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--- NEW FILE: shmux.info ---
Package: shmux
Version: 1.0.2
Revision: 1
Description: Runs commands in parallel on multiple hosts
License: GPL
Maintainer: Steve Huff <hakamad...@users.sourceforge.net>
Source: http://web.taranis.org/%n/dist/%n-%v.tgz
Source-MD5: 4ab5c46b4154cbeab54bdc0036bd9140
ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man
InfoTest: <<
 TestScript: make test || exit 2
InstallScript: <<
 make install DESTDIR=%d
Depends: libncurses5-shlibs, pcre-shlibs, fping
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12), libncurses5, pcre
DescDetail: <<
 shmux is program for executing the same command on many hosts in parallel. For
 each target, a child process is spawned by shmux, and a shell on the target
 obtained one of the supported methods: rsh, ssh, or sh. The output produced by
 the children is received by shmux and either (optionally) output in turn to
 the user using an easy to read format, or written to files for later
 processing making it well suited for use in scripts.  
DescUsage: <<
 Usage: shmux [ options ] -c <command> [ - | <target1> [ <target2> ... ] ]
  -h            Print this message.
  -V            Output version info.

  -c <command>  Command to execute on targets.
  -C <timeout>  Set a command timeout.

  -M <max>      Maximum number of simultaneous processes (Default: 10).
  -r <rcmd>     Set the default method (Default: ssh).
  -p            Ping targets to check for life.
  -P <millisec> Initial target timeout given to fping (Default: 500).
  -t            Send test command to verify target health.
  -T <seconds>  Time to wait for test answer (Default: 15).

  -S <mode>     Spawn strategy (Default: "one")
  -F            Gracefully quit rather than pause
  -e <range>    Exit codes to consider errors (Default: "1-")
  -E <range>    Exit codes to always display (Default: "1-")
  -a <type>     Analysis type (Default: regex)
  -A <test>     Analyze output to determine success from failure.

  -o <dir>      Send the output to files under the specified directory.
  -m            Don't mix target outputs.
  -b            Show bare output without target names.
  -B            Batch mode.
  -s            Suppress progress status.
  -q            Suppress output of successful targets.
  -qq           Suppress target output.
  -Q            Suppress final summary.
  -v            Display internal status messages.
  -D            Display internal debug messages.
Homepage: http://web.taranis.org/shmux/

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