Dear Fink developers,

The 10.4-transitional tree has now been created; the code which lets fink
access it is present in cvs HEAD and will soon be part of the package
manager 0.24.5 release.

This new tree has been populated with packages from the 10.3 tree, with
the following modifications:
 1) we are dropping support for gcc2, perl560, perl561, and perl580; all
    packages which depend on these have been removed
 2) the experimental/tiger tree has been merged in to the 10.4-transitional
    tree (so all further 10.4 development should occur in the new tree, please)
 3) all packages known to have compile-time failures will have been
    removed from 10.4-transitional/stable by Friday's release date.
    (Note that the packages remain in 10.4-transitional/unstable.)

This tree is "transitional" because we did not have time to completely make
the change of compilers from gcc 3.3 to gcc 4.0 prior to release.  The
transitional tree uses a hybrid default of g++-3.3 combined with gcc-4.0.
Our strategy for fully converting to the new compiler will be discussed
in future messages.

As developers and package maintainers gain access to 10.4, they are 
encouraged to work on their packages to ensure smooth operation in 10.4.

One final note:  creating this tree took a while, and it was based on
a CVS checkout from several days ago.  Any recent commits will not be
reflected in the new tree.

  -- Dave

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