<<snip: In a message dated 1/29/05 1:01:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Lon's point was NOT to be anti-technology, but anti-unfair-to-musicians 
and pro-artists.  >>

I agree! I see the line that should not be crossed as: Improved technology 
should be created and used to help us, not replace us. Samplers (virtual 
orchestra machines) take a level of "live" away from "live performance". With 
technology, artists in the pit are replaced, next artists singing chorus parts 
are replaced, and with money in their eyes, how long before producers try to 
develop holographic technology to replace people on stage? Too fantastic to 
imagine? How many people 30 years ago would have taken seriously the idea of 
virtual orchestras being marketed as part of live musical theater to audiences? 
Technology needs its place in our world. But not our place.

Best wishes,
Steve Shulman
NYC musician
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