[FFmpeg-devel] Cease and desist

2024-04-23 Thread Rémi Denis-Courmont
To whom it may concern.

Stop your harassment and withdraw your public insults against my person.

In light of prompt action from the Cc, I reserve any and all legal avenues 
against Thilo Borgmann.

Le 24 avril 2024 09:07:43 GMT+03:00, Thilo Borgmann via ffmpeg-devel 
 a écrit :
>> Thilo is calling Kieran, myself and presumably Derek and JB trolls.
>> This seems to be a pattern against anyone who disagrees with him.
>please avoid top-posting on this list [1].
>[1] https://ffmpeg.org/mailing-list-faq.html#What-is-top_002dposting_003f-1
>> Le 22 avril 2024 04:25:20 GMT+08:00, Thilo Borgmann via ffmpeg-devel 
>>  a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> On 21.04.24 10:47, Rémi Denis-Courmont wrote:
 I have been dragged privately into this issue so for the sake of 
 transparency, I will just sum up my side here.
 Le 17 avril 2024 07:21:18 GMT+08:00, Devin Heitmueller 
  a écrit :
> Hello all,
> I wasn't looking to start trouble, but I didn't see any discussion of
> this on the mailing list so wanted to bring it to the developer
> community's attention.
> I attended the NAB conference and went by the "ffmpeg" booth on
> Sunday.  What I found was a single table with the official ffmpeg
> banner hanging right next to a banner for the GPAC project, and two
> salespeople from GPAC handing out marketing literature and trying to
> educate me on why I should use their framework for my next project.
 Thilo did announce that some unidentified party would be payind for FFmpeg 
 to hold a booth (this should be visible in the archives). Kieran raised 
 legitimate if not concerning questions based on his prior experience at 
>>> I announced that "We reiceived an anonymous corporate sponsorship for the 
>>> booth, so there are no costs for the FFmpeg project to it (and no 
>>> obligations, of course)."
>>> Kieran's reaction was raising concerns that he feels donors wouldn't want 
>>> to see their SPI money spend on NAB [1][2] - ignoring that I'd just 
>>> announced that there will be no donor's SPI money needed as there are no 
>>> costs for FFmpeg.
>>> Kieran's reaction further was claiming that no plan has been provided who 
>>> will actually be present on the booth [1][2] - ignoring that I'd just 
>>> announced that "Any FFmpeg developer is welcome to join in and man the 
>>> booth with me".
 Thilo did not answer, which is inexcusable, especially considering that 
 there were several times that the questions were reiterated.
>>> Ignoring what has been said, making statements raising the impression that 
>>> something contradictory would be the truth is trolling me and deceiving the 
>>> other readers. No reason at all to feed the trolls - no matter how often 
>>> the trolling is repeated.
 Thilo privately called Kieran a "troll" as the lame pretext for not 
 answering the question (I can copy the CC privately if proof of this is 
>>> And I just did publicly, for what I believe his reaction in the FFmpeg at 
>>> NAB 2024 thread was and everyone can read to get their own impression in 
>>> the archives. You think it's a lame pretext? The "questions" had been 
>>> answered even before they were "raised" by Kieran.
 In light of this, it seemed obvious that the FFmpeg booth would be a 
 disaster, pretty much how Kieran had predicted.
>>> In the light of... the costs being covered and me + any other volunteer 
>>> manning the booth as announced or in the light of... the deceiving 
>>> 'ignorance' in Kieran's statements?
>>> _Even if_ the coverage of the complete funding and/or manning the booth 
>>> would have been unanswered, how would that have 'obviusly' concluded the 
>>> booth to become a disaster?
>>> That conclusion itself appears not comprehensible.
 So there you have it. On the bright side, FFmpeg was not footing the bill.
>>> I fear FFmpeg has to pay quite a high bill for all the trolling bullshit 
>>> going on about this NAB presence alone.
 I think everybody can make their own conclusions without me speculating or 
 opiniating further, so I will leave it at that.
>>> I very much hope everyone is making up their own opinion.
>>> Even you, who I think is not stupid, obviously was too easily made to 
>>> takeover the 'payment is unclear', 'manning is unclear', 'will become a 
>>> desaster' narrative here.
> I'm not saying that GPAC shouldn't be able to have a table at the
> conference, but it feels pretty misleading to have an "ffmpeg" booth
> listed in the conference materials, with a table prominently
> displaying the ffmpeg logo, with zero people from ffmpeg and people
> pushing users to use an alternative framework that some might actually
> considered to be a competitor to ffmpeg.
 Agreed. Thanks for your tes

[FFmpeg-devel] Cease and Desist for AVRadio and SDR spam on this mailing list

2023-07-29 Thread Paul B Mahol
Dear FFmpeg developers, contributors, reviewers and maintainers:

This mail serves as notice to you to immediately cease and desist all
harassing activities against and towards me, including but not limited to
sending SDR and/or AVRadio related patches to this mailing list and/or
threatening to push SDR code directly into FFmpeg code and its flagship

Your actions are unwanted, embarrassing, annoying, aggressive
and threatening, and have become unbearable to me. Your actions
also infringe upon my right to remain free from harassment. As a result of
your harassment, I have suffered serious mental breakdown.

If you do not cease and desist the harassment, I will be forced to take
appropriate critical action against this behavior including but not limited
to leaving project and will seek all available damages and remedies.


Paul B Mahol, FFmpeg developer and FFmpeg code maintainer
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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