Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-11 Thread George Russell

Alastair Reid wrote:
 What you're asking Hugs and NHC to do is: add a function to a list
 whenever you have a finalizer to run; make sure the interpreter will
 test that bit whenever it is in a position to perform a context
Am I really asking that much?  In that paper you wrote you already propose
that the Haskell system implement functions which tell C when it enters GC and
when it leaves GC.  So what it seems you need is for this to set a flag so that
(1) When the (Foogle) finalizer runs, it runs normally if this flag is unset (no GC is
running, so presumably safe).  Otherwise add the action to a queue.
(2) When Haskell leaves GC it checks the queue and runs any pending actions,
backing up if it's necessary to do so.

The flag and queue need to be atomically accessed, but since (for Hugs and NHC)
you are assuming only one OS thread, that should be enough.  You don't for example 
have to
worry about exported functions being called absolutely everywhere.
 The cost is going over all data structures in the system making sure
 that operations on them are suitably atomic.
If something like that would work, the cost during normal operation would only be
the cost of setting and clearing the flag at the start and end of GC, and checking the
queue at the end of GHC. 

I'm sorry, it's frightfully arrogant of me to argue over details of Haskell compilers 
their implementors, but what else can I do here?  Anyway the point is a general one; 
can we implement
FFI without needing the whole machinery of concurrency?  
  If it's really impossible for NHC or Hugs to implement this, I think
  I would still rather it was left to the NHC and Hugs documentation
  to admit that exported Haskell functions basically don't work in
  some circumstances, rather than to the GHC documentation to say that
  actually they do.
 It's a matter of taste how you do these things.

If we take it that there is no way for a finalizer to call functions exported from NHC 
or Hugs,
my personal preference would be to regard this as an undesirable implementation glitch 
should be documented in the NHC and Hugs documentation.  This would then be something 
users of
the FFI with NHC and Hugs have to worry about, rather than users of the FFI in 
general.  I don't
think it makes the FFI worthless for NHC and Hugs, any more than the recent discovery 
that IO is
not really a monad on most implementations makes the Haskell standard worthless.
FFI mailing list

RE: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-11 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones

I confess that I have not followed the twists and turns of this
discussion, but it seems to have gotten more complicated than necessary.
There are several separate issues.

1.  Can a finaliser for a Haskell value be an arbitrary Haskell
computation?  For GHC, yes.  For Hugs, no (and for good reasons).So
Hugs can only allow a C procedure as a finaliser. 

2.  If a garbage collector (whether the Haskell gc or the Foogle gc)
finds that it is dropping a pointer to an object, when may it run the
finalizer?  Answer: it should be allowed to do so at any time: when the
pointer is dropped (for ref-count gc) or during gc (as Hugs does) or
after gc (as GHC does).

3.  If the finalizer, in turn, needs to call some kind of foreign 'free'
routine (e.g. the finaliser for a Haskell object encapsulating a Foogle
object calls the Foogle free code; or the finalizer for a Foogle object
encapsulating a Haskell value calls the Haskell free routine) it should
be allowed to do so at any time.   BUT DOING SO DOES NOT trigger an
immediate GC in the other system.  

Several people have explained why it would be bad to trigger immediate
GC. All the 'free' routine does is record that Foogle no longer holds
this pointer (or vice versa).  That information (as Alastair puts it)
tweaks local data structures (yes, there may need to be a lock if there
are separate OS threads involved), and that info is exploited at the
next GC.

4.  None of this says anything at all about asynchronous calls into
(say) Haskell from Foogle.  I don't understand what the issues are


FFI mailing list

RE: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-11 Thread Simon Marlow

I'm afraid George's questions have also rekindled my curiosity about
whether implementing Haskell finalizers is really as hard as it sounds.
Much has been written, but I still don't think we've got to the nub of
the issue.

On the face of it, if you can implement 'foreign import ccall safe',
then you have a re-entrant runtime system.  The times at which the
program can make one of these foreign calls are limited, i.e. in the IO
monad only - but I believe there's nothing particularly special about IO
computations in the evaluation models used by nhc98 and Hugs (correct me
if I'm wrong).

Alastair writes:

 The way GHC implements preemption is an optimized form of: set a bit
 when preemption is needed; and make sure that generated code will test
 that bit whenever it is in a position to perform a context switch.
 What you're asking Hugs and NHC to do is: add a function to a list
 whenever you have a finalizer to run; make sure the interpreter will
 test that bit whenever it is in a position to perform a context
 It's basically the same.  We don't have to mess around with signals to
 provide a regular timer interrupt but that's the easy bit of the code.

Ok so far.

 We can probably avoid messing around with multiple C stacks.  That's a
 significant saving but, it's the complexity of that is fairly
 self-contained - we could probably steal some code from some other
 language implementation.
 The cost is going over all data structures in the system making sure
 that operations on them are suitably atomic.  One of the issues I
 remember from old versions of GHC was that some of the primops would
 do some work, allocate some memory, then finish the job.  The classic
 error to make in that code was for the second half of the code to
 assume almost anything about what happened in the first half of the
 code: how much space is on the stack, does a table have free space in
 it, is this pointer into the middle of an object ok?

You certainly can't keep local variables live across a heap check,
everything has to be saved on the stack.  Hugs is different because it
has a conservative GC, so doesn't need to save everything on the stack
for a GC.  But how does it implement a safe foreign call?  Presumably it
must save away state on the stack in a way that the computation can be
resumed safely, and that's all you need in order to be able to run a
Haskell finalizer.

 The problem is the scope: every single data structure and every bit of
 code that accesses it has to be vetted and we have to keep it in mind
 as we maintain the code.  It's a high price to pay and I don't think
 it's necessary (because all you really need is for the runtime systems
 to talk to each other in very limited ways).

I don't quite understand this: could you give a concrete example of some
extra invariant that has to be maintained?  In GHC, context switches
happen at very precise points (i.e. heap checks) so I don't think we
have these kind of problems; certainly I don't remember vetting every
single data structure.  Can't Hugs use a similar approach?

FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-11 Thread George Russell

Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:
 BTW, having two languages with separated heaps interact is a
 big mess as soon as you can have cycles, which you usually
 cannot exclude.  Alastair already pointed that out and
 Martin Odersky also has nice stories to tell about this.
Yeah yeah I know, indeed I think I pointed it out in the message which
started this whole discussion.  In the example application I am thinking of,
I think cycles can be excluded in the first instance.  In general I think
there are various rather complicated things one might do in the finalizers 
to deal with cycles, and frankly I'd rather be able to write the code for
this in Haskell rather than in C.
FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-11 Thread Alastair Reid

 BTW, having two languages with separated heaps interact is a big
 mess as soon as you can have cycles, which you usually cannot
 exclude.  Alastair already pointed that out and Martin Odersky also
 has nice stories to tell about this.

Hmmm, way back in '94, my thought was that the only thing to do in the
presence of these cycles was to run the two GCs at once with a rather
intimate communication between them where one says 'I can reach X' the
other says 'ok, now I can reach Y', and eventually they both run out
of objects to trace and they can discard unreached objects.

The problem with this is that it runs into the same problems Malcolm
and I are so keen to avoid: the other language has to be able to
trigger GCs at more or less arbitrary times.

Since then, I've read a lot about non-stop concurrent GC which doesn't
need the two GCs to run simultaneously.  Just thinking aloud, I wonder
if it would be any easier to implement?  The communication would be
much the same ('I'm starting', 'I can reach X' and 'I'm done') but 
there'd be no need to synchronize the GCs.

Alastair Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Reid Consulting (UK) Limited

FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-10 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Manuel M T Chakravarty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote,

 We seem to have a consensus on this one.  We change the type
 of the existing functions to
   newForeignPtr :: Ptr a - FunPtr (Ptr a - IO ()) - IO (ForeignPtr a)
   addForeignPtrFinalizer :: ForeignPtr a - FunPtr (Ptr a - IO ()) - IO ()
 For GHC, I propose to put the closure-based versions into an
 extra module (that's easy enough with the hierarchical
 libraries).  This makes changing over old code easier, as it
 merely requires to alter the import and not all occurences
 of the functions.
 Any objections?

I have changed this in the spec now.  I attach the wording
used in the spec.



\item[newForeignPtr ::\ Ptr a - FunPtr (Ptr a - IO ()) - IO (ForeignPtr a)]
  Turn a plain memory reference into a foreign object by associating a
  finalizer with the reference.  The finalizer is represented by a pointer to
  an external function, which will be executed after the last reference to the
  foreign object is dropped.  On invocation, the finalizer receives a pointer
  to the associated foreign object as an argument.  Note that there is no
  guarantee on how soon the finalizer is executed after the last reference was
  dropped; this depends on the details of the Haskell storage manager. The
  only guarantee is that the finalizer runs before the program terminates.

  Whether a finaliser may call back into the Haskell system is system
  dependent.  Portable code may not rely on such call backs.
\item[addForeignPtrFinalizer ::\ ForeignPtr a - FunPtr (Ptr a - IO ()) - IO
  ()] Add another finalizer to the given foreign object. No guarantees are
  made on the order in which multiple finalizers for a single object are run.

FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-10 Thread George Russell

Manuel wrote (snipped)

 I have changed this in the spec now.  I attach the wording
 used in the spec.

 \item[newForeignPtr ::\ Ptr a - FunPtr (Ptr a - IO ()) - IO (ForeignPtr a)]
   Turn a plain memory reference into a foreign object by associating a
   finalizer with the reference.  The finalizer is represented by a pointer to
   an external function, which will be executed after the last reference to the
   foreign object is dropped.  On invocation, the finalizer receives a pointer
   to the associated foreign object as an argument.  Note that there is no
   guarantee on how soon the finalizer is executed after the last reference was
   dropped; this depends on the details of the Haskell storage manager. The
   only guarantee is that the finalizer runs before the program terminates.
   Whether a finaliser may call back into the Haskell system is system
   dependent.  Portable code may not rely on such call backs.
 \item[addForeignPtrFinalizer ::\ ForeignPtr a - FunPtr (Ptr a - IO ()) - IO
   ()] Add another finalizer to the given foreign object. No guarantees are
   made on the order in which multiple finalizers for a single object are run.

I think this is all a rather murky area.  Consider two systems, let's call them
Haskell and Foogle, which both operate heaps and do their own storage allocation,
but also communicate over similar FFIs.  We might very reasonably
have situations where fairly complex  inter-language pointers exist, so for example 
Haskell holds a 
ForeignPtr to something in the Foogle heap; the pointed-to Foogle object in turn 
a Haskell object (presumably provided via StablePtr).  Now suppose Haskell wants to
drop the ForeignPtr.  Then the logical thing for the finalizer to do is to tell Foogle 
that Haskell is no longer interested in the Foogle object.  This then gives Foogle
the chance on its own garbage collection to in turn drop the Haskell StablePtr.  In 
this means somehow running StablePtr.freeStablePtr.  However this scheme I don't know 
that's legal, because the Haskell finalizer you need to run freeStablePtr is 
provoked by the initial Haskell finalizer.  

This is a pity, because this might actually be a fairly good way of managing garbage 
between Foogle and Haskell.  Of course you would need at least reference counters (if 
you can
guarantee there are no cycles containing both languages) or something more powerful 
but reference counters at least can be provided.  Furthermore I do actually have a 
real case
in mind where I might use something like this, though I'd rather not go into details 
at this

I'm afraid I haven't been following this thread lately, so I don't know what the big 
is about calling Haskell from a finalizer; I suppose it's something to do with us 
being in the
middle of garbage collection.  However wouldn't it be better to allow finalizers to 
somehow provide
an action which may call Haskell, but (a) may be performed at some later date (such as 
when the GC is
over); (b) consequently, may not assume that the pointer finalized still points to 
FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-10 Thread Alastair Reid

 I think this is all a rather murky area.  Consider two systems,
 let's call them Haskell and Foogle, which both operate heaps and do
 their own storage allocation, but also communicate over similar

This is indeed a murky area.

Especially tricky when you have two GC's (even if one is nothing more
than reference counting) is the issue of cycles that span the two
systems: neither side is willing to release its pointer into the other
world until the other side releases its pointer.  (See section 5.2 of
for more on the problem and a sketch of a fix.)

 We might very reasonably have situations where fairly complex
 inter-language pointers exist, so for example Haskell holds a
 ForeignPtr to something in the Foogle heap; the pointed-to Foogle
 object in turn references a Haskell object (presumably provided via
 StablePtr).  Now suppose Haskell wants to drop the ForeignPtr.  Then
 the logical thing for the finalizer to do is to tell Foogle that
 Haskell is no longer interested in the Foogle object.  This then
 gives Foogle the chance on its own garbage collection to in turn
 drop the Haskell StablePtr.  In turn this means somehow running
 StablePtr.freeStablePtr.  However this scheme I don't know if that's
 legal, because the Haskell finalizer you need to run freeStablePtr
 is indirectly provoked by the initial Haskell finalizer.

We should provide a C function hs_freeStablePtr and explicitly
say that it is safe to call this from inside a finalizer.

 Of course you would need at least reference counters (if you can
 guarantee there are no cycles containing both languages) or
 something more powerful otherwise, but reference counters at least
 can be provided. 

At least half the times I've used ForeignPtrs (aka ForeignObjs aka
MallocPtrs), I've had to implement my own reference counting so, yes,
it does seem like it'd be good to include reference counting in the
implementation somehow.  

I don't remember ever finding a good way to do it though.  The design
seems obvious enough but it seems there's always some odd little
wrinkle like the object already having its own reference counting
implementation or the other world wanting to talk about foo_t* (i.e.,
the type the external library provides) instead of hs_stablePtr_t.  In
particular, if I put a wrapper around an object so that I can attach a
reference counter, you somehow always find yourself faced with the
problem that a C library hands you a pointer to an unwrapped object
and you have to try to track down the reference counter for it.

Any ideas welcome.

Alastair Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Reid Consulting (UK) Limited
FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-10 Thread George Russell

Malcolm Wallace wrote
 I don't see the problem.  The Foogle garbage collector runs separately
 and asynchronously to the Haskell GC.  A Foogle object is released
 by the Haskell collector, then at a later moment in time, a Haskell
 object is released by the Foogle collector.  Where is the conflict?
Does at a later moment in time mean that it is late enough that we can
be sure calling Haskell will be OK?

Look, suppose for simplicity that Foogle implements an identical FFI to
Haskell.  So we have

(Haskell ForeignPtr A) == (Foogle StablePtr A)
(Foogle StablePtr A) points to (Foogle ForeignPtr B)
(Foogle ForeignPtr B) == (Haskell StablePtr B)

Haskell frees (Haskell ForeignPtr A) thereby causing the finalizer.
This presumably does the Foogle equivalent of freeStablePtr on A.
This *may* trigger an immediate Foogle garbage collection (I think Foogle's
RTS is within its rights if it does), so that Foogle now wants to finalize
Foogle ForeignPtr B.  The Foogle finalizer action for foreignPtr B involves
calling back to Haskell so that (Haskell StablePtr B) can have freeStablePtr
applied to it.

Now is the FFI specification going to guarantee that however quickly the
Foogle garbage collector executes the Haskell finalizer, things will work.
It seems to me the wording suggested does not guarantee this.  All it says
that the finaliser cannot portably call back into the Haskell system.  But
when the finaliser provokes an immediate GC which calls back into the
Haskell system?

I'm altogether rather puzzled by this notion of FunPtr's which are allowed to
call Haskell back at some times and not others.  Nor do I understand how it's
supposed to work, say, on truly parallel Haskell implementations.

 Why do you suggest a need for reference counts?  In the absence
 of cycles, surely the existing two garbage collectors (howsoever
 implemented) are sufficient.
Garbage collectors need roots.  If I understand the situation correctly,
a StablePtr is itself a root, until explicitly freed.  If you are handing out 
the same object via the same StablePtr to several
different Foogle things, it seems to me you might attach a reference counter
to the StablePtr, so that when Foogle says I am no longer interested in this
(Haskell) StablePtr, you decrement the reference counter by 1, and deallocate
if it reaches zero.  Alternatively of course you could create a fresh StablePtr
every time something is passed to Foogle.

I think reference counters are sometimes used in things like CORBA, where 
a similar problem arises.  Of course they cannot cope with interlanguage cycles.
FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-10 Thread George Russell

Alastair Reid wrote
 We should provide a C function hs_freeStablePtr and explicitly
 say that it is safe to call this from inside a finalizer.
This would be the simplest solution, but would not permit you to do
anything more sophisticated at the Haskell side, such as reference counting
or more complicated strategies to check for possible cycles.  You might end
up having to do all your inter-language GC code in C, ugh.
FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-10 Thread George Russell

Malcolm Wallace wrote
 Quite simply, no finaliser (whether in Foogle or Haskell) should
 be capable of triggering a garbage collection within its call.
 This condition is absolutely necessary to prevent a cascade effect
 of cross-language garbage collections, where a finaliser in Haskell
 could trigger a GC in Foogle which triggers another (nested) GC in
 Haskell etc.
Unfortunately some sort of cascade is exactly what we want and need when
the Haskell finaliser indicates that Haskell is no longer interested in some
Foogle object, which means Foogle can run a GC which indicates Foogle is no
longer interested in some Haskell object and so on . . .

 Thus, if Haskell.freeSomething calls Foogle.freeSomething, and
 Foogle.freeSomething cannot cause a Foogle GC, then no Foogle
 finalisers are run yet, and so Foogle *cannot* call the Haskell world
 until the Haskell GC is complete.  After that, it doesn't matter
 when the Foogle finaliser decides to run.
But surely Foogle has no way of knowing when the Haskell GC is over?
Suppose Haskell does

[enter GC]
[run finaliser 1]
[run finaliser 2]
[leave GC]

Then you want Foogle to delay any Haskell calls consequent on finaliser 1 until [leave 
don't you?  How can it?

Is it really so difficult to create some queue of delayed functions which can be 
to from C and which nhc checks every time it does leave GHC?
FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-10 Thread Malcolm Wallace

George Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Unfortunately some sort of cascade is exactly what we want and need when
 the Haskell finaliser indicates that Haskell is no longer interested in
 some Foogle object, which means Foogle can run a GC which indicates
 Foogle is no longer interested in some Haskell object and so on . . .

Yes.  The key thing is just to delay the steps of the cascade so
that you are not trying to call Haskell/Foogle code whilst there is
no Haskell/Foogle heap available to run it.

  After that, it doesn't matter when the Foogle finaliser decides to run.

 But surely Foogle has no way of knowing when the Haskell GC is over?

When sequential control returns to the Foogle world, that is when
the Haskell GC is guaranteed to be complete.

 Suppose Haskell does
 [enter GC]
 [run finaliser 1]
 [run finaliser 2]
 [leave GC]
 Then you want Foogle to delay any Haskell calls consequent on finaliser
 1 until [leave GC], don't you?  How can it?

Because the Haskell calls don't happen until the Foogle GC invokes them.

Ok, you have a Haskell ForeignPtr which is really a Foogle object.
It becomes garbage.  At the next Haskell GC, its finaliser is run.
The finaliser is not Haskell code.  The finaliser is Foogle code.
This finaliser runs and a Haskell StablePtr contained within the
Foogle object becomes garbage.  Although the Haskell object is
regarded as a StablePtr in Haskell land, it is a Foogle ForeignPtr.
Hence, its finaliser does not run yet.  The Haskell GC finishes.
Computation proceeds.  At some later moment, Foogle exhausts its heap
and starts a GC.  The finaliser for the garbage object is now run.
This is not Foogle code, it is Haskell code.  In fact, it is the Haskell
routine freeStablePtr.  This is ok, because we have sufficient heap to
run the finaliser.  The StablePtr is released.  The Foogle GC finishes.
Computation proceeds.

 Is it really so difficult to create some queue of delayed functions
 which can be appended to from C and which nhc checks every time it does
 leave GC?

I did implement this, once.  The problem is that we don't know when to
run the delayed finaliser.  The moment Haskell GC finishes is *not*
a good time.  Some arbitrary reduction step is in mid-progress,
and running another process at this moment corrupts the context.
What you really need is some kind of scheduler that can decide when
it is safe to run an independent thread.

FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-10 Thread Alastair Reid

 [snip] No, you do not really need separate threads for this problem
 to occur.  All you need is, say, Hugs to call a GHC-exported
 function as a finalizer, in the same OS thread, GHC to run a garbage
 collection during this function, and the garbage collection in turn
 to want to run a Hugs finalizer, before the finalizer called from
 Hugs has finished. 

The Hugs and GHC runtimes can talk to each other just fine (or, if
they can't it's a simple oversight and well fix it).

There's no problem with GHC and Hugs each telling each other that some
object they own has one less pointer to it.  Next time it is
convenient for the runtime, it can run a GC, perhaps recognize that
there's a few GHC objects it can release and it tells the GHC runtime
that it can release them.

The reason we can do this is because it has limited scope: just a few
data structures have to be tweaked to avoid GHC coming in when Hugs'
data structures are in an inconsistent state.

It's quite a different matter to allow arbitrary Haskell code to be
run - that means the entire runtime system and libraries have to be
made reentrant.

 Of course one wouldn't normally want to link GHC
 from Hugs, but if even these two cannot be made to meet, I don't
 know how you expect Haskell to call anything else with a reasonably
 flexible GC system; it puts the kybosh on Java for example, which I
 am fairly sure makes plenty of use of both callbacks and finalizers.

That's fine, they can have all the finalizers they want.
The finalizers can fiddle with things in the runtime system
to tell the GC whatever they want.

 In any case it seems to me just as dangerous to assume that the
 implementation does not use OS threads, as to assume it does.

The internal structure of your apps is up to you - use locks to avoid
using single-threaded code in multithreaded manner.

 You are effectively writing on top of the FFI document If your
 program does this perfectly reasonable combination of finalizers, it
 will fall over in an undefined way should the implementation use OS
 threads; furthermore there is no way around this.  Basically the
 fact that there is only one OS thread is an implementation detail,
 not something that the user should have to think about.

Programmers are used to dealing with code which is single threaded or
not reentrant.  It's quite common.

 Is it really the case that neither NHC nor Hugs can implement a list
 of actions to be taken at the first convenient point after GC has
 finished without implementing the whole machinery of preemptive
 concurrency?  I take Malcolm Wallace's word for it that it isn't
 trivial, but why do you need for example asynchronous interruption
 of Haskell threads, wait queues, or time slices?  Surely what you
 need is some way of backing up the state upon return from GC in such
 a way that you can run the queued IO actions, which may be hard but
 is a long way off preemptive concurrency.

The way GHC implements preemption is an optimized form of: set a bit
when preemption is needed; and make sure that generated code will test
that bit whenever it is in a position to perform a context switch.

What you're asking Hugs and NHC to do is: add a function to a list
whenever you have a finalizer to run; make sure the interpreter will
test that bit whenever it is in a position to perform a context

It's basically the same.  We don't have to mess around with signals to
provide a regular timer interrupt but that's the easy bit of the code.

We can probably avoid messing around with multiple C stacks.  That's a
significant saving but, it's the complexity of that is fairly
self-contained - we could probably steal some code from some other
language implementation.

The cost is going over all data structures in the system making sure
that operations on them are suitably atomic.  One of the issues I
remember from old versions of GHC was that some of the primops would
do some work, allocate some memory, then finish the job.  The classic
error to make in that code was for the second half of the code to
assume almost anything about what happened in the first half of the
code: how much space is on the stack, does a table have free space in
it, is this pointer into the middle of an object ok?

The problem is the scope: every single data structure and every bit of
code that accesses it has to be vetted and we have to keep it in mind
as we maintain the code.  It's a high price to pay and I don't think
it's necessary (because all you really need is for the runtime systems
to talk to each other in very limited ways).

 If it's really impossible for NHC or Hugs to implement this, I think
 I would still rather it was left to the NHC and Hugs documentation
 to admit that exported Haskell functions basically don't work in
 some circumstances, rather than to the GHC documentation to say that
 actually they do.

It's a matter of taste how you do these things.

Alastair Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Reid Consulting (UK) 

RE: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-04 Thread Simon Marlow

 1) Add these functions:
:: Ptr a - FunPtr (Ptr a - IO ()) - IO (ForeignPtr a)
:: ForeignPtr a - FunPtr (Ptr a - IO ()) - IO ()
It is implementation defined whether the free functions are allowed
to call Haskell functions.
 2) Remove newForeignPtr and addForeignPtrFinalizer
[GHC can go ahead and list them as non-standard extensions]
 There's a minor issue about whether the old function names should be
 reused (leaving GHC to come up with its own names) or not.  I have
 ceased to care either way.

I have a slight preference for re-using the old names, at least for
newForeignPtr.  The reason is that it follows the naming conventions in

FFI mailing list

Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-09-03 Thread Alastair Reid

[Now that we've gotten the library specification issue out of the way,
I'd like to revive discussion of this topic.  Last time we discussed
it, there seemed to be concensus that we would make a change but I
didn't get much response when I made a concrete proposal.  I'd like to
resolve this promptly so that the impending Hugs release can match
what the spec says (or vice-versa...).]

Since requiring ForeignPtr.newForeignPtr would require preemptive
concurrency (see previous discussion), I propose the following changes:

1) Add these functions:

   :: Ptr a - FunPtr (Ptr a - IO ()) - IO (ForeignPtr a)
   :: ForeignPtr a - FunPtr (Ptr a - IO ()) - IO ()

   It is implementation defined whether the free functions are allowed
   to call Haskell functions.

2) Remove newForeignPtr and addForeignPtrFinalizer
   [GHC can go ahead and list them as non-standard extensions]

There's a minor issue about whether the old function names should be
reused (leaving GHC to come up with its own names) or not.  I have
ceased to care either way.

Alastair Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Reid Consulting (UK) Limited
FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-08-12 Thread Malcolm Wallace

Alastair Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm not sure which position you're preferring here.  I lean a bit
 towards using the old names for the new functions (the ones with free
 functions) and finding new names for the old functions (the ones with
 closure arguments).

That would be my preference as well.  Keep the existing standard names,
but change their type signatures to reflect what Hugs and nhc98 can
actually implement.  Add new names with the old signatures for what
ghc can additionally implement via its concurrency model.

FFI mailing list

RE: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-08-12 Thread Simon Marlow

  What do you expect to happen if the finaliser calls a foreign
  exported function?
 Good question.
 I do not expect that to work on any platform that has difficulty
 implementing newForeignPtr (because you could use it to implement
 I don't know if it would be likely to work on GHC.
 I think the spec should say that it is an error or undefined
 depending on whether GHC supports reentrant finalizers or not.

Yes, it will work in GHC.  makeForeignPtr is easily implemented in terms
of newForeignPtr, using a foreign import dynamic.

  That's a tricky one.  From the standards point of view, I am
  actually *very* reluctant to introduce new names.  On the other
  hand, reusing the old names will lead to a couple of unhappy emails
  from people using the old interface again.
 But only a couple I conjecture.

Heh, I distinctly remember several complaints from *you* in the past
when things have changed in GHC!

FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-08-12 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

We seem to have a consensus on this one.  We change the type
of the existing functions to

  newForeignPtr :: Ptr a - FunPtr (Ptr a - IO ()) - IO (ForeignPtr a)
  addForeignPtrFinalizer :: ForeignPtr a - FunPtr (Ptr a - IO ()) - IO ()

For GHC, I propose to put the closure-based versions into an
extra module (that's easy enough with the hierarchical
libraries).  This makes changing over old code easier, as it
merely requires to alter the import and not all occurences
of the functions.

Any objections?

FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-08-10 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Alastair Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote,

  What do you expect to happen if the finaliser calls a foreign
  exported function?
 Good question.
 I do not expect that to work on any platform that has difficulty
 implementing newForeignPtr (because you could use it to implement
 I don't know if it would be likely to work on GHC.

SimonM, what do you think?

 I think the spec should say that it is an error or undefined
 depending on whether GHC supports reentrant finalizers or not.

IMHO, it's a nice feature to have.  I understand that the
spec can't require it, as systems without preemptive threads
can't implement it.  However, it would be a pity if the new
interfaces would mean that even systems that feature
preemptive threads can't have it.

  That's a tricky one.  From the standards point of view, I am
  actually *very* reluctant to introduce new names.  On the other
  hand, reusing the old names will lead to a couple of unhappy emails
  from people using the old interface again.
 But only a couple I conjecture.

I read this as you would also (= like me) be in favour of
keeping the old names.  Right?

Other opinions?

FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-08-09 Thread Alastair Reid

 I assume you meant
   makeForeignPtr :: Ptr a - FunPtr (Ptr a - IO ()) - IO (ForeignPtr a)

Oops, yes.

 What do you expect to happen if the finaliser calls a foreign
 exported function?

Good question.

I do not expect that to work on any platform that has difficulty
implementing newForeignPtr (because you could use it to implement

I don't know if it would be likely to work on GHC.

I think the spec should say that it is an error or undefined
depending on whether GHC supports reentrant finalizers or not.

 That's a tricky one.  From the standards point of view, I am
 actually *very* reluctant to introduce new names.  On the other
 hand, reusing the old names will lead to a couple of unhappy emails
 from people using the old interface again.

But only a couple I conjecture.

Alastair Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Reid Consulting (UK) Limited
FFI mailing list

Re: Proposed change to ForeignPtr

2002-08-09 Thread Alastair Reid

Alastair wrote [snip]
 makeForeignPtr :: Ptr a - FunPtr (Ptr a - IO ()) - IO ForeignObj

 [snip] I don't understand this proposal.  What is a ForeignObj?

Sorry, that was a typo.  The result type should be 

  IO (ForeignPtr a)

 I call a C function, which gives me a cString :: Ptr CChar, and it's
 my responsibility to free it when I've finished with it.  So I
 convert it to a ForeignPtr:

foreignPtr - mkForeignPtr cString

 and then always refer to the pointer via foreignPtr.  When
 foreignPtr is garbage collected the space is freed.  So how do I do
 this with your proposal?

With the existing spec, you would write:

 foreign import free :: Ptr CChar - IO ()

 foo = do
   foreignPtr - newForeignPtr cString (free cString)

With my proposal, you would write:

 foreign import  free :: FunPtr (Ptr CChar - IO ())

 foo = do
   foreignPtr - newForeignPtr cString free

All the rest of your code to manipulate ForeignPtrs remains the same.
(Well, there's a corresponding change in addForeignFinalizer if you
happen to use that.)

Alastair Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Reid Consulting (UK) Limited

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