Re: [firebird-support] how Firebird uses the cores of the microprossesor?

2019-03-19 Thread liviuslivius [firebird-support]
HiIt is expected, as Firebird do not have parallelism on single connection. 
Then the best results is with high power core rather then multiple cores. 
Multiple cores are used by multiple connections. And in this case FB3 is the 
winner, as it spread jobs better then FB2.5.But in your case you should look 
more on that stored proc, as 15 minutes is long time. I have changed many sp 
into single query with cte, recursive cte or by using window or psql function 
in fb3Regards,Karol Bieniaszewski

[firebird-support] how Firebird uses the cores of the microprossesor?

2019-03-19 Thread [firebird-support]
Hello! I use FB 2.5. I have a PC with 4 cores (I attach a link to an image of 
the task manager).


 When I run a query which takes about 15 minutes to run, I see that just one 
core is at 100% and the other 3 are almost without activity. Is this the 
expected behavior?

 I'm asking this because in my customer's PC, the same query takes more than 
one hour and I wonder if there's something I can do.

 I'm also trying to optimize my query (it's a stored procedure), but so far, I 
can't find anything...

 Do you thing that upgrading to FB 3 would improve the performance? It's a 
quite big database... and I never did a migration before. Do you think it will 
be a pain to migrate the database? I use Delphi XE2 and IBDAC. Don't know if I 
will have to change on the client side as well...

 Thanks a millon!!!
