Re: [Firebird-devel] ICU. VS2010 project files

2011-04-19 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 19 April 2011 at 16:47 Philippe Makowski wrote:

> Where ?
> the only link I found is :
> and with this we can't do a 'one click install'

We wouldn't want to do that anyway. The icu binaries would be specific to a 
particular version of Firebird. I doubt that we would want to deploy them as 
an assembly to . And one reason for moving to MSVC10 is to get away 
from dependancies on assemblies anyway.

> we must provide binaries inside our Windows package :(

Yes, that is right.

I don't object to agreeing on a specific version of ICU for each release. We 
would just change the build script as required. (Presumably we will need .lib 
files.) Our main problem is likely to be finding icu binaries  built with 

Not much would change as far as packaging is concerned. We would just include 
the icu dlls as now, except their location at package time will / may  be 

Of courses, we may get lucky and ibm will have upgraded their ridiculous icu 
build system and we could just incorporate it again into the windows build. 
However, if it hasn't been changed it would require a ton of work for each icu 
version, which is one of the reasons why we haven't upgraded icu.

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Elevation required on Win7?

2011-06-22 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 21 June 2011 at 16:55 Nando Dessena wrote:

> I am trying to run bin\fbserver.exe -a -n from a custom directory, from
> the command prompt. The server runs. The directory contains suitable
> firebird.conf and security2.fdb. It works correctly under Windows XP,
> but on Win7 all connections are denied with a "cannot attach to password
> database" error message. If I start fbserver with elevation, the problem
> disappears.

I think this is probably the correct behaviour for Win7. 

I can certainly reproduce it.

OTOH, if you access the database via tcp everything is OK. 

I created a test user with basic permissions and placed all the required files 
in C:\Users\test\fbtest. After starting fbserver as an application this 

  C:\Users\test\fbtest>isql -u SYSDBA -p masterkey localhost:employee

works fine for me.

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Elevation required on Win7?

2011-06-22 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 22 June 2011 at 12:21 Paul Reeves wrote:

> this command:
>   C:\Users\test\fbtest>isql -u SYSDBA -p masterkey localhost:employee
> works fine for me.

Oops, I spoke too soon. It worked alright while I had a user with admin rights 
logged in simultaneously with the test user. When the admin user logged out 
things stopped working again.


Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Elevation required on Win7?

2011-06-22 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 22 June 2011 at 12:27 Paul Reeves wrote:

> On Wednesday 22 June 2011 at 12:21 Paul Reeves wrote:
> > this command:
> >   C:\Users\test\fbtest>isql -u SYSDBA -p masterkey localhost:employee
> > 
> > works fine for me.
> Oops, I spoke too soon. It worked alright while I had a user with admin
> rights logged in simultaneously with the test user. When the admin user
> logged out things stopped working again.

No, I was right. I had two many test users and they were tripping over 
themselves. Once I cleaned that up and made sure there was only one instance 
of fbserver and that the alias was pointing to the correct file the above 
command works fine.

BTW, did you try trusted authentication? (new in 2.1) That doesn't use the 
security database at all.

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Elevation required on Win7?

2011-06-22 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 22 June 2011 at 14:33 Nando Dessena wrote:

> thanks for your time; which version did you use? I have re-done my tests
> from scratch, and I can see that Fb2.0 (the version my client is using,
> unfortunately) gives me the error, while Fb2.1 works ok. If I could
> upgrade to 2.1 that I would solve the problem, but unfortunately it's
> not easy.

I was using 2.1 :-)

Anyway, I've gone back and checked everything. Here is what I have done:
  Clean Install of W7
  Copy zipped package to c:\users\public\fb2_N
  Make sure 'everyone' has full access
   Amend aliases.conf
  Create test user
  Log out as admin
  Log in as test
  Open console
  set FIREBIRD=c:\users\public\fb2_N
  execute fbserver -a
  Open firewall to fbserver (requires admin permission.)
  execute isql -u SYSDBA -p masterkey employee 
  select * from employee

This works for both fb20 and fb21

I'm assuming that opening the firewall is a one time, persistent action. I 
can't really test that as my W7 install is a VM set to throw everything away 
at the end of the session. 

I'd say that whatever the problem is, we both managed to stumble across it.  
The things I did differently this time around are:

  - No installation of Firebird. Just copy the zip kit to a public directory.
  - Make sure that public dir is fully accessible to Everyone.

Anyway, as I said before, I think this is a Win7 feature rather than a problem 
with Firebird. :-)

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Elevation required on Win7?

2011-06-22 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 22 June 2011 at 16:18 Paul Reeves wrote:

> This works for both fb20 and fb21
Actually, this works with 2.0.6 and 2.1.4.

Just tried with 2.0.3 and it definitely doesn't work - cannot attach to 
security database.

Looking further it seems that this  was fixed in 2.0.5. - bug is CORE-1886

So I guess the only solution is to upgrade.

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

Simplify data backup and recovery for your virtual environment with vRanger.
Installation's a snap, and flexible recovery options mean your data is safe,
secure and there when you need it. Data protection magic?
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[Firebird-devel] page i/o stats

2011-06-29 Thread Paul Reeves

I've been studying the output of the MON$IO_STATS table but something doesn't 
make sense. I've built a test rig that 

  a) catches the mon$io_stats to disk at the attachment level on disconnect
  b) modifies a million records randomly during a single attachment.

After this update completes gstat is telling me that the database has 
increased by approximately X  pages. However the page i/o statistics are 
telling me that the attachment only wrote Y pages.

Here are some more detailed figures:

Page Size GSTAT Before GSTAT After GSTAT Diff MON$IO Page Writes
=  === == ==
 4096   25  315049 115049   1561
 8192   12  140824  29712   7602 
163846   70214  14658  22320

I've repeated the tests several times with similar results.

I'm also noticing that the cumulative figure for stat_group 0 in MON$IO_STATS 
does not even match the figures I'm getting from my capture of stats at the 
attachment level.

So, the question is - just what page writes are counted? I have been convinced 
for at least the last fifteen years that the stats counted all physical page 
i/o. This does not seem to be the case.

(Tests carried out with 2.1.4 SS on Linux, btw.)

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

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Re: [Firebird-devel] page i/o stats

2011-07-04 Thread Paul Reeves

(This post is intended to be read with a fixed font.)

Actually my previous figures where wrong - I had forgotten that forced writes 
is OFF by default for newly created databases on Linux. However,that doesn't 
invalidate the main reason why I started looking at this issue. I was trying 
to understand the relationship between firebird page size and disc i/o. I 
first looked at a production database (with FW=ON) and the statistics just 
didn't make sense. I've now done more extensive tests with a dedicated test 
database and the figures still don't make sense.

All tests are run from a freshly restored backup containing 100,000 rows in 
the test table. Forced Writes are ON and hard drive disc caches are disabled. 
Firebird 2.1.4 is the server.

My test rig has a stored procedure that randomly updates 100,000 rows in a 
simple table. The update typically increase database size by around 20% - ie, 
new pages are definitely created and all existing pages are modified. This 
proc is called by isql with SET STATS ON. The isql script then commits and 

The exit executes a db disconnect trigger which captures the mon$ I/O stats 
for the attachment and writes it out to a table that collects persistent i/o 
stats. The isql script then reconnects and does a select from this table. 
There is only one row. So, from this simple script I am capturing the page 
writes for the statement using the perf.h api and the MON$IO_STATS for page 
writes at the attachment level. 

The attachment only executes a single statement so the difference between page 
writes derived from the perf.h api and the mon$io page writes should be 
statistically insignificant, but in all cases the mon$io stat should be 
slightly larger due to the extra book-keeping for closing the isql txns.

The figures do not match up. Here are the results:

  = = = === 
  Linux x64  409670,139  33,495   
  W2K3  x64  409669,948  33,138
  Linux x64  819240,710  41,820  
  W2K3  x64  819243,945  44,118 
  Linux x64 1638435,912  36,456  
  W2K3  x64 1638439,056  38,874

We can see that the figures for Windows and Linux are broadly similar. 

1/ Why are the perf page writes double the mon$io page writes for the 4K page 

2/ Why is the perf page writes value slightly greater than the mon$io page 
writes for the 16K page size under windows?

3/ Why are the mon$io page writes greater for 8K than 4K? 

After running these tests I then took a look at the MON$IO_STATS for the last 
database run (Windows 16K page size). One would expect to see the page write 
stats for stat_group 0 to be around 39,000. However, I'm only seeing 49 

Does anyone know why these inconsistencies exist? 

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

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Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
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Re: [Firebird-devel] page i/o stats

2011-07-05 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 5 July 2011 at 17:27 Dmitry Yemanov wrote:

> FW and HDD settings don't affect the page I/O stats.

Actually, FW must affect the I/O stats - see my first post in this thread for 
an example. The only difference between those figures and the second set are 
that the FW was off in the first test and consequently I could update a 
million rows quite quickly. When the FW was set to on I had to reduce the test 
to update just 100,000 rows. 
> > The attachment only executes a single statement so the difference between
> > page writes derived from the perf.h api and the mon$io page writes
> > should be statistically insignificant, but in all cases the mon$io stat
> > should be slightly larger due to the extra book-keeping for closing the
> > isql txns.
> These observations are true only for the statistics reported for
> stat_group = 0, as isql measures the database-wise statistics.

Yes I know that the perf.h i/o stats are database wide. But in this case there 
is no difference. The database is restored, isql attaches, does work, and 
exits. There are no other concurrent connections and no other changes made to 
the database. There can be no garbage collection under these circumstances. As 
far as I understand it the perf i/o and the mon$ i/o should be measuring 
almost exactly the same thing, except that the attachment level stats should 
also include some extra I/O for the additional book-keeping.

> It's hard to guess without having the test at hands. Perhaps it's
> related to the background I/O. Could you share the test case?

I'll put something together for you.

> > After running these tests I then took a look at the MON$IO_STATS for the
> > last database run (Windows 16K page size). One would expect to see the
> > page write stats for stat_group 0 to be around 39,000. However, I'm only
> > seeing 49 page_writes.
> I suppose that you looked at the database stats in the new connection
> (after the last isql run has exited), so the stats were reset.

Ah, that is interesting. I don't think that is documented. I was under the 
impression that stat_group 0 was cumulative for all connections since the 
start of the server.

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

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Re: [Firebird-devel] page i/o stats

2011-07-05 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 5 July 2011 at 18:40 Leyne, Sean wrote:

> Are you running SuperServer, Classic or SuperClassic?

It is super server, although this should not make any difference. The code 
that collects the stats is at a very low level. It is related to when the O/S 
system calls are made to physically read/write to disc.
> Have you considered the effect of garbage collection?

How would that have an effect? isql returns the i/o for the execution of a 
single statement (in this case with just a single connection to the database.) 
The connection only executes a single statement and, as it disconnects it 
grabs the mon$ i/o stats. I don't believe garbage collection can happen until 
after the commit, 
> Have you considered the cost of indirect (ie. indexes) pages which could be
> updated/written?

If you think about it there is no way that this can or should be relevant. The 
statistics are meant to indicate actual page reads and writes from disc. It 
should not (and does not) matter where they are from. There would be little 
point in stats that only returned data reads / writes and ignored, say, the 
i/o of updating several indexes. 

Physical I/O stats are collected at a very low level but they are stored at a 
higher level. My suspicion is that the figures are getting overwritten some 

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
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Re: [Firebird-devel] page i/o stats

2011-07-05 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 5 July 2011 at 19:44 Leyne, Sean wrote:

> With cooperative garbage collection, it is not the active request which
> performs the garbage collection, but a background one.

The database is freshly restored. There is no garbage. The test executes one 
statement and commits. 

GC cannot start before the commit so it cannot influence the perf.h io stats 
because they are recorded before the commit. 

GC cannot influence the attachment level mon$ io stats because it is a 
separate attachment. 

GC is not an issue here.

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
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Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] page i/o stats

2011-07-06 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 6 July 2011 at 09:06 Dmitry Yemanov wrote:

> Sorry, but it doesn't not. Our I/O stats reports page writes performed
> by the engine (OS call). They could either reach the disk (FW=ON) or
> stay in the file system cache (FW=OFF), but the write has happened and
> it's reflected in the stats.

Yes, I can confirm that. And it looks as if the weird stats I got when 
updating one million rows are related to the cache writer thread. See below. 

> Wrong. I've already told you about the cache writer thread, which
> flushes dirty pages to disk in the background.

OK, things are starting to become clearer. My first anomaly is related to the 
cache writer thread on SS. Basically when the 4K page size is used the 100,000 
rows fit into approx 3,000 pages. The random update procedure causes the data 
pages to increase to 4,000. The database buffer is only 2,048 so obviously all 
those pages aren't going to fit, so the cache writer thread kicks in. With the 
8K and 16K pages they all fit into the buffer so the cache writer never gets 
involved. I've confirmed this by running the same tests agains CS on Linux. 

This explains the first mystery - why the perf.h page writes for 4K were 
70,000 and the MON$IO_STATS page writes were only 33,000. 

Unfortunately, in answering that question I've now got another, but that will 
have to wait until tomorrow.

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
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Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Performance of FW databases on ext4 filesystem

2011-08-29 Thread Paul Reeves
On Monday 29 August 2011 at 11:05 marius adrian popa wrote:

> you are not the only one that observed db/vm performance issues with ext4
> maybe you need to mount it with data=writeback
> 4-file-system-performance/

Yes, data=writeback sounds really clever. To quote:

Data ordering is not preserved, data may be written into the main file
   system after its metadata has been committed to the journal.

Beats me why firebird even bothers to write pages in the correct order when 
most file systems, operating systems and disc drives all write out the data in 
any order they fancy.

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

EMC VNX: the world's simplest storage, starting under $10K
The only unified storage solution that offers unified management 
Up to 160% more powerful than alternatives and 25% more efficient. 
Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Performance of FW databases on ext4 filesystem

2011-08-29 Thread Paul Reeves
On Monday 29 August 2011 at 12:47 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:

> On 29/08/2011 06:27, Paul Reeves wrote:
> > On Monday 29 August 2011 at 11:05 marius adrian popa wrote:
> >> you are not the only one that observed db/vm performance issues with
> >> ext4 maybe you need to mount it with data=writeback
> >> 
> >>
> >> ext 4-file-system-performance/
> > 
> > Yes, data=writeback sounds really clever. To quote:
> > Data ordering is not preserved, data may be written into the main file
> > system after its metadata has been committed to the journal.
> That's not everybody opinions:
> d-Ext4

Adriano, I'm not sure why you replied to my comment - I was making the same 
point as Torvalds, but with irony instead of insulting morons :-)

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Performance of FW databases on ext4 filesystem

2011-08-29 Thread Paul Reeves
On Monday 29 August 2011 at 14:22 Alexander Peshkov wrote:

> Paul, telling true I've also not understood a humor. May be that's
> because I and Adriano are not native english speakers?

Probably :-) I can't say for other langauges but irony is used a lot in 
english. When we say someone or something is really clever we usually mean the 
opposite. This way we avoid actually saying that data=writeback is idiotic and 
the inventor of this was a moron. Although I have to say that the Torvalds 
quote made me laugh.

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

EMC VNX: the world's simplest storage, starting under $10K
The only unified storage solution that offers unified management 
Up to 160% more powerful than alternatives and 25% more efficient. 
Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Performance of FW databases on ext4 filesystem

2011-08-29 Thread Paul Reeves
On Monday 29 August 2011 at 14:25 Michael Weissenbacher wrote:

> > But if barriers are needed just to make journal commits safe on the disk
> > with write cache turned on this seems to be not directly related with
> > firebird databases - write cache ON will anyway break firebird database
> > in case of crash. Or may be this option actually deals with all data on
> > disk, not only journal?
> To my knowlege, barrier=1 only provides guarantees for the filesystem
> metadata. But in the way it's implemented in hardware a "barrier flush"
> currently in most (all?) configurations flushes all data. This could
> (and will) change in the future.

The default for ext3/4 is data=ordered  and, from the kernel docs:

  "All data are forced directly out to the main file system prior to its 
metadata being committed to the journal."

So presumably as long as data=ordered then a barrier flush will always imply 
that all data is written to disc.

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

EMC VNX: the world's simplest storage, starting under $10K
The only unified storage solution that offers unified management 
Up to 160% more powerful than alternatives and 25% more efficient. 
Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Performance of FW databases on ext4 filesystem

2011-08-29 Thread Paul Reeves
On Monday 29 August 2011 at 13:35 Alexander Peshkov wrote:

> Tested CREATE DATABASE on my old box. To avoid disk fragmentation
> effects database was always created on new shining partition.

I've found different results doing a large db restore. ext4 came out better 
than ext3. I also found ext4 to be better than xfs. The tests were optimised 
for large files, but I didn't consider barriers. :-( 

I guess I'll have to go and extend the test suite a bit and report back.

> To be politically correct - we should better not recommend people use
> ext4 for databases.

I'm not so sure. AFAIK, the default for ext4 is barrier=1 and the default for 
ext3 is barrier=0. In both cases 'data=ordered' is the default. My impression 
is that ext4 is faster and safer than ext3.

But when doing tests it is important to understand  what the defaults are. 
There are defaults set in the kernel and distros can change those defaults. I 
did some other tests on disc i/o recently and it took me a long while before I 
discovered the 'sync' option. If ext3 is mounted with the default async then 
the test results will be meaningless because writes will be cached. 

I don't know if sync is relevant to ext4. My man8 page for mount (from 
opensuse 11.3) says sync is only relevant to ext2, ext3, fat, vfat and ufs, 
but that may just be an error of omission.

I also discovered that setting write cache = off at the disc level may not be 
persistent across reboots. So, to be sure, every test run needs to specify 
this at the start of the run.

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

EMC VNX: the world's simplest storage, starting under $10K
The only unified storage solution that offers unified management 
Up to 160% more powerful than alternatives and 25% more efficient. 
Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Performance of FW databases on ext4 filesystem

2011-08-29 Thread Paul Reeves
On Monday 29 August 2011 at 15:30 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:

> On 29/08/2011 10:24, Paul Reeves wrote:
> > On Monday 29 August 2011 at 13:35 Alexander Peshkov wrote:
> >> Tested CREATE DATABASE on my old box. To avoid disk fragmentation
> >> effects database was always created on new shining partition.
> > 
> > I've found different results doing a large db restore. ext4 came out
> > better than ext3. I also found ext4 to be better than xfs. The tests
> > were optimised for large files, but I didn't consider barriers. :-(
> > 
> > I guess I'll have to go and extend the test suite a bit and report back.
> AFAIK restore happens with FW=OFF, i.e., without O_SYNC.

Yes, I know. So in essence I was testing FW=OFF. The results are still valid 
though, as long as the context is understood. Unfortunately it is not easy to 
understand the context as there are so many variables and the defaults are not 

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

EMC VNX: the world's simplest storage, starting under $10K
The only unified storage solution that offers unified management 
Up to 160% more powerful than alternatives and 25% more efficient. 
Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Performance of FW databases on ext4 filesystem

2011-08-29 Thread Paul Reeves
On Monday 29 August 2011 at 15:27 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:

> > 
> > The default for ext3/4 is data=ordered  and, from the kernel docs:
> I read divergent things about this. Some says that ext3 default changed
> to writeback, others says it depends from a kernel configure option.

I haven't updated my kernel documentation since May 2010 but it seems 
consistent  with the info in these links:

Both say that the kernel default is data=ordered. However, distros can change 
this, so it is important to double check. The simplest way to do that is with:

  cat /proc/mounts

> >"All data are forced directly out to the main file system prior to its
> > metadata being committed to the journal."
> > 
> > So presumably as long as data=ordered then a barrier flush will always
> > imply that all data is written to disc.
> Does that means that FW=ON (i.e., O_SYNC mode) doesn't guarantee that a
> commit reported as succeeded may really succeed if a fast power loss
> happens and the hard disk has a non-battery based cache and barriers are
> disabled?

That is how I understand it. Each level seems to play smoke and mirrors. If 
just one level does asynchronous writes then all timings will be wrong and 
there is a risk to data integrity.

The levels are 

Application - we can set FW=ON or OFF. If ON the we are saying write 
everything to disc immediately. If FW=OFF then we see a massive performance 
gain on small test runs (especially if super* is used.)

Filesystem - ext3 (and others) are mounted async by default (at least for 
opensuse). I've done disc i/o tests with the partition mounted async that show 
anomalies for disc iops. The only way to remove the anomalies was with 
mounting with sync. I had previously mounted with barrier=1 but that was 
insufficent. (Of course FW=ON).

Disc drive - Modern consumer drives are shipped with write cache = on. In 
theory the capacitors store sufficient energy to flush the cache to disc in 
event of power failure. Either way, if write caching is on then test results 
will be skewed. If the cache is not saturated then tests will appear to be 
quick (but data not actually written to disk). If the cache is saturated then 
results for test B will be distorted by the delayed writes from test A.

> And considering that O_SYNC and barrier are on, does it implies that any
> page write will make the metadata flush, or something else must be done?

Hmmm. I think I've answered that in the section above. One thing is for sure - 
you know that the writes are synchronous when the performance drops massively 

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

EMC VNX: the world's simplest storage, starting under $10K
The only unified storage solution that offers unified management 
Up to 160% more powerful than alternatives and 25% more efficient. 
Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] news from kernel 3.1

2011-10-25 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 25 October 2011 at 11:12 marius adrian popa wrote:

> In other words: if you use Ext3 and you note performance regressions
> with this release, try disabling barriers ("barriers=0" mount option).

I can understand doing this for routine desktop work. It does make a 
difference. But for a database server? The problem is that the old behaviour 
was the wrong behaviour. Letting the hard drive re-order page writes 
completely negates the efforts firebird makes to ensure pages are written in 
the correct order.

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

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Re: [Firebird-devel] news from kernel 3.1

2011-10-25 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 25 October 2011 at 12:03 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:

> 1) FW=ON - each page written by Firebird goes to disk immediately, in
> the order issued by Firebird
> 2) FW=OFF, and use fsync on COMMIT - pages will not be reordered, and
> when COMMIT happens they will be written to disk in order
> Is this wrong? What's then the advantage of (1), since it's much slower
> approach?

AFAICT, fsync only gets called if FW=ON. Or have I missed something? 

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] news from kernel 3.1

2011-10-25 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 25 October 2011 at 12:34 Dmitry Yemanov wrote:

> 25.10.2011 14:24, Paul Reeves wrote:
> > AFAICT, fsync only gets called if FW=ON. Or have I missed something?
> With FW=OFF, it's controlled by MaxUnflushedWrites and
> MaxUnflushedWriteTime.

The documentation in firebird.conf (v2.5) indicates that this is disabled for 
posix. (Well it actually says non-Win32 but I guess Win32 means Win64 too).

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] news from kernel 3.1

2011-10-26 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 26 October 2011 at 10:14 Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:

>Don't forget about the energy from rotating. In old HDD it was enough
> for heads' parking. In modern models it may be enough for cache writing as
> well.

I think that 'may be enough' is the problem. We just don't know. And it is not 
easy to prove, afaict. Well, other than running something like diskchecker 
( which is not something I'm in a 
hurry to do.

Modern SATA drives often have 32MB of cache. Looking at some specs for Samsung 
drives they claim they can write 166MB/sec which would indicate that they 
could do 32MB in ~0.2 seconds. Is it reasonable to assume that the capacitors 
can manage this? 

Another thing that troubles me is Native Command Queueing NCQ). It seems to be 
on by default and I've never seen anything that allows it to be turned off. If 
the disc fails to write the cache during a power failure and NCQ is on then a 
corrupt database is highly likely.

Everything really depends on the manufactures claims that the capacitors can 
flush the cache successfully. Can we trust them?

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Trace API - What's the unit for number of (reads |fetches ...)

2011-11-15 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 16 November 2011 at 06:04 Dmitry Yemanov wrote:

> Also, some
> Windows versions are suspected in giving the file system cache too high
> priority thus possibly swapping out the pages of the process working
> set, so a largish internal page cache could prove itself to be a bad
> idea in this case.

Do you know which windows versions?  

Everytime I look at the effect of the effect of file system cache under 
Windows I get confused. My most recent study, with W2K3 x64 indicated that 
using the file system cache was a big win compared to physically disabling it 
in fb.conf and using firebird to do all the caching. 

It was not the result I expected but I hadn't considered that the results may 
depend on different versions of Windows. (There are probably other things I 
hadn't considered, too :-( ).

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] Initializing security database for first use

2011-12-20 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 20 December 2011 at 14:20 Alex Peshkoff wrote:

> I wonder is it possible to change windows installer to initialize
> security database. 

It is possible, but I'm not sure it is practical or desirable.

It would be interesting to know what percentage of deployments are for 
development and what percentage are for production. For development the 
requirement to set a password for SYSDBA will be a real pain.

Obviously production deployment should require that SYSDBA does not use the 
masterkey password.

I suspect that the solution for windows will require implementing one of the 

 o provide a screen that asks user to enter new SYSDBA password. 
   Default will be masterkey so user can click through as usual.


 o Add a checkbox that allows a user to keep SYSDBA/masterkey.
   Default will be unchecked. If unchecked then next screen will ask 
   user to enter new password.

The latter solution will encourage more users to create a new password because 
most users will click through before reading the screen properly.

We also need to deal with scriptable installs. For this I would suggest a 
command-line option that specifies the new password (which could be 
masterkey). If no password is provide then the installation would fail.

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] Initializing security database for first use

2011-12-20 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 20 December 2011 at 14:20 Alex Peshkoff wrote:

> Next, for ZIP install people will have to run gsec
> first time manually. 

That is not desirable.

In fact when I wrote my previous reply I was just thinking about the UI of the 
installer. Once the information has been collected the installer would need to 
actually initialise the security database. The best way to do this would be to 
provide a batch file that takes the uname and pw as params. That way the zip 
package can share the same mechanism. 

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Initializing security database for first use

2011-12-21 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 21 December 2011 at 12:29 Alex Peshkoff wrote:

> Writing batch file is not a problem.
> But I do not know why is it needed when all what you need is to
> gsec -add sysdba -pw %new_password%

Don't forget we are talking about windows users here :-) (g,d & r).

A lot of them will not even know there is a command-line.

Even then, one of the design goals of the installer is to install a fully 
working system from the installer itself. 

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] Initializing security database for first use

2011-12-21 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 21 December 2011 at 12:26 Alex Peshkoff wrote:

> Just one idea. May be not check box, but radio box with 3 choices 

That is a possibility. I think the final decision will depend partly on the 
architecture of innosetup and the logic of the order of the screens. 

> BTW, will the default be masterkey or masterke? That's different things
> now.

Are you saying that if the default is set to masterke and the user types 
masterkey that the login will fail? And the same with typing masterke when the 
password is masterkey?

If that is a case we might have some very confused users. At the moment I 
would suspect a majority type masterkey because it is the documented default 
*and* it is a meaningful word. And there is probably a large minority who 
think they are being clever by only typing eight letters because they know the 
ninth letter is ignored.

Paul Reeves
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[Firebird-devel] Fb3 and embedded

2012-06-06 Thread Paul Reeves

How does embedded work in FB3? 

I'm wondering because make_examples.bat fails unless fb3 is running. It would 
be nice to build the employee database using the newly built engine but I 
can't see how to do that at the moment.

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] Fb3 and embedded

2012-06-06 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 06 Jun 2012 16:48:40 Alex Peshkoff wrote:
>  On 06/06/12 14:43, Paul Reeves wrote:
> > How does embedded work in FB3?
> > 
> > I'm wondering because make_examples.bat fails unless fb3 is running. It
> > would be nice to build the employee database using the newly built
> > engine but I can't see how to do that at the moment.
> Paul, telling true I hardly understand why do you have such a problem.

No, I don't understand it either.

If firebird is not running I'm just getting 'unavaliable database' when 
empbuild tries to build employee.fdb.

Anyway, I'll run it through the debugger and see what happens.

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] Fb3 and embedded

2012-06-06 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 06 Jun 2012 15:35:13 Christian Waldmann wrote:
> I had to modify the make_examples.bat for version 2.5 to build the
> example database.
> In the following section, fbembed.dll must be copied,and not the
> fbclient as in repository stored.

Thanks for the reminder. Only problem is that fbembed.dll doesn't exist in Fb 
3.0 :-)

But that reminded me about Alex's earlier comment -  engine12.dll is needed 
but is not being found,even though the path is set.

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

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Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Fb3 and embedded

2012-06-06 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 06 Jun 2012 16:21:25 Paul Reeves wrote:
> But that reminded me about Alex's earlier comment -  engine12.dll is needed
> but is not being found,even though the path is set.

So, to summarize, I've got empbuild.exe to work by copying fbclient.dll to the 
empbuild dir, creating a plugins sub directory and copying engine12.dll to it. 

This seems a bit clumsy. make_examples.bat adds the newly built engine to the 
path. empbuild.exe can load fbclient.dll correctly but that fbclient does not 
seem to be able to load engine12 from the plugins dir underneath it. 

However, if the files are copied as I mentioned above it all works. (Ie, 
empbuild.exe builds empbuild.fdb.)

So, is this how embedded is meant to work on windows? All files must be 
physically located in the correct dir structure local to the executable?

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Fb3 and embedded

2012-06-06 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 06 Jun 2012 17:18:19 Paul Reeves wrote:

> However, if the files are copied as I mentioned above it all works. (Ie,
> empbuild.exe builds empbuild.fdb.)

Whoops, I meant to write empbuild.exe builds employee.fdb. empbuild.fdb 
already exists.

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] Fb3 and embedded

2012-06-07 Thread Paul Reeves
On Thursday 07 Jun 2012 12:10:57 Alex Peshkoff wrote:
> Can you try to set FIREBIRD in environment to where files 
> are built initially and check, does it help to find engine12.dll
> at original place?

Yes, that works! At least, my quick test shows it works. 

I'll clean things up and add it to the batch file and test more thoroughly.

Thanks,  Alex.

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Fb3 and embedded

2012-06-07 Thread Paul Reeves
On Thursday 07 Jun 2012 13:34:07 Alex Peshkoff wrote:
> Certainly setting environment in batch file is better than having
> running server, but ideally it should work without environment variable.
> Suppose FbRoot detection on windows should be checked.

Yes, it would be better if the env var was not necessary. 

But at least for now I can get on fixing the packaging for Fb 3 on windows.

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Conversion of CVS to Subversion

2012-07-15 Thread Paul Reeves
On Sunday 15 Jul 2012 12:30:23 Lester Caine wrote:
> Will Subversion actually add anything other than wasting time and requiring
> people to rewrok their end of things.

Rewrok? We should add that as a new word in the language - To spend time fixing 
things that worked fine before.  :-)

Anyway, for me, I've found subversion to be way quicker to checkout, so for 
Firebird that is a big plus but firebird is quite a large code base. OTOH, 
branches and tags work very differently to CVS. Basically in subversion a tag 
must be treated as just another branch as far as the end user is concerned, 
which was not obvious at the beginning.

Overall I haven't yet found a compelling need to move my local code from cvs, 
but if I did I think I would look at git before svn. Interesting that you 
prefer hg over git. Maybe I should have a look at that someday. 

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Missing SecurityDatabase in firebird.conf

2012-07-17 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 17 Jul 2012 10:58:37 Alex Peshkoff wrote:
>  On 06/21/12 11:33, Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
> > 21.06.2012 11:20, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
> >> Both places. A lot of firebird.conf parameters can be used in aliases in
> >> order to have different config per database.
> > 
> > Maybe we should think about renaming aliases.conf to something like
> > databases.conf to better reflect both its original (custom database
> > naming) and new (database specific configuration) semantics?
> Renaming has both pluses (mentioned by you) and minuses (people, who do
> not need per-DB config, but want to manage aliases, will find it as a
> minimum strange). For posix systems solution is trivial - add symlink.
> But no idea what to do with windows in that case.

Why not just include both files (if they exist), with the contents of 
databases.conf having precedence over aliases.conf? Obviously we can document 
aliases.conf as deprecated.

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Jaybird migration to Subversion completed

2012-08-05 Thread Paul Reeves
On Sunday 05 Aug 2012 17:59:07 Paul Vinkenoog wrote:
> Congratulations, Mark. It's always a relief when these precarious operations
> turn out right.

Seconded, and there is nothing quite like that cold sweat down the back when 
things go disastrously wrong :-) 

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support--
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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Restore improvements?

2012-09-11 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 11 Sep 2012 10:04:55 Thomas Steinmaurer wrote:
> In sum, according to trace: While the 75 page buffers restore took
> 601030ms, the 10 page buffers restore took 375253ms.

What's the restore time if, with SS, you just leave the buffers at the default 
of 2048? Or even set it to 10240? 

75 is way too low. I'm not even sure it makes sense as a default for classic 
these days if server is 64 bit.

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support--
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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Tips on debugging deadlocks ?

2012-10-16 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 16 Oct 2012 21:55:55 marius adrian popa wrote:
> Jiri needs some help in this area

I'm all for being concise but perhaps using an environment that isn't 
restricted to 140 characters might help :-)

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Firebird 3, time to rename conflict names ?

2012-11-17 Thread Paul Reeves
On Saturday 17 Nov 2012 09:21:22 marius adrian popa wrote:
> I agree on ubuntu i have isql-fb and is a lot faster to type than isql_fb

I guess it depends on the keyboard layout, too. 

Most important is to have a common and consistent prefix, I think. Especially 
in environments with tabbed command completion.

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] Firebird should listen on localhost only (secure by default)

2013-03-13 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 13 March 2013 15:40:28 marius adrian popa wrote:
> Here is how is my current config
> sudo netstat -tap | grep gds
> tcp0  0 localhost:gds_db*:*
> LISTEN  6955/fbserver
> /etc/firebird/2.5/firebird.conf
> RemoteBindAddress =
> also mysql is configured the same way from start
> sudo cat /etc/mysql/my.cnf | grep
> bind-address =
> ps:
> by default firebird in debian/ubuntu is listening on *.gds_db

What is the problem that this solves? 

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] Firebird new release is needed

2013-03-14 Thread Paul Reeves
On Thursday 14 March 2013 15:51:40 Stefan Heymann wrote:
> I don't know how your versions are organized. But for us users out
> there it would be difficult to distinguish Firebird by build numbers
> or, even worse, sub-build numbers.
> So the most honest and straightforward thing would be to call this
> 2.5.3 and everything that comes later will then be 2.5.4 and so on.

You make a good point. The only problem is that 2.5.3 has been available as a 
rolling snapshot release for a while now and a lot of fixes in the tracker 
are labelled as fixed in 2.5.3. So just releasing a patched 2.5.2 as 2.5.3 
will cause even more confusion. Sigh.

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] Firebird new release is needed

2013-03-14 Thread Paul Reeves
On Thursday 14 March 2013 17:07:15 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
> On 14/03/2013 12:55, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
> > The trouble of this solution is that many people use snapshot builds,
> > already named 2.5.3. And it has a number of other bugs fixed.
> Everything would be easier if we were using versions numbers in a more
> sane way.
> We do use two slots (say, 2.5) to actually represent major versions.

That seems like a recipe for version number hyper-inflation to me. In no time 
at all we will be into double figures for version numbers - perhaps even 
triple before the end of the decade! It can't be allowed - if nothing else 
firebird stands for prudent version numbering. We must resist this 
temptation - look where it got firefox.


Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] (Double) Metaphone?

2013-03-30 Thread Paul Reeves
On Saturday 30 March 2013 11:32:07 Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
> 30.03.2013 11:27, m. Th. wrote:
> > Do you actually read the source?
>No, I actually learn languages. So, I have no idea how to transliterate
> Russian "щ" or "ы" or Czech "ř".

Yes, my initial reaction is that there needs to be a way of loading the 
function according to the character set, otherwise it is limited to data 
stored in the latin alphabet. But the principal is good.

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] gsec-issues with FB3.0

2013-07-04 Thread Paul Reeves
On Thursday 04 July 2013 15:56:07 Thomas Beckmann wrote:
> gsec -database -user beckmann -password SomePwd
> GSEC> display
> Dynamic SQL Error
> SQL error code = -204
> Table unknown
> At line 1, column 129
> Very interesting...

Yes, very interesting.

I saw that error recently. I was trying to access gsec before I had added 
SYSDBA. Once SYSDBA was added and I managed to login correctly as SYSDBA (not 
easy) the message went away.

Presumably you have set AuthServer correctly? And restarted the server 

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

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Re: [Firebird-devel] gsec-issues with FB3.0

2013-07-15 Thread Paul Reeves
On Monday 15 July 2013 15:13:54 Alex Peshkoff wrote:
> Next question.
> What more reasons do we have (with mentioned changes done and fixed
> services code for -display switch) to use old security database format
> in default windows install?
> I want to ask to rollback installer changes and use SRP as default
> plugin in FB3 as it was initially designed.

One problem I found is that I couldn't log in to an FB3 server on windows from 
a linux fb2.5 client. How is that done without the legacy authentication?

The main reason I see for using the old security database format in the 
installer is to make it easy for our users to get started with FB3. The 
documentation is still incomplete and things don't always quite work. By 
keeping the old sysdba/masterkey login users should at least be able to get 

It is up for discussion as to whether it is the default click through option 
or not. Users are not against change, they just like to do it at their own 
pace. Hopefully the feedback we get during alpha/beta will help us make the 
right decision.

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] gsec-issues with FB3.0

2013-07-17 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 16 July 2013 15:17:49 Alex Peshkoff wrote:

> On 07/15/13 18:19, Paul Reeves wrote:
> > One problem I found is that I couldn't log in to an FB3 server on windows
> > from a linux fb2.5 client. How is that done without the legacy
> > authentication?
> No way. From any client <3.0 from any OS (not only linux).
> And this is by design. We have to make that step or we will always have
> to stay with that 8-byte passwords.

So we need to get the message across that using the old security means staying 
with 8-byte passwords, ie almost no security.

> Certainly in A1 security is not real goal :-)
> But let's have an exact plan - when do we start to use SRP by default?

My feeling is that we should support click-through install on windows with 
SYSDBA/masterkey for alpha and beta. And that from RC1 we disable that as a 
default (but users can choose the option if they wish.)

This plan should be clearly documented and we should listen to feedback. 

> On my mind ability to lower security level can't be available by default.
> Please also take into an account that using legacy plugin to
> authenticate breaks wire encryption.

That is another point that needs to be made clear - new security allows wire 

I know everything is more or less documented. I just have the feeling that the 
presentation needs to be improved so that (old) users can see at a glance 
what has changed and why they should change their old ways.

Paul Reeves
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[Firebird-devel] make packages and rpms

2013-10-21 Thread Paul Reeves

It looks as if make packages is broken (at least in 2.5). It just produces 
empty rpm packages. I've tested this under suse and redhat (centos 6.4) No 
error is produced but the resulting package is just 139K in size.

I've looked at the output and no error is thrown. Looking at rpmscript I can 
see this:


but as far as I can tell from the current rpm documentation that should be 


However when I run the script with that change I just get 

error: File not found by 

because there is nothing in that directory. Unfortunately I haven't been able 
to work out yet why nothing has been copied there. 

Without that change there is no error. And grepping BUILDROOT doesn't give me 
anything so I cannot tell when/where files should have been copied into 

Anyone got any ideas?

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

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Re: [Firebird-devel] make packages and rpms

2013-10-21 Thread Paul Reeves
On Monday 21 October 2013 12:44:04 Alex Peshkoff wrote:
> I always use
> # rpmbuild --version
> RPM version 4.1
> to build SF packages, I've rechecked B2_5_Release, it works for me.

Centos 6.4 has 

  RPM version 4.8.0

And opensuse 12.3 has

  RPM version 4.10.2

> After the build I have no files in RPM/BUILDROOT.

I think that is intentional - 

> May be you should
> ln -s gen/FirebirdCS- gen/RPM/BUILDROOT
> (but this is nothing than a guess)

That particular example didn't work. In fact, it ought to be more like:

  ln -s -f ../gen/FirebirdCS- \  

I add the the line here:

$(RPMFile) : $(GEN_ROOT)/install/rpmscript buildImageDir
ln -s -f ../gen/FirebirdCS- \
rpmbuild --define='_topdir 
/srv/firebird/fb25_private/firebird2/gen/RPM' \
-bb --target amd64 $(GEN_ROOT)/install/ rpmscript

I guess the symlink is successful but rpmbuild has other ideas. When it gets 
to %install in the spec file it does this:

Executing(%install): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.jWT9vQ
+ umask 022
+ cd /srv/firebird/fb25_private/firebird2/gen/RPM/BUILD
+ '[' 
 '!=' / ']'
rm -rf 

ie, it deletes the directory and re-creates it.

so I guess I need to dig around in the %install script.

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] make packages and rpms

2013-10-21 Thread Paul Reeves
On Monday 21 October 2013 14:20:29 Philippe Makowski wrote:
> yes, and by the way I don't really understand why you want to build
> these rpm

It is not for me :-)

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] isc_spb_sts_table tag

2013-12-18 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 18 December 2013 13:31:25 Alex Peshkoff wrote:
> In trunk I suggest to fix an issue - declare isc_spb_sts_table as
> parameter with string value (in fact just change it's code from hex to
> decimal) and appropriately fix services and  clumplet control (ough -
> SPB start format is crazy) code. In 2.X branches we IMHO can live w/o
> this service which was missing fir at least 13 years.

I agree. The option has limited value and there are plenty of other broken 
switches in the service manager. I tried making a list, but haven't got very 

One of the most useful of the broken switches would seem to be 

  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_get_config

And this doesn't seem to work either:

  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey action_get_fb_log

None of these work (Unknown switch) :


And there are other switches that don't work, but their usefulness in the 
firebird service manager is doubtful:


That is about as far as I got. I have looked a bit at the gbak/gfix 
equivalents and they mostly seem to work, but I haven't yet had a chance to 
do an exhaustive study.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] isc_spb_sts_table tag

2013-12-18 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 18 December 2013 13:31:25 Alex Peshkoff wrote:

> isc_spb_sts_record_versions and isc_spb_sts_nocreation may be backported
> without problems.

I forgot to add - that would be a +1 from me. 

Personally I think isc_spb_sts_record_versions ( the gstat -r switch ) should 
be automatically included in gstat -a.

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] isc_spb_sts_table tag

2013-12-18 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 18 December 2013 15:08:57 Mark Rotteveel wrote:
> Those items you list (with info_) need to go into an database information
> request-block, they do not work on their own.

Sorry, it is probably not clear from the context but I'm talking about calling 
fbsvcmgr. See this bug report for more details:

Alex knows what I'm talking about, which is how he discovered that the  
isc_spb_sts_table is broken.

So those info_ tags *should* work. (imo.)

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Re: [Firebird-devel] isc_spb_sts_table tag

2013-12-18 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 18 December 2013 15:44:58 Mark Rotteveel wrote:
> I don't think they should. Most of the isc_info_ items without svc in
> their name are part of the information request or response block (eg using
> isc_database_info()).


these all work...

  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_get_env
  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_get_env_lock
  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_get_env_msg
  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_version
  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_server_version
  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_implementation
  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_user_dbpath
  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_svr_db_info

These ought to work in exactly the same way...

  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_get_config
  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_limbo_trans
  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_timeout
  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_running
  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_capabilities
  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_get_users
  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_timeout

This should return something even if it is not very useful:

  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_get_license

This I accept should NOT work on its own:

  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_line

This I'm not sure about:

  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_stdin

But in all cases the ones that don't work throw an unknown switch error which 
is less than helpful. If the switch is a valid switch (which according to the 
documentation these are valid) then the error should indicate what is 
wrong - 'switch invalid in the current context', or 'parameter missing'.

Again this doesn't work either:

  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey action_get_fb_log

but it ought to. 

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

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Re: [Firebird-devel] isc_spb_sts_table tag

2013-12-18 Thread Paul Reeves

OK, on reading the README.fbsvcmgr these 

  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_get_config
  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey info_get_license

are clearly documented as not working. I don't mind. :-)

What I'm really trying to do is establish what does work, what is broken, and 
what is not meant to work so that it can be documented (and fixed, where 
relevant.) And also to provide some more examples. fbsvcmgr is quite neat - 
but it isn't well documented and working out how to use it requires a lot of 
trial and error. 

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] isc_spb_sts_table tag

2013-12-19 Thread Paul Reeves
On Thursday 19 December 2013 09:46:54 Mark Rotteveel wrote:
> Lets be cautious of changing things that do work, but are misunderstood.

I agree, of course,  but going back to how switches work with fbsvcmgr, this 
doesn't work either:

  fbsvcmgr service_mgr user sysdba password masterkey action_db_stats dbname \
employee sts_table command_line employee

As usual 'Unknown switch' is the error, no matter which order the switches are 
passed, so it seems as if both tags are currently broken in svcmgr.

Paul Reeves
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[Firebird-devel] fb3 access modes under windows

2014-01-29 Thread Paul Reeves

I was playing with the different access configurations for FB 3 in 
firebird.conf. (with Alpha2)

With this configuration:

SharedCache = true
SharedDatabase = true

and server installed as SS. (ie, instsvc i )

Access via localhost is denied:

C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_3_0>isql -user SYSDBA -password masterkey 
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 28000
Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator 
to set up a Firebird login.

Direct access produces this error:

C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_3_0>isql -user SYSDBA -password masterkey 
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 0A000
feature is not supported
-SharedDatabase and SharedCache settings cannot be both enabled at once

I got the same results after changing instsvc to use i -c (ie run as CS)

There seems to be two separate issues here:

 - The error thrown when accessing host:db seems erroneous. un/pw are defined 
and correct.

 - direct access throws 'feature not supported' despite the fact that the 
combination is clearly documented as legal in firebird.conf.

The reason I was trying this was to try and answer Pavel's question - how do 
you run SuperClassic under FB3 on Windows? AFAICT it is not possible. I don't 
mind - SuperClassic seems to share the worst features of SuperServer and 
ClassicServer, and we should officially deprecate in FB3 (imo.) But the 
questions will be asked - how can we run SC under FB3? and does it make any 

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] fb3 access modes under windows

2014-01-29 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 29 January 2014 15:03:02 Vlad Khorsun wrote:
> > But the questions will be asked - how can we run SC under FB3?
> Isn't it was explained when shared page cache was committed ? 

Possibly - but I don't think it has been fully documented since then. I'm just 
an ordinary clueless user who blunders about, reading as little documentation 
as possible, trying whatever combination that works. :-)

> Well, to run SuperClassic you should:
> a) set in firebird.conf
> SharedDatabase = true
> SharedCache = false
> and
> b) run listener in threaded mode
> firebird -m [-a]
> > and does it make any sense?

Yes, that works.

One of the problems here is that the -m switch needs to be documented better 
(there are other problems with the -m switch, but documentation is the 

Basically this:

 instsvc i

installs firebird to run with the -m switch

and this:

  instsvc i -c 

installs it to run without the -m switch. 

Subsequent behaviour then depends on the configuration of firebird.conf, but 
there is no mention in firebird.conf as to how the two SharedN switches 
interact with -m

So this line

# SharedCache  SharedDatabase  Mode
# falsetrueClassic with shared access // traditional CS/SC

is entirely dependant upon the -m switch, or lack of it to launch either CS or 

I guess what we really need is to document in firebird.conf how the -m switch 
affects the other two settings. There would seem to be a total of eight 

Perhaps we need something like this:

# SharedCache SharedDatabase -m   Mode
# false   false   -   CS single attach only
# false   false   *   
# false   true-   Classic with shared access
# false   true*   SuperClassic with shared access 
# truefalse   -   ?
# truefalse   *   Super with exclusive access
# truetrue-   Super with shared access - illegal in A2 :-)
# truetrue    *   Super with shared access - also illegal

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] fb3 access modes under windows

2014-01-29 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 29 January 2014 17:20:16 Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
> 29.01.2014 18:37, Paul Reeves wrote:
> > I guess what we really need is to document in firebird.conf how the -m
> > switch affects the other two settings. There would seem to be a total of
> > eight combinations.
> Lack of -m switch along with SharedDatabase = false means that only the
> first connection will be able to open the database.

OK, that makes sense.

> > # SharedCache SharedDatabase -m   Mode
> > # false   false   *   
> SC single attach only

Interesting. Does that differ internally from 

> > # truefalse   -   ?
> SS single attach only

I'm mainly concerned here that we document the combinations correctly and 
explain what the advantages and disadvantages are of each one.

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] fb3 access modes under windows

2014-01-30 Thread Paul Reeves
On Thursday 30 January 2014 09:56:50 Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
> We introduce a separate (very thin) fblistener.exe (fbremote or
> whatever) binary that acts similar to xinetd on posix. 

Or maybe we have finally found a reason to keep the guardian ? (At least on 

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

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Re: [Firebird-devel] fb3 access modes under windows

2014-01-30 Thread Paul Reeves
On Thursday 30 January 2014 10:43:49 Vlad Khorsun wrote:
> Generally speaking, i don't like to introduce new listener. Instead, i
> would think - if it is possible to make single common listener
> (firebird.exe\.so) to read (per-database) configuration and derive
> process\threaded mode from there.

Yes, that would be my preference. No -m switch and remove SharedN options 
from fb.conf. Users would be able to set default SS or CS at server level and 
override at database level with SS, CS or exclusive single-user attachment.

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Created: (CORE-4336) Firebird.msg is not installed with client

2014-02-13 Thread Paul Reeves
On Thursday 13 February 2014 16:39:41 Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
> 13.02.2014 9:19, Vlad Khorsun wrote:
> >  Please, provide real sample of the task you can't solve using
> > existing facilities and we will think how to improve it.
>As I wrote in ticket: fbclient.dll installed into system directory
> produces unreadable error messages because of absence firebird.msg nearby.
>Firebird installer provides no way to make client library available for
> loading by LoadLibrary() without full path AND keep error messages produces
> by it readable WITHOUT breaking up any other existing Firebird
> installation.

Have you tried setting FIREBIRD_MSG?

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] Created: (CORE-4336) Firebird.msg is not installed with client

2014-02-13 Thread Paul Reeves
On Thursday 13 February 2014 17:06:32 Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
> 13.02.2014 16:48, Paul Reeves wrote:
> > Have you tried setting FIREBIRD_MSG?
>Do you mean from my application before calling LoadLibrary()? 


>No. I have no idea what value I would have to assign to it.

I'm still not quite sure what the actual real world problem is that you are 
trying to solve, but if it is a problem I would solve it by shipping a copy 
of firebird.msg with the application. Then if it proves impossible to locate 
the installed copy of firebird.msg I would set the env var. to the one 
shipped with my application.

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] Update ICU in Windows

2014-02-14 Thread Paul Reeves
On Friday 14 February 2014 18:24:40 Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
> 14.02.2014 18:16, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
> > If not, build will not be simple and may need extra download.
>It already needs extra downloads: unixtools, Inno Setup, Visual Studio.

This is not strictly true.

Obviously a compiler is needed for the build and microsoft don't supply those 
with the O/S, but neither unixtools nor Inno Setup are necessary to build 
firebord. They are only used for packaging.

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Update ICU in Windows

2014-02-17 Thread Paul Reeves
On Monday 17 February 2014 09:38:44 Alex Peshkoff wrote:
> On 02/15/14 11:45, Paul Reeves wrote:
> > On Friday 14 February 2014 18:24:40 Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
> >> 14.02.2014 18:16, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
> >>> If not, build will not be simple and may need extra download.
> >>
> >> It already needs extra downloads: unixtools, Inno Setup, Visual
> >> Studio.
> >
> > This is not strictly true.
> >
> > Obviously a compiler is needed for the build and microsoft don't supply
> > those with the O/S, but neither unixtools nor Inno Setup are necessary to
> > build firebord. They are only used for packaging.
> Previously sed was needed to build ibase.h. Did it change?

ibase.h is concatenated from several internal header files during the build 
stage so the resulting file has the license interspersed several times in the 
final output. Sed is run during the packaging stage and produces a file with 
a single license at the start.

The file produced in the build stage is usable but the packaged version is 
just, well, packaged more nicely. :-)

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

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Re: [Firebird-devel] ICU Data table customization

2014-02-19 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 19 February 2014 16:19:22 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:

> With new ICU, I tried to remove most of charsets (we use one from it)
> and the data we don't use (say, currency, etc). I left all collations
> variants in it. Size is around 5 MB and 1,5 MB zipped.
> Is this acceptable?

I don't see any practical alternative. Theoretically we could offer different 
packages. I would guess that most users only use a small subset of the 
available characters, but breaking that down into, say, english, western 
european, easter european, etc would seem to be a lot of work, and difficult 
to maintain.

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] ICU Data table customization

2014-02-19 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 19 February 2014 16:23:44 Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:

>As said Aleksey Kovazin, Internet traffic today is cheap. Why to care
> about size and strip anything?..

Just because we can doesn't mean we should. :-)

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] MySQL versus Firebird

2014-03-11 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 11 March 2014 08:27:20 Vlad Khorsun wrote:
> >I needed comments from developers also
> Then post links to working sites ;) I can't access it whole yesterday
> and today nothing changed.

It worked first thing in the morning when I checked it yesterday. Obviously 
the massive interest from firebird devs has overwhelmed the site. 

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] static for android

2014-03-25 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 25 March 2014 14:42:25 Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:

>Concurrent access to the same DB from several apps is hardly needed on
> mobile devices.

OTOH, mobile devices are increasingly using multi-core CPUs, have lots of ram 
and available storage and are capable of much more than showing cat videos. 
We need to move on from this idea that they are inferior in some way. If 
anything they are the future of computing.

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

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Re: [Firebird-devel] C++ and the API

2014-07-15 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 15 July 2014 15:41:59 Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
> 15.07.2014 17:29, Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
> >> The criticism of the old API in the release notes appears valid
> >
> > There is no release notes yet
> This one is surely a phantom:

The document may not be a phantom but that web server is. I can get to

but all but one of the folders underneath seem to be inaccessible :-(

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Re: [Firebird-devel] New Interface

2014-08-14 Thread Paul Reeves
On Thursday 14 August 2014 13:28:33 Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
> 14.08.2014 11:34, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
> > HP C/aC++ Version A.06.26
>Alpha version?..

More to the point - Itanium?

An ARM-based test would be useful.

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Using Firebird 3, beta 1 - installer report

2014-10-27 Thread Paul Reeves

Just a few quick comments...

 o The bottom line here is that multiple instances are not supported by the 
installer and never have been. You have to do that manually. You could file a 
bug report/feature request to add this perhaps but the aim with the installer 
has always been to keep it as simple as possible.

 o Also, this is not an official build of the installer. I haven't looked at 
it yet, but I anticipate that there will be changes to the installer before 
Beta 1 is officially released.

 o The installer has always been designed to not screw up a users system. 
Hence the refusal to install two versions of Fb side by side. Enabling this 
would add a lot of complexity. Hence if an existing instance of firebird is 
installed or if it can detect a running instance it will bail.

 o It is or was documented somewhere once that uninstalling firebird that has 
been manually configured to be different to the original default installation 
will not work correctly - the scenario here might be to install SS and later 
manually install CS for example. Or if you change port for example - how 
could the installer know? Should it walk 65K ports and test for a listener? 
Or just the range 3050-3060? Or what?

 o There has been no discussion that I know of to include drivers in the 
official installer. There are arguments for and against and there is also the 
issue of support and integration into the installer. Maybe if someone wants 
to discuss they could start a new thread on this list.

 o Some files are meant to be left over after an uninstall. This is documented 
and enables users to keep configuration settings etc. There is a /CLEAN 
switch to really delete all files. And a /HELP switch is also available on 
the command-line.

 o Not sure about the read-only files and the .url files. They maybe O/S 
specific. There is still work to be done in the layout of the installer. We 
don't really conform to MS installation guidelines but doing so may require 
placing some files in different file hierarchies. There is a lot to be said 
for keeping everything in one place, but it does mean that we are writing to 
files such as the log and the security database and these should not be 
in %ProgramFiles% and this should be a read-only directory.

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] Multiple instances under windows (was Re: Using Firebird 3, beta 1 - installer report)

2014-10-27 Thread Paul Reeves

Obviously it is possible to add support for multiple installs, although it 
does add complexity to the installer and we don't really have a way at the 
moment to deal with uninstallation because we don't have a mechanism in place 
to track what instances of firebird are running on which ports. I recall 
discussing some of this with Dmitry a while back and we started going in 
circles and failed to find an exit point.

Another issue with multiple installs is that we would need to update the gui 
to maintain the installs. The cpl applet is currently only designed to 
support a single installation. It needs some work to make it compatible with 
v3 and I want to do that between now and Beta2. And I'd like to at least 
evaluate the possibility of it supporting multiple installs, even if not in 
the short term. However, something like that could probably be slipped in 
during RC stage, or in a maintenance release as long as it didn't impact on 
server functionality.

There is also the fact that we can't easily track Firebird running as an app. 
And neither the task bar icons nor the dialogue indicates anything about the 
port or the architecture the fb app is using. So work would be needed there, 

Add to that issues such as environment variables and the fact that firebird 
previously had trouble locating itself (its rules meant it sometimes either 
can't find firebird.msg for example, or finds the wrong one.)

None of this is impossible to fix but it has never bubbled to the top of 
the 'must do' list and as you can see, adding support in the installer is 
only a part of the problem. Thankfully a lot of the work in Fb 3 will make 
multiple and shared installs easier but I suspect that a proper solution must 
wait till v4. (Which doesn't mean to say that progress cannot be made in the 

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Multiple instances under windows (was Re: UsingFirebird 3, beta 1 - installer report)

2014-10-27 Thread Paul Reeves
On Monday 27 October 2014 17:28:27 Martijn Tonies (Upscene Productions) wrote:
> I know next to nothing about Firebird engine development, but at least
> in Windows, many applications set a mutex (or other shared structure)
> that's being checked against in the Uninstaller (like InnoSetup can do
> automagically for you, Database Workbench is detected as running,
> for example).

Sure, but that mutex is currently hard-coded at compile time. What you are 
suggesting is that InstanceN sets a mutex to distinguish it from Instance0. 
That might work but I'm not sure that InnoSetup supports it (although it can 
do pretty much anything.) I'm also not sure if that would solve the problem.

> What is - currently - the reason to keep supporting the cpl applet? Does it
> do anything more than just starting/stopping the service?

It has always allowed switching the guardian on and off, as well as switching 
between running as an app or a service. But if we supported multiple 
instances then the cpl applet would have to support it. And it ought, also, 
support switching between architectures. But I agree in its current format it 
is not so useful. ( And neither is the dialogue we have for fb running as an 
app. :-( ). I've always hoped that the project might attract developers who 
have some skills in building simple native gui apps. Although maintenance is 
slightly harder they are far more lightweight in comparison to having to 
create cross-platform gui's that require shipping runtime libraries that are 
larger than firebird itself.

> > There is also the fact that we can't easily track Firebird running as an
> > app. And neither the task bar icons nor the dialogue indicates anything
> > about the port or the architecture the fb app is using. So work would be
> > needed there, too.
> Are you sure? On the development machine that I used to install Fb 3.0,
> there were two instances running, both as an application instead of a
> service, and the installer responded saying there's an existing server
> running.

The installer checks for fb running on port 3050. I'm not sure if it checks 
for an instance in the process list. It does what it can and is quite 
thorough but it can only check for what it knows about or can reasonably 
guess. If you install fb as a service and then start an instance of fb as an 
app on port 3051 there is no way that the installer will detect that 
instance. And if the service is not running and it detects that you are 
installing over an existing v3 install it will assume you are doing an 
in-place upgrade. I'll look into that a bit more.

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Multiple instances under windows (was Re:UsingFirebird 3, beta 1 - installer report)

2014-10-28 Thread Paul Reeves

I was thinking about this in the early hours of the morning (as you do), and 
it struck me that it is a while since I actually examined the code for the 
installer. It doesn't check any ports for firebird and uses various 
techniques to search for an active server, as well as looking for known 
binaries in known locations. It is not perfect but it does the best it can. 
Anyway, as I said, I'll review the code today and see if it can be improved.

It also struck me that support for multiple installs in the installer may just 
never be possible. There is a lot of work involved at different levels. And 
it is even worse on linux. There, we are planning to move towards 
distro-specific packages and afaict, multiple installs are just not possible 
at the moment. I know I've had to do it manually. I don't know what the 
situation is on other platforms such as the mac. 

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Multiple instances under windows (was Re: UsingFirebird 3, beta 1 - installer report)

2014-10-28 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 28 October 2014 09:42:45 Martijn Tonies (Upscene Productions) 
> Hi Dmitry,
> >> It would be nice to be able to easily control the instances from a small
> >> application.
> >
> >What's wrong with the Windows Service Manager? ;-)
> I was thinking more of configuration options without having to go through
> the config files. ;)

Yep, that is what I'm thinking about, too.

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Multiple instances under windows (was Re:UsingFirebird 3, beta 1 - installer report)

2014-10-28 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 28 October 2014 10:37:21 Michal Kubecek wrote about multiple 
installs under linux:
> Multiple installations would be tricky indeed. On the other hand, having
> multiple instances of one installed version is quite easy and we also
> have lightweight virtualization techniques like LXC containers which
> could be used for multiple installations. So I'm not sure if this is
> really limiting.

Yes, I think containers might be a much better solution to this problem.

> Just an idea... how about going in the opposite direction and providing
> something like Apache (IP based) virtual servers? By allowing to bind
> part of the configuration (e.g. DatabaseAccess, ExternalFileAccess,
> aliases, ...) to a combination of address and port (or other form of
> local socket address), Firebird could pose as multiple virtual database
> servers. It wouldn't help with multiple versions or combination of
> superserver and classic but it could make handling some of the shared
> setups easier.

I like that idea. I think it is possible, just by setting the $FIREBIRD 
variable for each instance - the server will look there for things like 
fb.conf etc. And there are also vars for placing the lock manager and message 
file. Something else to add to the 'to do list when I have some spare time'.

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Multiple instances under windows (was Re:UsingFirebird 3, beta 1 - installer report)

2014-10-28 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 28 October 2014 12:18:06 Alex Peshkoff wrote:

> I'm not sure how hard to implement is windows solution but I do not see
> too big problems with linux. Specially when linux world will be ready to
> keep the one and only one way to start server - systemd.

Systemd? It seems to me that systemd is becoming the most divisive subject in 
the world of linux at the moment. Still, this is probably not a good forum 
for that discussion.

> >> There, we are
> >> planning to move towards distro-specific packages and afaict, multiple
> >> installs are just not possible at the moment.
> Both mentioned "facts" are new for me.
> Why should _we_ move towards distro-specific packages? 

Sorry - what I meant was that the project is no longer going to supply 
binaries for linux and users should get them from their distro. 

> Next, why do you say that multiple installs are not possible? We are
> missing shell script automating procedure, but it does not mean that
> manual multiinstancing is not possible. 

Yes, but I'm not sure how I would go about it on opensuse, for example. When I 
needed to do it recently I just installed the tarball a couple of times. 
(This was with 2.5).

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] FB 3.0 Beta 1

2014-12-08 Thread Paul Reeves
On Monday 08 December 2014 09:04:16 Werner wrote:
> I would like to start testing FB 3.
> Does the installer allow installation side by side with FB 2.5?

Not really. The installer has never been designed to support anything more 
than simple use cases.

You can run the installer but you will have to configure firebird 3 manually 
if you want to keep an existing firebird installation.

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] FB 3.0 Beta 1

2014-12-08 Thread Paul Reeves
On Monday 08 December 2014 15:43:30 Werner wrote:
> On 12/8/2014 9:28, Paul Reeves wrote:
> > On Monday 08 December 2014 09:04:16 Werner wrote:
> >> I would like to start testing FB 3.
> >>
> >> Does the installer allow installation side by side with FB 2.5?
> >
> > Not really. The installer has never been designed to support anything
> > more than simple use cases.
> >
> > You can run the installer but you will have to configure firebird 3
> > manually if you want to keep an existing firebird installation.
> Is there some doc/check list on what to do to ensure that I don't step
> in any way onto my FB 2.5 install.
> IIRC there was something for 1.5 and 2.x but I can't find it.

The installer will warn you if you try and install into an existing directory. 
And it will also warn you that because it has found an existing version of 
firebird installed, it will not configure the new version to run. You will 
have to do everything manually:

o type instsvc.exe at a command prompt to see how to configure fb to run 
  under a different service name

o or run fb3 as an application with the -a switch 
 (and don't forget the -m switch.)

o check the section at the end of firebird.conf for the different ways 
  of configuring the firebird server architecture

o update the listening port to something other than 3050

o perhaps update the security db. (Lots of fun to be had there.)

o Read the release notes carefully.

That should get you up and testing.

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

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Re: [Firebird-devel] FB 3.0 Beta - How to intialize security db

2014-12-10 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 10 December 2014 09:51:16 Alex Peshkoff wrote:
> On 12/10/14 11:29, Werner wrote:
> > On 12/10/2014 9:15, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
> >> On 12/09/14 19:21, Werner wrote:
> >> ...
> >> Looks like server can not find/access security database, may be it
> >> locates firebird root folder incorrectly.
> >> Is there firebird info in your host's registry?
> >
> > That is probably it, only have 2.5 entries in my registry.
> >
> > Want to run 3.0 only as '-a -m' for the moment for testing.
> >
> > How can I create the entries?
> You should remove entries for 2.5.

Although that would break the working 2.5 install. 

Werner's intention is/was to test fb3 while keeping the 2.5 install running. I 
think the problems he has found indicate that goal is perhaps a bit 

I would suggest one of two ways forward:

 o uninstalling fb2.5 and then use the fb3 installer to install fb3.
   the installer/uninstaller is designed to leave the user configuration
   intact so that you can easily re-install without losing anything. It is 
   not ideal but at least it would create a working system and switching
   between the two just requires an uninstall/install.

 o Give up on trying to test fb3 on the same box as fb2.5. VMs are cheap
   and easy to set up.

I'm sure we will resolve the problems with running fb3 simultaneously with 
earlier versions but that is not a task that someone new to fb3 should be 
taking on.

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] Fixing database to use it with changed ICU version.

2014-12-11 Thread Paul Reeves
On Thursday 11 December 2014 17:07:50 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
> On 11/12/2014 13:42, Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
> > 11.12.2014 18:32, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
> >> Copy back and forth and rebuilding indexes every time?
> >
> > A database created with incompatible (at least different) ICU version
> > simply cannot be accessed on the other host. This was my experience with
> > FB3 before Beta. I had to ask for a backup instead and then restore.
> If you do nothing, that is what you get.
> I'm just telling that downloading an official ICU build and put in your
> Firebird directory is easy and is a better long term solution than need
> to fix all your databases everytime you need to transfer them from
> another hosts.

That procedure should be documented (ie, where to find them and how to do it) 
and even marked as the recommended solution, but it is not always practical 
or desirable or even possible to do that. I think an option to reset the 
database via gfix would still be useful.

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] Examples broken in Windows

2015-01-27 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 27 January 2015 16:23:38 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
> Hi!
> Are the examples broken in all Windows builds?

Yes would be the short answer. 

> I'm trying win32 msvc12 build and, for example, it don't locate
> fbclient.lib, so it's not a thing recently changed.

fbclient.lib was derived from the name of the .lib generated by the borland 
compiler. Try fbclient_ms.lib.

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] Windows build

2015-01-29 Thread Paul Reeves
On Thursday 29 January 2015 16:06:12 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
> Hi!
> That always worked as this, but now with much more DLLs and conf files,
> I should ask...
> Do you still need to do manual steps to have a working debug/build
> environment in Windows?
> I mean, make_boot/make_all copy files to output_ but IDE run files
> from temp\\\firebird...
> Do any of you have non-committed script that do the things or I'm
> missing something?

run_all.bat perhaps?

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] Commits visible in our main page.

2015-03-10 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 10 March 2015 11:57:49 Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
> 10.03.2015 10:36, marius adrian popa wrote:
> > My hope is that in the future to move all the repositories to github/git
>BTW, is it possible with GIT to have a single local copy of a repository
> but several working directories for different branches? Or I have to have
> several copies of repository on my HDD to work with, say, FB 2.5 and 3.0 at
> the same time?

AFAIK, you just need the one copy. You can switch views as much as you want. 
But it is very confusing, at least to my feeble brain, although I haven't 
done much work using git as a repository, so maybe it is just lack of 

The other thing I've noticed is that git doesn't seem to do file timestamps 
properly - everything is marked with checkout time, not commit time. This is 
supposedly by design, but scores a -10 in my book. For me at least this is a 
showstopper. I don't want to have to use a repository viewer to know the date 
a file was last committed - I just want to see it in the file browser.

When I get a moment I'm going to look at mercurial which seems to do more or 
less the same as git but marks files with the committed timestamp. 

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

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by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your hub for all
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Re: [Firebird-devel] Commits visible in our main page.

2015-03-10 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 10 March 2015 12:24:03 Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
> 10.03.2015 12:12, Paul Reeves wrote:
> > AFAIK, you just need the one copy. You can switch views as much as you
> > want.
>So, if I want to have "clean" Firebird copy, "modified" copy and "deeply
> reworked" copy synchronized between main repository and themselves, git is
> definitely not a VCS I need.

Actually, I think that is exactly what git is meant to allow you to do - keep 
everything you are working on, as well as the committed, public stuff, all in 
the same place. But as I say, initially it is quite confusing when you are 
used to working with multiple checkouts in different trees.

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] ANN: BenchmarkSQL

2015-03-12 Thread Paul Reeves

On Thursday 12 March 2015 10:25:49 Roman Simakov wrote:
> Hello!
> I've ported BenchmarkSQL for Firebird. It's TPC-C test working via
> JDBC and support PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2 and now Firebird.
> I could run it locally and maybe it could be useful to know where we
> are comparing to other DBMSs.
> Please share you investigations.

I've done a lot of work with BenchmarkSQL although not with v4. But as AFAICT 
it is largely a refactoring of v2.3 with log4j added, plus the ability to run 
from the command line rather than from the gui. These are nice changes but 
don't deal with the fundamental problems. 

Overall I've had to make quite a few changes to turn it into a useful Firebird 
benchmarking tool. Unfortunately the refactoring since 2.3 is so great that 
it is almost impossible to compare my version with the current one. I've 
mainly reworked it to remove all the lock contention. Some of this contention  
exists partly by design in the tpc-c spec, but some of it is also due to a 
misunderstanding of the spec by the original developer. (The BenchmarkSQL 
guys were not the original developers of the java implementation.)

It is interesting that you have worked with JayBird 2.2.n. In my experience it 
locks up under heavy contention when the terminals try to close down at the 
end of a session. 2.1.6 doesn't do that. I'm not too sure how to reproduce 
the problem but as 2.1.6 has always worked for me I've not had the time to 
study why later versions of JayBird don't work for me.

Still, it is good that you have put this under version control - the source 
has always been available from the sourceforge project, but never in CVS or 
SVN. By the time I was ready to give them my changes the code had been 
refactored and as there was no CVS tree there wasn't really anywhere for me 
to send them.

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] ANN: BenchmarkSQL

2015-03-12 Thread Paul Reeves
On Thursday 12 March 2015 12:31:01 James Starkey wrote:
> I wouldn't get excited about TPCC / DBT2 either way. It's a remarkably 
> stupid benchmark designed to show that partioning is the only way to go.
> It is full of idiotic assumption and horrible technology.  

This is all very true. And it doesn't even exercise the hardware very much. 

OTOH, this java implementation is quite neat - it is more or less 
cross-platform out of the box (I praise the architects of JDBC on an almost 
daily basis.) And it has been, for me at least, a good starting point to 
develop a test harness. 

> It assumes, for 
> example, that everything a customer orders can be serviced from a single
> warehouse so it assign order ids by updating a warehouse record.  

And it updates the year to date sales for each warehouse and each district 
after every new order. Absolutely insane when txns last a few milliseconds. 
The value as management information would be useless just a second later. But 
the contention caused is massive. I started out with this benchmark because I 
wanted to model firebird under heavy load and had to make a lot of changes to 
allow that to happen. Pretty much all the r/w workloads have contention 
problems that are built into the spec. Overall the spec is a fine example of 
how not to design a database application.

> That, of 
> course, causes a high contention hot spot, the problem that I invented
> generators (sequences) to get around a quarter century ago and was part of
> the SQL standard before TPCC was designed. Using sequences will have a huge
> effect on performance but will violate the terms of the benchmark.

And once sequences are used comparisons with other RDBMS become useless, 
unless they modify their behaviour to use sequences.

> If you go that route, use of the term TPC-C violates the terms of the
> Transaction Processing Council's trademark which requires an independent
> audit.  So use the open source alternative, DBT2.

Thanks for the correction - I must get into the habit of calling it DBT2. 

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

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by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your hub for all
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Re: [Firebird-devel] ANN: BenchmarkSQL

2015-03-12 Thread Paul Reeves
On Thursday 12 March 2015 12:22:49 Roman Simakov wrote:
> I make changes in a couple of places. I rerun query in case of
> deadlock and there was a problem in generating IDs. I guess it's
> visible in changes.

I tried all sorts of things to deal with lock contention but ultimately the 
only real solution is to remove the underlying problems by re-writing the 
spec. :-) Otherwise you are stuck with measuring, say, 10 concurrent users. 
Tat is fine up to a point but I wanted something that could respond to 
questions such as 'What happens as we add more users?' or 'How does database 
size impact on performance?' and so on. 

> I'm also not so familar with Java but test looks working to me. I hope
> it quite usable and I consider any suggestions or questions about it.

The test certainly works - but the results are not too useful, imo.

> I did not fork original sources. I forked from another fork on github.
> That developer had the same problem. He could not add DB2 support. 

Sigh! When I last looked I found at least four java based tpc-c benchmark 
projects. All of them are derived from the same original implementation. If
you google some of the exceptions that are raised you will find them pretty 
quickly. Some of the exception messages just don't make any sense in the 
context of the exception that is being raised and yet every version of the 
benchmark repeats the same misunderstanding. It is quite funny really how 
many people have latched onto this program, found it 'just works' and made a 
few modifications to it thinking they have a useful benchmarking application. 

I must admit I was suckered by this myself. I spent a lot of time twiddling 
with it before I finally sat down and compared the specification to the 
implementation. Basically between the flaws in the specification and the 
mistakes in the implementation I have concluded that it really isn't fit for 
purpose in the format that you have been using. Whether my changes have 
improved it sufficiently is another matter. I guess it is time for me to see 
if I can get it out of my private CVS tree and put it on github. Then we can 
take a look at this subject in more detail.

Paul Reeves
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by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your hub for all
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conversation now.
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Re: [Firebird-devel] ANN: BenchmarkSQL

2015-03-12 Thread Paul Reeves
On Thursday 12 March 2015 13:39:20 Roman Simakov wrote:
> 2015-03-12 15:19 GMT+03:00 Paul Reeves :
> > It is quite funny really how
> > many people have latched onto this program, found it 'just works' and
> > made a few modifications to it thinking they have a useful benchmarking
> > application.
> This program generates a stream of queries to server and measures some
> performance. It may loss some specification requirements, have a lot
> of problems, etc. Anyway this program allows you to compare how one
> DBMS server process stream of queries comparing to another DBMS server
> which process the same stream of queries genereted by the same program
> via the same JDBC interface. From this POV it's useful benchmarking
> application.

Yes indeed.

I hope I don't sound too critical - I think the work that the original 
developers have done on this is great, and java is an ideal language for this 
sort of benchmark. I would never have started a project like this myself. 
Understanding the tpc-c spec is one thing, but implementing it something else 
altogether. I've learnt a lot from it, but as a general benchmark I found it 
needed a lot of work. So I have found it a good starting point for what I 
wanted to do and could never have done it otherwise.

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

Dive into the World of Parallel Programming The Go Parallel Website, sponsored
by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your hub for all
things parallel software development, from weekly thought leadership blogs to
news, videos, case studies, tutorials and more. Take a look and join the 
conversation now.
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[Firebird-devel] employee db build broken

2015-06-24 Thread Paul Reeves

The 64-bit windows build of the employee db is broken.

Running  make_examples.bat produces this:

Building employee.fdb
creating database V:/FB30/dev_tree/firebird3/gen/examples/employee.fdb
Turning forced writes off
Creating tables
Turning  off indices and triggers
Loading  column data
Turning  on indices and triggers
Loading Language blobs
arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation
-string right truncation
-expected length 15, actual 60
Loading Job blobs
invalid transaction handle (expecting explicit transaction start)
Loading project blobs
invalid transaction handle (expecting explicit transaction start)
Loading quarter arrays
invalid transaction handle (expecting explicit transaction start)

at which point the build hangs. 

Everything is fine in 32-bit land :-)

There haven't been any recent changes to either empbuild.e or 

empbuild.e has these declarations:

  TEXT job_code[6], job_country[16];

which are transformed to this in empbuild.c

  isc_vtov ((char*) job_code, (char*) isc_36.isc_39, 21);
  isc_vtov ((char*) job_country, (char*) isc_36.isc_40, 61);

Previously, in beta 1 we saw this in empbuild.c:

  isc_vtov ((char*) job_code, (char*) isc_36.isc_40, 6);
  isc_vtov ((char*) job_country, (char*) isc_36.isc_37, 16);

Paul Reeves
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Re: [Firebird-devel] employee db build broken

2015-06-24 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 24 June 2015 17:16:23 Alex Peshkoff wrote:
> > On 06/24/2015 05:56 PM, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
> >> What I see constantly is this segfault:
> >>
> >> Segmentation fault
> >> Couldn't turn forced writes off
> Segfault in gfix I can't confirm - examples build runs without problems
> for me (checkout and build 20 minutes ago).

No such luck for me :-(

I just did a fresh checkout and the Win64 build still fails with the same 
errors I reported earlier.

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

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Re: [Firebird-devel] employee db build broken

2015-06-25 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 24 June 2015 19:22:15 Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
> On 24/06/2015 13:42, Paul Reeves wrote:
> > No such luck for me :-(
> >
> > I just did a fresh checkout and the Win64 build still fails with the same
> > errors I reported earlier.
> Please try to remove "-r" from gpre calls in make_examples.bat.

No, that didn't work either. The employee.c generated is different, obviously, 
but the not in the part that is failing. 

I'll do a 32-bit build and compare.

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

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Re: [Firebird-devel] employee db build broken

2015-06-25 Thread Paul Reeves
On Thursday 25 June 2015 10:56:24 Paul Reeves wrote:
> I'll do a 32-bit build and compare.

OK, it doesn't look as if gpre is the problem. The employee.c generated is 
identical on 32 and 64-bit. So it must be related to the database that was 
created. I'll do some more digging.

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

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Re: [Firebird-devel] employee db build broken

2015-07-01 Thread Paul Reeves
On Wednesday 01 July 2015 11:34:08 Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
> 24.06.2015 11:50, Paul Reeves wrote:
> > The 64-bit windows build of the employee db is broken.
> Can you confirm that the issue is gone now?

Yes. Adriano supplied a fix and tagged it for Beta 2. I've checked that 
make_examples.bat builds correctly now for Win64.

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

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Re: [Firebird-devel] windows installer and authentication

2015-07-13 Thread Paul Reeves
On Monday 13 July 2015 13:33:48 Alex Peshkoff wrote:
> Windows installer still suggests as a default to provide legacy
> authentication. For how long do we keep insecure choice as a default? 

That is a very good question.

In my opinion it should be the default for v3.0, and clearly marked as 
deprecated and it will not be the default for 3.n.

I think we need to give people time to look at how the new security methods 
work. For example

> Well, I've unchecked it and continued installation. And found no sysdba
> user after successful (no error messages) completion of install process.

Obviously I am missing something huge here - if we don't provide legacy 
authentication how and where do we create sysdba?

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

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Re: [Firebird-devel] windows installer and authentication

2015-07-14 Thread Paul Reeves
On Tuesday 14 July 2015 19:00:59 Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
> 13.07.2015 16:07, Paul Reeves wrote:
> > Obviously I am missing something huge here - if we don't provide legacy
> > authentication how and where do we create sysdba?
> The same way (gsec?) and the same location (security3.fdb). Just use the
> Srp plugin instead of LegacyAuth.

Ah! Thanks Dmitry. Obviously I had it fixed in my mind that legacy auth and 
security3.fdb were inseparable. I'll fix that for the installer.

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

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[Firebird-devel] Parsing fbtrace.conf

2015-07-28 Thread Paul Reeves

I managed to accidentally create this pseudo config file today:

 enabled false
 blah blah

 enabled true
 blah blah

and was very surprised to find no trace output for mydb. After a lot of head 
scratching I finally worked it out. It looks as if the parser stops on the 
first match of mydb, rather than continuing to the end. So the question is - 
is this by design or is it a bug ?

Of course, there is another related question - what is the correct behaviour? 
I know a lot of config file parsers are written to parse to the end and 
whichever values are set last are the values used. For example postfix is 
specifically designed to allow this:

  myparam = x
  < snip lots of config >
  myparam = y

and the final value used for myparam will be y.

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] fbtrace, icu and linux

2015-07-29 Thread Paul Reeves

I was looking into an fbtrace manager problem yesterday and came across a 
problem on the opensuse packaged version of firebird 2.5.4 that is built with 
system editline and system icu. These errors are thrown:

  Firebird Trace utility version LI-V2.5.4.26856 Firebird 2.5
  Trace session ID 15 started
  Error creating trace session for
   database "/var/lib/firebird/secdb/security2.fdb":
  error while parsing trace configuration
line 1: error while compiling regular expression "employee"

  Error creating trace session for database "employee":
  cannot convert ICU-VERSION to COLL-VERSION

  Error reading data from the connection.

and no trace events are logged.

I'm not sure if there are two errors here, one related to regex and the other 
related to icu, or whether the regex error is because of the icu problem.

I recompiled the code to build with our icu and editline and everything worked 
as expected.

The 'cannot convert ICU-VERSION to COLL-VERSION' error seems a strange one, 
especially as the employee database was built on the same system as the 
system icu so I suspect the recently added code that throws that error may 
need some attention.

When the tracker is back online I guess I should log this as a bug.

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

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