Re: [Finale] Re: OT bekakte

2006-10-10 Thread Lynn Gold
I tried googling "bekake" and Google said "Perhaps you meant *bukkake*?"

I learned the Yiddish word as "fakakta" (pronounced "fuh-KAHK-tuh").  The
best translation (semantics included) is "f***ed up."

It's slightly less vulgar than the Anglo-Saxon phrase but essentially has
the same meaning.


On Sat, Oct 07, 2006 at 02:46:57PM +0200, Barbara Touburg wrote:
> O, that is something entirely different then!
> Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:
> > At 11:43 PM 10/6/06 +0200, Barbara Touburg wrote:
> > 
> >>Suddeny I see a Dutch word. What does bekakte mean in English? In Dutch 
> >>to bekakt means pretending to be chique and insisting on displaying it.
> > 
> > 
> > I'm sure you'll be swamped with replies. verkakte, vekakte, farkakte, 
> > fakakta, fekokteh, farcockteh, all different spellings.
> > Nicely defined here:
> >
> > "Screwed up" is the polite translation.
> > 
> > Dennis
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: editing mp3 file on Mac ITunes

2006-09-28 Thread Lynn Gold
On Thu, Sep 28, 2006 at 07:06:37PM -0400, Martin Banner wrote:
> Someone emailed me an mp3 of a choral performance today, and I was able 
> to open it up and play it easily using ITunes on my Mac G4 Powerbook 
> laptop.
> The mp3 contains three pieces for choir, without any tracks. Is it 
> possible to extract just the middle piece and create a completely 
> separate sound file with just that one choral selection on it?

I wouldn't use iTunes.  I'd download Audacity (it's free at and use that to edit and save the

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: names of kids

2006-06-15 Thread Lynn Gold
On Thu, Jun 15, 2006 at 02:46:26PM -0400, Christopher Smith wrote:
> On Jun 15, 2006, at 2:20 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:
> > On 15 Jun 2006 at 13:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >> But the worst were the insensitive *s called Mr and Mrs Royds
> >> who named their daughter Emma.
> >
> > I know for a fact that there was a real person named Marvin C. Atnip.
> In town here we have some musicians with fanciful names. Ivanhoe 
> Jolicoeur is a trumpet player (Ivanhoe Goodheart, loosely translated), 
> as was Lafleche Doré (the golden arrow) now deceased. Eric Rock and Jim 
> Head are guitarists, and Alec Walkington is a jazz bassist. These are 
> all the names they were born with, as citing stage names would be 
> cheating. I saw credited on a program once "Réal Lebasseur - bass" 
> which is close to meaning "really the bassist" but I suspect it was a 
> fake name to fool the musicians' union.
> When I was a teenager we lived next door to a podiatrist named Dr. 
> Foote. His building exploded the year after we moved away. It almost 
> (but not quite) made up for the years I had to hear "We wish you a 
> merry Chris Smith", "It's starting to look a lot like Chris Smith" and 
> "Hey, Chris Smith! When'th Eathter?"

My father had a patient named Bunny Briar.  In her case, though, it was a
name created by marriage.

The most egregious naming I'd heard of was the daughter of the inventor of
the Lear Jet, Crystal Chanda.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: names of kids

2006-06-15 Thread Lynn Gold
On Thu, Jun 15, 2006 at 10:19:42AM -0700, Dean M. Estabrook wrote:
> Of course, the ultimate cruelty is attendant to the type of  
> nomenclature which gives us Dusty Rhodes, or that ilk.

I work with her!

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] augmentation

2006-03-22 Thread Lynn Gold
On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 01:52:47AM +0100, Oliver Pospiech wrote:
> Dear list members,
> does our finale have a function what would transform one bar of quarter
> notes into two bars of half notes, like an "augmentation"?

Using the Mass Mover tool, select the measure, then select Change->Duration
and increase the notes duration.  If you tell it to rebar the notes it'll
bounce them out to two measures and bounce the rest of the measures out

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: PC vs MAC?

2006-03-07 Thread Lynn Gold
On Sun, Mar 05, 2006 at 03:49:36PM -0800, Mark D Lew wrote:
> On Mar 5, 2006, at 1:35 PM, Kurt Gnos wrote:
> > Makes me wonder.
> >
> > In a thread like that - you always hear the Mac users...
> >
> > How much better...
> >
> > How much faster...
> >
> > How much easier...
> >
> > How, then, comes that Mac users are a little little percentage of all 
> > computer users?
> >
> > Are we just stupid?
> This thread is beginning to drift.  It began with a determination to 
> discuss the differing qualities of the two systems without letting it 
> turn into a Mac-vs-PC war.  Can we reaffirm that commitment?  Can we 
> try to avoid comments that will bait and taunt others?

Agreed.  I was impressed that until this post we had a civilized discussion
of the merits and drawbacks of both platforms.

As I've said, I am a multi-platform household.  My computer is a tool.

IMHO the "right" platform for you, when it comes to Finale, is the one that
best suits your needs.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: PC vs MAC?

2006-03-07 Thread Lynn Gold
I can run OSX or Windows on my Mac.

I can only run Windows on my PC.

If I can only take one computer with me, I know which one I'm taking.


On Sun, Mar 05, 2006 at 01:53:13PM -0800, Eric Dannewitz wrote:
> Because, a lot of people use the argument that "Windows runs more 
> software" and then proceed to get a Windows machine. I used to hear this 
> all the time. Windows runs more software. Ok. Great. But, honestly, what 
> piece of software are you going to use that you can't get for a Mac? 
> There used to be a lot of titles, but now..there are a handful of 
> ones that are available just for Windows. And, there are a lot of great 
> Mac only applications such as iLife, Final Cut, Logic. Plus, people use 
> Windows at work, and that is all they know.
> Hey, if Windows works for you, go for it. For me, I just run software 
> synths on it. Or, as an Apple ad said "dutifully performing dull little 
> tasks".
> Kurt Gnos wrote:
> > Makes me wonder.
> >
> > In a thread like that - you always hear the Mac users...
> >
> > How much better...
> >
> > How much faster...
> >
> > How much easier...
> >
> > How, then, comes that Mac users are a little little percentage of all 
> > computer users?
> >
> > Are we just stupid?
> >
> > I am a windows xp user, and I like my system, it's fun to work, so 
> > what the hell? I like Wavelab, I like Word, I like Finale...
> >
> > I've got an iPOD, but I definitely got no Mac complex...
> >
> > Kurt
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: PC vs MAC?

2006-03-07 Thread Lynn Gold
I'd say comfort level comes first.  I've used Finale on both the Mac and
the PC, and thankfully the implementations are identical (unlike other
pieces of software where sometimes you can do some things on one platform
you can't do on the other).

As for the price war, PCs are cheaper than Macs when it comes to initial
outlay, but Macs seem to last longer.  I've had my desktop Mac for nine
years and it still works fine.  I can also upgrade the CPU chip of a Mac
without being a hardware wizard.  I own two Macs (a desktop and a laptop)
and a PC.  I paid way less for the PC, but it was a refurbished Pentium III
which, while it will run Windows XP, is no longer supported by the hardware
manufacturer.  My PowerBook has something like four or five years of
support from Apple.  My desktop Mac is out of warranty, but it's *nine
years old* and is still quite usable.  In nine years I'd have had to buy
three PCs.

What happens is with PCs you wind up replacing them more often than you do
Macs, so the long-term cash outlay is about the same, but the one-time cash
layout is more with a Mac.

OTOH, now that there are Mac Minis the price point is about the same.


On Fri, Mar 03, 2006 at 09:33:51PM -0800, Mark D Lew wrote:
> On Mar 3, 2006, at 5:46 PM, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:
> > Please, not a Mac/PC war.
> I think we can offer personal input without making it a war.
> I use PCs a lot at my day job, but I've always preferred Macs for home. 
>   A significant part of that is because Macs are what I'm used to.
> If I had it to do over again, I think I might well choose PC. 
> Objectively, I think I'd still like Mac interface better, and I 
> definitely like that Macs are much less vulnerable to viruses and the 
> like, but I don't think those alone would be worth the ~20% more you 
> pay for a Mac.  I'm frugal by nature, so price is a big factor for me.
> But familiarity matters.  Even if it was more or less by accident that 
> I got started on Macs, I now have a familiarity investment in them, and 
> that's sufficient reason for me to stick with them.
> Lora mentioned that her place of work is Mac-dominated.  I would 
> consider that a valid reason to consider switching.  Or if it's just a 
> question of learning the Mac system for work while still keeping the 
> familiar Windows system at home, I think that's a good thing to do.  
> It's essentially what I do in my work, but vice versa.
> mdl
> ___
> Finale mailing list

Lynn Gold
(650) 968-7366 (home)
(415) 806-0753 (cell)

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: PC vs MAC?

2006-03-07 Thread Lynn Gold
On Sat, Mar 04, 2006 at 08:43:48PM -0800, Carl Dershem wrote:
> Noel Stoutenburg wrote:
> >> Actually the '68 bug is probably illegal because it does not and can 
> >> not meet current emission standards.  Yugo, anyone? 
> > 
> > But my understanding is that under U.S. law, vehicles need only meet the 
> > emission standards in place in the year in which they were built, so 
> > that a 68 Beetle is still legal to drive, without any added controls.
> Not here in California.  Cars over a certain age, if properly 
> maintained, can have "grandfather clauses" applied to them, but in 
> general, modern emissions standards must be applied.  So a 1927 
> Duesenberg (drool!) would be OK as-is, but a 1965 VW Bug would not pass.

Actually, it's somewhere in the middle.  To quote the DMV:

  "Currently, smog inspections are required for all vehicles except diesel
  powered vehicles, electric, natural gas powered vehicles over 14,000 lbs,
  hybrids, motorcycles, trailers, or vehicles 1975 and older."

Therefore, a 1965 VW Bug would be okay, but a 1976 VW bug would have to
pass a smog test.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: PC vs MAC?

2006-03-07 Thread Lynn Gold
On Sat, Mar 04, 2006 at 06:37:58PM -0800, Mark D Lew wrote:
> On Mar 4, 2006, at 12:19 AM, Darcy James Argue wrote:
> > The real difference is that Dell etc. offer ultra-low-end machines, 
> > and Apple does not --
> That's why I think I probably would have become a PC person if I 
> weren't already invested in Mac.  My tendency with most products is to 
> buy low-end, no-frills, used, etc.  I think at least 50% of the 
> capabilities that are standard with Mac I never use, and much of the 
> stuff I do use I wouldn't miss much if it were gone.

I became a Mac person at home years ago when FrameMaker ran on UNIX boxes
and on Macs but not on PCs.

Ironically, Adobe dropped support of FrameMaker on MacOS last year.

I run a multi-platform household.  I prefer MacOS for most things because
fewer viruses run on it, but I use Windows when I have to or when a piece
of software is better implemented on that platform.

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Finale won't read MIDI file

2005-08-01 Thread Lynn Gold
I'm running Fin2004c on a Mac under OSX 10.2.

I try to read in a MIDI file, but the file it shows is blank.  Somewhere
during the reading in of the file I see a white box flash on the screen and
then disappear. 

What am I doing wrong, or what do I need to do to make this work?


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Need INVISIBLE chord anchors

2005-06-23 Thread Lynn Gold

I've done this (the layer 2 et al trick), and it works.


On Jun 23, 2005, at 12:21 PM, Chuck Israels wrote:

Dear Bill,

This is something jazz writers need to do all the time, and there are 
a couple of ways of using layers and staff styles to do this.  The way 
I do it most often is to enter the notes into layer 2 (while making 
sure that the document options do not freeze the stems, ties and rests 
of that layer when there are no "notes in other layers"  - see 
document options - layers).  Then I enter quarter note rests (usually, 
that's enough rhythmic detail for chord anchors) into layer 1 and then 
choose "blank notation - Layer 1 from the staff styles, making sure 
that that staff style is defined to show items attached to notes.  
When you apply this staff style to the staves which already have your 
music, plus the now ugly overlay of quarter rests in layer 1, the 
quarter rests will disappear, and the stems, ties & rests, of the 
notes in layer 2, even if they have been frozen into places you didn't 
want while the rests were showing, will now revert to the normal 
default, and you can now type in the chords you need in any quarter 
note "place" in layer 1.  This should work fine, and becomes pretty 
easy after doing it only a couple of times.  There are more 
sophisticated ways of using the layers in such a way that one can copy 
the chords and their anchors to new places that contain music in layer 
1.  In this case, you need to create a blank staff style in another 
layer (usually layer 4) that has a few more requirements, but unless 
you have to transfer chords from place to place, over different music 
entries, this is probably more than you'll need.  Try the easier 
method first.

Hope this helps.


On Jun 23, 2005, at 12:03 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When generating a lead sheet, it is often desirable to have chords 
that sequence under a fixed melody note. For example, you might have 
an 8 beat whole note where a sequence of chords are changing under 
it. This is not in keeping with the way finale anchors chords, since 
it the chord anchor must be on a tied note, note or rest. I have not 
seen any way to anchor a chord to a note that's not in the staff.

One can generate an artificial chord anchor by breaking a long note 
into tied notes, but that makes it awkward to read the music, and 
it's not good notation practice.

I tried hanging chords onto alternate layers, but that means sticking 
notes into the score that don't belong, and I have not figured out 
how to suppress the printing out of the alternate layers. That really 
confuses things.

Has anyone figured out a way around this?
Yours; Bill S.
Finale mailing list

Chuck Israels
230 North Garden Terrace
Bellingham, WA 98225-5836
phone (360) 671-3402
fax (360) 676-6055

Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Another take on the meaning of MacIntel

2005-06-11 Thread Lynn Gold

On Jun 9, 2005, at 2:34 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

(short summary: Apple & Intel are going to merge)

That's all fine and dandy, but Intel will have to buy out Microsoft's 
10% ownership of Apple (am I the only person who remembered this?).


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Input via microphone jack

2005-06-10 Thread Lynn Gold
On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 08:53:48AM -0500, Noel Stoutenburg wrote:
> Lynn Gold wrote:
> >Does anyone know of a way to input notes into Finale via the microphone
> >input in a PowerBook?
> >
> >I have a converter that can go from guitar to mike input, and I want to
> >play a guitar part into Finale so it'll sound more realistic than just
> >keying in the notes.
> >  
> >
> First bit of information needed, is what version of Finale you are 
> running.  MIC-Notator is only two or three versions old.  I have been 
> able to "sing" notes (though not reliably enough for notation work) 
> using a very inexpensive microphone plugged into the MIC input of the 
> sound card, but I'm on a PC, not a MAC, for which there may or may not 
> be hardware issues I'm not prepared to address.

MicNotator is in my version.  I'll try it.  Thanks!

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Input via microphone jack

2005-06-10 Thread Lynn Gold
Does anyone know of a way to input notes into Finale via the microphone
input in a PowerBook?

I have a converter that can go from guitar to mike input, and I want to
play a guitar part into Finale so it'll sound more realistic than just
keying in the notes.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT - Garageband

2005-03-14 Thread Lynn Gold
I was told there was some way you could kludge a MIDI save by sending 
the output to MIDI.

On Mar 14, 2005, at 2:31 PM, Michael Cook wrote:
GarageBand doesn't allow saving as MIDI: you can only convert the 
files to an audio format (AIFF, MP3 etc.)

Michael Cook
[I have already posted this on the Sibelius list -
sorry for cross-postings!]
I have a colleague that wants to make a file on
GarageBand, save it as MIDI, and then import it into
either Finale or Sibelius.  The problem is on the
front end - can GarageBand save its files as MIDI,
and, if so, how does one do so?
Finale mailing list
Finale mailing list
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Mac mini noise

2005-01-12 Thread Lynn Gold
On Jan 12, 2005, at 4:11 PM, Chuck Israels wrote:
I have no info on this specific question, but G5 tower fans are so 
quiet, under most conditions, that I am able to work undisturbed 
within about 18 inches of mine, and I was irritated by my G4.  If the 
fans in the Mac mini are as well designed and engineered, it should be 
I saw the Mac Mini today.  It doesn't appear to HAVE a fan, which makes 
it VERY quiet.  The outside case is metal, and it appears to be 
designed to dissipate heat through its case the way the PowerBooks do.

This makes the Mac Mini a VERY quiet machine.
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Garage Band 2

2005-01-12 Thread Lynn Gold
On Jan 12, 2005, at 1:06 PM, Matthew Hindson Fastmail Account wrote:
Mark D Lew wrote:
>Or maybe Recordare will look into creating a utility to convert them
> to MusicXML?
If they could it would be great, because since GB is based on Logic, 
we would have some hope of directly exporting MusicXML files from 
Logic as well.

BTW GarageBand is a great little app for anyone who hasn't tried it. 
It's an extreme resource hog, but still, students LOVE working with 
it.  And once they learn how to bounce down tracks to save processing 
power, it's possible to do some quite sophisticated things with it, 
even if you can't change time signatures.
My problem with GarbageBand is it still can't write MIDI files.  It now 
at least lets you edit notes (the previous version didn't).

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: Who are you?

2004-12-25 Thread Lynn Gold
On Sat, Dec 25, 2004 at 11:54:44AM -0800, Bob Florence wrote:
> Hi All:
> I recieve so many e mails from the address listed above. I have met 
> quite a few of you. However, I would love to know a little background 
> of each and all of you. Are you a musician? Are you active? Are you 
> retired? Where are you from and where are you residing now? What kind 
> of music do you specialize in? Are you an instrumentalist, 
> composer/arranger/copiest, teacher, etc.? If not a musician, what is 
> your occupation?
> The answered questions are to satisfy my curiosity about who I am 
> dealing with. I have seen all of your names many times. Now it is 
> time for more information.

By day I'm a news and traffic reporter in the San Francisco Bay Area.

As a hobby I write and arrange music that I perform at science fiction
conventions.  I often have pieces where I want a full orchestra, a band, a
few backup instruments, or cases where I want to give backup singers exact
notes to sing.  I have also published, for these conventions, a few
songbooks over the years.  For this, I use Finale.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Instrument balance on playback

2004-12-06 Thread Lynn Gold
On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 04:16:51PM -0500, Darcy James Argue wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is one of those rare occasions when I need playback.  Is there any 
> kind of "mixer" built into Finale so I can adjust the relative levels 
> of all the Finale SoftSynth instruments for playback?  (The default 
> balance is awful!)

You can read the manual till you're blue in the face for that one.  It
doesn't exist.  The best you can do is balance the "volume" levels using
MIDI and velocity.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: Powerbook battery

2004-12-02 Thread Lynn Gold
Johannes --
It's time to buy a new battery.  They DO that.
On Dec 2, 2004, at 7:50 AM, Johannes Gebauer wrote:
Sorry, this is a little off-topic, feel free to reply to me personally.
My Powerbook battery has all of a sudden decided to have very much 
less capacity than before, and I am wondering whether there is 
something I can try to get it back to normal. It is quite possible 
that it has indeed reached its eol, but perhaps there is something I 
can try?
It's a very old Powerbook Wallstreet, running both OS X Panther and OS 

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] keyboard shortcuts

2004-10-21 Thread Lynn Gold
Actually, there are Mac keyboard shortcuts.  They're listed in the 
documentation, though, rather than shown in most of the menus.

On Oct 20, 2004, at 5:31 AM, Christopher Smith wrote:
Unfortunately, yes. This is an advantage that PC users have over Mac 
users in general; more keyboard shortcuts for common operations. This 
is why a macro program is indispensable for all Mackers.


On Oct 20, 2004, at 4:50 AM, Stig Christensen wrote:
I have just switched from PC to Mac (OsX) and I'm wondering if the 
macusers of this list find them self's using the mouse a lot?
Let me give an ex.: From the File Menu I want to go to the File Info 
box. When I used PC I could just type Alt,+f+i . In Mac I have to use 
the mouse. Is this the way it's done?
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Garritan PO and MAC

2004-10-04 Thread Lynn Gold
Macs have sound cards built in.
On Oct 4, 2004, at 12:35 PM, gj.berg wrote:
Hi all
So I'm moving up in the world and getting a newer (used) Mac and the 
GPO.  The requirements ask for a sound card -- do Mac's have sound 
cards?  This is something I've never quite understood.
Also 1 gig ram -- is that more than enough or barely enough?
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Pedal steel guitar simulation

2004-09-29 Thread Lynn Gold
I'm trying to simulate a pedal steel guitar in a Finale file.  I tried 
loading a MIDI file with pedal steel in it, but what loaded into Finale 
sounded like garbage.  Specifically, the notes were all choppy and 
didn't slur together the way a pedal steel guitar's does.

Can anyone give me pointers on how to duplicate this sound, or does 
anyone have any samples of pedal steel simulation in a Finale (.mus) 
file I can view?

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Trouble Opening a File (Full Info)

2004-09-28 Thread Lynn Gold
On Sep 28, 2004, at 6:02 AM, Neal Gittleman wrote:
On Sep 28, 2004, at 8:37 AM, Giovanni Andreani wrote:
A friend is e-mailing me a file created in 2004 (not sure which
platform or version).  I'm attempting to open it in FinMac2k4c.r1.  I
get an error message reading
While attempting to access [name of file] the Finale Manager reported
an error.
Finale - error encountered ID -12
What OS are you running?
I'm running OSX, version 10.3.5
E-mail the file back to your friend and have them open it under their 
version.  The file could have been garbled somewhere in the e-mailing 

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] 2 and 4 hand(s) on One Piano

2004-09-21 Thread Lynn Gold
On Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 09:26:17AM +0200, Giovanni Andreani wrote:
> I'm working on two compositions to be played, each, on one piano. As
> Finale's Setup Wizard don't provide a solution for the exact names to
> assign to staffs in this case, and assuming that staff names should be
> the same as described on the score's cover page, what would you think is
> the most suitable solution between the following?
> ...
> For one piano to played by three performers:

Hope the three people are really skinny and have bathed before the

[couldn't resist]

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Changing verse number

2004-09-14 Thread Lynn Gold
On Sep 14, 2004, at 12:31 PM, d. collins wrote:
I'm doing an 8-voice piece and I realize I made a mistake in assigning 
the verse numbers (I generally use a different verse for each voice). 
Is there any way I can correct this without removing the lyrics and 
doing all the "click assigning" again? I could of course leave the 
wrong numbering, but that will be a source of confusion in a couple of 
Switch the lyrics using cutting and pasting, then Option-click (or 
whatever it is on the PC) to click-assign the lyrics for the entire 
verse with one click.

In case the above isn't clear, here's what I did: I typed the lyrics 
for voice for in the verse 5 box and clicked-assigned them. I would 
like to switch them to verse 4.
Hope that helps.
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] output level

2004-09-10 Thread Lynn Gold
On Sep 10, 2004, at 5:50 AM, dhbailey wrote:
Eden - Lawrence D. wrote:
I imported a MIDI file that I had created with another notation 
Finale (Mac2k3) did a great job on the importation, but I was unable 
make the imported staff play back at a reasonable volume.  It made no
difference what dynamics were indicated on the part.  When I added the
remaining 4 voices their volumes were loud enough.
I might add that I did Speedy Entry on the additional voices.
Any ideas as to why one voice's volume acted differently from the 
In the Playback Options you should UNcheck Play Recorded Velocities 
and UNcheck Play Recorded Continuous Data.

Perhaps that will work, if the original midi you imported had a 
quieter volume or lower velocities for that particular channel.
I've had to tweak the velocities of the imported notes by hand using 
the MIDI tool when this has happened.  It's ugly, but it works.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] State Songs (was Anthems) (still OT)

2004-09-08 Thread Lynn Gold
There's a site called that has MIDI files 
and lyrics for official and unofficial state songs (it doesn't have 
links for two of the West Virginia songs but does list the titles).

When the MIDI files get confusing when paired with lyrics, there are 
also links you can follow that often lead you to better versions of the 

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: G5 PowerBooks

2004-08-16 Thread Lynn Gold
On Mon, Aug 16, 2004 at 04:34:01PM -0400, Darcy James Argue wrote:
> Due respect, but your friend is dead wrong.  Of course there will be G5 
> PowerBooks.  Steve Jobs had originally said "by the end of 2004" but 
> IBM has had a lot of trouble on the manufacturing end, so that's likely 
> no longer in the cards.  But there will certainly be G5 PowerBooks 
> sometime in 2005 (possibly even at January's MacWorld, although that's 
> an optimistic prediction).

Apple rarely does major product releases at San Francisco MacWorld because
it comes just after Christmas.  They may announce upcoming bits of software
you can put on your lovely hardware, but generally they don't want folks to
feel bad about their Christmas purchases.

> Also, there will be no more revisions of the G4 PowerBooks.  The 
> current 1.5 GHz G4 models are the end of the line.

Not arguing, but who's your source on this?

> The redesigned G5 iMac will be announced soon, in a very small, almost 
> notebook-like enclosure.  I expect G5 PowerBooks will be out within 6-8 
> months after the G5 iMac's debut.  It is inconceivable that Apple would 
> go much longer than that with the pro chip (the G5) in their consumer 
> line (iMac) but not their pro notebook line.

I wouldn't be surprised if that were true.  I'm dying to know your sources.

Lynn Gold  "net.fogey"[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Technical Writer, Protego Networks (weekdays)<-- day job
 News Anchor, KLIV-AM (weekends)   <-- second job
 Singer, Songwriter, and Punster at Large <-- even when they don't pay me
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: G5 PowerBooks

2004-08-16 Thread Lynn Gold
On Mon, Aug 16, 2004 at 04:15:40PM -0400, Neal Gittleman wrote:
> Brad:
> For me, the hybrid CD alone will be a Godsend as I intend to buy a Mac 
> soon (whenever the G5 Powerbooks come out) and I'll be glad not to have 
> to deal with two separate pieces of software.
> Me:
> Just before I bought my 15" G4 PowerBook (with which I am extremely 
> happy and on which FinMac2k4c works -- knock-wood fine and fast), I 
> consulted with a friend of mine, a retired Mac salesman, who 
> continually keeps his finger on the Apple pulse.  He said that there 
> ain't gonna be no G5 PowerBooks...  that the G5 chip generates way too 
> much heat for the laptop chassis to handle.  Now, he may be wrong, but 
> he isn't wrong often, and given how sensitive the G4 PowerBooks are to 
> the heat they generate, his claim certainly seems plausible...
> That's not to say that there won't be more PowerBooks, or G6 
> PowerBooks, or even G5 PowerBooks.  But you might be waiting a while...

There may eventually be G5 PowerBooks, but it'll take a while due to the
heat dissipation problem, just as it took over a year after the G4 desktops
came out before a G4 PowerBook was available.

Lynn Gold  "net.fogey"[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Technical Writer, Protego Networks (weekdays)<-- day job
 News Anchor, KLIV-AM (weekends)   <-- second job
 Singer, Songwriter, and Punster at Large <-- even when they don't pay me
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finale and Laptops

2004-07-21 Thread Lynn Gold
On Jul 21, 2004, at 9:40 AM, Darcy James Argue wrote:
Hi Eric,
Why on earth would you want to get a dual-boot mac at this late date?  
Especially a *used laptop*? [shudder]  Apple stopped making dual-boot 
computers almost two years ago, and OS 9 is dead and buried.

If you're worried about Fin2004 speed issues, the thing to do is get a 
*really fast* computer (I notice people with G5's complain a lot less 
about Fin2004).  We are all hoping that Finale 2005 will bring some 
much needed performance enhancements, but in the meanwhile you can 
always run Fin2003 in Classic -- and a new, fast machine will run 
Classic faster (even in emulation) than an old, slow dual-booting 
I'm typing this from a brand new PowerBook G4, 1.5GHz.  Finale 2004 
kicks ass on it.  My previous system had a 400MHz G4 and Finale was 
much slower on it.  Don't worry about speed.  Even if your system isn't 
dual-boot, you can still run legacy software in "classic mode."  The 
Mac essentially boots OS9 underneath OSX, and on a fast enough computer 
it's no big deal.

If you can afford it, get the 1.5 GHz 15" PowerBook.  It lists for 
$2499, but you can make it a little cheaper by customizing it at the 
Apple Store to replace the SuperDrive with a Combo Drive, etc.  If 
that's beyond your budget, the G4 iBooks are very good value for the 
I got the top-of-the-line 17" by going through a friend who's a college 
student.  It was $2399 before taxes.  I concur about not buying a used 
laptop.  They don't have as long a lifespan as desktop computers.

On 21 Jul, 2004, at 09:15 AM, ERIC'S E-mail 2 wrote:
Hi Listers,
I'm ready to buy my first laptop and have a pretty
decent budget. I've been working in a Mac-based
desktop environment (G4/FinMac 2002-3/OS 9.2) and
would like as  much of my current operational speed
and efficiency as possible. With all of the negative
buzz about speed issues in FinMac 2004, that certainly
seems like the route to avoid
1.) What would be the most powerful Mac laptop that
still dual boot into good old OS 9.2 or OSX? There are
some great lookin' deals on older Powerbooks/I-books
on e-Bay.
2.) Perhaps I should just make the switch to a Windows
laptop (if I can find something that is just smokin'
Additionally, I would like to use the system with some
software-based samplers for playback (Kompakt, Reason,
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Best wishes,
Eric Richards
310 W 21st Ave
Fremont NE 68025-2525

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[Finale] White notes

2004-05-25 Thread Lynn Gold
I copied some music from one file to another.  In File #1 the music was in
Layer 2; in File #2 I wanted it in Layer 1 with the rest of the music.
When I moved the contents of Layer 2 into Layer 1 the notes appeared in
white instead of black.

What do I need to do to get these notes to turn black?


Lynn Gold  "net.fogey"[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Technical Writer, Protego Networks (weekdays)<-- day job
 News Anchor, KLIV-AM (weekends)   <-- second job
 Singer, Songwriter, and Punster at Large <-- even when they don't pay me
Finale mailing list