Maybe we need a more exact specification of how forkOS/forkIO should  
behave, especially with respect to foreign calls blocking other  
threads. Could you elaborate on how you would expect normal (safe)  
foreign calls to behave in different situations?



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