On 7/29/2013 2:37 PM, Schindler Karl-Michael wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Hans-Peter,
> With version 1.0 of the ffmpeg libs the pkgconfig files moved from 
> /sw/lib/pkgconfig/ to /sw/lib/ffmpeg-1.0/lib/pkgconfig/. As a result they are 
> not found any longer in my configure scripts, unless i add 
> /sw/lib/ffmpeg-1.0/lib/pkgconfig/ to PKG_CONFIG_PATH. For putting that into 
> autotools stuff this appears to me as an egg or hen problem, since i already 
> have to know the version. Also, i assume that this will probably break again, 
> once newer versions are ported.
> Could there be links in /sw/lib/pkgconfig/ , which point to the .pc files in 
> /sw/lib/ffmpeg-1.0/lib/pkgconfig/
> I am not that much of an expert, when it comes to autotools, but is there a 
> usual procedure to deal with this? If so, i did not find an immediate 
> solution and can you point me to an example?

In practice, it is easy to put symlinks into %p/lib/pkgconfig.  However, 
it can cause major problems for maintainers if they don't keep track of 
the different libav* packages that are actually needed.  For example, it 
would be possible to have libavutil from 1.2 and libavcodec from 2.0 
installed at the same time, and 'pkg-config --libs libavutil libavcodec' 
would then give this:

-L/sw/lib/ffmpeg-1.2/lib -L/sw/lib/ffmpeg-2.0/lib -lavcodec -lavutil

I'm kicking this out to fink-devel to see if someone has suggestions. 
Having libav*-dev pkgs Dep on other libav*-dev packages as needed would 
be nice, but that requires something similar to inherited builddepends 
and/or allowing BDO: true packages to be Depends: for other BDO: true 


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