[Fink-users] XDarwin question

2002-04-23 Thread Nicholas Robbins

I recently moved over to the rootless server (Thanks
everyone for the help btw.) and I tried using rootless mode,
and I decided to go back to rooted. However what I would
*really* like is to be able to change rooted/rootless on the
fly. Is this at all feasible, or does something about how
XFree86/XDarwin works make this all but impossible?

If it is feasible, is any work being done on it?

- Nicholas Robbins

"A Freudian slip is when you say
 one thing but mean your mother."

Fink-users mailing list

Re: [Fink-users] update-all question

2002-04-21 Thread Nicholas Robbins

Well, thanks for clearing it up. So basically, over time 
some packages grow and/or outsource their functionality. 
I do have a free couple days, and ample hd space.

- Nicholas Robbins

"Liverpool can be a lonely place on a Saturday
 night, and it's only Thursday morning."
-Ringo Starr (Yellow Submarine)

Fink-users mailing list

Re: [Fink-users] update-all question

2002-04-20 Thread Nicholas Robbins

Ok, what I still don't understand is: I am not adding 
anything, just updating, so why did my already installed 
packages now need 45 new things? It looks like 20 of them 
are splitings of packages I already have, like esound and 
gimp, so those I understand. But why do I need 25 new 
packages? I just updated. I already had gimp, esound, 
xemacs, xfree86 installed, so shouldn't all of their 
dependencies be installed as well?

- Nicholas Robbins

"I have the heart of a small boy --
 and I keep it in a jar on my desk."
-Stephen King

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002, Chris Devers wrote:
> It's common for a sparse, young Fink installation to hit huge dependency
> lists like this, just because your system doesn't have a lot of the basic
> libraries that many other packages depend on. At a glance, esound, gimp,
> xemacs, and xfree86 all have long lists of dependencies, as I recall. Also
> note all the -bin, -shlibs, and -common packages: many of these are just
> branches of one package that include executable (".exe") and shared
> library (".dll") components; note as well that some of these are split
> offs from packages being updated (libstroke <-> libstroke-shlibs), so
> again you're kind of seeing duplication there.

Fink-users mailing list

[Fink-users] update-all question

2002-04-20 Thread Nicholas Robbins

Ok, I have another question. I wanted to see what would be
updated if I did an update-all, so I did one while not on
the internet (knowing it would attempt to d/l stuff and so
nothing would actually happen.) This is what I got:

pleonasm,[~],2:59pm:fink update-all
sudo /sw/bin/fink update-all
Reading package info...
Information about 435 packages read in 15 seconds.

fink needs help picking an alternative to satisfy a virtual dependency. The

(1)  python: Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented language.
(2)  python-nox: Interpreted, object-oriented prog. language, no X11 support

Pick one: [1] 1

fink needs help picking an alternative to satisfy a virtual dependency. The

(1)  gnome-vfs: The GNOME virtual file-system libraries
(2)  gnome-vfs-ssl: The GNOME virtual file-system libraries, with SSL support

Pick one: [1] 1

The following 31 packages will be installed or updated:
 app-defaults audiofile dlcompat esound freeciv freetype2 fvwm-common
 fvwm2-no-gnome gdbm gdk-pixbuf ghostscript-fonts gimp gnome-libs gtk+ gv
 hyperref libpng libstroke libtiff libxml2 netpbm pdftex pwm readline
 tetex-base transfig x-ghostscript-fonts xchat xemacs-sumo-pkg xfree86-base

The following 45 additional packages will be installed:
 aalib aalib-bin aalib-shlibs audiofile-bin audiofile-shlibs bonobo
 control-center db3 db3-shlibs esound-bin esound-common esound-shlibs expat
 freetype2-shlibs gal19 gal19-shlibs gconf gdbm-shlibs gdk-pixbuf-shlibs
 glibwww gmp gmp-shlibs gnome-core gnome-print gnome-vfs gtkhtml guile
 libglade libmpeg libmpeg-shlibs libpng-shlibs libstroke-shlibs libtiff-bin
 libtiff-shlibs libxml manconf netpbm-bin netpbm-shlibs oaf popt python
 readline-shlibs scrollkeeper tcltk xfontpath
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]n

That seems like a lot of 'additional packages' to me. What's
going on? Are some of the new packages just old packages
being broken up into -shlibs and -bin subpackages? For
example are "gnome-core gnome-print gnome-vfs" all just
"gnome-libs" ?

Also I only see an xfree86-base update and nothing to
indicate the new rootless server replacing my old rooted
server. Will I have to do a

fink remove xfree86-server

and then

fink install xfree86-rootless

to get the new server?

- Nicholas Robbins

"A professor is one who talks in someone else's sleep."
-W.H. Auden

Fink-users mailing list

Re: [Fink-users] tetex-base update problem

2002-04-20 Thread Nicholas Robbins


- Nicholas Robbins

"A professor is one who talks in someone else's sleep."
-W.H. Auden

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002, David R. Morrison wrote:

> This is a fink bug which shows up occasionally and which nobody has yet
> tracked down.  As a workaround, try "fink reinstall zlib".  If that doesn't
> work, you may have to remove zlib and then reinstall.
>   -- Dave

Fink-users mailing list

[Fink-users] tetex-base update problem

2002-04-19 Thread Nicholas Robbins

I updated to fink 0.4.0 and went to update a few things that 
I needed immediately before I have time to do an update-all. 
One of these was tetex. I tried to update tetex-base and got 
this error:

pleonasm,[~],6:05pm:fink update tetex-base
sudo /sw/bin/fink update tetex-base
Reading package info...
Information about 435 packages read in 4 seconds.
Failed: Internal error: node for zlib already exists

Here is the results from a fink -version

Package manager version: 0.9.11
Distribution version: 0.4.0

and a fink list tetex

pleonasm,[~],6:10pm:fink list tetex
Reading package info...
Information about 435 packages read in 7 seconds.
bundle-tetex20010808-4  Installs a complete TeX system including al...
system-tetex20010808-7  Placeholder package for manually installed ...
 i  tetex   20010808-1  TeX bundle compatible with TeXShop
(i) tetex-base  1.0-9   TeTeX is an implementation of TeX for UNIX
 i  tetex-macosx20010808-4  Mac OS X-specific modifications to teTeX
 i  tetex-texmf 1.0.2-6 Main texmf tree for a teTeX installation

any thoughts?

- Nicholas Robbins

"Whenever a friend succeeds, a
 little something in me dies."
-Gore Vidal

Fink-users mailing list

Re: [Fink-users] X question

2002-04-18 Thread Nicholas Robbins

what if I want to keep using the point release and not 
switch over to cvs. (I haven't decided to switch or not.) 

fink selupdate;
fink update-all;

replace my old X 4.1 with the new rootless X 4.2?

- Nicholas Robbins

"Never underestimate the power of human stupidity."
-Robert A. Heinlein

On Thu, 18 Apr 2002, Justin Hallett wrote:

> fink selfupdate-cvs
> fink update-all
> >I am currently using fink 0.3.2a and X version 4.1.0 from 
> >package xfree86-server version 4.1.0-5 and xfree86-base 
> >4.1.0-8. I was planning on updating fink to 0.4.0 and I see 
> >that there is no longer a xfree86-server package, but it has 
> >been rolled into xfree86-rootless, which is fine by me. I 
> >want the rootless server. How do I get it? What will happen 
> >if I just do:
> >
> >fink selfupdate;
> >fink update fink;
> >fink update all;
> ¸.·´^`·.,][JFH][`·.,¸¸.·´][JFH][¸.·´^`·.,
>   Justin F. Hallett - Systems Analyst   
>   Phone: (780)-408-3094
> Fax: (780)-454-3200
>  .·´^`·.,][JFH][`·.,¸¸.·´][JFH][¸.·´^`·.,

Fink-users mailing list

[Fink-users] OS X.1.4

2002-04-18 Thread Nicholas Robbins

Does fink have any problems with the update from apple?

- Nicholas Robbins

"A Freudian slip is when you say
 one thing but mean your mother."

Fink-users mailing list

[Fink-users] X question

2002-04-18 Thread Nicholas Robbins

I am currently using fink 0.3.2a and X version 4.1.0 from 
package xfree86-server version 4.1.0-5 and xfree86-base 
4.1.0-8. I was planning on updating fink to 0.4.0 and I see 
that there is no longer a xfree86-server package, but it has 
been rolled into xfree86-rootless, which is fine by me. I 
want the rootless server. How do I get it? What will happen 
if I just do:

fink selfupdate;
fink update fink;
fink update all;

- Nicholas Robbins

"A Freudian slip is when you say
 one thing but mean your mother."

Fink-users mailing list

[Fink-users] cvs

2002-04-11 Thread Nicholas Robbins

how do I move from using point releases to using cvs? 

- Nicholas Robbins

"Cocaine is God's way of saying
 you're making too much money."
-Robin Williams

Fink-users mailing list