On 11/19/15 5:57 AM, Max Horn wrote:
> Hi there,
> so I was trying to update wireshark to 2.0.0, which means finally bitting the 
> bullet and using qt5 for it. Turns out the pkgconfig .pc files for qt5 are 
> all broken ?! They contain this:
>    Libs: -F${libdir} '-Wl,-framework,QtCore '
>    Cflags: -I${included}/QtCore -I${includedir}
> But those Cflags are wrong, as
>    /sw/lib/qt5-mac/include/
> does not contain QtFOO directories (where FOO = Core, GUI, MacExtras, ...)
> The easiest fix I can think of is to augment all those packages to add 
> symlinks from
>    %p/lib/qt5-mac/include/QtNAME
> to
>    %p/lib/qt5-mac/lib/QtNAME.framework/Headers
> Any concerns or comments on that? Better ideas?
> (And while I am complaining about Qt5: I guess "we" should update it to 5.5.1 
> one of those days *cough* the meaning of "we" in that sentence is another 
> question, I guess I mean "somebody other than me, somebody who has a generous 
> soul"... ;-)

I just committed what I think should provide the appropriate fix for the 
Qt5 .pc files having bad Cflags fields.


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