Re: [Fink-devel] [cvs] dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/editors, 1.67, 1.68

2013-07-20 Thread Hisashi T Fujinaka
The repo is mercurial, so I did a pull, made a tarball, and then hosted
the tarball. The changes to the info file are minimal and getting it to
run on the next OS only requires a small patch.

I'm still doing that for myself.

On Sat, 20 Jul 2013, Hanspeter Niederstrasser wrote:

> Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/editors
> In directory
> Added Files:
> Log Message:
> update vim to 7.3.1314 and take over as maintainer
> --- NEW FILE: ---
> Info2: <<
> Package: vim%type_pkg[-nox]
> Type: -nox (boolean)
> Version: 7.3.1314
> Revision: 1
> Description: Improved version of the editor "vi"
> License: Restrictive/Distributable
> ### Free to take over. Let me know so I can explain the version update 
> process.
> Maintainer: Hanspeter Niederstrasser 
> Source:
> Source-MD5: 26e219dd698a940e3a3dc7ad3c45cd13
> Source-Checksum: SHA1(c660e9792d9dfdb4024653bd7db4e28a261c8c3d)
> BuildDepends: <<
>   gettext-bin,
>   gettext-tools,
>   libgettext8-dev,
>   libncurses5 (>= 5.9-20110507-1),
>   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) atk1 (>= 1.32.0-1),
>   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) cairo (>= 1.12.14-1),
>   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) fontconfig2-dev (>= 2.10.2-1),
>   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) freetype219 (>= 2.4.11-1),
>   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) glib2-dev (>= 2.22.4-5),
>   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) gtk+2-dev (>= 2.18.9-11),
>   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) pango1-xft2-ft219-dev (>= 1.24.5-7),
>   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) pixman (>= 0.30.0-1),
>   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) pkgconfig (>= 0.23-1),
>   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) x11-dev
> <<
> Depends: <<
>   libgettext8-shlibs,
>   libiconv,
>   libncurses5-shlibs (>= 5.9-20110507-1),
>   ncurses (>= 5.4-20041023-1006),
>   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) atk1-shlibs (>= 1.32.0-1),
>   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) cairo-shlibs (>= 1.12.14-1),
>   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) fontconfig2-shlibs (>= 2.10.2-1),
>   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) freetype219-shlibs (>= 2.4.11-1),
>   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) glib2-shlibs (>= 2.22.4-5),
>   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) gtk+2-shlibs (>= 2.18.9-11),
>   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) pango1-xft2-ft219-shlibs (>= 1.24.5-7),
>   (%type_raw[-nox] = .) x11
> <<
> Conflicts: vim, vim-nox
> Replaces: vim, vim-nox
> CompileScript: <<
>   #!/bin/sh -ev
>   if [ "%type_raw[-nox]" == "." ]; then
>   export CONF_OPT_GUI="--enable-gui=gtk2 --disable-darwin"
>   export 
> PKG_CONFIG_PATH="%p/lib/fontconfig2/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
>   fi
>   if [ "%type_raw[-nox]" == "-nox" ]; then
>   export CONF_OPT_X="--without-x"
>   export CONF_OPT_GUI="--disable-gui"
>   fi
>   cd src
>   make prefix=%p CONF_ARGS="--with-gnome=%p --mandir=%i/share/man 
> --prefix=%p --with-python-config-dir=/usr/lib/python2.7/config 
> --enable-pythoninterp" CONF_OPT_CSCOPE="--enable-cscope" 
> CONF_OPT_MULTIBYTE="--enable-multibyte" CONF_OPT_FEAT="--with-features=big"
> <<
> InstallScript: <<
>   cd src; make -j1 install prefix=%i
>   perl -pi -e 's,%i,%p,g' %i/share/man/man1/*
> <<
> DocFiles: README.txt src/INSTALL
> Homepage:
> DescDetail: <<
> VIM adds many of the features that you would expect in an editor:
> Unlimited undo, syntax coloring, split windows, visual selection,
> graphical user interface (read: menus, mouse control, scrollbars,
> text selection), and much much more.
> <<
> DescPackaging: <<
>   Maintained by Hisashi T Fujinaka  until 
> 7.3.960.
> <<
> DescPort: <<
> The vim package builds gtk GUI. If you don't have X11, use the vim-nox 
> package.
> <<
> <<
> --
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Hisashi T Fujinaka -
BSEE(6/86) + BSChem(3/95) + BAEnglish(8/95) + MSCS(8/03) + $2.50 = latte

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Re: [Fink-devel] [cvs] dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/editors, 1.67, 1.68

2013-07-20 Thread Hanspeter Niederstrasser
On 7/20/2013 2:06 PM, Hisashi T Fujinaka wrote:
> The repo is mercurial, so I did a pull, made a tarball, and then hosted
> the tarball. The changes to the info file are minimal and getting it to
> run on the next OS only requires a small patch.

The file had been deleted from CVS, so I resurrected it and 
updated to the latest 7.3 patch (I figured out that pulling the hg tag 
was the easiest way).  Let me know if anything else is needed.


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