Hello Listers,

Nearly a month ago I wrote about weird speed changes in playback of a file 
I had created. David Bailey suggested checking for playback effects in any 
expressions added at the relevant points. I'd been caught by that type of 
thing in my old version of Finale, but did double check and found nothing 
to account for the changes. Also none of the various speeds in the playback 
were anything like the one that I had set up, and which was showing on the 
playback display.

Today while setting out to do something completely different I stumbled 
upon a solution. In the Edit / Clear Selected Items menu was an item: MIDI 
data / Tempo changes. I cleared that single item and suddenly the whole 
thing played back at the ridiculously fast speed I'd set up in the hope of 
doing some quick proof-listening! There are still some dynamics coming out 
differently from what's on the screen. Perhaps in a few weeks I'll find a 
reason for them while trying to do something else...

I wish I could have back the countless hours I've so far wasted trying to 
do in Finale 2014 things I found entirely straightforward in Finale 2000c. 
:(   The To Do list is still getting longer.

Greetings from Southern England,


Patsy Moore AGSM ARCM
Conductor, arranger etc. Da Capo (Do All Come And Play Orchestra)
and teaching accompanist
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