I just noticed that various packages install multiple directories into /sw/share/doc (I am not talking about splitoffs which also cause this to some extent). For example, xmltv installs both /sw/share/doc/xmltv-0.5.8 and /sw/share/doc/xmltv. Likewise libxml2 (my own package) even installs three directories: libxml2, libxml2--2.5.4, libxml2-python-2.5.4

The cause is clear, one directory (libxml2 resp. xmltv) is created by the DocFiles: field, the other(s) by the package itself.

I think we should try to avoid & fix this whenever possible (and maybe should mention this in the file hierarchy policy). When I look for docs for a package, I don't want to search through multiple directories. In most cases fixing it is as simple as adding a line to the InstallScript, like

mv %i/share/doc/%n-%v %i/share/doc/%n

Look at the jpilot package which does this already.

Comments, thoughts, opinions? A few other packages that are affected:

 * opensp (OpenSP vs. opensp3)
 * neon23 (neon23 vs. neon-0.23.7; probably other neonXY packages, too)
 * scrollkeeper (scrollkeeper vs. scrollkeeper-0.3.12)
 * libxslt (libxslt vs. libxslt-python-1.0.24)



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