[Fink-devel] A suggestion

2004-06-26 Thread Corey Halpin
Hash: SHA1
  In working with my packages, I've written a little script that uses 
otool -L and dpkg -S to figure out what my package needs to depend on.
  I don't know my around fink (the program) well enough to add this 
myself, but I thought it might be helpful if there were something that 
did a trick like this one to verify that a .info depends on all the 
libraries it needs.

Anyway, here's the little script I've been using:
@files = `find . -type f -perm +111`; #run from the root-* directory of 
the package.
@libs = `otool -L @files`;

for $lib (@libs) {
  if ( $lib =~ m:(\t/sw/lib/.*\.dylib): ){
$tmp=`dpkg -S $1`;
$tmp =~/(.*):/;
for $key (keys %depends) { print $key\n; }
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Fink-devel mailing list

[Fink-devel] Re: proj update to 4.4.8 / grass 5.7.0

2004-06-26 Thread Blair Zajac
[cc-ing Fink devel to discuss these issues, as the last time Matt did a commit 
was August 2003.]

Kurt, Matt,
After a ton of work and many recompile attempts (which took a while even on a 
dual G5 box) I've got a new grass.info for grass 5.7.0.

One of my goals was to update all the required packages to their latest release 
and to have grass have as many capabilities compiled in as possible, so my new 
.info files enable more stuff than the current .info files.

Several questions on packaging these for release into Fink CVS before I put them 
into the tracker.

1) The current gdal.info package attempted to build a libgdal.1.dylib but on my 
current Fink build, it doesn't contain the shared library.  However, the .info 
file did create a symbolic links to the file:

$ dpkg -L gdal gdal-dev gdal-shlibs|grep dylib | grep /sw/lib | xargs file
/sw/lib/libgdal.dylib:   broken symbolic link to `libgdal.1.1.dylib'
/sw/lib/libgdal.1.dylib: broken symbolic link to `libgdal.1.1.dylib'
While the new libgdal.dylib adds many functions, it also deletes one function in 

+ * Revision 1.21  2003/04/23 12:24:26  dron
+ * MrSID driver added, EFF removed.
@@ -110,7 +128,6 @@
 void CPL_DLL GDALRegister_ELAS(void);
 void CPL_DLL GDALRegister_EHdr(void);
 void CPL_DLL GDALRegister_PAux(void);
-void CPL_DLL GDALRegister_EFF(void);
 void CPL_DLL GDALRegister_ENVI(void);
 void CPL_DLL GDALRegister_DOQ1(void);
 void CPL_DLL GDALRegister_DOQ2(void);
So technically, this is a new major version of the library and I would have to 
create a new libgdal.2.dylib.

However, to save work, I'd rather not change the library version number, as this 
new gdal package still compiles a libgal.1.dylib by default.

Four reasons to leave it as is:
1- The only user of gdal is grass (as shown by a recursive grep through all the 
.info files), which I've also updated.

2- The old grass 5.0.2 and the new 5.7.0 do not use GDALRegister_EFF.
3- The original gdal.info was broken and it didn't create a valid 
libgdal.1.dylib, so nobody is linked against it.

4- The new gdal library properly uses libtool's versioning scheme, so we'll be 
safe in the future.

Is this ok?
Hi Blair,
I have put proj 4.4.8 in the tracker.  Everything looks pretty clean.  I
added some more docs to in the info file since my first version was really
terse.  You may have already, but if not, make sure to coordinate with Matt
Stephenson who is listed as the maintainer for grass in unstable.  I'm cc'ing
him on this.
Thanks for getting me to do the update.  Now someday, I need to try to tackle
the openEV port to mac osx!
 Blair Zajac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello Kurt,
I'm working on getting grass 5.7.0 (the open source GIS) into Fink and it
needs the proj package installed on the system.  I noticed that proj was
updated to 4.4.8 this May.  Attached is a patch that seems to do the trick.
Plots of your system's performance - http://www.orcaware.com/orca/

--- /sw/fink/10.3/unstable/main/finkinfo/sci/proj.info  2003-12-30
20:15:59.0 -0800
+++ ./proj.info 2004-06-25 21:05:21.0 -0700
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Package: proj
-Version: 4.4.7
-Revision: 2
+Version: 4.4.8
+Revision: 1
 Maintainer: Kurt Schwehr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Source: ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/pub/proj/proj-%v.tar.gz
-Source-MD5: 4169ed0ead9fc0cf90da6d1448911418
+Source-MD5: 1bdfb7bf5df081d029828ed47b780519
 Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
 ConfigureParams: --mandir='${prefix}/share/man'

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Fink-devel mailing list

[Fink-devel] Re: proj update to 4.4.8 / grass 5.7.0

2004-06-26 Thread Blair Zajac
And two more questions.
Should we keep the old grass 5.0.2 around and introduce a grass57 package?  Do 
people need the old grass package around?

If people don't want the old grass, then I'd like to have the new grass.info 
5.7.0 use the latest postgresql74, as the current grass.info builds against 
postgresql73-dev or postgresql73-ssl-dev.  Would people have a problem with this?

Plots of your system's performance - http://www.orcaware.com/orca/
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Attend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
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