Update of /cvsroot/fink/experimental/fangism/finkinfo
In directory sfp-cvsdas-3.v30.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv777

Added Files:
Log Message:
Fortran compiler cache, validates, but not heavily tested yet
doesn't have test suite either
haven't decided how to split off f90cache-default yet...

--- NEW FILE: f90cache.info ---
Package: f90cache
Version: 0.93
Revision: 1
Maintainer: David Fang <fang...@users.sourceforge.net>
Source: http://www.irisa.fr/sage/edouard/canot/%n/%n-%v.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: a6238ac637588ae6e815bc4a9ce6a5cb
PatchScript: <<
        #!/bin/sh -ev
        # patch Makefile to not depend on implicit rules
        mv $file $file.orig
        echo ".SUFFIXES: .c .o" > $file
        echo ".c.o:" >> $file
        echo '  $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<' >> $file
        cat $file.orig >> $file
ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info
CompileScript: <<
  #!/bin/sh -ev
  mkdir build
  cd build
  ../configure %c -C
InfoTest: <<
        TestScript: <<
        #!/bin/sh -ev
        echo "Test suite?  What test suite?"
InstallScript: <<
  #!/bin/sh -ev
  cd build
  make DESTDIR=%d install
  # ln -s %p/bin/f90cache %i/bin/g95
  # ln -s %p/bin/f90cache %i/bin/gfortran
#PostInstScript: <<
#echo "If you wish %n to be the default Fortran compiler"
#echo "(to override and send ALL compilations through %n),"
#echo " install the \"%n-default\" package."
#SplitOff: <<
#       Package: %n-default
#       Depends: %n
#       Files: bin/g95 bin/gfortran
#       Description: Fortran compiler cache - As default compiler
#       DescDetail: <<
#         This package installs symlinks for %n to override your compiler.
#         ccache will affect ALL COMPILATIONS with this package installed.
#         If you have strange compilation problems, remove this package FIRST, 
#         before reporting any package or compile bugs.
#       <<
#       PostInstScript: <<
#       f90cache -c > /dev/null
#       echo "***************** WARNING ********************"
#       echo "ALL g95 and gfortran compiles will now be sent through ccache!"
#       echo "For the most part ccache is reliable, but"
#       echo "it can occasionally cause strange compile problems!"
#       echo "If you have a strange compile problem, remove this package"
#       echo "and try again before reporting any bugs!"
#       echo ""
#       echo "Additionally, the default cache size is 1 Gig."
#       echo "so you may want to run \"ccache -M 500M\" (for example)"
#       echo "to limit the size of the cache."
#       echo "***************** WARNING ********************"
#       <<
Description: Fortran compiler cache
DescDetail: <<
%n acts as a caching pre-processor to Fortran compilers, using the -E
compiler switch and a hash to detect when a compilation can be satisfied
from cache. This often results in a 5 to 10 times speedup in common
If you wish %n to be the default Fortran compiler (to override and send ALL 
compilations through ccache), install the "%n-default" package.
DescPort: <<
Homepage: http://www.irisa.fr/sage/edouard/canot/f90cache/
License: GPL

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