Re: [Fink-users] FinkCommander, a GUI for Fink

2002-05-02 Thread Joshua Jarvis

Steven & Mathias,

No problems with the binary on my G4 running 10.1.4. No crashes after 
using he selfupdate-cvs and update-all functions, or at least, nothing 
that didn't happen doing it manually too (my cvs has some probs), 
anyways ;-)

I think FinkCommander should be added to the packages available in Fink, 
if it hasn't been already. The Mac guy at my company had been going nuts 
over every little function in Fink until I showed him this(he still 
hates the Terminal though). Many props to the author.

Joshua Jarvis
Chief Consultant, Jossiah Consulting
(408) 250-1562


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Re: [Fink-users] FinkCommander, a GUI for Fink

2002-04-23 Thread mathias meyer


just a quick note about fink commander: just tried it and experienced 
the following problems: downloading and running the binary version was 
no problem at all, but it did not find any packages on my system! after 
downloading the source and building fink-commander myself everything 
went smooth. didn't investigate too much for possible reasons as 
building myself fixed it. haven't had much time to play with it so can't 
tell how stable it is.

thanx for the great work


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[Fink-users] FinkCommander, a GUI for Fink

2002-04-20 Thread Steven Burr

As those of you on the fink-devel list know, I have been working on a 
GUI front-end for Fink called FinkCommander.  A binary version of 
FinkCommander is now available for download at

Because I have issued the software under the GPL, the source code in the 
form of a Project Builder file is available in the same location.  Feel 
free to download and tinker with it.  I would welcome the submission of 
patches and even the participation of co-developers.

Please be aware that FinkCommander is alpha software written by an 
amateur developer and has not been widely tested.  It also takes some 
shortcuts when it comes to security.  These are described on the web 
page.  The usual disclaimers and warnings about unstable software 
therefore apply.

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