Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/stable/main/finkinfo/devel
In directory sfp-cvsdas-3.v30.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv1569

Added Files:
Log Message:
promote to stable.

--- NEW FILE: xdev-toolkit.info ---
Package: xdev-toolkit
Version: 20101117
Revision: 1
Description: Lazarus/FPC cross-platform development tools
Architecture: powerpc, i386, x86_64
BuildDepends: lazarus-common
Depends: lazarus-common
License: LGPL

# Unpack Phase:
Source: http://web.me.com/macpgmr/XDev/XDevForLaz_20101117.zip
Source-MD5: 2948491a8b890a7019e8f9ca9458364d

SourceDirectory: ./

# Compile Phase (NOTE: there is no configure):
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev

# compile programs
fpc CvtHelp.pas
fpc TestRtfDoc.pas
fpc ViewWith.pas
fpc dfmtolfm.pas
fpc makepasx.pas
fpc makever.pas

# compile additional units
fpc PrefsUtil.pas
fpc PropListUtil.pas
fpc HelpUtil.pas -Fu/%p/share/lazarus/lcl/units/%m-darwin/

# Install Phase:
InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev

# Install programs
  mkdir %i/bin
  install -m 755 CvtHelp      %i/bin/CvtHelp
  install -m 755 TestRtfDoc   %i/bin/TestRtfDoc
  install -m 755 ViewWith     %i/bin/ViewWith
  install -m 755 dfmtolfm     %i/bin/dfmtolfm
  install -m 755 makepasx     %i/bin/makepasx
  install -m 755 makever      %i/bin/makever
  install -m 755 create_app_mac.sh      %i/bin/create_app_mac.sh

# Install units
  FPC_VERSION=`fpc -iV`
  mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 HelpUtil.o   $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 HelpUtil.ppu $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 RtfDoc.o   $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 RtfDoc.ppu $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 ViewDoc.o   $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 ViewDoc.ppu $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 PrefsUtil.o   $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 PrefsUtil.ppu $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 PropListUtil.o   $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 PropListUtil.ppu $INSTALL_DIR

# Install sources
  mkdir -p %i/share/fpcsrc/%n
  install -m 644 *.pas %i/share/fpcsrc/%n/

DocFiles: XDevStatus.html

DescDetail: <<
The XDev Toolkit has these programs and units:

MakePasX & DfmToLfm: Delphi converters
MakeVer:             Create a version info file
CvtHelp & HelpUtil:  Convert WinHelp RTF to HTML
create_app_mac.sh:   Create an app bundle
RtfDoc & ViewDoc:    RTF document creation and viewing

DescUsage: <<
Please read the documentation in 

DescPort: Native platform only. To do: cross-platform

Homepage: http://web.me.com/macpgmr/XDev/XDevStatus.html
Maintainer: Karl-Michael Schindler <karl-michael.schind...@web.de>

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